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*Mid Season NSFL Interviews - Printable Version

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*Mid Season NSFL Interviews - SomeSay... - 07-06-2020

I'm sitting down with Baltimore WR Asher Quinn how's it going my man? Unfortunately we haven't got to battle 1v1 on the field yet but hopefully soon. How was your holiday?

Man, I had a great 4th of July. This quarantine sucks but I got out and worked on my golf game, me and my buddies ended up winning our local “Firecracker “Fourth of July Best ball tournament. Other than that I just spent some time with my family. So overall it was an excellent weekend to just relax, have a few drinks, and enjoy the time away from everything.

Let's talk about Baltimore for a bit. Sitting at 5-5 tied for 2nd in the division depending on tiebreakers. You guys really have had an interesting season. Big wins against Yellowknife and OCO. But a thumping by Philly and a great loss to us! All joking aside, how do you feel about your guy’s season so far? Will you guys stop playing Jekel&Hyde and take on an identity? How do you see your guy’s chances for the postseason? Do you feel you guys have what it takes to make the deep rub to Ultimus?

Not that I enjoy using Cliché’s but it has been one roller coaster of a season for Baltimore. As you mention there are games where we have looked like one of the better teams and some games where we lost games we felt we had a chance to win. As you personally know there are no gimme games in the league and you have to earn every victory. That being said I believe these are just the steps to growing further as a team. Last year was easily the worst season we’ve had since I’ve been on the team but we’re also younger than we’ve ever been and still growing and gaining experience. I honestly do not believe we are a real contender this season but we hope we can make the playoffs. Give this team two seasons and we should be in the discussion for the Ultimus every season.

You have had a solid season so far. Top 10 in receiving yards but only 1TD. While your rookie counterpart Kaepercolin is sitting there with 6TDs. Is this down to targets in the redzone? Is Kaepercolin surprising a lot of defenses? How do you feel about your contributions to the offense? And the unit as a whole?

I was very excited to step into this season as one of the veterans on this team and the WR1. I’m very happy with how I’ve been able to contribute to this team and my yardage total shows the impact in having. I don’t believe any team thought that Karpercolin would burst onto the scene as strong as he had. I know that teams expected Kross to be the up and coming WR2 but as you’ve seen it’s very obvious that Nick has some unprecedented play making ability that he is a threat to score on every play and he makes his impact on every game. While I would like to steal some of those touchdowns for myself as individual accolades are always nice I’m just as happy seeing Kaepercolin try and establish himself as a Rookie of the year caliber player.

Speaking of stats and your offense. Personally have you felt you've met your expectations this year? Any goals for the second half? What about the team? Goals? What would make this a successful season? Or a failure?

No, I believe that at my talent level and experience I’m currently underachieving where I thought my statistics would be at this point in the season. It’s frustrating but it’s an area where I continue to strive to be better and push myself at practice. In the second half I’m just going to try and get into the Top 5 for Receiving yardage and catches while seeing if I can’t get at least one more touchdown. But the reality is that I’m more concerned about the team. Our team goals are to get back into the play offs and see if we can create some magic. I’ve been there a few times and it would be an excellent experience for our younger players to get a taste of the post season and then all you need is a few lucky games or plays to change a season. This season has already been a success and we should few it as such. We are a competitive young team and we just need to continue to keep growing. No matter how we finish this season is already a success to us.

I sat down with Mathias Hunyadi and talked about Yellowknife, let's dive into Baltimore. Although I think everyone should want to play in San Jose, How is Baltimore? What's the city like? How's the team chemistry? The Locker room? Any issues and feel free to call people out by name if you want!

Baltimore is interesting. It’s a big city but honestly things are pretty quiet for the most part. That being said you’ll still find conversation and we have a great time. Being a closed locker room information is super easy and that’s super helpful for people to find out what’s going on than other teams that might be more cluttered. That being said we’re a good team with a positive attitude that lifts each other up rather than getting frustrated. There’s a sever lack of teammates who kiss each other on the lips which I find very weird but every locker room is different. The only person I can think that causes issues is Chika. She’s always trying to instigate fights even though she’s a whole 4’ tall. But as much as she try to start arguments by saying ridiculous things such as how good Georgia Tech is we can help but just laugh it off.

Finally, I asked Hanyadi about advice for rookies. I've got a great WR rookie in Hood on our squad. Any advice for him and all the rookies out there?
Only thing I can say to you is stay away from lining up across from me.

Honestly this is a really easy and simple answer. It’s just ask questions and communicate. I think coming into the league you feel pretty dumb because there is so much going on and it’s not stuff you’re typically doing in other aspects of life so there is a big learning curve. The best way to go about being more comfortable is reaching out to GMs, and veteran players to help you and share their knowledge. Once you’ve done it a few times things become like second nature but don’t let the early learning curve scare you off there’s a reason we have a whole team of rookie mentors to help you and we want you to use them. Make them earn their paycheck.

Asher, been nice to catch up with you, most don't know we have a history outside of here. Can't wait to be back in Vegas gambling our salaries away. Thanks again for your time. And good luck to you guys the rest of the way.

100% pay to Reaper11B