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*Peter Brand/Bubba Thumper Joint Postseason Presse - Printable Version

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*Peter Brand/Bubba Thumper Joint Postseason Presse - woelkers - 05-30-2020

Peter Brand steps to the podium in a crowded media room, beaming with pride. Bubba Thumper, naturally, takes a seat beside him, occasionally turning to a member of the media to share in their excitement or flash his new ring.

PB: "Alright, as is custom, Bubba and I are here together to take any and all questions you have today. This is an exciting time for the state of Colorado, and we're thrilled to be sharing some of that energy with you here. Let's get started."

(05-30-2020, 07:35 PM)Opera_Phantom Wrote:Did you cry Wednesday? You did didn't you?
PB: "I'm not personally much of a crier, but it was an emotional experience. I won championships at the DSFL level, but nothing quite compares to this."

BT: "Of course I cried. My boys are champions, and I could not be prouder of that. I set out to hang a banner in Denver six seasons ago, and now, I finally get to fulfill that promise. That's huge to me."

(05-30-2020, 07:44 PM)Buttersqauch101 Wrote:S17 best Season. Who do you think will
Be the next active S17 member to be a gm like run, Saba, Trop, etc
It depends. If we're asking about somebody who isn't currently a GM, I think the safe bet is the mcgriddle will eventually step back into the spotlight. If we're talking about the next NSFL GM, I think there's a pretty good chance I'm talking to him. If we're talking somebody completely new to GMing, I think that basically leaves me with Merv and Masters, and of the two, I'll take Merv.

(05-30-2020, 07:58 PM)ValorX77 Wrote:For PB:
How do you feel about finally getting that Ultimus?

Any plans for this offseason?

For BT:

Do you think you'll win DLotY?

How would you like to be Sponsored by AirValor?
PB: "The's a dream come true. I knew this team had what it took to get this far, I just never imagined it would come so soon."

"As for offseason plans, the same as usual. We've had some conversations with free agents, we've obviously prepared ourselves for the draft. Some big extensions should be just around the corner as well."

BT: "I believe it's DTotY now. And no. Giannis should win outright."

"I can't say I've heard of it, and I'm not sure an airline is the right brand for me to work with."

(05-30-2020, 07:59 PM)Tesla Wrote:Hello and good time appropriate greeting to you Peter Brand and Bubba Thumper!

Just want to start with a congratulations on the big win! What was it like in the locker room after that?

How did you both celebrate the Ultimus victory?

Looking forward to next season what do you think is going to be the biggest challenge to the Yeti being able to repeat as champions?

Thank you for taking the time to do this! Always appreciate hearing from you and we wish you luck in the off season. Cheers!
BT: "There's something unreal about a locker room after the Ultimus. There was so much anxious energy headed into the game, but was like nothing I'd ever seen before. I've wanted to win something like this since I was just a little kid, and it exceeded every expectation."

PB: "I have to echo Bubba here. Even having managed Minnesota to championships, nothing quite compares to this. And I'll tell you what, in terms of celebration, dinner was on me, and it wasn't cheap."

BT: "Dinner is never cheap when you bring Bubba."

PB: "The biggest challenge we see going forward is continuing to build on what we've got. Obviously this team is still in a good position to compete, but Mo is starting to show signs of age, and Wolfie...well, I can't actually say Wolfie has regressed, but you get my point. That's why the draft is always so important for us."

(05-30-2020, 11:01 PM)FleshBagSoup Wrote:For Bubba: favorite taco fillings?
BT: "This is going to be unpopular, but I actual like black olives tossed in with the rest of my taco fillings. I think they add something unique to a taco."

(05-31-2020, 12:38 AM)IsaStarcrossed Wrote:For Bubba:

Now that Ironside has retired, when are you guys going to finally go smash some tacos together?

Now that you have a title under your belt, what is next? What else are you hoping to achieve?

Rumors are that you are in the last season of your peak. How much longer do you think you're going to carry your career forward?
BT: "Bjorn knows the invitation is always open. I'll even cook. You know the fat boy can manage that."

"I'm already looking forward to the next one. I never intended to stop at one title. I'm here to hang banners, and whatever else happens along the way happens."

"I think my career is far from over. I mean, look at, for instance, Thor Skarsgard. He's going into I think his 12th season here, and although he's slowed down, he can still hang with the best of us. I want to show that I have the durability to be as consistently excellent as him, and I think that means there's a lot of time left for ol' Bubba."

(05-31-2020, 02:00 AM)Dewalt27 Wrote:Peter,

1. How does it feel winning championships in the DSFL and NSFL?

2. Which one was more meaningful?

3. Which is better Strawberry Milk or Chocolate Milk?

4. Whats next for this team?


1. Why are you?

2. How do you feel you'll do this award season?

3. How many years are left in your playing career?
PB: "They're two completely different animals. The DSFL, I was happy for my guys, it's great to see what they were capable of. But the NSFL...this one is when I knew I'd made it."

"I can't say I drink much milk. Lactose gets me good."

"Another championship, I hope."

BT shrugs in response to all three questions asked of him.

(05-31-2020, 08:21 PM)thevoicelesscreator Wrote:For Peter:

How does it feel to be able to get that first ring and forever cement your greatness?

Can we expect another one shortly?

The Yeti aren't know for big splashy moves, but now that they've won, is there a pressure to change to a more aggressive management style?

For Bubba:

Another great year for you, but this time with a huge payoff - How are you feeling?

To be able to play at your level for so long is an incredible rarity, do you feel father time creeping up at all?

How would you describe your relation with Mo Mamba?

For both:

Why is what?
PB: "I think it's a stretch to say my legacy is cemented here. I have plenty of time left to win more."

"You can absolutely expect us to keep competing. This is a great team, and we expect to be in the conversation every season."

"If there is pressure, I'm ignoring it. The Yeti took a long time to get this far, but now that we have, I know it's because of the way Tommy and I run this thing. We're going to keep going at it the same way we always have."

BT: "On top of the moon, man. This is what I've wanted all my life, and seeing that banner go up makes the dream real."

"People keep asking how I'm feeling after 6 seasons...I don't know that I've ever felt better. I've been consistently one of the best defensive linemen in this league, and I'm not slowing down now."

"Mamba, he's like a brother to me, man. I loved playing next to John while he was here with us, but Mamba is a next level talent. If he didn't have to line up next to me he'd dominate, but he plays for the team, spreads the wealth."

Both Peter and Bubba shrug in response to the final question.

*Peter Brand/Bubba Thumper Joint Postseason Presse - Opera_Phantom - 05-30-2020

Did you cry wednesday? You did didn't you?

*Peter Brand/Bubba Thumper Joint Postseason Presse - Buttersqauch101 - 05-30-2020

S17 best Season. Who do you think will
Be the next active S17 member to be a gm like run, Saba, Trop, etc

*Peter Brand/Bubba Thumper Joint Postseason Presse - ValorX77 - 05-30-2020

For PB:
How do you feel about finally getting that Ultimus?

Any Plans for this offseason?

For BT:

Do you think you'll win DLoTY?

How would you like to be Sponsored by AirValor?

*Peter Brand/Bubba Thumper Joint Postseason Presse - Tesla - 05-30-2020

Hello and good time appropriate greeting to you Peter Brand and Bubba Thumper!

Just want to start with a congratulations on the big win! What was it like in the locker room after that?

How did you both celebrate the Ultimus victory?

Looking forward to next season what do you think is going to be the biggest challenge to the Yeti being able to repeat as champions?

Thank you for taking the time to do this! Always appreciate hearing from you and we wish you luck in the off season. Cheers!

*Peter Brand/Bubba Thumper Joint Postseason Presse - FleshBagSoup - 05-30-2020

For Bubba: favorite taco fillings?

*Peter Brand/Bubba Thumper Joint Postseason Presse - IsaStarcrossed - 05-30-2020

For Bubba:

Now that Ironside has retired, when are you guys going to finally go smash some tacos together?

Now that you have a title under your belt, what is next? What else are you hoping to achieve?

Rumors are that you are in the last season of his peak. How much longer do you think you're going to carry your career forward?

*Peter Brand/Bubba Thumper Joint Postseason Presse - infinitempg - 05-30-2020

(05-30-2020, 02:35 PM)Opera_Phantom Wrote:Did you cry wednesday? You did didn't you?

i know i did

except it was tuesday, and manic made me watch the whole thing

*Peter Brand/Bubba Thumper Joint Postseason Presse - Dewalt27 - 05-30-2020


1. How does it feel winning championships in the DSFL and NSFL?

2. Which one was more meaningful?

3. Which is better Strawberry Milk or Chocolate Milk?

4. Whats next for this team?


1. Why are you?

2. How do you feel you'll do this award season?

3. How many years are left in your playing career?

*Peter Brand/Bubba Thumper Joint Postseason Presse - thevoicelesscreator - 05-31-2020

For Peter:

How does it feel to be able to get that first ring and forever cement your greatness?

Can we expect another one shortly?

The Yeti aren't know for big splashy moves, but now that they've won, is there a pressure to change to a more aggressive management style?

For Bubba:

Another great year for you, but this time with a huge payoff - How are you feeling?

To be able to play at your level for so long is an incredible rarity, do you feel father time creeping up at all?

How would you describe your relation with Mo Mamba?

For both:

Why is what?