International Simulation Football League
* James Wright Press Conference - Printable Version

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* James Wright Press Conference - PlotzkeA - 07-17-2017

"Thank you all very much for joining us today at James Wright's first ever press briefing. We are all very excited to get into the league, so without further ado, I present the freak of nature that he is, James "The Beast" Wright. Any and all questions you have are fair game, so lets get this thing started!"

58 Words

* James Wright Press Conference - Noppadet - 07-17-2017

1) The NSFL draft is a momentous occasion for all prospective players - describe how you're feeling right now.
2) Who's the top prospect in the season 2 draft?
3) Do you expect to be a starter in season 2?
4) How did you get your nickname?
5) Hotdogs are gross yes/no. Explain (if you're feeling it lol).

* James Wright Press Conference - kckolbe - 07-17-2017

What do you see as being your ideal role on the field? You have great strength and tackling form, but are easily juked. You read passing lanes well, but lack the speed and cut ability to get into position.

* James Wright Press Conference - PlotzkeA - 07-17-2017

1) The NSFL draft is a momentous occasion for all prospective players - describe how you're feeling right now.
I am feeling very excited and anxious to get started. Everything I have done has been to get to this point in my life and I am just ready to get drafted and work as hard as I possibly can.

2) Who's the top prospect in the season 2 draft?
To be honest, I would never say anyone other than myself. I believe I can outwork anyone in this draft class and I will show that to whoever drafts me.

3) Do you expect to be a starter in season 2?
I expect to help the team however I can, wether that is as a starter or off the bench. I will work my ass off to start tho, you can put everything you have on that!

4) How did you get your nickname?
Well, I got my nickname in high school and it just kinda stuck. I have always been bigger and stronger than everyone I have played against, but its also my play style. Flying around and hitting people as hard as I can, it just kinda fits my personality.

5) Hotdogs are gross yes/no. Explain (if you're feeling it lol).
Hotdogs are amazing, plus full of protein. Gotta get them gains!

165 Words

* James Wright Press Conference - PlotzkeA - 07-17-2017

(07-17-2017, 10:28 PM)kckolbe Wrote:What do you see as being your ideal role on the field?  You have great strength and tackling form, but are easily juked.  You read passing lanes well, but lack the speed and cut ability to get into position.

My ideal role in the league would be a ILB in a 3-4 scheme. Filling holes and getting to my assigned gaps are the most important thing for me my first year, getting in good position and stopping the ball has always been the most important thing to me on the football field. Coming into the league the most important thing for me is understanding what is happening on the field, being able to read the quarterback and react to passes is important, but the more I train and work the faster I will get, and instead of knocking passes down, ill be picking em off and heading for 6 baby!

112 Words

* James Wright Press Conference - Dangles13 - 07-17-2017

Who was your biggest role model growing up?
What was the best advice you ever received?
Any advice you would give to a young player looking to get into football?

* James Wright Press Conference - PlotzkeA - 07-17-2017

(07-18-2017, 12:06 AM)Dangles13 Wrote:Who was your biggest role model growing up?
What was the best advice you ever received?
Any advice you would give to a young player looking to get into football?

My biggest role model was my father. He was not a flashy man by any means. He and his father both worked as farmers their whole lives. He taught me how to work hard for what I have and to never give up, the strongest man I have ever met in my life hands down.

The best advice I have ever recieved was from my grandfather, he lived his life by this saying "Everybody dies, few people truly live". Making everyday count was his motto and I will be damned if I let him down now that I have a shot of a lifetime in the league!

Give it everything you have if you want it that badly. Work twice as hard as everyone else on your team and 10 times as hard as people on the other team. Dont let people tell you that you arent good enough, or you cant make it. If you put your mind to it you can do anything you want.

167 Words

* James Wright Press Conference - PlotzkeA - 07-22-2017

167 + 112 + 165 + 58 = 502 Words / 2 = 251K for payout

* James Wright Press Conference - HENDRIX - 07-22-2017

-Now that you're drafted, how do you like your fit in the Baltimore 4-3 defense at outside linebacker? You will have veteran LBs Harrison&Broadway alongside of you, Hendrix/Taylor/Metas in front of you, and Delacour/Turner/Masvidal behind you.

-What skill/attribute do you most need to improve?

-Is a hotdog a sandwich?

* James Wright Press Conference - Ltsmashie - 08-11-2017

(07-17-2017, 10:18 PM)PlotzkeA Wrote:"Thank you all very much for joining us today at James Wright's first ever press briefing. We are all very excited to get into the league, so without further ado, I present the freak of nature that he is, James "The Beast" Wright. Any and all questions you have are fair game, so lets get this thing started!"

58 Words


Do you want me to grade this? There are still a few outstanding questions.

Also it would be a big help for the graders if you could put all of the questions and answers into your original post, it ensures that none will be missed from the grading.
