International Simulation Football League
Hired: Awards Committee Heads - Printable Version

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Hired: Awards Committee Heads - thevoicelesscreator - 06-16-2020

Hi everyone! Thank you all of your interest in the Awards Committee Heads positions – the applications I received were wonderful. That being said, we can only hire three of you, and the three I’ve chosen are exceptional individuals. Please welcome @gucci (NSFL Awards Head), @`woelker11` (DSFL Awards Head), and @Philliesphan96 (DSFL Committee Head)!

As part of my efforts to make what I can of the Committee as transparent as possible, I’ve written a small blurb about the new members of our team.


Woelkers is someone who I am very familiar with, as both my player GM and a personal mentor. He is everything I am looking for when it comes to a Committee Head – Calm, collected, patient, and firm in his actions. He has prior management experiences as a GM of many seasons, and as the former Rookie Mentor Head. He is someone the I trust implicitly to get the job done, and get it done right.


Phillies was a big part of the DSFL Committee last season, and has some great ideas (and plans to implement them) for taking the committee to the next level. He has prior experience as a PBE GM, and has showed an impressive level of professionalism and maturity throughout the interview process. Of all the candidates, Phillies intense drive and desire to commit to this committee was something that stood out. I very much look forward to growing the Committee with him!


The NSFL Awards Head position was perhaps the most difficult for me to hire for. The insane amount of talent that was interested in the position. But the person that I felt would be my best partner was Gucci. Gucci brings an invaluable pool of experience, having been a member of the committee before my time. He also brings management experience as a former GM. However, most importantly, Gucci showed a brilliant understanding of the Committee, and its position within the NSFL. This ability to see the bigger picture, paired with communication ability and his leadership skillset made Gucci the ideal candidate for the position, and one whom I very much look forward to working with

Thank you for all those interested! The response was spectacular! If you are interested in being on the committee this season, please speak to your GMs

Hired: Awards Committee Heads - gucci - 06-17-2020

Thanks for the kind words. Looking forward to working together!