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The Sylphreni Show: After Hours Questions - Printable Version

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The Sylphreni Show: After Hours Questions - Sylphreni - 06-05-2020


We did it boys and girls, back to back 1oa. Now it's time to get a little wild on the podcast! I promised myself I'd never do a Q&A thread, but it seemed the most fitting way to celebrate accomplishing what I set out to do. That said, I'm hoping to solicit some questions from you guys for the next Sylphreni Show.... Which should be pretty fun. We're going "after hours" themed now with more hot takes and alcohol then ever before. So pleeeeeeease submit your questions below, and we'll look to answer all of them!

Some things to know about the show:
  • I will be joined by the lovely bex and her lapdogs iStegosaurus and Inverted of the Dallas Domestics. They both saw fit to invite themselves on to the show, so they are contractually obligated to answer your questions as well.
  • We'll be recording SUNDAY EVENING, as in 6/7/20 roughly 8pm EST, so have your questions in before then.
  • Get wild with the questions, we're here for hot takes, HO fines, and tragic Steg stories.
  • None of us will be checking this thread prior to recording, so we will have no prep done. It'll be more fun that way, trust me.
  • That is all.
I really look forward to bringing you guys a little something different on the show! Don't worry if there's a bunch of questions already posted... if there's too many I'll just do a solo part two, and if we get no questions it'll just be a solid hour of Steg talking about his sordid affairs. XD

You guys are awesome, look forward to seeing you on the pod Wink


The Sylphreni Show: After Hours Questions - iStegosauruz - 06-05-2020

First! So my question for steg is can you please not talk about your love life.

For Syl - talk about the west palm beach era of your life.

The Sylphreni Show: After Hours Questions - FleshBagSoup - 06-05-2020

Can we kiss?

Are you happy with where you were drafted?

The Sylphreni Show: After Hours Questions - Matty7478 - 06-05-2020


The Sylphreni Show: After Hours Questions - ValorX77 - 06-05-2020

1. Opinion of the draft?

2. How did I drop to 36?!?

3. How’s the Colorado LR like?

4. What is each team’s steal of the draft?

The Sylphreni Show: After Hours Questions - Frostbite - 06-05-2020

Why does Frost suck lmap

How did Colorado pick a bust at 1oa?

When will High ban Tom Brady gifs from London?

The Sylphreni Show: After Hours Questions - Tesla - 06-05-2020

Hello and good time appropriate greeting you wonderful group of people! Since this might just be my only chance to ask Sylphreni questions for the podcast I will have to get it all out of my system, and to be fair you did ask for thousands of questions. Thank you all for your understanding, and also my sincerest apologies for the rest of this post as it is not exactly well edited.

Let's get off on a good foot here and get some compliments for all of you.
For Sylphreni: I admit that I did not get on your bandwagon as early as others did since Sloth handles podcasts and I readily admit there are only a few people that I follow in that department. However I was lucky enough that you got one of those people as a guest star on your podcast and I got to find out that you are clearly a radio show host in your day to day life given just how well you handle the role. Been a fan ever since. Since I am not the podcast person I do not think I can go so far as to call you Podcast King; especially as I bet Joe would demand that title, but I am quite comfortable saying you are at least Podcast Archduke. The fact that you have put out so much great content so consistently is truly impressive to me as a fellow media maker, and I just want to say thank you for giving so much back to the community!

For Bex: I stand by that I owe my sim career to you as I would never have invested the time into Discord without your advice, and would never have felt as comfortable doing so without your presence here. You are an amazing person who has done a wonderful job making this weird woman feel welcome in this community. Your ability to switch between serious and silly at breakneck speeds, your stellar talent for popping out of the shadows at opportune moments to give a great line, your laugh which always make me smile, your considerable coordination skills, and the fact that all of those talents are wrapped up in one of the nicest people I have had the pleasure of meeting just astounds me. End of the day you are absolutely fabulous and I love you. Thank you sincerely for making my time here some of the best of all of my years on the internet and for being just such a stellar person!

For iStegosauruz: I have graded the majority of the articles you have posted and I have read all of them. Honestly I remember how impressed I was with your first article and then you blew it completely out of the water with your follow up. The fact that you are still so humble despite having put in such an incredible amount of work in a short period of time is impressive, and especially to me as someone who has self declared themself to be an amazing agent since their seventh article. That said I worry you sell yourself too short, and I want you to know you deserve to be proud of your accomplishments. Also just want to say thank you for coming to the defense of other users to the tune of a ~2000 word reply. That is outstanding and you deserve every bit of the praise that gets heaped on you!

For Kyle:

Now without further ado the questions!

1. For Everyone: How do you think your life led to a point where you are answering the questions of a robot represented by a green haired vampire on an 'after hours' podcast for a simulation football league? Are you happy with this series of events?

2. For Bex: How are you so lovable?
For iStegosauruz: Will you promise me that you will be a general manager at the NSFL level by the time we have to recreate so that I'll have a chance at going first overall?
For Kyle: I apologize for skipping you before, but the joke was too good to pass up. So I will say I love your Discord profile picture that reminds me of Día de Muertos. How are you enjoying this experience? Would you join in again for another podcast like this?
For Sylphreni: Would you consider making a questions thread podcast a potentially routine occurrence? Maybe a once a season special? (Or at least allow one particular green haired agent to send in questions since she lacks a voice to join in on the fun?)

3. For Everyone: I initially intended to try to bribe iStegosauruz into revealing their deepest darkest secret by offering to share my own, but I realized all of my deep dark secrets are not exactly entertaining. So instead I will make the offer of revealing a deeply embarrassing part of my history with any member of the podcast who shares one of their secrets here. This is coming from someone who is an unashamed fan of Nickelback and so that should be some tantalizing information. That said what is your deepest darkest secret, most embarrassing secret, or just a fun fact about yourself if you are uncomfortable with sharing a secret?

4. For Everyone: If you could trade one of your talents, for a talent that one of your cohosts possesses, what talent would you trade away and what talent would you trade for?

5. For Everyone: Do you eat blue cheese on your bagel? Does anyone you know eat blue cheese on their bagel? (I know this is the second time I asked you this Bex, but both times were on group podcasts so I do not consider a problem to repeat.)

5.1. Seriously if you want to skip the rest of my questions after this do not feel at all bad for that. I fully understand there might be too many questions here and nobody else should be skipped just because I took the thousand questions prompt as a challenge. There are also good break points after each question that is a multiple of ten if you do want to continue. Thanks for doing this either way, congratulations on going 1OA/1OA Sylphreni, and may you all have a most lovely day!

6. For Bex: How does it feel knowing that we have ended up on the same team in three different leagues?
For iStegosauruz & Kyle: Is Austin as much of a party now as it was before the S22 draft?
For Sylphreni: How happy are you to have not accepted that bet on you going second overall?

7. For Everyone: What are your thoughts on sloths?

8. For Everyone: What are your thoughts on the fact that six users teamed up in an attempt to break Isa's record for article length and still fell over ten thousand words short?

9. For Sylphreni: Do you regret asking for thousands of questions?
For Everyone Else: Do you regret Sylphreni asking for thousands of questions? If so please be kind when voicing your displeasure.

10: For Everyone: Please feel free to take a pause here before you continue. Beyond this point there be dragons. Also every question beyond this point is explicitly for everyone who is willing to answer. Thank you. If you could commit one crime and get away with it, what crime would you commit?

11. Would you become a superhero if doing so would cause others to become supervillains?

12. What would you do for a billion dollars, but not for a million?

13. If you could sum up your life in a song title, which one would it be?

14. If you sneezed up a strawberry, but no one saw you do it, would you tell anyone?

15. How would you respond if a stranger came up to you and said basket? If they then carefully walked away from you?

16. You are all in the Hunger Games, who would you ally with, and who would you avoid?

17. What is a movie that you regret watching?

18. If you were in the movie Castaway in the place of Tom Hanks, what inanimate object would you befriend? [No picking Wilson.]

19. If you were to switch genders for one day, what would you do?

20. Another easy one to give you all a break: Favorite curse word?

20.1. I only managed about forty questions total, but just to bolster numbers here are an extra 500 via links if you really want to try to hit a thousand in a podcast. Turns out to give a thousand questions I would need a bit more time to prepare. (140 Questions that will tell you what D&D character you are; covering alignment, attributes, class, level, and race.) (Up to 175 Word Associations that will tell you what your Magic The Gathering planeswalker color/s would be.) (191 Character Builder questions for writing stories that would be perfectly valid to answer here. Such as what is your kryptonite? Did you keep or break your last promise? What fairy tale do you hate?) (36 Word Associations that will tell you your temperament blend.)

21. Back to the hard questions: Red button. If you press it you receive 6 billion dollars, however somewhere in the world a family of 4 die. Would you press the button?

22. Most overrated superhero?

24. Do/did you have a cartoon crush and if so who were they?

25. Most underrated actor, and most overrated actor in Hollywood?

26. What is the most awkward thing that you have witnessed in public?

27. Would you date a clone of yourself?

28. You are offered the opportunity to swap lives with your sim league character, do you accept the offer?

29. Best thing about being an adult?

30. Another easy one: Did you notice that I skipped 23?

31. What movie/video game needs a sequel?

32. How impressive will it be if and/or when someone does break that ~60 thousand word record for longest media piece?

I am going to call it there because I feel like that is probably more than enough, although should you ever open a questions thread again I promise to provide more to you! Genuinely congratulations again on joining the 1OA/1OA club Sylphreni and thanks for doing this everyone! I appreciate you all and hope you all have a superb week!

The Sylphreni Show: After Hours Questions - Faded - 06-05-2020

alright here we go

1. How does it feel being 1st OA in both the DSFL and the NSFL drafts?
2. What teams are the biggest winners and losers after the NSFL Draft?
3. What players would you say are a reach and What players fell?
4. For Steg and bex: what is it like hosting the draft streams and such?

thx <3

The Sylphreni Show: After Hours Questions - AL_GRINGO - 06-05-2020

Love your pod. You my homie and a real one.

1. What was the draft like?

2. What is your favorite NSFL player of all time?

3. Who is your favorite Lucha?

4. Are you down for the NSFL Dotts trading card revolution?

5. When we doing a pod together?

The Sylphreni Show: After Hours Questions - Ben - 06-05-2020

Question, what kind of bear is best?

Also, who do you think would win in a fight between... a grilled cheese sandwich and a taco.