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Marcus Kane: A Rambling - Printable Version

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Marcus Kane: A Rambling - Dangles13 - 07-17-2017

It didn't matter if you were rich or poor, young or old, skinny or fat, white or black, when Sunday rolled around we were all Eagles fans. I remember our neighbour Mr. Evans, he was a bit of a mean person who yelled at everyone and had no friends and possibly no family. He didn't have a television so my father invited him over every Sunday to watch football and they put aside their differences and shared a brew and cheered on Donovan McNabb and the rest of the Eagles. I always thought that was special, football allowed people to put aside their personal issues and really embrace the city of brotherly love mantra, it's one of the first reasons I fell in love with the sport.

My brother Andre was a natural quarterback, he was tall and a born leader with god given athletic talent. Andre was 2 years older than Damon who was 5 years older than me and they were like two peas in a pod. Damon grew up catching passes from Andre and he was fast, they used to pretend they were McNabb and Terrell Owens and Damon had the same flair as TO. I used to want to play with them but I was always too "little" and they would just ignore me and play with their friends. I hated them so much sometimes and I swore to myself when I was bigger they would want to play with me and I wouldn't let them. I vowed I would learn to be like my idol Brian Dawkins and punish them when I was grown up.

While most loved watching the offence charge up the field I always loved watching the defence make big tackles and pick off passes and just crush the other team. I mentioned that Brian Dawkins was my favourite player, he was so electrifying and I would watch him for days to try to learn how to be a safety just like him. He wasn't just big hits and run support, he was so smart and could read plays well before they happened. He was forced fumbles and sack, he was interceptions and game saving tackles and I knew that all came from learning the ins and outs of football.

[div align=\\\"center\\\"][Image: n0YSS8X.gif][/div]

I set about reading any piece of football literature I could, magazines and books or articles on the internet. I watched as much football as I could, I needed to know everything and I needed to know it now. By the time I was 10 I could read plays by watching a QBs eyes, by the time I was 12 I was able to guess audibles and distinguish a run from a pass. It didn't take long for scouts to come calling on the Kane residence and when Clemson finally called I knew where I was going, good enough for Dawkins was good enough for me.

When Coach Swinney called me to welcome me to the Tigers I was so excited, like a kid on Christmas I was up all night and yes I did get in trouble from my father for being too loud. Clemson was amazing, I got as much coaching as I wanted and I spent as much of my free time as I could in the film room or the gym. I didn't think I would need as much time in the weight room as I did, I thought I was in good shape until I got into the locker room. Man were there some big fucking boys in there and Coach told me right away that I would need to pack on muscle and change my diet habits if I wanted to make an impact at this level. Being 6 foot even meant I was lean and pretty quick but after running through drills the first few weeks I noticed that I was getting run over and my 195lbs was not going to cut it. Last time I weighed in I tipped the scales at 223. Fuck yeah!

I love playing football more than anything and when I was 5 years old and I said I would get so good my brothers couldn't play with me I had no idea that I would end up here. Hearing the fans blow the top off a stadium will always send a chill down my spine and listening to fans deflate after a big pick will always bring a grin to my face. I still have a lot to learn and while I am excited for the upcoming draft I know that is just the start of my career and I have a damn long road ahead of me still.

To my future team-mates, you will love me and you will be glad I'm on your side. To my enemies you will fear me, you will hate me but most importantly you will respect me or suffer the consequences.


Marcus Kane: A Rambling - scottyt - 07-17-2017

Marcus Kane is the guy off the 100 isn't he?

Marcus Kane: A Rambling - Dangles13 - 07-17-2017

(07-17-2017, 08:38 PM)scottyt Wrote:Marcus Kane is the guy off the 100 isn't he?

Never seen it. Marcus Kane was the bad guy in Twisted Metal I think too but this was just something I came up with when I was a young lad.