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*From the Backwoods To The Big City #2 - Printable Version

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*From the Backwoods To The Big City #2 - Tonzy - 05-31-2020

From the Backwoods to the Big City #2 - The Grind Begins

Dallas, TX - The blaring of car horns can be heard throughout the city streets as our crew continues to follow Maverick Bowie, the young man from the backwoods of Virginia, pursuing his dreams in the big city. Maverick has just left his family in Lynchburg, the place he has called home for all 22 years of his life, for the big city of Dallas, Texas after being claimed off waivers by the DSFL's Dallas Birddogs. This will be the first stop for Bowie in his professional career as he prepares for the S23 DSFL Draft. "It is weird going from being the captain of a team that I was a part of for 4 years, to now being a new guy on a team for just a short amount of time; but I guess this is home for the next few weeks." Bowie said as he glanced around his hotel room and unpacked some of his belongings. "It is very nerve-wrecking to be the new guy in the locker-room, and although being picked up off waivers is great, there are still a lot of questions over my future. I mean... I might only be here for like 4 or 5 weeks so I just want to make an impact while I have the chance... no matter how long it is."

The bustling city life of Dallas, Texas is about as opposite to the life in the mountains of Lynchburg, Virginia as it gets. The homey feel of the Blue Ridge Mountains is over 1,000 miles away now. The green pastures filled with horses have been replaced by sky scrapers and concrete and the the familiarity of Liberty University has been replaced with the commotion of the city of Dallas. "It's different that's for sure." Bowie stated with a smirk on his face as he parked his pick up truck at the Dallas Birddogs practice facilities. "Settling in is hard for any rookie so yeah the first few day's have been tough. I have never been this far from home before and there is a whole lot of new experiences happening all at once but... Man I am excited!" Maverick's first days in Dallas were spent getting to know his new city and getting introduced to his new teammates, but there was no time for him to just take it easy. Bowie was joining Dallas with just 4 games left to go in the DSFL season with the playoffs very much in sight. Even though he did not really expect to play a major part for Dallas in the remainder of the season, he was still ready if he was called upon. "You have to be ready for when that moment comes. It can come at any time, and if I miss my chance I may not ever get another."

The first test facing the Birddogs on their way to the playoffs was a tough one, as they hosted a very good Norfolk Seawolves team. Since this crew is documenting Maverick Bowie's journey, they were able to gain unprecedented access to the locker-room before the game. Bowie was quietly set up at his locker with his head down and eyes closed. There was the normal feeling one finds in a locker-room on game day; a mixture of excitement and nerves, but Bowie seemed to fit right in despite being the new guy on the team. "This is why I have the beard," chuckled Maverick, "It helps hide the nerves... Plus it makes me look a bit older and tougher don't you think?" After this statement Maverick ran out onto the field with the other skill players for the pre-game routine, and before long it was game time. The game was a defensive battle with Dallas striking first in the second quarter thanks to a 20 yard field goal by Zoe Watts which was then answered a few minutes later by Norfolk. This would have left the teams deadlocked at 3-3 going into the half, if it wasn't for another great kick by Watts from 55 yards at the end of the half. Unfortunately, the game did not end up going the Birddogs way with the team falling in heartbreaking fashion due to a field goal as time expired by Norfolk, leaving the final score 16-13. The atmosphere in the locker-room was pretty rough after the game, the loss definitely impacted the tight playoff race in the DSFL North, but the Birddogs were determined to bounce back over their next few games.

The road to the playoffs did not get any easier in Week 12, as the Birddogs last home game of the season was against division leaders Tijuana. This game was sadly never in the Birddogs reach as Tijuana won by a comfortable 24-10 margin."It stinks that I could not help the team get a win at home before the upcoming road trip," stated a disappointed Bowie, "but there is still a lot to play for... so we go again." This game left the Birddogs on the outside looking in when it came to the playoff standings, but the mood around the team still seemed pretty positive and determined. "All of us think we can grab these two wins on the road to close out the season and get ourselves into the playoffs. It's going to be tough having to go all the way to London in Week 13 and then have to turn around and travel all the way back to Kansas City to close out the season. But if anyone can pull it off, it's us." stated Bowie who was looking quite funny with his scruffy beard and his shirt and tie as he boarded the team's charter that would be taking them across the Atlantic for their crucial match up with the Royals. This game was a must-win for Dallas if they were to maintain any hope of making the playoffs, but it was also a crucial game for the Royals who found themselves in a playoff race of their own. The game was another defensive slug-fest, just like Bowie's first game against Norfolk, with the Birddogs holding a narrow 6-3 lead at the beginning of the 4th quarter. Dallas was able to extend that lead to 8-3 thanks to a safety just a few minutes later on but it ultimately was to no avail as the Royals were able to score an unanswered touchdown later in the 4th, finally eliminating the Birddogs playoff chances. Maverick did not really comment after the game but the frustration he was feeling was very visible as he threw his helmet into his locker and let out a shout of anger before slumping down in his chair. There was no noise in the locker-room, as the thought of what could have been was weighing heavy on each player's mind.

The flight from London to Kansas City was a long one but the players used it to get their minds right before the final game against the Coyotes. "We missed out on the playoffs but we are playing for pride this week," stated a slightly more upbeat Maverick. "We have a chance to finish the season on the right note and end up at the .500 mark, so we owe it to ourselves and all our fans to go out there and grab a win." The Birddogs delivered on that promise with a convincing 31-21 win over the bottom of the league Coyotes. The feeling in the locker-room after the game was pretty bittersweet. Players were happy to break their losing streak but were also a little disappointed that there was nothing left to play for. One last flight stood between Bowie and his temporary home in Dallas. "What an experience this has been man... I wish I could have helped the team make the playoffs but I am incredibly grateful that I got to be a part of a win for us. Who knows, next time I see these guys it might be from the other side of the field, so it was good to win one while I had the chance." Bowie said as he gestured toward the rest of his team. Once the plane touched down in Dallas, Bowie made the quick trip back to his hotel where he decided he will be staying for one more week before returning home to Lynchburg while he awaits eagerly for the DSFL draft in June. "I've loved my time here in Dallas but we will see what is next for me after draft day. The grind really begins now.