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*Agent Tesla Designs A Dispersal Draft - Printable Version

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*Agent Tesla Designs A Dispersal Draft - Tesla - 07-07-2020

Hello and good time appropriate greeting to you dear readers! I am amazing Agent Tesla a well noted media maker and media grader here today to do something that is probably more than a little bit ridiculous, but a couple of things have inspired me so I am going to try my hand at it nonetheless. Warning you up front though that is not as well edited as most of my articles given the length involved and so please forgive any grammatical or spelling errors. Thank you. Now without going on too long I will welcome you to Agent Tesla's Design A Dispersal Draft!

This is unashamedly inspired by the effort that Sermokala, CLG Rampage, thevoicelesscreator, Dewalt27, RussDrivesTheBus, and woelker11 put into creating their own dispersal draft back in May. They spent a month doing theirs, however I have started this project just hours before the date switches to June 19th 2020 and so we shall see how long it takes me to complete compared to them. I will say mine is a bit different though as I wondered about why we would have a dispersal draft and decided the most logical reason would be because every team decided to change their branding simultaneously. So before I get into the actual draft details I am going to go over the new teams that will form the National Simulation Football League for this exercise.

First off the conferences are going to be changed to account for the fact that National and American do not much make sense given we do have an international team already and the fact that I intend to add even more in this process. So I am going to adjust them to the Northern Simulation Football Conference and the Southern Simulation Football Conference since dividing it north and south seems easier than east and west. Given geography is my worst subject I am going by continent more than anything else when determining whether they end up in the Northern Simulation Football Conference or the Southern Simulation Football Conference. Also of note is the fact that I am not entirely sure any of these teams have the faintest hope of becoming an actual team, but anyone who would like to use these as inspiration for an expansion team has my blessing.

Northern Simulation Football Conference

Team Name: Tokyo Kaiju
Location: Tokyo, Japan
Description: I feel like this is a team that someone else has already suggested, but I will say as Tokyo is the most populated city according to Wikipedia they could definitely support a team at least. (Full disclosure here I basically scrolled through the list of most populated cities on Wikipedia to come up with my list of locations before adding a couple of extras that I threw in as a bonus.) Kaiju are definitely a good mascot option I would say as there is a plethora of ways that you could go with that, and I like the idea of each generation being able to swap out their kaiju for a new one.

Team Name: Mumbai Magicians
Location: Mumbai, India
Description: I admit I had no idea what to do here, but I found out two things by looking at Mumbai's Wikipedia page. First off, did you know they had an American Football team at one point the Mumbai Gladiators? I am unsure of whether they are still active or not, but I like the idea behind it. Additionally they had a hockey team that used the name Mumbai Magicians and as someone who has an admitted love of added alliterative appeal how could I turn something like that down? The answer being that I could not and so I did not.

Team Name: New York Skyscrapers
Location: New York City, Unites States
Description: The thing I think of first when I think of New York is the skyline due in part to having watched White Collar and all the love that they give to it in that show. Overall I think that provides some interesting opportunities for merchandising, along with being more interesting than the current New York football branding. Throw some googly eyes on a skyscraper and tell me that is not better than an NY logo.

Team Name: Istanbul Not Constantinoples
Location: Istanbul, Turkey
Description: I have no justification for this name. Although I can say that it does amuse me which is something that not a lot of teams can say. Hopefully there are enough supporters of a novelty name that this team will be able to survive over there.

Team Name: Paris Legionnaires
Location: Paris, France
Description: I admit I may be a rarity in that my first association with France is the French Foreign Legion, but I feel like it is appropriate in this instance. Gridiron football is also known as American football and an American is foreign to France thus the connection makes sense. Plus I feel like one military related team name is required per league and this fits.

Team Name: Toronto Moose
Location: Toronto, Canada
Description: Toronto apparently has the largest population of any Canadian city according to Wikipedia and so they are awarded with the Moose! One of the best team names that I have seen suggested as my sister will force me to say at the threat of shin kicks. Honestly though moose are cool and I think that is a team name that should be used by the league should we ever expand again. Thank you.

Now with the Northern Simulation Football Conference out of the way we get to move to the Southern Simulation Football Conference. Before we do so though I will preface this by saying I know next to nothing about geography overall and so once again I mostly went by continental location more than anything else. Also I have minimal connection to the continents in the southern hemisphere and so I do not know if any of these team suggestions will fit at all. Just remember I am one weird woman doing this and so my selections may not make sense to anyone else. Thank you for reading and for understanding!

Southern Simulation Football Conference

Team Name: Rio de Janeiro Fancy Floats
Location: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Description: I originally considered São Paulo here before going with the classic Rio de Janeiro when I realized I already knew so little about the two that I should take what I could get to make my decision making process easier. They both apparently have Carnival, but I mostly associate it with Rio de Janeiro so they won out. Also Rio de Janeiro is three words versus just two words for São Paulo and I am going to admit here that had a hand in my decision. Fancy Floats probably not the best team name, however it makes for easy mascot design so I will stand by it. Plus added alliterative appeal always attracts my attention.

Team Name: Egyptian Pharaohs
Location: Cairo, Egypt
Description: The first thing I think of when I think of Cairo is actually a video game where it was one of the major travel locations and so that does not help me when it comes to determining a team name. Then I thought of the Taiyou Sphinx from Eyeshield 21 which would be closer to accurate, but the famous sphinx is the Great Sphinx of Giza so that idea fell through. After all that I decided to just go with the easiest option available to me and cheap out on Egyptian Pharaohs. Honestly not a bad team name I would say, but just a bit too predictable for my liking given the other options that were theoretically available to me.

Team Name: Buenos Aires Argentavis Magnificens
Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Description: Now this is one that I am thrilled to be able to select even though it may not make the most sense in terms of teams. Argentavis Magnificens is believed to be one of the largest birds to ever exist and as a fan of bird teams I think that is fantastic. Birds of prey are a great choice as can be seen by the National Football League and I will say we could use more bird teams in the league. Although I cannot say for certain how well I will do fulfilling that suggestion here.

Team Name: Lagos Leopards
Location: Lagos, Nigeria
Description: Just as bird teams are a great choice I can say the same thing about cats and as I have repeated numerous times added alliterative appeal is a good quality in a team. Thus Lagos Leopards was born.

Team Name: Jakarta Tigers
Location: Jakarta, Indonesia
Description: Genuinely I found out they had tigers and knew what I had to do given the fact that I already had a plan for the last team of the conference. So we get two cool cat teams and then a bunch of nonsense surrounding them for the most part. That said tigers are neat and so I think they are a fine choice for a mascot.

Team Name: New Zealand Laser Kiwi
Location: Auckland, New Zealand
Description: I saw a flag with a kiwi bird firing eye lasers and so I decided to honor that fabulous flag here by making the New Zealand team the New Zealand Laser Kiwi. Best mascot? Maybe. Acceptable mascot? Absolutely!

So the final list of teams is as follows.

Northern Simulation Football Conference
Tokyo Kaiju
Mumbai Magicians
New York Skyscrapers
Istanbul Not Constantinoples
Paris Legionnaires
Toronto Moose

Southern Simulation Football Conference
Rio de Janeiro Fancy Floats
Egyptian Pharaohs
Buenos Aires Argentavis Magnificens
Lagos Leopards
Jakarta Tigers
New Zealand Laser Kiwi

Now since I am not a general manager, have never been a general manager, and will probably never be a general manager I admit I hit a slight stumbling block. How to best go about determining who would want to draft who and where would they want to draft them. I know training points earned is important, I know bank account can matter to a degree, and I know people who know the sim are always valuable. That said I can only properly account for two of those as I do not know everyone who has access to the sim, but if I do know someone makes good use of the sim I will say that will bump them up my rankings.

So I decided to steal an idea from the commentary of one of the general managers that I trust and my general manager over in the Pro Baseball Experience and set up each team with a set personality. I decided two teams in each conference would be focused on just getting an Ultimus now and would thus be less concerned with regression, and almost exclusively concerned with training points earned. They are in the category 'It is my Ultimus and I want it now' which should be an apt description. Then I set one team in each conference to want to play the long game and so they will primarily target season twenty and later recruits who will have plenty to contribute before regression hits. That category is dubbed 'Focused on the future' and is exactly what it says on the tin. Finally the last category is 'Prefers best player available regardless' for those who are looking to compete immediately, but also want to be set up for the longer haul. I will also be using the snake draft style and so I will include the exact chart I made to remind myself of who was drafting where and what their focus would be when their turn came up.

Odd Rounds
Lagos Leopards: Prefers best player available regardless
Tokyo Kaiju: Prefers best player available regardless
Jakarta Tigers: Prefers best player available regardless
Paris Legionnaires: Focused on the future
Egyptian Pharaohs: It is my Ultimus and I want it now
Mumbai Magicians: It is my Ultimus and I want it now
New Zealand Laser Kiwi: Focused on the future
Toronto Moose: It is my Ultimus and I want it now
Buenos Aires Argentavis Magnificens: It is my Ultimus and I want it now
New York Skyscrapers: Prefers best player available regardless
Rio de Janeiro Fancy Floats: Prefers best player available regardless
Istanbul Not Constantinoples: Prefers best player available regardless

Even Rounds
Istanbul Not Constantinoples: Prefers best player available regardless
Rio de Janeiro Fancy Floats: Prefers best player available regardless
New York Skyscrapers: Prefers best player available regardless
Buenos Aires Argentavis Magnificens: It is my Ultimus and I want it now
Toronto Moose: It is my Ultimus and I want it now
New Zealand Laser Kiwi: Focused on the future
Mumbai Magicians: It is my Ultimus and I want it now
Egyptian Pharaohs: It is my Ultimus and I want it now
Paris Legionnaires: Focused on the future
Jakarta Tigers: Prefers best player available regardless
Tokyo Kaiju: Prefers best player available regardless
Lagos Leopards: Prefers best player available regardless

The previous dispersal draft had the goal to draft the following at a minimum.
1 QB 1 RB 2 WR 1 TE 1 OL 3 DL 2 LB 4 DB 1 K

Which is a bit different than I would have expected, but is a pretty solid baseline. My dispersal draft is based off of looking at what I consider to be the five best teams in the league to figure out what a team should have at a minimum. So it will be a bit different and is as follows.
1 QB 2 RB 2 WR 1 TE 1 OL 1 Flex 3 DL 2 LB 1 Front 5 DB 1 K

You might notice a couple of new terms there and so I will quickly explain them. Flex is for any player on offense other than quarterback and is used to guarantee that there is some room there. Front is for either another defensive line player or a linebacker as they play on the front of the defense. Since all that may impact how the draft goes I am including that information up front for your benefit. Also just as they did I will be ignoring retirements entirely and just presuming expected remaining time to play based on regression season and position. Thank you for your understanding. Now I believe that is a good amount of introduction overall, but we will begin Agent Tesla's Dispersal Draft with a little example of how the players are going to be organized to explain what everything means.

Round: What round the player was drafted in and so will be 1 twelve times, then 2, et cetera.
Selection In Round: A number between one and twelve to show where in the round they went.
Selection Overall: If you went first in the first round you would be one here, but if you go first in the second round you would be thirteenth here. Easy enough.
New Team: The new team they are going to be a part of based on the dispersal draft for example the New Zealand Laser Kiwi or the Rio de Janeiro Fancy Floats.
User Name: The person's user name. Mine for example is Tesla.
Draft Year: The year their player was drafted and by extension you can determine how long they have before regression.
Former Team: Same as new team but with the teams from the National Simulation Football League. The Colorado Yeti or Orange County Otters for example.
Player Name: The name of the player that user represents. Mine for example is Magnus Rikiya.
Position: What position said player plays. Mine for example is a defensive tackle.
Current Training Points Earned: How many training points they have earned thus far.
Current Training Points Earned Rank: How they rank among all the players in the league including S24 players in terms of training points earned thus far.
Current Training Points Earned In Position Rank: How they rank among all players in the league including S24 players at their position in terms of training points earned thus far.
Highest Training Points Earned: The highest number of training points they have earned before regression.
Highest Training Points Earned Rank: How they rank among all the players in the league including S24 players in terms of the highest number of training points they have earned before regression.
Highest Training Points Earned In Position Rank: How they rank among all the players in the league including S24 players at their position in terms of the highest number of training points they have earned before regression.
Bank Balance: How much money they have in the bank as of about one in the morning Pacific Daylight Time on June 19th 2020.
Bank Balance Rank: Where they rank among all the users in the league that have players in terms of how much money they have.
Bank Balance In Position Rank: Where they rank among all the users in the league that have players that share their position in terms of how much money they have.
Approximate Value: Just the same as my design a draft and compare a draft articles where it takes your training points earned and adds one for every million dollars you have in your bank account. Mine for example is 755 as Magnus Rikiya has 502 training points earned and I have 253 million dollars in the bank.
Approximate Value Rank: Where they rank among all the players in the league in terms of approximate value as described above.
Approximate Value In Position Rank: Where they rank among all the players in the league at their position in terms of approximate value as described above.
Last Updated: This is the day the player was last updated according to the TPE Tracker as of about midnight Pacific Daylight Time June 19th 2020.
Last Seen: This is the day the user was last seen according to the TPE Tracker as of about midnight Pacific Daylight Time June 19th 2020.

Comment: Since this is a comment space I will say all the above stats are courtesy of the TPE Tracker and I greatly appreciate that tool. Now this section is where I explain who they are as far as I know them at least as to why they were selected where they were selected. This will be the longest field for just about every player as I expect I know enough to say at least a few words about everybody.
Team Requirements Fulfilled: This is simple enough to demonstrate as the team has not drafted anybody yet this is what this section would look like: 0/1 QB 0/2 RB 0/2 WR 0/1 TE 0/1 OL 0/1 Flex 0/3 DL 0/2 LB 0/1 Front 0/5 DB 0/1 K (Then after they draft someone say a quarterback that section will be replaced with 1/1 QB (Insert QB Name Here R#) where the number after the R is what round the team took them.)
That should be comprehensible enough I would say, although I may not be the best judge at the moment as it is three in the morning and I might just be too detached from reality to be a proper judge. However it is the best that you are going to get and so I hope that it is comprehensible enough for you, and genuinely if it is not please feel free to ask me about it either through a comment or a direct message. Would be happy to help explain something when my mind is clearer. All of that out of the way and we can now show who is the first selection of the first and probably last Agent Tesla Dispersal Draft!

Round: 1
Selection In Round: 1
Selection Overall: 1
New Team: Lagos Leopards
User Name: woelker11
Draft Year: S17
Former Team: Colorado Yeti
Player Name: Bubba Thumper
Position: Defensive Tackle
Current Training Points Earned: 1304
Current Training Points Earned Rank: 1
Current Training Points Earned In Position Rank: 1
Highest Training Points Earned: 1304
Highest Training Points Earned Rank: 15
Highest Training Points Earned In Position Rank: 1
Bank Balance: 117,126,360
Bank Balance Rank: 11
Bank Balance In Position Rank: 2
Approximate Value: 1421
Approximate Value Rank: 2
Approximate Value In Position Rank: 1
Last Updated: June 13, 2020
Last Seen: June 17, 2020
Comment: One of the easier selections of the draft for me to make as Bubba Thumper is now the league leader in terms of training points earned. Combine with the fact that woelker11 is already a general manager and this is a knock out pick for the Lagos Leopards. Honestly I have not had a huge number of interactions with woelker11, but between them having been rookie mentor head and the fact that all of our interactions have been pleasant I trust them to be an ace at helping to lead this team to victory. Plus he did just win an Ultimus as a general manager and player so I trust him to do so again for the Lagos Leopards.
Team Requirements Fulfilled: 0/1 QB 0/2 RB 0/2 WR 0/1 TE 0/1 OL 0/1 Flex 1/3 DL (Bubba Thumper R1) 0/2 LB 0/1 Front 0/5 DB 0/1 K

Round: 1
Selection In Round: 2
Selection Overall: 2
New Team: Tokyo Kaiju
User Name: Opera_Phantom
Draft Year: S18
Former Team: Arizona Outlaws
Player Name: Jay Cue
Position: Quarterback
Current Training Points Earned: 1181
Current Training Points Earned Rank: 7
Current Training Points Earned In Position Rank: 2
Highest Training Points Earned: 1181
Highest Training Points Earned Rank: 26
Highest Training Points Earned In Position Rank: 6
Bank Balance: 12,502,580
Bank Balance Rank: 225
Bank Balance In Position Rank: 17
Approximate Value: 1193
Approximate Value Rank: 9
Approximate Value In Position Rank: 3
Last Updated: June 13, 2020
Last Seen: June 17, 2020
Comment: The number one overall selection of the previous dispersal draft if memory serves, and for good reason as Jay Cue is the second best quarterback in terms of training points earned. Also the best quarterback in terms of training points earned who has not yet faced regression. Combined with Opera_Phantom being pretty nice in my experience and this was an easy decision to make for me as it will set up the Tokyo Kaiju to compete for at least a few seasons based on current projections.
Team Requirements Fulfilled: 1/1 QB (Jay Cue R1) 0/2 RB 0/2 WR 0/1 TE 0/1 OL 0/1 Flex 0/3 DL 0/2 LB 0/1 Front 0/5 DB 0/1 K

Round: 1
Selection In Round: 3
Selection Overall: 3
New Team: Jakarta Tigers
User Name: infinitempg
Draft Year: S16
Former Team: Colorado Yeti
Player Name: Wolfie McDummy
Position: Quarterback
Current Training Points Earned: 1210
Current Training Points Earned Rank: 3
Current Training Points Earned In Position Rank: 1
Highest Training Points Earned: 1404
Highest Training Points Earned Rank: 5
Highest Training Points Earned In Position Rank: 2
Bank Balance: 478,224,236
Bank Balance Rank: 2
Bank Balance In Position Rank: 1
Approximate Value: 1688
Approximate Value Rank: 1
Approximate Value In Position Rank: 1
Last Updated: June 13, 2020
Last Seen: June 17, 2020
Comment: The next best quarterback available as Wolfie McDummy leads the position in terms of training points earned, and in terms of bank balance thanks to infinitempg being the second richest player in the league. Infinitempg is also a well respected member of Head Office and should provide a stable presence in the locker room for the Jakarta Tigers to build off of throughout the rest of the draft. I cannot say much personally about infinitempg, although I do recall them wanting to be referred to as a Sith Lord if my memory is straight and so I am happy to say they could easily get that role in the hypothetical Jakarta Tigers discord server as the third overall selection of the draft and their first as a franchise.
Team Requirements Fulfilled: 1/1 QB (Wolfie McDummy R1) 0/2 RB 0/2 WR 0/1 TE 0/1 OL 0/1 Flex 0/3 DL 0/2 LB 0/1 Front 0/5 DB 0/1 K

Round: 1
Selection In Round: 4
Selection Overall: 4
New Team: Paris Legionnaires
User Name: iStegosauruz
Draft Year: S22
Former Team: Austin Copperheads
Player Name: Colt Mendoza
Position: Cornerback
Current Training Points Earned: 485
Current Training Points Earned Rank: 136
Current Training Points Earned In Position Rank: 22
Highest Training Points Earned: 485
Highest Training Points Earned Rank: 152
Highest Training Points Earned In Position Rank: 24
Bank Balance: 154,037,775
Bank Balance Rank: 8
Bank Balance In Position Rank: 3
Approximate Value: 639
Approximate Value Rank: 86
Approximate Value In Position Rank: 16
Last Updated: June 13, 2020
Last Seen: June 17, 2020
Comment: The superb sim savant of Season 22 is an obvious choice for a team that is more focused on the future than trying to get an Ultimus immediately. Some people might consider this a reach, but I am going to disregard those people. I have had plenty of chances to interact with iStegosauruz and they have been a fine fellow in all of them. Combine that with their sim sorcery and they are a clear cut first round talent when it comes to the dispersal draft. Especially when you also consider the fact that their player Colt Mendoza is no slouch at cornerback despite what iStegosauruz might say about them. Overall an ideal first selection for the Paris Legionnaires.
Team Requirements Fulfilled: 0/1 QB 0/2 RB 0/2 WR 0/1 TE 0/1 OL 0/1 Flex 0/3 DL 0/2 LB 0/1 Front 1/5 DB (Colt Mendoza R1) 0/1 K

Round: 1
Selection In Round: 5
Selection Overall: 5
New Team: Egyptian Pharaohs
User Name: JKortesi81
Draft Year: S16
Former Team: Austin Copperheads
Player Name: Easton Cole
Position: Quarterback
Current Training Points Earned: 1174
Current Training Points Earned Rank: 8
Current Training Points Earned In Position Rank: 3
Highest Training Points Earned: 1358
Highest Training Points Earned Rank: 8
Highest Training Points Earned In Position Rank: 4
Bank Balance: 52,691,884
Bank Balance Rank: 46
Bank Balance In Position Rank: 6
Approximate Value: 1226
Approximate Value Rank: 6
Approximate Value In Position Rank: 2
Last Updated: June 13, 2020
Last Seen: June 17, 2020
Comment: Full disclosure here that Joe is general manager of the Detroit Demons over in the Pro Baseball Experience and by extension is also a general manager of my player Molly Mitchell over there. Although she has not been called up she is still paid by the team and so I count it. He is also my boss here in the National Simulation Football League in the media grading department as he is the media grading head. A position that he fills quite well in my opinion. So I readily admit that this selection is almost certainly colored by how well I view Joe, but I really do not care as I one hundred percent trust Joe to be able to get a team to the playoffs and the Ultimus. Been a part of three different expansion franchises across simulation sports if memory serves and is currently a general manager of three different teams. Since the Egyptian Pharaohs are looking to win an Ultimus immediately there is no need for them to look any further than Easton Cole who is one of the top quarterbacks available and is packaged with one of the best general managers available.
Team Requirements Fulfilled: 1/1 QB (Easton Cole R1) 0/2 RB 0/2 WR 0/1 TE 0/1 OL 0/1 Flex 0/3 DL 0/2 LB 0/1 Front 0/5 DB 0/1 K

Round: 1
Selection In Round: 6
Selection Overall: 6
New Team: Mumbai Magicians
User Name: moonlight
Draft Year: S15
Former Team: Orange County Otters
Player Name: Franklin Armstrong
Position: Quarterback
Current Training Points Earned: 1063
Current Training Points Earned Rank: 20
Current Training Points Earned In Position Rank: 5
Highest Training Points Earned: 1387
Highest Training Points Earned Rank: 6
Highest Training Points Earned In Position Rank: 3
Bank Balance: 27,983,333
Bank Balance Rank: 107
Bank Balance In Position Rank: 10
Approximate Value: 1090
Approximate Value Rank: 20
Approximate Value In Position Rank: 5
Last Updated: June 13, 2020
Last Seen: June 17, 2020
Comment: Another quarterback comes off the board courtesy of the Mumbai Magicians having the strategy of 'It is my Ultimus and I want it now' and they get a good quarterback for that all things considered. Franklin Armstrong is loved by the sim based on their history and is also still one of the top tier quarterbacks on the board despite being in regression. Additionally Moonlight is a perfectly polite person in my experiences with them and was kind enough to agree to have Franklin Armstrong swap jerseys with Magnus Rikiya last season which I really appreciate. A great selection by the Mumbai Magicians to grab the most important position in football on their quest to win an Ultimus in their first season.
Team Requirements Fulfilled: 1/1 QB (Franklin Armstrong R1) 0/2 RB 0/2 WR 0/1 TE 0/1 OL 0/1 Flex 0/3 DL 0/2 LB 0/1 Front 0/5 DB 0/1 K

Round: 1
Selection In Round: 7
Selection Overall: 7
New Team: New Zealand Laser Kiwi
User Name: bex
Draft Year: S18
Former Team: New Orleans Second Line
Player Name: Marcella T?riki
Position: Running Back
Current Training Points Earned: 1094
Current Training Points Earned Rank: 17
Current Training Points Earned In Position Rank: 2
Highest Training Points Earned: 1094
Highest Training Points Earned Rank: 38
Highest Training Points Earned In Position Rank: 4
Bank Balance: 96,334,859
Bank Balance Rank: 15
Bank Balance In Position Rank: 1
Approximate Value: 1190
Approximate Value Rank: 11
Approximate Value In Position Rank: 1
Last Updated: June 13, 2020
Last Seen: June 17, 2020
Comment: I admit this selection is mostly because I wanted Bex to be the first selection in franchise history for the New Zealand Laser Kiwi, however the fact that they are focused on the future means that I feel like this is honestly not the worst selection overall. Marcella is the best running back to have not hit regression yet and despite positional bias that is still a valuable contribution I would say. That of course all comes before taking into account Bex is the commissioner of the league, an amazing locker room presence, and an all around absolutely lovely person. The ideal to build a team around in my not at all humble opinion and so the New Zealand Laser Kiwi choose to focus on getting the pleasant presence despite the number of available running backs.
Team Requirements Fulfilled: 0/1 QB 1/2 RB (Marcella T?riki R1) 0/2 WR 0/1 TE 0/1 OL 0/1 Flex 0/3 DL 0/2 LB 0/1 Front 0/5 DB 0/1 K

Round: 1
Selection In Round: 8
Selection Overall: 8
New Team: Toronto Moose
User Name: Leafs4ever
Draft Year: S19
Former Team: Philadelphia Liberty
Player Name: Brock Phoenix
Position: Quarterback
Current Training Points Earned: 895
Current Training Points Earned Rank: 37
Current Training Points Earned In Position Rank: 6
Highest Training Points Earned: 895
Highest Training Points Earned Rank: 53
Highest Training Points Earned In Position Rank: 9
Bank Balance: 17,801,010
Bank Balance Rank: 164
Bank Balance In Position Rank: 15
Approximate Value: 912
Approximate Value Rank: 39
Approximate Value In Position Rank: 7
Last Updated: June 13, 2020
Last Seen: June 17, 2020
Comment: The Toronto Moose are a team that has rolled the preferred draft strategy of 'it is my Ultimus and I want it now' and so they go with who I consider to be the best quarterback available. Not the highest in terms of training points earned of those available, but the best in terms of combination of both training points earned and how those training points have been applied as they have the best all around attributes for a quarterback. Not familiar with the user at all, however I am going to trust in their high training points earned rank that they will be a strong contributor deserving of their first round selection.
Team Requirements Fulfilled: 1/1 QB (Brock Phoenix R1) 0/2 RB 0/2 WR 0/1 TE 0/1 OL 0/1 Flex 0/3 DL 0/2 LB 0/1 Front 0/5 DB 0/1 K

Round: 1
Selection In Round: 9
Selection Overall: 9
New Team: Buenos Aires Argentavis Magnificens
User Name: timeconsumer
Draft Year: S14
Former Team: Yellowknife Wraiths
Player Name: Cooter Bigsby
Position: Quarterback
Current Training Points Earned: 845
Current Training Points Earned Rank: 40
Current Training Points Earned In Position Rank: 7
Highest Training Points Earned: 1319
Highest Training Points Earned Rank: 14
Highest Training Points Earned In Position Rank: 5
Bank Balance: 94,505,948
Bank Balance Rank: 16
Bank Balance In Position Rank: 3
Approximate Value: 939
Approximate Value Rank: 37
Approximate Value In Position Rank: 6
Last Updated: June 13, 2020
Last Seen: June 17, 2020
Comment: This could end up being the steal of the first round as the Buenos Aires Argentavis Magnificensgrabbed the best available quarterback to be able to compete this season and they lucked into one of the most knowledgeable users when it comes to the sim. I can also verify that timeconsumer is a pretty cool customer based on my interactions with them; even if most of those interactions have come in another league where they are admittedly one of my general managers if I remember reading it right. Honestly we have not really interacted as general manager and player, but they were quite nice in our chats that I recall so I trust them to be able to help bring the Buenos Aires Argentavis Magnificens to the Ultimus.
Team Requirements Fulfilled: 1/1 QB (Cooter Bigsby R1) 0/2 RB 0/2 WR 0/1 TE 0/1 OL 0/1 Flex 0/3 DL 0/2 LB 0/1 Front 0/5 DB 0/1 K

Round: 1
Selection In Round: 10
Selection Overall: 10
New Team: New York Skyscrapers
User Name: BaconBrother
Draft Year: S18
Former Team: Yellowknife Wraiths
Player Name: Maurice Virtanen
Position: Linebacker
Current Training Points Earned: 1192
Current Training Points Earned Rank: 5
Current Training Points Earned In Position Rank: 2
Highest Training Points Earned: 1192
Highest Training Points Earned Rank: 24
Highest Training Points Earned In Position Rank: 5
Bank Balance: 103,242,215
Bank Balance Rank: 13
Bank Balance In Position Rank: 2
Approximate Value: 1295
Approximate Value Rank: 3
Approximate Value In Position Rank: 1
Last Updated: June 13, 2020
Last Seen: June 18, 2020
Comment: Maurice Virtanen is the king of S18 when it comes to training points earned and rightfully gets a first round grade for the troubles involved in reaching that. That alone would be enough to put them in consideration for being selected this high in the draft, however I have had the pleasure of interacting with BaconBrother a fair amount and they are one of my favorite users in the league which means I trust this selection even more than I would otherwise. A former media grader, former rookie mentor, and now member of the Head Office for the Developmental Simulation Football League. An outstanding player who will be ideal for a team looking to both compete out of the gate and build for the future.
Team Requirements Fulfilled: 0/1 QB 0/2 RB 0/2 WR 0/1 TE 0/1 OL 0/1 Flex 0/3 DL 1/2 LB (Maurice Virtanen R1)0/1 Front 0/5 DB 0/1 K

Round: 1
Selection In Round: 11
Selection Overall: 11
New Team: Rio de Janeiro Fancy Floats
User Name: Revolution5
Draft Year: S18
Former Team: Orange County Otters
Player Name: Tyrone Biggums
Position: Safety
Current Training Points Earned: 1156
Current Training Points Earned Rank: 10
Current Training Points Earned In Position Rank: 1
Highest Training Points Earned: 1156
Highest Training Points Earned Rank: 29
Highest Training Points Earned In Position Rank: 3
Bank Balance: 22,062,883
Bank Balance Rank: 131
Bank Balance In Position Rank: 17
Approximate Value: 1178
Approximate Value Rank: 13
Approximate Value In Position Rank: 1
Last Updated: June 13, 2020
Last Seen: June 17, 2020
Comment: This was a selection that could have gone a couple of different directions as we are getting into the more reasonable training points earned area, but what sets Revolution5 and their player Tyrone Biggums apart for me is the simple fact that Revolution5 is a general manager. When building up a team you want people with that kind of experience in the war room I would say. So while the team is not going to try to force an Ultimus immediately I think that they will be in good position with a top tier talent at the key position of safety. Plus since Tyrone Biggums is in the S18 regression class the Rio de Janeiro Fancy Floats will get to enjoy the talents of Revolution5 for a while before regression hits.
Team Requirements Fulfilled: 0/1 QB 0/2 RB 0/2 WR 0/1 TE 0/1 OL 0/1 Flex 0/3 DL 0/2 LB 0/1 Front 1/5 DB (Tyrone Biggums R1) 0/1 K

Round: 1
Selection In Round: 12
Selection Overall: 12
New Team: Istanbul Not Constantinoples
User Name: Laser
Draft Year: S18
Former Team: Orange County Otters
Player Name: Korrin Abernathy
Position: Cornerback
Current Training Points Earned: 1127
Current Training Points Earned Rank: 14
Current Training Points Earned In Position Rank: 3
Highest Training Points Earned: 1127
Highest Training Points Earned Rank: 33
Highest Training Points Earned In Position Rank: 4
Bank Balance: 44,029,009
Bank Balance Rank: 63
Bank Balance In Position Rank: 8
Approximate Value: 1171
Approximate Value Rank: 15
Approximate Value In Position Rank: 4
Last Updated: June 13, 2020
Last Seen: June 17, 2020
Comment: Full disclosure up front here that Laser is the updater for the New Orleans Second Line over here in the National Simulation Football League, and by extension is the one who handles updates for my player Magnus Rikiya. He is also general manager of the Detroit Demons over in the Pro Baseball Experience where my client Molly Mitchell was drafted, although she has not been called up yet. That said I have a decent amount of experience interacting with Laser, and could admittedly be biased in their favor given that. That said for a team that is looking to be able to compete while building for the future I do not think that there is a better selection than a successful general manager of the Orange County Otters. Especially when said manager is a super star sim league member who has done great work in several leagues and is a top earner at an important position with a couple of seasons before regression. Plus is a pleasant person in general.
Team Requirements Fulfilled: 0/1 QB 0/2 RB 0/2 WR 0/1 TE 0/1 OL 0/1 Flex 0/3 DL 0/2 LB 0/1 Front 1/5 DB (Korrin Abernathy R1) 0/1 K

Round: 2
Selection In Round: 1
Selection Overall: 13
New Team: Istanbul Not Constantinoples
User Name: ddrector
Draft Year: S18
Former Team: New Orleans Second Line
Player Name: David Rector
Position: Cornerback
Current Training Points Earned: 1125
Current Training Points Earned Rank: 16
Current Training Points Earned In Position Rank: 4
Highest Training Points Earned: 1125
Highest Training Points Earned Rank: 35
Highest Training Points Earned In Position Rank: 5
Bank Balance: 62,321,165
Bank Balance Rank: 32
Bank Balance In Position Rank: 6
Approximate Value: 1187
Approximate Value Rank: 12
Approximate Value In Position Rank: 2
Last Updated: June 13, 2020
Last Seen: June 17, 2020
Comment: This is easily an ideal situation for the Istanbul Not Constantinoples as they get two shutdown corners in the first two rounds of the draft to start their franchise. I would say there are much worse ways you could start your franchise off, but there are not a huge amount of ways that are worlds better given the talent available in the draft. What really makes this so superb for them though is that they get Laser who is a great general manager and then follow it up with ddrector who is a fantastic locker room presence in my experience. The best corners of S18 in terms of training points earned and thus the two selections that the Istanbul Not Constantinoples make to set up a stellar secondary to start off their franchise.
Team Requirements Fulfilled: 0/1 QB 0/2 RB 0/2 WR 0/1 TE 0/1 OL 0/1 Flex 0/3 DL 0/2 LB 0/1 Front 2/5 DB (Korrin Abernathy R1, David Rector R2) 0/1 K

Round: 2
Selection In Round: 2
Selection Overall: 14
New Team: Rio de Janeiro Fancy Floats
User Name: Lowlycrib
Draft Year: S17
Former Team: San Jose SaberCats
Player Name: Tyron Brackenridge
Position: Linebacker
Current Training Points Earned: 1199
Current Training Points Earned Rank: 4
Current Training Points Earned In Position Rank: 1
Highest Training Points Earned: 1199
Highest Training Points Earned Rank: 23
Highest Training Points Earned In Position Rank: 4
Bank Balance: 33,071,642
Bank Balance Rank: 90
Bank Balance In Position Rank: 11
Approximate Value: 1232
Approximate Value Rank: 5
Approximate Value In Position Rank: 2
Last Updated: June 13, 2020
Last Seen: June 17, 2020
Comment: The second highest training points earned player of S17 makes it just a little bit into the second round before the Rio de Janeiro Fancy Floats pounce. Honestly a good pairing I would say with their first selection as it provides them some superb pieces at two levels of the defense to build around. Tyron Brackenridge only has one season before regression hits, but has a high enough training points earned total that I trust it will not impact them too much through their preferred window. Also can say I have had at least one nice interaction with Lowlycrib and so I am happy to have them drafted this high!
Team Requirements Fulfilled: 0/1 QB 0/2 RB 0/2 WR 0/1 TE 0/1 OL 0/1 Flex 0/3 DL 1/2 LB (Tyron Brackenridge R2) 0/1 Front 1/5 DB (Tyrone Biggums R1) 0/1 K

Round: 2
Selection In Round: 3
Selection Overall: 15
New Team: New York Skyscrapers
User Name: Modern_Duke
Draft Year: S18
Former Team: Colorado Yeti
Player Name: Louisiana Purchase
Position: Cornerback
Current Training Points Earned: 1010
Current Training Points Earned Rank: 23
Current Training Points Earned In Position Rank: 5
Highest Training Points Earned: 1010
Highest Training Points Earned Rank: 42
Highest Training Points Earned In Position Rank: 8
Bank Balance: 16,543,520
Bank Balance Rank: 177
Bank Balance In Position Rank: 22
Approximate Value: 1026
Approximate Value Rank: 25
Approximate Value In Position Rank: 5
Last Updated: June 13, 2020
Last Seen: June 17, 2020
Comment: Before I say anything else about this I just have to say that is a hilarious player name and I approve of it. That out of the way the New York Skyscrapers decided to go with another high ranking member of the S18 class to support their first round selection of Maurice Virtanen. This also somewhat mimics the Rio de Janeiro Fancy Floats as they have the keystone member of their linebacker corps locked up already and then grabbed a member of the secondary to flesh out their defense. Inverse to the Rio de Janeiro Fancy Floats who had a good defensive back already and then grabbed a linebacker to build around, but similar styling showing my draft preferences.
Team Requirements Fulfilled: 0/1 QB 0/2 RB 0/2 WR 0/1 TE 0/1 OL 0/1 Flex 0/3 DL 1/2 LB (Maurice Virtanen R1) 0/1 Front 1/5 DB (Louisiana Purchase R2) 0/1 K

Round: 2
Selection In Round: 4
Selection Overall: 16
New Team: Buenos Aires Argentavis Magnificens
User Name: White Cornerback
Draft Year: S16
Former Team: Austin Copperheads
Player Name: Dermot Lavelle Jr.
Position: Cornerback
Current Training Points Earned: 1188
Current Training Points Earned Rank: 6
Current Training Points Earned In Position Rank: 1
Highest Training Points Earned: 1459
Highest Training Points Earned Rank: 1
Highest Training Points Earned In Position Rank: 1
Bank Balance: 37,986,931
Bank Balance Rank: 75
Bank Balance In Position Rank: 10
Approximate Value: 1225
Approximate Value Rank: 7
Approximate Value In Position Rank: 1
Last Updated: June 6, 2020
Last Seen: June 18, 2020
Comment: The best available cornerback in terms of training points earned only makes it into the second round before the Buenos Aires Argentavis Magnificens scoop him up. They are going all in on a one season window and decide that despite being in regression already that they are going to take the chance on his talents securing them the championship, or ideally at least providing some entertaining material. I can only speak for my own experience here, but I have gotten along with White Cornerback also known as Dermot rather decently in my time in the league thus far. He hired me on as a wiki editor where I handle a handful of pages and I have no complaints about my time in service to that department thus far.
Team Requirements Fulfilled: 1/1 QB (Cooter Bigsby R1) 0/2 RB 0/2 WR 0/1 TE 0/1 OL 0/1 Flex 0/3 DL 0/2 LB 0/1 Front 1/5 DB (Dermot Lavelle Jr. R2) 0/1 K

Round: 2
Selection In Round: 5
Selection Overall: 17
New Team: Toronto Moose
User Name: hihihi_62
Draft Year: S17
Former Team: Yellowknife Wraiths
Player Name: Mervin Leonard
Position: Cornerback
Current Training Points Earned: 1161
Current Training Points Earned Rank: 9
Current Training Points Earned In Position Rank: 2
Highest Training Points Earned: 1161
Highest Training Points Earned Rank: 28
Highest Training Points Earned In Position Rank: 3
Bank Balance: 14,094,870
Bank Balance Rank: 200
Bank Balance In Position Rank: 24
Approximate Value: 1175
Approximate Value Rank: 14
Approximate Value In Position Rank: 3
Last Updated: June 13, 2020
Last Seen: June 17, 2020
Comment: The Toronto Moose get a little nicety for not having taken the top tier cornerback in Dermot as they get a slightly delayed regression for their selection Mervin Leonard. That said any with over a thousand well spent training points earned is obviously going to go early based on my experiences with how people describe the sim and all the tests that go into it. One thing I have learned from the league despite not having any actual access to the sim is that a cornerback contributes heavily to win percentage and therefore I am going to have them drafted early. Even if I do not recall having had an interaction with the user as is the case here. High earning cornerbacks and defensive backs are too valuable to let personal biases get in the way.
Team Requirements Fulfilled: 1/1 QB (Brock Phoenix R1) 0/2 RB 0/2 WR 0/1 TE 0/1 OL 0/1 Flex 0/3 DL 0/2 LB 0/1 Front 1/5 DB (Mervin Leonard R2) 0/1 K

Round: 2
Selection In Round: 6
Selection Overall: 18
New Team: New Zealand Laser Kiwi
User Name: Lemon
Draft Year: S21
Former Team: Orange County Otters
Player Name: Future Trunks
Position: Wide Receiver
Current Training Points Earned: 598
Current Training Points Earned Rank: 83
Current Training Points Earned In Position Rank: 15
Highest Training Points Earned: 598
Highest Training Points Earned Rank: 101
Highest Training Points Earned In Position Rank: 16
Bank Balance: 34,313,715
Bank Balance Rank: 85
Bank Balance In Position Rank: 14
Approximate Value: 632
Approximate Value Rank: 87
Approximate Value In Position Rank: 15
Last Updated: June 13, 2020
Last Seen: June 17, 2020
Comment: The highest training points earned wide receiver of S21 and a person who I know has connections to the first selection of the New Zealand Laser Kiwi. Genuinely Lemon is a lovely person based on our interactions in the Norfolk locker room and I think that they are a strong choice here given their position as a super invested member of the league. They are an intern for the Developmental Simulation Football League Head Office, one of the simmers, a fantasy manager, and were at least a reserve updater in the past. Just goes so far above and beyond that I think any team would be lucky to have them and more than happy to have them. Plus just based on their overall feel I think the New Zealand Laser Kiwi are going to have a certain intangible quality that they target with their draft selections. Lemon has got that it factor and so they get scooped up in the second round.
Team Requirements Fulfilled: 0/1 QB 1/2 RB (Marcella T?riki R1) 1/2 WR (Future Trunks R2) 0/1 TE 0/1 OL 0/1 Flex 0/3 DL 0/2 LB 0/1 Front 0/5 DB 0/1 K

Round: 2
Selection In Round: 7
Selection Overall: 19
New Team: Mumbai Magicians
User Name: Fordhammer
Draft Year: S15
Former Team: Philadelphia Liberty
Player Name: Nacho Varga
Position: Wide Receiver
Current Training Points Earned: 1230
Current Training Points Earned Rank: 2
Current Training Points Earned In Position Rank: 1
Highest Training Points Earned: 1360
Highest Training Points Earned Rank: 7
Highest Training Points Earned In Position Rank: 2
Bank Balance: 14,467,103
Bank Balance Rank: 195
Bank Balance In Position Rank: 30
Approximate Value: 1244
Approximate Value Rank: 4
Approximate Value In Position Rank: 1
Last Updated: June 6, 2020
Last Seen: June 17, 2020
Comment: I am going to admit up front here that the only reason Nacho Varga fell this far is because of my bias against offensive positions other than quarterback. There are reasons for that bias, but genuinely I think that grabbing Nacho Varga here is a great deal for the Mumbai Magicians as they are able to pair one of the best receivers in the league with the superstar quarterback they got in the first round to have a terrific offense. Something that will be important as they want to compete for a title in their opening season and even the best defense needs an offense that can put some points on the board. That all details the value that Nacho Varga brings as a player, but I can also say I have the pleasure of working with Fordhammer as they are a fellow media grader and they are also a good coworker. Plus they have been a pretty reliable banker for the team that I am on both over here in the National Simulation Football League, and over in the Pro Baseball Experience. So I trust them to bring something good to the locker room.
Team Requirements Fulfilled: 1/1 QB (Franklin Armstrong R1) 0/2 RB 1/2 WR (Nacho Varga R2) 0/1 TE 0/1 OL 0/1 Flex 0/3 DL 0/2 LB 0/1 Front 0/5 DB 0/1 K

Round: 2
Selection In Round: 8
Selection Overall: 20
New Team: Egyptian Pharaohs
User Name: SabaDonutMan
Draft Year: S17
Former Team: Arizona Outlaws
Player Name: Saba Donut
Position: Wide Receiver
Current Training Points Earned: 1132
Current Training Points Earned Rank: 12
Current Training Points Earned In Position Rank: 2
Highest Training Points Earned: 1132
Highest Training Points Earned Rank: 32
Highest Training Points Earned In Position Rank: 5
Bank Balance: 2,699,855
Bank Balance Rank: 464
Bank Balance In Position Rank: 66
Approximate Value: 1134
Approximate Value Rank: 17
Approximate Value In Position Rank: 2
Last Updated: June 13, 2020
Last Seen: June 17, 2020
Comment: It seems I have a habit of duplicating strategies here as just like the Mumbai Magicians who grabbed one of the best quarterbacks available in the first round and then the best available wide receivier in the second round. The Egyptian Pharaohs did much the same with their selection of Easton Cole in round one and the selection of Saba Donut in round two to give him a reliable receiver. Honestly the strategy of great quarterback and great receivers has worked in my experience as a fan of real football at least, although I am not sure how well it works solely in the sim itself. That said I believe Saba is a reliable addition to the team and that they are deserving of their selection in the second round thanks to their dedicated acquisition of training points earned.
Team Requirements Fulfilled: 1/1 QB (Easton Cole R1) 0/2 RB 1/2 WR (Saba Donut R2) 0/1 TE 0/1 OL 0/1 Flex 0/3 DL 0/2 LB 0/1 Front 0/5 DB 0/1 K

Round: 2
Selection In Round: 9
Selection Overall: 21
New Team: Paris Legionnaires
User Name: J0EB
Draft Year: S22
Former Team: Philadelphia Liberty
Player Name: Matt "Son of Havoc" Cross
Position: Safety
Current Training Points Earned: 518
Current Training Points Earned Rank: 103
Current Training Points Earned In Position Rank: 12
Highest Training Points Earned: 518
Highest Training Points Earned Rank: 120
Highest Training Points Earned In Position Rank: 14
Bank Balance: 9,480,443
Bank Balance Rank: 273
Bank Balance In Position Rank: 29
Approximate Value: 527
Approximate Value Rank: 124
Approximate Value In Position Rank: 13
Last Updated: June 13, 2020
Last Seen: June 18, 2020
Comment: Matt 'Best Safety of S22' Cross is possibly an odd selection here by most standards, however this is my dispersal draft and I wholeheartedly believe that this is the right decision to make for the Paris Legionnaires. They are a team that is focused on building for the future and what better way to do that than to get two of the best young defensive backs on a team together. Both are general managers at the Developmental Simulation Football League level and are good locker room people. Honestly I could probably write a thousand words of praise for J0EB as he is just a ray of sunshine in my experience and an absolute delight to get to talk to in the locker room. However I will prevent myself from going on too long about him. Suffice to say Matt 'Son of Havoc' Cross is in fact the highest training points earned safety of S22 and as J0EB is a wonderful learner of the sim I trust him to pair well with iStegosauruz as the Paris Legionnaires prepare to take the league by storm in a couple of seasons.
Team Requirements Fulfilled: 0/1 QB 0/2 RB 0/2 WR 0/1 TE 0/1 OL 0/1 Flex 0/3 DL 0/2 LB 0/1 Front 2/5 DB (Colt Mendoza R1, Matt 'Son of Havoc' Cross R2) 0/1 K

Round: 2
Selection In Round: 10
Selection Overall: 22
New Team: Jakarta Tigers
User Name: caltroit_red_flames
Draft Year: S18
Former Team: New Orleans Second Line
Player Name: Givussafare Rubbe
Position: Offensive Line
Current Training Points Earned: 1029
Current Training Points Earned Rank: 22
Current Training Points Earned In Position Rank: 2
Highest Training Points Earned: 1029
Highest Training Points Earned Rank: 41
Highest Training Points Earned In Position Rank: 2
Bank Balance: 19,152,530
Bank Balance Rank: 150
Bank Balance In Position Rank: 9
Approximate Value: 1048
Approximate Value Rank: 22
Approximate Value In Position Rank: 2
Last Updated: June 13, 2020
Last Seen: June 16, 2020
Comment: Honestly if I had paid more attention to the state of affairs when it comes to offensive line in the league then Givussafare Rubbe would have almost certainly gone earlier in the round. However thanks to me not paying quite close enough attention the Jakarta Tigers get an absolute steal of a tackle to protect their franchise quarterback Wolfie McDummy. Caltroit and I are on the same team in the league as we are both members of the New Orleans Second Line, but despite this I can say that we have not had that many interactions compared to myself and some of my other teammates. Never had a problem with them personally though and so I trust them to be a trusted member of the Jakarta Tigers. Also gotten graphics grading caught up and as a fellow grader I can say that is deserving of praise!
Team Requirements Fulfilled: 1/1 QB (Wolfie McDummy R1) 0/2 RB 0/2 WR 0/1 TE 1/1 OL (Givussafare Rubbe R2) 0/1 Flex 0/3 DL 0/2 LB 0/1 Front 0/5 DB 0/1 K

Round: 2
Selection In Round: 11
Selection Overall: 23
New Team: Tokyo Kaiju
User Name: C9Van
Draft Year: S16
Former Team: Yellowknife Wraiths
Player Name: Laszlo Forty-Two
Position: Offensive Line
Current Training Points Earned: 1135
Current Training Points Earned Rank: 11
Current Training Points Earned In Position Rank: 1
Highest Training Points Earned: 1332
Highest Training Points Earned Rank: 13
Highest Training Points Earned In Position Rank: 1
Bank Balance: 83,841,652
Bank Balance Rank: 18
Bank Balance In Position Rank: 1
Approximate Value: 1218
Approximate Value Rank: 8
Approximate Value In Position Rank: 1
Last Updated: June 13, 2020
Last Seen: June 17, 2020
Comment: The other top tier offensive line player understandably goes right after I realize the fact that there are only two in the league over 500 training points earned. Honestly I wish I had more to say here, but I only remember this player because of their request to be traded to a contender after getting picked up in the expansion draft. It is a shame that the Yeti did not keep them around given recent events, however that is the way that the cookie crumbles sometimes. Will say I respect the desire to play on the line though and especially when one can be one of the best at it.
Team Requirements Fulfilled: 1/1 QB (Jay Cue R1) 0/2 RB 0/2 WR 0/1 TE 1/1 OL (Laszlo Forty-Two R2) 0/1 Flex 0/3 DL 0/2 LB 0/1 Front 0/5 DB 0/1 K

Round: 2
Selection In Round: 12
Selection Overall: 24
New Team: Lagos Leopards
User Name: Leafer
Draft Year: S21
Former Team: Chicago Butchers
Player Name: George O'Donnell
Position: Quarterback
Current Training Points Earned: 594
Current Training Points Earned Rank: 85
Current Training Points Earned In Position Rank: 10
Highest Training Points Earned: 594
Highest Training Points Earned Rank: 102
Highest Training Points Earned In Position Rank: 10
Bank Balance: 9,304,690
Bank Balance Rank: 279
Bank Balance In Position Rank: 21
Approximate Value: 603
Approximate Value Rank: 93
Approximate Value In Position Rank: 12
Last Updated: June 13, 2020
Last Seen: June 16, 2020
Comment: Since the Lagos Leopards prefer best player available and there were only a couple of ready long term options at quarterback available they decide to grab one here with the knowledge that they can fill their other needs with the very next pick in the draft. One of the big reasons they felt comfortable with this selection is George O'Donnell already having ninety arm, ninety intelligence, and ninety throwing accuracy. One of the reasons why I was confident in this selection is because I know Leafer from my time with the Norfolk Seawolves as he was their updater at the time. I believe he still is actually, but I can only say for certain that he was the primary updater of the team during my tenure there. He is also a general manager of the Providence Crabs in the Pro Baseball Experience if memory serves, and nicely scouted my player over there. Also mentioned her in a lovely article that I remember which I admit might have colored my perception enough that I wanted a team to grab him high, however I do believe that his talents as an S21 quarterback will serve the Lagos Leopards well.
Team Requirements Fulfilled: 1/1 QB (George O'Donnell R2) 0/2 RB 0/2 WR 0/1 TE 0/1 OL 0/1 Flex 1/3 DL (Bubba Thumper R1) 0/2 LB 0/1 Front 0/5 DB 0/1 K

Round: 3
Selection In Round: 1
Selection Overall: 25
New Team: Lagos Leopards
User Name: Jay_Doctor
Draft Year: S19
Former Team: New Orleans Second Line
Player Name: Mason Blaylock
Position: Safety
Current Training Points Earned: 965
Current Training Points Earned Rank: 29
Current Training Points Earned In Position Rank: 2
Highest Training Points Earned: 965
Highest Training Points Earned Rank: 46
Highest Training Points Earned In Position Rank: 4
Bank Balance: 52,850,795
Bank Balance Rank: 44
Bank Balance In Position Rank: 7
Approximate Value: 1017
Approximate Value Rank: 29
Approximate Value In Position Rank: 2
Last Updated: June 13, 2020
Last Seen: June 17, 2020
Comment: Second highest safety in terms of training points earned makes Mason Blaylock an excellent selection here, and especially as he is part of the S19 regression class. Genuinely I may have let him fall more than he actually would given he is at almost a thousand training points earned and a fantastic person since I may have overcompensated to try to account for my own personal bias. Honestly Mason Blaylock is one of my favorite players in the league having done a highlights series on the New Orleans Second Line last season and also being a big fan of good safety play in general. Additionally Jay_Doctor is a general manager of an Ultimini winning Developmental Simulation Football League team, a rookie mentor, and just a quite nice guy in general in my experience.
Team Requirements Fulfilled: 1/1 QB (George O'Donnell R2) 0/2 RB 0/2 WR 0/1 TE 0/1 OL 0/1 Flex 1/3 DL (Bubba Thumper R1) 0/2 LB 0/1 Front 1/5 DB (Mason Blaylock R3) 0/1 K

Round: 3
Selection In Round: 2
Selection Overall: 26
New Team: Tokyo Kaiju
User Name: scorycory
Draft Year: S19
Former Team: Orange County Otters
Player Name: Kacey Dream
Position: Cornerback
Current Training Points Earned: 958
Current Training Points Earned Rank: 33
Current Training Points Earned In Position Rank: 6
Highest Training Points Earned: 958
Highest Training Points Earned Rank: 49
Highest Training Points Earned In Position Rank: 9
Bank Balance: 8,101,993
Bank Balance Rank: 326
Bank Balance In Position Rank: 32
Approximate Value: 966
Approximate Value Rank: 32
Approximate Value In Position Rank: 6
Last Updated: June 13, 2020
Last Seen: June 17, 2020
Comment: This was a super easy selection once I looked through some things as Kacey Dream is the last remaining cornerback with over 800 training points earned. Given the importance of the cornerback position this is a great selection for the Tokyo Kaiju to start their secondary with for the foreseeable future since Kacey Dream is a part of the S19 regression class. Also comes with the huge added value of having a skilled Developmental Simulation Football League general manager attached to the player in the form of scorycory. Which means this pick is sure to be of value to the team both on the field and in the locker room.
Team Requirements Fulfilled: 1/1 QB (Jay Cue R1) 0/2 RB 0/2 WR 0/1 TE 1/1 OL (Laszlo Forty-Two R2) 0/1 Flex 0/3 DL 0/2 LB 0/1 Front 1/5 DB (Kacey Dream R3) 0/1 K

Round: 3
Selection In Round: 3
Selection Overall: 27
New Team: Jakarta Tigers
User Name: Unicorn
Draft Year: S20
Former Team: Arizona Outlaws
Player Name: Desmond Scarlett
Position: Cornerback
Current Training Points Earned: 785
Current Training Points Earned Rank: 46
Current Training Points Earned In Position Rank: 7
Highest Training Points Earned: 785
Highest Training Points Earned Rank: 64
Highest Training Points Earned In Position Rank: 10
Bank Balance: 26,006,800
Bank Balance Rank: 114
Bank Balance In Position Rank: 16
Approximate Value: 811
Approximate Value Rank: 48
Approximate Value In Position Rank: 8
Last Updated: June 13, 2020
Last Seen: June 17, 2020
Comment: After the last pick and the selector of players realizing that there are not a huge number of top tier cornerbacks left on the market it created a run of them that would continue with the selection of Desmond Scarlett. Not as many training points earned as Kacey Dream who preceded them on the board, but with an extra season by regression class that makes up for it decently I would say. Additionally has a similar benefit of providing value both on the field and in the locker room thanks to Unicorn being a general manager at the National Simulation Football League level.
Team Requirements Fulfilled: 1/1 QB (Wolfie McDummy R1) 0/2 RB 0/2 WR 0/1 TE 1/1 OL (Givussafare Rubbe R2) 0/1 Flex 0/3 DL 0/2 LB 0/1 Front 1/5 DB (Desmond Scarlett R3) 0/1 K

Round: 3
Selection In Round: 4
Selection Overall: 28
New Team: Paris Legionnaires
User Name: Memento Mori

*Agent Tesla Designs A Dispersal Draft - Bigred1580 - 07-07-2020

Quote:Sorry friend for significantly passing you with this article

Holy Crap! This is insane! Don't feel bad!

*Agent Tesla Designs A Dispersal Draft - Modern_Duke - 07-07-2020


*Agent Tesla Designs A Dispersal Draft - retrospace111 - 07-07-2020

what the fuck. its a fucking novel. s22 best class.

*Agent Tesla Designs A Dispersal Draft - KoltClassic - 07-07-2020

If my math is correct, this is a $362,288,300 media. Well done.

*Agent Tesla Designs A Dispersal Draft - Bigred1580 - 07-07-2020

(07-07-2020, 07:41 AM)KoltClassic Wrote:If my math is correct, this is a $362,288,300 media. Well done.

LOL! Crazy! The third richest person in the league, has one article more than double her net worth...

*Agent Tesla Designs A Dispersal Draft - ADwyer87 - 07-07-2020

Quote:Comment: The New Zealand Laser Kiwi get their ideal selection for their last secondary position as they pick up a famous and beloved user here.
me, famous and beloved, pick one

also up and coming GM is funny to see for me Tongue

*Agent Tesla Designs A Dispersal Draft - Raven - 07-07-2020

Damn this is a ton of work mad props.

Always interesting to see these kinds of redrafts of the league. I`m just happy to have been picking up while im on my last leg.

*Agent Tesla Designs A Dispersal Draft - CLG Rampage - 07-07-2020

(07-07-2020, 08:29 AM)Tesla Wrote:Marcella is the best running back to have not hit regression yet
I feel attacked

*Agent Tesla Designs A Dispersal Draft - Memento Mori - 07-07-2020

Bonne chance to anyone trying to pass the ball against the Paris Legionnaires