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(S22) - Ultimus Week - Printable Version

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(S22) - Ultimus Week - Baron1898 - 05-25-2020

Hello and welcome to Ultimus Week for the NSFL Season 22! You will have ten days to complete the Ultimus Week point task, so the deadline will be June 4th, 2020 at 11:59PM EDT.

Let’s try something a little different, shall we? Please read the rules carefully.

1) The entire structure of Ultimus Week has been revamped. As before, you can earn up to a maximum of 10 TPE through any combination of the available tasks.
2) There are three tiers of point tasks available for completion. The first tier is a written assignment for 10 TPE, the second is a written assignment for 5 TPE each, and the third is a written/graphics assignment for 2.5 TPE each. You can pick and choose tasks from any tier for a maximum of 10 TPE.
3) Each option from the first tier has a word count requirement of 800, each option from the second tier has a word count requirement of 400, and each written option from the third tier has a word count requirement of 200. Word counts will be graded using the forum’s built-in word counter. Shooting for 400/800 even is a dicey prospect, and can lead to partial or no credit given.
4) Graphics must be more than text on an image - it is Ultimus week, show Ultimus effort. It is up to the grader’s discretion to give credit, so don’t give us a reason to deny you TPE.
5) We are keeping the podcast option for Tier 1 and 2 written tasks ONLY. Since the word count requirement is double that of previous seasons, a podcast must include 20 minutes of discussion for Tier 1 and 10 minutes of discussion for Tier 2 about the selected topic. If you make a podcast with someone else, it must be 20/10 minutes apiece.
6) As it is too hard and complicated to time the podcast for media money and task credit, a podcast done for Ultimus Week cannot earn media credit. Record another podcast if you want the money.
7) You may use a PBE, SHL, and GOMHL PT as credit for a maximum of 1 TIER 3 TASK here.
8) Affiliate PT must be from this week, 5/25 to 5/31, to get credit.
9) Affiliate PT must be the actual task, but not a link for welfare credit.
10) As always, these tasks can be written about either the NSFL or the DSFL.
11) With longer word tasks comes a higher risk of fluffing up your submission in order to meet a longer requirement. Keep in mind that these tasks will be graded closely. Take this opportunity to truly get creative, not try to skate on with minimal effort.

Tier 1: Long Form Tasks (800+ words)
Choose ONE for 10 TPE.

1) The league has a rich and fascinating history, and our perspectives on it differ from person to person. In 800 words or more, describe any significant non-playoffs moment in NSFL or DSFL history, whether you were around for it or not. Describe the context, the significant members, and the events. What exactly made this event so famous (or infamous) and why does it deserve to be remembered?

2) This week will see the S23 Ultimus and Ultimini races finally come to their conclusion. In 800 words or more, recount any of the previous playoff cycles of either league. How did each team arrive at the playoffs? Were there any dark horse or Cinderella teams that went unexpectedly far, or any presumptive favorites that fell flat? How did the title game play out, and which players made their mark on the field? Tell the story of those playoffs as completely as you can. Do not simply recount your own experience in those playoffs or that of a singular team.

3) Write 800 words or more on something that interests you. It could be related to statistics, to a league issue you take seriously, or a niche part of history that doesn’t fit neatly into either of the above categories. This must be directly related to the league, so don’t wax 800 words about your team’s Werewolf server. Be warned that freedom comes with risk, and this category will be judged especially stringently for anyone trying to spew complete nonsense.

Tier 2: Short Form Tasks (400+ words)
Choose up to TWO for 5 TPE each.

4) It’s down to the final four in both leagues. Choose one playoff team that is not your own from either league and recount how they got here in 400 words or more. What challenges and hurdles did they face in the regular season? Did they cruise into home field advantage or have to fight off contenders for the wild card? Are they led by MVP players on offense, or is a stifling defense the engine to their success? Don’t be afraid to go deep.

5) Awards season is a big part of the offseason festivities. Take the stand, in 400 words or more, for one or more players that are not your own, and argue why they should receive awards glory. They can be your teammates or anyone in the league. How did their stats and on the field contribution contribute to their case this year?

6) It’s always important to look forward to the future. Examine your team, and in 400 words or more, talk about how they can improve themselves to get a stab at trophy contention next year. Are you loaded with draft capital for the next draft? Do you have plenty of cap space to sign free agents? Go through the roster and note the different strengths and weaknesses, and how you think those will change over the next few seasons. How should your team adapt?

7) Selflessness is one thing, but ultimately everyone wants to hear their own player’s name mentioned among the greats. Take some time, in 400 words or more, and discuss how your player’s (or past player’s) career is going so far. Are you matching any expectations you set out for yourself? Do you see yourself on a potentially award winning or Hall of Fame career trajectory? If your player is just starting out, what goals and visions do you have for yourself?

8) This task is exclusive to non-recreate rookies of the S22 class and later. In 400 words or more, how has your experience been in the league? Who have you met that has made your time here more fun, friendly, and exciting? Have you been satisfied with your player’s early start? What was it like being drafted for the first time? Do you have any comments or suggestions for the entire league that you think should be implemented?

Tier 3: Written/Graphics Tasks
Choose up to FOUR for 2.5 TPE each.

10) Create an argument for your own player, or for someone else on your team, as to why they should be nominated for awards. Lay out their stats or compare them to other contenders. Make a convincing argument. Written option available for 200 words or more.

11) Create a championship banner for your team, including relevant players and iconography. Graphics only.

12) Lay out the steps you think your team should take over the offseason to improve. This must be more than just a list over an image. Graphics only.

13) Create a billboard, magazine cover, or video game cover depicting a superstar of the league. Graphics only.

14) Make a scouting report for any of the NSFL or DSFL draftees. Show their stats, abilities, TPE, highlights, or dead relatives. I’m joking about that last one, please don’t put dead relatives on the scouting report. Written option available for 200 words or more.

15) Show your player hoisting the championship trophy. Graphics only.

16) Make a comparison between your own team and a playoff team, if your team failed to make the postseason, showing why your squad was better. Written option available for 200 words or more.

17) Present your argument for the playoffs MVP. Show their stats and impact on the games that they played. Written option available for 200 words or more.

Remember to have fun with this, and if you have suggestions or complaints about the formatting, please (politely) feel free to send them to me. PM me with any questions about how this will be graded or what I am looking for with these questions.

(S22) - Ultimus Week - Jiggly_333 - 05-25-2020

6) I still consider my team to be the Chicago Butchers. I never even joined the Sarasota LR and Fukushuu hasn’t even been drafted yet. So, the only team I can really talk about is the Butchers.

First of all, I don’t want them to draft Mai. I feel that in order to get as much separation from the insults and harassment I received last month, I shouldn’t be affiliated with them at all as they go through this transition. I feel like the right people were put in charge and I trust them to fix things.

When it comes to actually fixing those things, the big reason why we went for Bayley and Muford is because we needed GMs who had experience in surviving a grueling rebuild. They were a part of the Las Vegas/NOLA rebuild and the Sabercats rebuild. They know what they’re doing here and I believe that they will see it through to the end.

First is just waiting until you can build up enough good draft picks. Despite rumors, I never traded away a first round pick. In fact, I gathered about 4 first rounders for a single season. Unfortunately, that was a really shit draft. This season, the Butchers don’t have a first round pick again. Years of trying to grab band-aids has given way to a complete collapse that means starting over from less than scratch.

There’s already been work done on trying to fix the Butchers’ asset market. They took the opportunity to trade away retiring QB Rose Jenkins to Sarasota for a draft pick, which is the definition of getting money for nothing. But there’s still a further waiting game to get to a point where they can recoup the traded away cap space and have their own draft picks.

From what I understand, the defense isn’t that bad and there are some good WRs on the team. The problem is just that there’s no truly great players to let the team not be the worst. It’s a full rebuild, so there needs to be a large amount of changes no matter what.

Next season will be another rough one and I don’t think that there’s going to be a good season for at least another few seasons. Maybe by S30 the Butchers will be on stable ground. For now, the most important thing is washing out the stink of defeat that’s permeated the area and looking towards the future.

7) In short, Rose Jenkins’ career has been essentially unnecessary. She never won an individual award, she was never on a team that could do anything. She was about as inconsequential as Joe Kitna. Throughout her DSFL career, she was mostly just fodder for annoying controversy. In her first season she was lucky enough to benefit from taking over for a multi who was at QB on the team she fell to. Then the whole Ryan Leaf Jr thing happened and she was forced into a position where she wasn’t getting the right amount of snaps despite playing well. And in Rosie’s third DSFL season the team just decided to switch to a running game.

That’s kind of the story of Rosie’s career. She’s halfway decent, but never anything truly special. Her team never makes it anywhere and she’s just stuck in a position where no one even thinks about her. She was never in any conversation in any league as one of the best. She was just someone who held a spot and was eventually tossed aside because she passed her prime before the team could catch up.

I had a goal to be a max earner and get as much TPE as possible for Rosie so that she could finally be the player I create that is the best, but she was just a complete disappointment. She did nothing in the DSFL and nothing in the NSFL. There will be no Hall of Fame votes and if I had just left like I should’ve, there’d be no one even talking about her. Hell, I don’t even really want to talk about her because she was that disappointing.

I think that if she were a real life player, I think she’d be all right. She’d have made a name for herself in her hometown and was able to represent them for around 7 seasons. IRL, she’d probably end up as a local broadcaster or be involved in some way with the community. But around here, no one gives a shit about that. It’s sad. Canonically she grew up around greats like Mike Boss and Angus Winchester, but no one will remember her name.

I don’t know why I need to write 400 words on how sad Rosie makes me. It’s a simple situation. She had so much potential that just never showed up. It feels like saying anything more is just trying to fill out extra words on an essay.

(S22) - Ultimus Week - IsaStarcrossed - 05-25-2020

4) It’s down to the final four in both leagues. Choose one playoff team that is not your own from either league and recount how they got here in 400 words or more. What challenges and hurdles did they face in the regular season? Did they cruise into home field advantage or have to fight off contenders for the wild card? Are they led by MVP players on offense, or is a stifling defense the engine to their success? Don’t be afraid to go deep.

I want to take a look at the Yellowknife Wraiths and two players who I think were essential to this run of dominance for them. They have a strong roster and they have fully earned their path to the first seed with dominating wins. They’ve been the hardest team to beat all season long, but I think you can really look at two guys who have helped them succeed this season.

The first is Mathias Hanyadi I think will be the wildcard in this playoff run for the Yellowknife Wraiths. He has been consistently one of the best players on this team since the day they drafted him. As a rookie he had one of the better seasons you can ask for, top three rookie of that season. All he has done since is build on that. He has been key to this team's success and he has only gotten better season by season. The end of this past season he was arguably on pace to make a case for MVP before having a small slump in the home stretch where Yellowknife's second running back got multiple goal line carries. It took away from Hanyadi's potential totals, but I do not think the Wraiths make that kind of mistake in the clutch going forward. Hanyadi is a big time player who is a walking highlight reel and I don't see how the Wraiths can do anything but lean on him in this run for a championship. I can see him breaking 100 yards and two touchdowns rushing in every game the Wraiths play in these playoffs. He has been absolutely key for them this season and he can be proud of what he’s accomplished.

The second will be an offensive lineman surprisingly enough. If you’re looking for big play impact, look no further than Laszlo Forty-Two. This man has taken the entire league by storm. After deciding that he wanted to close his career out as an offensive lineman, he found himself on a bit of a journey. He was first taken from his long time home in Colorado in the expansion draft, but he made it clear to the Sailfish that he wanted to play on a contender to close out his career. Enter the Yellowknife Wraiths. They swooped in and made a play for the big man and he has done nothing but reward them for their faith. He led the league in pancakes, he didn't allow a sack, and he was clearly the best offensive lineman in the league. He dramatically increased the effectiveness of the Yellowknife offense and he was a big part in making them the juggernaut they were this season. I fully expect that going into these playoffs, he's going to continue to reward this team and show that they were fully right in taking a risk on him. His first playoff game will be against his old team in Colorado and I think he has a lot to prove here. I expected Forty-Two to have a massive game and rack up at least 8 pancakes against his former friends and prove to himself that the path he chose was worthwhile.

These two players got Yellowknife here and I think they’ll continue carrying the team forward.

6) It’s always important to look forward to the future. Examine your team, and in 400 words or more, talk about how they can improve themselves to get a stab at trophy contention next year. Are you loaded with draft capital for the next draft? Do you have plenty of cap space to sign free agents? Go through the roster and note the different strengths and weaknesses, and how you think those will change over the next few seasons. How should your team adapt?

The New Orleans Second Line got knocked out in the wildcard round against the Austin Copperheads. It cut our season a little short, but we expected to not be as strong as we were last season. The expansion draft hit us hard and we had some regressions and retirements that we've had to battle through. We started six rookies this season which was more than any other team in the playoffs. Despite starting that many young players, we made the playoffs and gave Austin quite the challenge in the wildcard. At one point during the season, we even looked nearly locked to take the second seed. We played well above what could have been truly expected of us and we will only be better come next season.

It starts with our rookies.Those six rookies won't be rookies next season and we'll be having less of an exodus on our more experienced players in this off season. New Orleans has always been a team who looks forward and plans for the future and it sets up for situations like this. Situations where we make playoffs, but even still will be a better team next season. Players like Dorfus Jimbo Jr, Magnus Rikiya, Ugarth, Ed Barker, Rainier Wolfcastle, and Andrew Witten are key to the success of this team. They've all worked hard to progress and get continuously better this season and I don't expect that to change in the near future. In fact now that they have a season under their belts and have experienced playoffs with the Second Line, I expect some renewed vigor and a harder push from them next season.

Next goes to our veterans. I'm not expecting much change on our roster next season. We only have three players retiring and a corps of high earning veterans who will continue to improve and fight regression. Forrest Gump, Quenton Body, Stan Francisco, Ben Tu’inukuafe, and Brave Ulysses will all be taking small steps back, but they're all key pieces to this squad who I don't expect to take regression lightly.

Finally we have guys waiting in the reserves to replace the players we're losing. Ironside, Jones, and Taylor have been stalwarts of this team for a long time, but their losses have been expected by the Second Line for a long time. The team is prepared to replace these losses with young players who should even begin to miss a beat. Hexagon, Steel, and the two young WRs the Second Line have waiting are excited to get their start and I can see them taking the league by storm.

We competed at a high level this season and I expect us to be far better next season as this team continues to develop and advance.

(S22) - Ultimus Week - Matty7478 - 05-25-2020

Tier 2

5) The San Jose Sabercats missed out on the playoffs by the slimmest of margins this season. This is obviously a sad story for those who like hearing of Cinderella runs through a tough division to the playoffs. What made it even more interesting, however, is that the team went 8-5 with some of the worst defences in the league TPE wise and an offence that normally was seen as borderline anaemic. The season before this one, the Sabercats went 4-9, scoring only 17 points a game. This season these same Sabercats - with little to no real changes on offence - ballooned to scoring 22.2 points a game. Who was the person that brought forth this massive growth in offensive capability? Let's talk about Dan Wright, the man I feel should be in the conversation for some NSFL awards this year.

Some may be surprised that I'm not choosing to talk about our electric Wide Receivers - Action Jackson and Deondre Thomas-Fox - here, because they are both much more likely to have more award nominations when the time comes. This is for 2 reasons; one, I don't want to have to pick one to single out, as they were both amazing. And two, Wright's story is more interesting in terms of the sudden rise out of nowhere, and as such makes for a more interesting piece on this, Ultimus Week. So, let's get into it.

Dan Wright has famously struggled as an NSFL QB for the San Jose Sabercats. Through the early portion of his career, he barely ever completed over 50% of his passes, and his TD:INT ratio was altogether laughable. Through the 2036 season, Wright had thrown 49 TDs and 50 Interceptions in the last 4 seasons - an altogether horrendous stat-line to take into the 2037 season. A season, in fact, that would turn out to be his last; as, during the 2037 offseason, Dan Wright declared his intention to retire at the end of that year. The Sabercat faithful were shocked by the announcement, but also had a silent understanding that this may have been the right time for a player who had struggled so much at the top level. Making his intentions clear here gave him one last chance to push for a great season before he hung up his cleats forever. Would he improve on his troublesome form in the past?...

Boy would he ever.

Wright had an average QB Rating from 2033-2036 of 68.3. In 2037, he would skyrocket to the highest QB rating in the league, at 95.2. For the first time in his career, he completed more than 60% of his passes (61.2% to be exact), and altogether had an outstanding TD:INT ratio - 21 TDs to only 7 Interceptions. To put these in a league-wide perspective, these stats ranked as follows:

QB Rating: 1st
Completion Percentage: 1st
Touchdowns: 3rd (behind Bigsby and Cole, 2 players with much more firepower offensively to work with)
Interceptions: Tied-1st (with Fujiwara and McDummy)

Something that likely helped Wright was the coaching staff putting slightly less weight on his shoulders in game. He attempted 27.7 passes per game on average, a massive decrease from his 31.5 last season - and a change that likely helped the team gain more balance overall. Ultimately, it will be tough for Wright to gain awards buzz in his last season. He doesn't run like other game-changing QBs. He doesn't have depth of weapons at every position to put him there no matter how he plays. And he never reached the heights of the playoffs in what was his final season. But undoubtedly, he produced one of the most fantastic pure-passing performances from a QB in a long time - one that will be remembered in San Jose folklore for a long time. And that might just be enough for Wright; the man who just couldn't put it together... until he could.

7) I've already talked about the plaudits that should be earned by my fellow teammates in Sabercats land. But now, let's turn the focus to a player that may fly under the radar even now to people who struggle to pay attention to their Kicker/Punter lore; Matthew McDairmid, aka my player. McDairmid has already had a pretty solid time to date as a rookie in both the DSFL and NSFL, so let's discuss how things have gone so far and whether he is on track to become a legendary player when all is said and done.

McDairmid was drafted in the 2036 DSFL draft out of the University of Arkansas Pine-Bluff. An altogether unknown quantity by many in the draft, McDairmid would fall to the 77th pick in the draft, which translates to the 10th round. Altogether, for a kicker little knew of, it was a decent place for him given his inactivity in relation to scouting questions that he was asked. He would be picked by a team that would become his spiritual home quickly; the Kansas City Coyotes. With a stacked class in 2036, the locker room was abuzz with new players from all corners of the footballing landscape and would become a very solid team overall. On the back of McDairmid's excellent punting performances - averaging 42.8 yards per punt and landing 8 inside the 20 - the Coyotes would go 9-5 and make it to the Ultimini for the first time in a while. And while they would fall to the Myrtle Beach Buccaneers, McDairmid would put in one of the greatest DSFL punting performances of all-time, booting a 72 yard punt to break the record for the longest playoff punt in DSFL history, along with averaging the 2nd most yards per punt in DSFL playoff history (51.9).

After this season, there was much more talk about McDairmid jumping up the draft board compared to last season. And this would happen in the 2037 NSFL draft, with the San Jose Sabercats taking McDairmid in the 5th round with the 53rd overall pick. This rookie season would be a test for McDairmid, as he would face some of the most consistently strong punters in the history of the NSFL - players such as Powers and Crisco, who posed a massive threat to whatever team they faced and both played in the ASFC. However, McDairmid would hold his own in what was a very strong Kicker/Punter conference - missing only 1 kick on the season from 49 total attempts and averaging 46.7 yards per punt. It will likely not end in much awards talk - in a very similar manner to that of his 2036 DSFL season where he was ultimately beaten out by an accuracy-based kicker in Sam Sidekick. But when all is said and done, it could very well be the point that leads to McDairmid being put into Hall of Fame talks along with other kickers from this era of NSFL Kicker/Punters. Whether this comes to be, we will have to see. But no matter what, it will be fun to continue watching McDairmid flip the field for a while longer.

(S22) - Ultimus Week - Jo3fish5 - 05-25-2020

7) Selflessness is definitely one thing. I'm perfectly ok with taking a smaller contract for my team, and switching positions for my team, and waiting down in the DSFL until I'm needed. But of course, there's always that special feeling you get deep inside when you see your dot performing well on the field. So far, Joseph Petrongolo's career in the Developmental Simulation Football League is going pretty well. Although my player got off to a bad start, getting 9 yards on 16 carries in the first 2 games, that was my fault because of a position switched which I may or may not have flubbed slightly. Anyway, this caused me to have 50 speed for the games and my season got off to the worst start humanly possible. Some future goals I have for myself are, first of all, to be drafted higher than I was in the DSFL draft. Petrongolo fell all the way to the fifth round, 37th overall. If I don't go higher than that, then I don't know what to do, because I'm max earning and I know some people drafted before me had to have gone inactive by now. I know running back isn't needed very much in the NSFL, but come on, I can switch positions if needed. Another goal I have for myself, assuming I continue to be a running back and that I stay down in the DSFL is to have another 1000 yard season with the Pythons, and improve on my touchdown stat from last season of 5. I am also hoping to make a deep run in the playoffs. I'm hoping to have a very illustrious season in the NSFL with whatever team takes me in this upcoming NSFL draft. Even if it's the Hahalua. I'm hoping I get RB of the year while I'm still in the DSFL, and I'm looking for more personal rewards during my NSFL career, if the sim gods would be so gracious enough as to give me good stats while I'm playing. The most important thing to me, however, is team success. The biggest goal I have for myself is to lead my team to glory by winning an ULTIMUS game and being able to say that I was part of a team that won. I don't even have to have a big part in the victory, actually. Celebrating it with my teammates would be all that I ask for as a player and a member of this awesome sim league.

8) As a non recreate rookie of the S22 class and later, (S23 actually), I'm pretty new here. I joined the league after RapidEagle put an announcement on the Philadelphia Eagles discord server, and I was SUPER confused my first couple of days. I actually could've done last season's Ultimus Week, but I just didn't know much of anything, like the league history, how to navigate the forums, or what even had happened so while, yeah, I could've done that Ultimus Week, it would've literally just been a bunch of word vomit all over the place, and I probably wouldn't have gotten credit for it, so I didn't want to start off my sim league experience like that. I'm also gonna add in here that this is my first sim league, so I was doubly confused on what was going on and I needed help. Luckily, there was a great staff of people willing to help me and answer all the questions that I had to ask (thx Bex cSmile Needless to say, I wasn't confused for very long. I have only been here for one season, but I feel like I'm a seasoned veteran already thanks to the amazing support I've received from the amazing people that participate in the NSFL (and Zamir). I've also made many friends along the way, and I'm gonna not even going to attempt to list them all, because I know I'll leave out a bunch of people if I do. The people here are truly great and you guys form an excellent community that I am honored to be a part of. My player, Joseph Petrongolo, a running back for the Portland Pythons, is off to a great start, so yay that, and I'm excited for what is to come. Before the DSFL draft, I was super excited and nervous for about the week leading up to it. I was so relieved when I finally heard my name called and entered into the Portland locker room to meet all my awesome new teammates and my GMs. Now I'm excited and nervous about the NSFL draft, and that's still weeks away, on June 10th I believe. I can't wait for it to happen and start my life in the NSFL, making new friends and having new teammates in the process. As for suggestions I have to make this league better, there isn't much room for improvement. The only thing I have to say to everyone is keep being awesome and good luck in the coming seasons with your teams!

(S22) - Ultimus Week - BenDover - 05-25-2020

1) The league has a rich and fascinating history, and our perspectives on it differ from person to person. In 800 words or more, describe any significant non-playoffs moment in NSFL or DSFL history, whether you were around for it or not. Describe the context, the significant members, and the events. What exactly made this event so famous (or infamous) and why does it deserve to be remembered?

Even with the harsh playoff loss to London, only losing to them by 3, that is not what I will remember this season by. This incident in the league occurred during the DSFL weeks 3 and 4, in which my team was all in the Voice Chat and noticed something very interesting. My player, Jamar Lackson seemed a lot slower than usual, going for negative yards constantly on every play. This was very noticeable, as my player was integral for the Grey Ducks game plan throughout the season. The first reactions were “we were simmed” from the discord chat, but I felt that something else was wrong, not just our bad luck.

As it turns out, my GM shortly told me after the game that the Updater has changed my player’s speed to a letter, not a number like it was supposed to be, and this letter is one that I will wear for the rest of Lackson’s career, F. In the sim, it takes values from 1-100, and the sim does not expect a letter, and it turns the attribute to 1 of whatever value the letter was in. For LAckson, it was quite an important one, being speed. This instantly caused commotion throughout the league, with another team finding out that 7 out of 11 players on their defense were set incorrectly as well. The next phase of this issue was a conundrum for Head Office and the DSFL GMs, with the decision to resim the games or not. The argument boiled down to just resimming Minnesota’s games, where the error proved the most issues, or just resimulating both weeks completely, so everyone has correct rosters, along with an equal chance to better their records from the flawed roster. Most teams in the vote voted by record, with teams that went 2-0 initially voted for just Minnesota, with most other teams that went 1-1 or 0-2 wanting the complete resim. The final decision was to resim the whole two weeks, and this was put on the announcement thread immediately, in which many Minnesota players rejoiced and others questioned another precedent set, which was the “no-resim policy”. This precedent was set in S17, in which a resim was required for the Austin Copperheads, in which 3 players were missing 226 TPE, so Head Office decided to resim the week to allow Austin to have an actual chance to win, but this was quickly regretted, as when the resim occurred, Austin’s problems were fixed, but then 6 other teams were also messed up. This led to then commissioner ADwyer87 declaring that they would revert all resims, and not have any more going forward. Back to the “F Speed Incident” many people were fighting against this decision to resim, as it was now law that there would be no more resims, and people did not want to have another incident like the league has suffered before in S17. However this time around, the league is under new management, with now Commissioner Bex stating that this no resim rule was not in the rulebook, so they could in fact resim the games, and make sure all errors are fixed, and ensure that as big of an error that occured can be fixed, as opposed to teams getting screwed over by this incident.

With this incident being fixed relatively quickly, the resim was slated to occur 2 days later, everyone in the Minnesota Locker Room was ecstatic, as we now had a chance to win, even though in the sim file for the resim we actually won a game vs Tijuana. Unfortunately, Minnesota went on to lose both games again, but at least we had a fair chance to win, unlike when I apparently misplaced my legs before the game. This was a big event of Season 22 of the NSFL, as it showcased both a quick response from Head Office with a solution that pleased most, combined with the creation of something better, that will last for at least my entire career. This was the creation of the F speed meme. I have worn it as my username in general chat since the incident for a combination of wanting recognition, along with the fact that I embrace the meme with open arms. This event deserves to be remembered as the thing that happened during S22, as a player who went in the 7th round, 2nd pick lost his legs prior to a game, causing the league to revert to 2 weeks prior to a time when he did. This moment will forever be remembered in Minnesota, as it energized the team to turn their resimmed 1-3 record into 8-6 to end the season and bring the Ducks to the 1 seed. Even after losing in the playoffs, this resim and the F speed player meme will be entered into NSFL history for all to remember. Lets get some F’s in the chat for my speed.

822 words not including the task prompt

(S22) - Ultimus Week - siddhus - 05-25-2020 - affliate PT - Tier 3(2.5 TP)

16) Make a comparison between your own team and a playoff team, if your team failed to make the postseason, showing why your squad was better. Written option available for 200 words or more. - Tier 3 - 2.5 TP

Well I was not actually on Honolulu because I was a send down, but I want to write about them since my DSFL Team actually made the playoffs. Honolulu compared to the Colorado Yeti, who were the Ultimus Champions makes sense. As many people might think, Yeti got lucky to win the championship. Honolulu has good cornerbacks and wide reci

(S22) - Ultimus Week - Faded - 05-25-2020


(S22) - Ultimus Week - xQCFamous - 05-25-2020

8) This task is exclusive to non-recreate rookies of the S22 class and later. In 400 words or more, how has your experience been in the league? Who have you met that has made your time here more fun, friendly, and exciting? Have you been satisfied with your player’s early start? What was it like being drafted for the first time? Do you have any comments or suggestions for the entire league that you think should be implemented?

This task is right up my alley, as I have touched on this in one of my previous articles and I think it’s a great topic to speak about. Boy oh boy, where do I begin about my experience here. As a new player in the league, my experience has been exceptional to say the least. If I ever had to recommend a team, the Norfolk Seawolves would get my recommendation every single time without fail. When I first joined, my experience was 50/50, and I say this because I wasn’t used to how the league does things for non-drafted players (aka waiver players). I’m very much the kind of person that has been groomed in a realm where the players are always involved in the conversation and decision of being assigned a team however for myself, I sat there and just never really got any information on it until the time was right and I was invited to a locker room.

For a sim league vet, it’s not a huge deal, I’m used to this kind of thing per-say, however my concern was always for brand new members to sim leagues who literally get left in the dark and almost ghosted for several days until a decision is made. My personal recommendation would be to either have GM’s be more cautious of this and maybe show interest/speak to the players or allow them to see what is going on behind the scenes to at least know there is decisions being made on their player.

Once this was done, my time here became much more fun and it was a small little thing that I have since forgotten about. Norfolk has made this experience so fun, from the GM Scorp to all of those in the LR including Tesla, Blasoon, J0EB, hotdog, Confictional and so many others, its hard to name them all but they know who they are. Everyone has had a hand in making my player better because they allowed me to enjoy all the league has to offer and ensure that I am always up to date with tasks to do and such.

I’ve also really enjoyed doing gfx and doing media to get myself some serious bank. People know my gripes with the graphics area but that is not something I am willing to argue to an empty audience over again, but regardless I have had fun; my graphics have brought joy to people and my media has become conversation pieces which is great. Overall, I’ve really enjoyed this league as a new member and I think all the management is doing a damn good job at keeping it going.

444 words


11) Create a championship banner for your team, including relevant players and iconography. Graphics only.

[Image: xKUvSA0.png]


13) Create a billboard, magazine cover, or video game cover depicting a superstar of the league. Graphics only.

[Image: K3NVyrW.png]

(S22) - Ultimus Week - Opera_Phantom - 05-25-2020

Since the Arizona Outlaws called Jay Cue up to start and be the leader of the franchise after season 20, the team has been in rebuild more. It is known widely in the league, no secret there, and the fact that the team has been racking up draft picks in the most recent seasons show exactly that, and this next draft is no difference. Arizona has a lot of early round picks and we will be trying to address certain needs. Not that we are actively looking to replace someone, or upgrade the talent in certain position, but in every draft there are some gems that no team wants to miss on. We might even trade some draft capital to move up for a player, if we feel like the price is right and that he or she will help us reach the next level.
The main objective for the Outlaws is not to go for the classic "do or die" approach, to put every chip on red and go for a championship win, with every risk that it brings. The idea is to be able to sustain a constant challenge for wins, to stay on top for as long as it is possible, instead of surfing the wave, getting a couple of good seasons followed by 4 or 5 of irrelevance.
Looking at the team, our offense is on par with the top ones in my opinion. Jay Cue is now one of the top QBs in the league (with regression coming shortly for other QBs, he might even become the top QB TPE wise), with Saba Donut (over 1000 TPE also), Jah Bur'Berry and Thomas Passman as WR, young Heath Evans as TE and an active Offensive Line with players getting better with every update.
Defensively, the youngest core on the league, that had amazing performances this past season, against much better (and older) players. Would you believe if i told you that the Outlaws roster had 12 rookie players this season? And they managed to play for a 4 - 8 - 1 record?
To be honest, i do not think the Arizona Outlaws need to adapt to anything at the moment. They already did. Now they are building on that. And this draft will help them build on that. I still do not think we will be contenders next season, but our time will come to dethrone the usual candidates in the best conference in the league, the ASFC.

(411 words)

Jay Cue came into the league under the spotlight and with high expectations being deposited on him. After a very successful stint with the Portland Pythons in the DSFL, breaking some individual records, 2 MVP award wins and getting one Ultimini win, he was called up to replace old man Andrew Reese and lead the new generation of Outlaws. His first season in the NSFL was his best one so far, where he took the league by storm with some amazing plays, earning him the right to be nominated for the prestigious Most Valuable Player award, where he finished runner up to the usual suspect of this award lately, the Orange County Otters QB Franklin Armstrong. Still, Season 20 brought him the Quarterback of the Year and Offensive Player of the Year awards and a 7 - 6 record for the team, that nearly got them into the playoffs.
Unfortunately for him, the team has been in rebuild mode for some seasons, and even though he is fully committed to the team objectives, his numbers obviously suffer from the lack of offensive playmakers on the team. His second season saw his team fall to a 3 - 10 record and his numbers plummeted into the center of the earth. Coming from a season with great numbers, he joined the "bunch", with average numbers in every QB category.
This past season, his 3rd, saw his team record improve slightly and he led the league in passing yards, but with a lot more attempts than the rest of the players. Even his TD passes dropped 25%. The only good part of this season was that he finally put the league on notice with his runs, something he was unable to do in the past. He had 2 rushing TDs and nearly 500 yds, numbers that are interesting when you look at the amount of rookie protection he had.
So far, he is nowhere near the pace he had to be in to be able to fight for a place in the Hall of Fame. Circumstances are not perfect, but you never know. He still wants to win a couple of Ultimus for Arizona, and we all know that championships get players close to induction. He is not obsessed with the HoF, but he knows that if he gets to a point where he is considered for it, that would mean that he had brilliant seasons and managed to snag a few trophies for his team. Time will tell, but so far, pretty average career.

(420 words)