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*Announcing Bruce Buckley's Award Campaign - NicholasTheGreat - 07-21-2020


Welcome to Bruce Buckley's first Press Conference in my career. I am here to announce my intentions on attempting to get the coveted Offensive Lineman of the Year and Offensive Performance of the Year for my Week 13 domination of the Yellowknife defensive line. I will now take questions.

(07-21-2020, 05:06 PM)tMuse Wrote:1.Frost said Saarland sounds weird - do you also think so? And why/why not?

If i had to be completely honest with you, I had not idea at all what you were talking about. With my first impressions, i wouldn't say it sounds weird, it's just foreign. After completing my research about Saarland, it looks like a gorgeous historical village full of amazing trees. To conclude, Saarland looks amazing and doesn't sound that weird at all. Frost is probably being like the typical American who doesn't realise there is an entire planet outside the United States.

(07-21-2020, 05:06 PM)tMuse Wrote:2.What is your favorite drink?

As an Australian, there is only one obvious answer to this question. Beer. Almost any beer whatsoever. As long as it isn't American stuff, that tastes like piss and doesn't even deserve the name Alcohol. The shipping may be expensive but bringing over some quality Australian Lager from down under. I have had to protect it from the rest of my teammates since they have developed a taste for my quality Australian piss. I do let Heath Evans have one after each victory since he misses the good stuff just as much as I do.

(07-21-2020, 05:06 PM)tMuse Wrote:3.What are your thoughts about the UNO League?

I just joined the UNO league so i am eager to attempt to prove my worth. Have had a couple of practice games which didn't exactly go the way I've planned. Been picked up into a team with a couple of great people like Tylus, Darkness and Frost and am excited to see how the team performs throughout the season. Then i get to experiance the UNO draft. The draft however, doesn't concern me since I have gone through 2 of them in the ISFL and the DSFL. I will get picked and just ploy my craft wherever I go, the exact same way it would work for Bruce Buckley in the ISFL.

(07-21-2020, 05:06 PM)tMuse Wrote:4.Have you seen Frosts sim of Teslas redraft? If so, why is it better than the ISFL?

The Tesla redraft was a fantastic article that is full of in-depth analysis and fantastic strategy throughout by the theoretical general managers. This fantastic idea was then turned into a practical simulation of this on paper draft and league. The fantastic logo illustrations designed by Frost provide an enticing and fun based element to the league. The logos are better then then the ISFL for sure and the lack of General Manager and team based conflict provides a more enticing atmosphere for a player. However, the stats I got in the simulation were really poor so Frost league trash.

(07-21-2020, 05:06 PM)tMuse Wrote:5.Why is the Myrtle Beach Buccaneers Locker Room one of the best?

It's the people. Great people lead to a great atmosphere and Myrtle Beach is one of the best. No matter what people may say or claim, there is no denying that MB is a great place for people to hang out. One primary reason for this is the wide variety of people that pop in to say hello here and there. This includes current players, future players, alumni, general managers from around the leagues as well as league representatives. All of these people come into the locker room or come back because of the reputation it has. This is also visible with the new rookies players coming into the locker room to get used to the environment with several of them expressing their interest in remaining around the locker room.

(07-21-2020, 05:06 PM)tMuse Wrote:6.If I would audit your player, would I find any TPE errors and if so, how much TPE do you gain/lose?

I'm perfect mate, no problems here whatsoever. But if you do end up auditing me, just gimme a little extra. Also if there is a problem with the update page, I blame Frost. It's his job to update me and he buggered it up, not me.

(07-21-2020, 05:07 PM)Jguy Wrote:As an aspiring OL myself, what are the top 3 ways you are approaching this goal to ensure your success?

Great questions mate and welcome to the league, I look forward to training with you in the future and who knows, we may be teammates down the line at some point.

My first piece of advice is to get as strong as possible. In this game, the strongest lineman are the best lineman. Getting as strong as possible as quickly as possible should be your absolute priority.

My second piece of advice is to get used to pancakes. Pancakes are the greatest thing known to an offensive lineman. They are more precious then your money, they may even be better then your TPE. Learn to embrace the Pancake gods, they giveth and they take away. That's why I'm here, to show people that my love of Pancakse and their pancakes love for me is why I should win Offensive Lineman of the Year. Pancakes love me and you need to love them to succeed.

Finally, You just need to believe in yourself and your environment. I completely trust my teamamtes and my training so i can perform on the field. Utilise your time in the DSFL to become as good as possible so that when you get to the big stage, you can perform as well as I am this season.

I want to welcome you to the league and especially welcome you to the fair rub club!

(07-21-2020, 05:10 PM)jdourtled Wrote:1. Why is the Simon Army gonna take over the world?

The Simon Army is going to be unstoppable, it is able to adapt into any form which may be appropriate for the situation that is occuring. The Simon Army is spreading out of the original realms of containment and is contaminating other locker rooms throughout the ISFL. At the moment it is harmless, but all it takes is one moment for things to change compeltely and the world is in danger.

(07-21-2020, 05:10 PM)jdourtled Wrote:2. Since OLine is all about pancakes, what's your favorite pancake

For me personally, you can't go past some plain old basic pancakes with some ice cream and maples syrup. Get a big stack of em on your plate, add a massive amount of syrup and some ice cream to melt and you got yourself a good time. My opinion regarding pancakes is you gotta keep the plain batter and add the flavour on the outside. Chocolate pancakes? Get outtta here. Plain pancakes with chocolate syrup? Gimme.

(07-21-2020, 05:10 PM)jdourtled Wrote:3. What's your least favorite type of sack, since you're so against them

I don't think about sacks too often because they aren't visible in my day to day life whether it be on the field in games and practice or off of it. To be honest to you, besides the couple of beauties visible below the belt, I can't think of any good sacks. Wait, actally gimme goon sacks all day long!

(07-21-2020, 05:10 PM)jdourtled Wrote:4. Who is the hardest person to block and why is it Brendan Lanier of the San Jose Sabercats

I know that's you asking the question but I aint gonna brown my nose up your arse. There is nobody that is hard to block, that is why nobody got through me this year. Everyone who attempted to get through either failed or ended up on their arse. This is why i am the greatest offensive lineman in the International Simualtion Football League even though it is only my 2nd year in the league and 3rd year playing professional football. Nobody got past me and the majority of them fell on the floor trying.

(07-21-2020, 05:10 PM)jdourtled Wrote:5. If you had to pick 3 of your fellow lineman to be stuck on a deserted island with, who would they be and why

That is a great question and It is absolutely a really tough decision to make.

Firstly, I would have to go with Givussafare Rubbe, he was my inspiration to become an Offensive lineman when I first discovered the league and now that I am here, i have to go with him. He would absolutely bring that experience and know how to help survive the island and eventually get us off of it to safety.

Secondly, it will have to be Simon Tremblay, Simon and I go way back to our time spent on the Ultimini winning Myrtle Beach Buccaneers. We spent every practice and game next to each other on the offensive providing the opportunity for Ramos to throw and run the Buccaneers to their first Ultimini title. Tremblay at Left Tackle and myself at Left Guard became a force and he really helped me become the Offensive Lineman I am. He would be the spiritual leader on the island and make sure we work together as a force to ensure we make our way through life on the island.

Thirdly, I'm gonna cheat and not pick an Offensive Lineman here. It has to be Heath Evans, my tight end teammate from the Myrtle Beach Buccaneers and the Arizona Outlaws. While he may not be a full-on Fair Rub Brother, he has certainly earned the right to be on the island with his hard blocking performances over the last few seasons. Evans and I are countryman and are often deep in conversation about our homeland and what we miss. We work together extremely well and our joking nature will make sure the island is light hearted and ensures work gets done.

(07-21-2020, 05:15 PM)Thor Wrote:How is it playing next to Heath every practice and game since you joined the league?

While there may be problems at times, that happens with all friendships. At Myrtle Beach we were acquaintances and started to develop our friendship. Then we were both drafted to Arizona and stuck close to one another as we faced our rookie season in the International Simualtion Football League. During this time, we became really close and helped one another develop our skills further. I taught him blocking skills while he taught me about catching a football and extra skills in the gym. After practice we would catch up on some footy and local Australian things. It has been great being next to Heath and I really hope my entire career will be in the same position.

(07-21-2020, 05:15 PM)Thor Wrote:How do I win awards like you? I seem to only be able to get nominations

Just keep training my friend. Once you are at the top of your game, you will get the nominations and the awards. There are Hall of Fame calibre players blocking your path which you just need to wait out. Your time will come, I believe in you. Eventually you will get and eventually start getting awards on your shelf. Also I may need to borrow your shelf, mine is getting pretty full.

(07-21-2020, 05:15 PM)Thor Wrote:What's the best part about the Arizona Locker Room after a big win?

It's great just to be a part of a winning culture and atmosphere which is starting to develop even more as our championship window is beginning to creep open. Everyone is on their high and we know our team is on the road to the Ultimus.

(07-21-2020, 05:15 PM)Thor Wrote:What's the worst part of training the next day after a loss?

It doesn't faze me. I didn't do anything wrong on the playing field so the coaching staff normally just give me the day off while the people that actually lost us the game like Heath Evans and Jay Cue are out there suffering through their punishments. This is why I'm an award winner while you sit at the back of the awards ceremony barely clinging to nominations.

(07-21-2020, 05:15 PM)Thor Wrote:How many pancakes did you eat to prepare for this moment?

So many Pancakes that they ran out of mix in Costco. Except for those flavoured ones. Pancakes should be plain with toppings bringing in the flavour. You don't put the Blueberry's in the pancakes, you put a Blueberry compote on the top. Pancakes provide me the strength on the field to block defensive ends to give me more pancakes.

(07-21-2020, 05:16 PM)dahayn Wrote:1.  Pancakes, French toast, or waffles and why is it French toast?

Nah mate, you have got it all wrong, I think. I have never tried French Toast as it isn't really that popular back in Australia. Waffles on the other hand may be a competitor to the pancakes but you Americans bugger that up as well. Who decided it was a good idea to put fried chicken with waffles? There is no way in hell that works. Pancakes and Waffles are desert foods, and should be lathered in fruit, syrup and ice cream, not chicken. The other options have been ruined by Americans so pancakes are the obvious option, case closed.

(07-21-2020, 05:16 PM)dahayn Wrote:2.  Favorite flavor of ice cream?

There was one flavour i had once that has reset my expectation for Ice Cream. It was Pancake flavour. Tasting the pancakes and maple syrup through the frozen goodness was an experience i wish i could repeat time and time again. The only issue is that i have never been able to find it again since that one glorious day. This is why I am looking forward to my next contract, I will use the funds to create a pancake flavoured ice cream company. It is my dream

(07-21-2020, 05:16 PM)dahayn Wrote:3.  If you were a bird, why would you always fly over frost's car and drop a deuce?

I mean, who wouldn't want to just constantly shit on Frost?

(07-21-2020, 05:16 PM)dahayn Wrote:4.  Worst player to block for is _______

This question would have been hard to answer but recent events have changed that. The answer is pretty simple, Baby Yoda. As much as I love Baby Yoda and his fantastic antics, he recently departed the team making this an easy decision for me. He was the only running back I blocked for the last two years making it a pretty simple decision to answer your question. No offence, BY!

(07-21-2020, 05:16 PM)dahayn Wrote:5.  What's your first pet's name, mom's maiden name, birthday, and street name where you grew up?

Yeah, nah. Also one important thing, it is spelt 'mum'. Not with a 'O' like you weird Americans spell it.

(07-21-2020, 05:28 PM)Tesla Wrote:Hello and good time appropriate greeting to you! Happy to provide some questions.

1. Forty-Two has three more pancakes than Buckley, but allowed one more sack. The next highest offensive line player in terms of pancakes to not allow a sack is Rubbe with nine fewer pancakes than Buckley. Do you honestly think a case can be made for either of them winning the award over Buckley?

Thank you Tesla for your questions. Both of those other Offensive Lineman are legendary figures and it is a complete honour to be even considered along side them. However, to be overly critical, my statistics are easily better then either player and the voting commitee should not think about the player when they are casting their votes. As much as i respect Lazlo and Rubbe, you have to ignore their history and that they may be retiring and present the award to the best candidate, me.

(07-21-2020, 05:28 PM)Tesla Wrote:Hello and good time appropriate greeting to you! Happy to provide some questions.

1. Forty-Two has three more pancakes than Buckley, but allowed one more sack. The next highest offensive line player in terms of pancakes to not allow a sack is Rubbe with nine fewer pancakes than Buckley. Do you honestly think a case can be made for either of them winning the award over Buckley?

2. Just want to point out it was week eleven where Bruce Buckley had 13 pancakes against the Yellowknife Wraiths and also allowed 0 sacks against a front that has 43 sacks on the year. Would you be disappointed if you only get the nomination here, or do you think that would be enough to make you happy?

While you are correct on the week eleven front, the Yellowknife Wraiths actually ended up with 51 sacks on the season which was the 3rd most in the league, only 5 behind the league leading Colorado Yeti and Orange County Otters. The Yellowknife Wraiths also ended up winning the Ultimus this year and I was resonsible for completely shutting them down. It was completely game-breaking and led to the 8-8 Arizona Outlaws blowing out the Ultimus winning Yellowknife Wraiths. If that wasn't a dominating enough performance to be given a chance for Offensive Performance of the Year, then an Offensive Lineman will never win the award. I'm expecting the nomination and hopeful for winning the award.

(07-21-2020, 05:28 PM)Tesla Wrote:3. Bruce Buckley holds the record for the bench press having broken it by one repetition in a year where two other players would have tied the record. One of those players being defensive line player Magnus Rikiya. How do you respond to the media statements that suggest Magnus Rikiya views Bruce Buckley as his greatest rival across the line of scrimmage?

The Bench press was a really great moment in my career and some may consider it as the first award I won in my career, being the only record owning player that wasn't from the original group of players in the inaugural season of the International Simulation Football League which was then known as the National Simulation Football League. Rikiya is obviously going to be one of main rivals going froward as they were the 2nd overall pick in my draft class while i languished down in 39th. As you mentioned there was the competition at the scouting combine as well. We may as well be linked together off the field and having to match up against each other on it, may make us the greatest rivals.

(07-21-2020, 05:28 PM)Tesla Wrote:4. Thoughts on a sack full of pancakes?

Carrying pancakes in a sack is an extremely unhygienic way of carrying them. You are ruining the delicious pancakes inside the sack by tarnishing them. Absolutely DISGUSTANG.

(07-21-2020, 05:28 PM)Tesla Wrote:5. Any possibility of a sequel to the 'Who might be a serial killer?' article?

Thank you for your time. I hope that these questions find you well and that you enjoy the off season!

There are not any plans but my eyes are always open and judging the people in the league and whether or not the league is in danger. I will be ready to write an article whenever my research comes through.

Thank you for your time and i hope you and your client enjoy the off-season as much as I will.

(07-21-2020, 10:06 PM)ScorpXCracker Wrote:why do you think you have a better shot at oloty over me when im clearly the favorite

I think you have the sacks and pancakes column mixed up mate. You were an absolute scrub on the line this year and were probably responsible for the regression NOLA went through this season. You may notice that I'm better then you even though you have been in the league longer then me. I'm ready to win awards while you let your Quarterback get sacked almost every single game, you should retire you scrub.

(07-21-2020, 10:24 PM)BRNXB0MBERS Wrote:How difficult was the transition from rugby to football?

It was a really difficult period of change for me. The main difficulty was changing my body to the requirements for American Football. The main thing to change was adapting my stamina. I had to go from playing a game which required me to be moving around constantly for a decent period of time to one that requires explosiveness for a short period of time. The differences required invovles a lot of work which definitely came through more prominantly this season which is illustrated in the statistics i have racked up this season.

(07-22-2020, 01:40 AM)CalvinGolladay Wrote:1.) How much of your success do you attribute to having another elite OT on the other side of the line?

It absolutely helps having a great offensive lineman on the other end of the line as we bookend a positional group that assists in generating a pile of offence for our team. While the statistics are favouring me, there is absolutely a chance it could be you in this position next season and i will support you if that is the case. I know you have the ability to do so!

(07-22-2020, 01:40 AM)CalvinGolladay Wrote:2.) Why do you steal all my pancakes

Sorry Bro, Big DOG GOTTA EAT.

(07-22-2020, 01:40 AM)CalvinGolladay Wrote:3.) Why do you not steal all my sacks allowed

You let em through, you face the consequences. Maybe you should pay more attention to me in thraining

(07-22-2020, 01:40 AM)CalvinGolladay Wrote:4.) What are your thoughts on potentially moving to the IOL to make room for Julio Jones?

I will do what's best for the team. It may not be my preference but if it what needs to be done, I will do it.

*Announcing Bruce Buckley's Award Campaign - tMuse - 07-21-2020

1.Frost said Saarland sounds weird - do you also think so? And why/why not?

2.What is your favorite drink?

3.What are your thoughts about the UNO League?

4.Have you seen Frosts sim of Teslas redraft? If so, why is it better than the ISFL?

5.Why is the Myrtle Beach Buccaneers Locker Room one of the best?

6.If I would audit your player, would I find any TPE errors and if so, how much TPE do you gain/lose?

*Announcing Bruce Buckley's Award Campaign - Jguy - 07-21-2020

As an aspiring OL myself, what are the top 3 ways you are approaching this goal to ensure your success?

*Announcing Bruce Buckley's Award Campaign - jdourtled - 07-21-2020

1. Why is the Simon Army gonna take over the world?

2. Since OLine is all about pancakes, what's your favorite pancake

3. What's your least favorite type of sack, since you're so against them

4. Who is the hardest person to block and why is it Brendan Lanier of the San Jose Sabercats

5. If you had to pick 3 of your fellow lineman to be stuck on a deserted island with, who would they be and why

*Announcing Bruce Buckley's Award Campaign - Thor - 07-21-2020

How is it playing next to Heath every practice and game since you joined the league?

How do I win awards like you? I seem to only be able to get nominations

What's the best part about the Arizona Locker Room after a big win?

What's the worst part of training the next day after a loss?

How many pancakes did you eat to prepare for this moment?

*Announcing Bruce Buckley's Award Campaign - dahayn - 07-21-2020

1. Pancakes, French toast, or waffles and why is it French toast?

2. Favorite flavor of ice cream?

3. If you were a bird, why would you always fly over frost's car and drop a deuce?

4. Worst player to block for is _______

5. What's your first pet's name, mom's maiden name, birthday, and street name where you grew up?

*Announcing Bruce Buckley's Award Campaign - Tesla - 07-21-2020

Hello and good time appropriate greeting to you! Happy to provide some questions.

1. Forty-Two has three more pancakes than Buckley, but allowed one more sack. The next highest offensive line player in terms of pancakes to not allow a sack is Rubbe with nine fewer pancakes than Buckley. Do you honestly think a case can be made for either of them winning the award over Buckley?

2. Just want to point out it was week eleven where Bruce Buckley had 13 pancakes against the Yellowknife Wraiths and also allowed 0 sacks against a front that has 43 sacks on the year. Would you be disappointed if you only get the nomination here, or do you think that would be enough to make you happy?

3. Bruce Buckley holds the record for the bench press having broken it by one repetition in a year where two other players would have tied the record. One of those players being defensive line player Magnus Rikiya. How do you respond to the media statements that suggest Magnus Rikiya views Bruce Buckley as his greatest rival across the line of scrimmage?

4. Thoughts on a sack full of pancakes?

5. Any possibility of a sequel to the 'Who might be a serial killer?' article?

Thank you for your time. I hope that these questions find you well and that you enjoy the off season!

*Announcing Bruce Buckley's Award Campaign - ScorpXCracker - 07-21-2020

why do you think you have a better shot at oloty over me when im clearly the favorite

*Announcing Bruce Buckley's Award Campaign - BRNXB0MBERS - 07-21-2020

How difficult was the transition from rugby to football?

*Announcing Bruce Buckley's Award Campaign - CalvinGolladay - 07-21-2020

1.) How much of your success do you attribute to having another elite OT on the other side of the line?

2.) Why do you steal all my pancakes

3.) Why do you not steal all my sacks allowed

4.) What are your thoughts on potentially moving to the IOL to make room for Julio Jones?