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*An Interview with Wesley Eriksen (get that money) - Printable Version

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*An Interview with Wesley Eriksen (get that money) - Lightnoir - 07-08-2020

Recently I sat down once more with my dear friend Wesley Eriksen to talk about life, love, football, and nothing controversial. I set myself up in a chilly La Quinta Inn conference room, and began the Zoom call.

Wes: Hey, thanks for calling man it's been a while.

Me: Yeah, it really has. We haven't had the opportunity to sit down and talk like this since you were playing in the Prospect Bowl.

Wesley let out a whistle and raised his eyebrows.

Wes: The time really flies. Seems like that was just yesterday, not two and a half seasons ago!

Me: Haha, so it does, so it does. How do you feel like your career has been going since then? Shaping up how you'd like?

Wes: *chuckles* Well it's certainly hard to complain. I know a lot of folks are struggling right now so I don't want to sound entitled or tone deaf, but things are going pretty well. (Eriksen leans to the side revealing a mantle place behind him with a few footballs on it) That's my Game Ball shelf back there. I've got four of em in Philly so far and a million more on the way. I feel comfortable out there now. It's nice.

Me: That's great, I'm really glad to hear that. Getting along with your teammates?

Wes: Yeah, of course, there's a bunch of great guys in Philly. I feel lucky I got picked up with my long time friend Matt Cross. He's a bit more social than me, so he helps me get involved hahaha. Booker and Vuxta are another couple of guys I've become good friends with, they're hilarious and really encouraging lads. I could go on and on, it's a very harmonious locker room.

Me: I believe it, that seems to be reflected in the results. The NSFC looks insanely competitive this year. The Liberty seem to be hanging on by the skin of their teeth, but you've got one of the best defenses in the league regardless.

Wes: Yeah, I just try to take it one game at a time and not worry too much about the context. We've got coaches on staff to worry about the big picture. I just run around, hit guys, and grab balls.

Me: So it seems. You grabbed a pair of balls from Franklin Armstrong the other week, even taking one all the way home. How did that make you feel?

Wes: Well, I was just happy to finally get an interception to be honest hahaha. At the beginning of last season Cross, Booker, and I had a bit of a wager over who would snag a pick first. And well, they beat me by a longshot. But I'm real proud to grab mine against Armstrong, who's an incredibly humble and talented quarterback, and more importantly I'm glad I could contribute to getting my squad a win against a tough opponent.

Me: I can definitely understand that, Wes. Have you kept up with the DSFL this season? Your alma mater Norfolk?

Wes: I'd be lying if I said I tuned in for every game, but I've tried to keep aware. Seems like they've been playing quite well overall. It's hard to pull far ahead in the DSFL, so going above .500 at all is generally an accomplishment. I know Cross has gotten really involved with coaching them in his spare time and that Ramza has evolved into a pretty serious leadership role, so I'm not surprised they're doing so well. They're in the best hands possible.

Me: Do you ever wish you had spent another year there to develop some? Your rookie season in the NSFL you looked like you were lagging behind some of your fellow players

Wes shrugs.

Wes: No, I think I made the right decision. I loved my time in Norfolk, but you have to challenge yourself if you want to move forward. I may have had some hurdles to get over, but I don't think I could be where I am now if I didn't always challenge myself 100%.

Me: It's hard to argue with that. And there are some that are tipping you for Breakout Player of the Year. How do you take that?

Wes: Well, it would be amazing to grab official accolades. Would be nice to have some trophies to go with my balls. But it's not really about anything like that for me. I'm well paid and I get to play the game I love for my life. I'd rather help my whole team get a trophy than grab one solely for myself.

Me: How's your social life in Philly? Is there a Mrs. or Mr. Eriksen in the near future?

Wes: Hahahahaha no, I don't think I'm anywhere near ready to settle down yet. I've met many many wonderful people in Philly, but I'm a young guy and I want to keep playing the field. Everyone knows my one true love is Matt anyway.

Eriksen and I laugh for a good moment.

Me: Well I'm glad to hear you seem to be keeping yourself grounded. I don't want to get on anything touchy, but I've heard rumors that you and your agent, Light Noir, are having professional issues. Is there any truth to that?

Wes: Well, relationships are always complicated where money is involved and we certainly have different thoughts about what might be best for my career. Ultimately I don't think it's anything he and I can't iron out. At the very least it's not something I want to iron out in the media.

Me: That's understandable, thanks for giving your thoughts. Speaking of your career, what's next for Mr. Eriksen? I'm aware you have an option to move on at the end of this season. Any chance of us seeing a big money move in this coming offseason?

Wes: *chuckles* Not a chance. I'm loving my time in Philly and have no intentions of going anywhere else. I'm surrounded by all-star talent and I can't imagine walking away, especially before my contract is up. There are still other programs I might be interested in later in my career, but Philadelphia has been amazingly welcoming and supportive of me, and I still owe them a lot more.

Me: Finally, I wanted to ask if you had any thoughts you wanted to share about your recent slap on the wrist. It seems like a relative non-issue, but some mothers are worried about the example you're setting for their kids.

Wes: Really I think it's a great example to set for children. Obviously shirking your responsiblity and getting drunk at midday before going to work is generally a bad thing to do, but look at it this way: If you work hard enough, you can get to a place where you can get drunk at midday before work and no one will even care. And I think that's a beautiful lesson for a child to learn.

Me: Wow that's really inspired stuff Wes, thanks so much for taking the time to talk with me today.

Wes: Oh it's absolutely my pleasure. Let me know next time you're in Philly, I'll show you around town.

(1,198 Words)