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*Ztarwarz Rates All Draft Prospects Part 1 - Printable Version

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*Ztarwarz Rates All Draft Prospects Part 1 - ztarwarz - 07-27-2020

See title and description.

Anyways, because Zayn's big ranking incensed me, only partly because it had me as the second worst TE prospect, I decided to do a more serious breakdown of every single prospect.

Note, these are entirely ranked off of the first 50 TPE stat distribution, updates after that will not be considered.

The way this will work is by the most important stats that matter to each prospect pool. These are the ones considered High in importance by the Timeconsumer post from 2018. This is definitely not an objective ranking, but the goal isn't to be objective, it's to get a lot of money off of trying to be objective.

Also, note: I have no sim experience, and am going almost entirely off of what the most important stats are supposed to be for the position. If this ends up making me look foolish in the future, well, then, joke's on you, I made millions in fake currency off of this! Also, I will call out harshly what I think are bad decisions. And I may be wrong, note the no sim experience.

QB Prospects

As there are only 6 Qb prospects, this would be much easier if they weren't one of the few positions that doesn't rely on speed, so I can't immediately point out people who didn't put a bunch of points into speed and dock them based on that.

Trent Blackburn (69 arm, 70 int, 74 acc) As noticeably the most accurate passer of the class, Blackburn more than makes up for the one point lower in arm strength compared to all but one of the class.
Bill Brasky (70 arm, 71 int, 70 acc) You squeezed out one more point compared to the two guys with 70s in the 3 important stats, welcome to the second spot.
Matt Peterson (70 arm, 65 int, 70 acc) OK, this guy has worse stats than almost anyone else in the class in terms of the 3 most important ones, but since he's a mobile QB, his 65 speed is very important. In my mind, he's only 5 points off the two candidates below him while also having a very nice speed stat and a good agility stat. For all I know, he belongs at the top, but I think it's OK having him in third.
Jacky Daytona (70 arm, 70 int, 70 acc) Both of these next two have the exact same points in the 3 most important stats, but in secondary stats, Daytona currently has a 5 point agility advantage and a 10 point speed advantage, while Rico has 10 more endurance. That's the split here.
Uncle Rico (70 arm, 70 int, 70 acc) This kind of thing is almost interchangeable, and might have been swapped by someone with more sim experience.
Owen Holloway (55 arm, 65 int, 65 acc) OK, Holloway, if you were going to boost your speed up to 72, why didn't you go for a mobile quarterback? Was it the extra 5 point cap to accuracy and intelligence? The actual mobile quarterback isn't that far off from everyone else in these stats, though they are only 65 speed to your 72. Maybe the plan is to, long term, be a speed demon who is also at a higher max than one would be with a Mobile QB, but as is, there appears to be a clear worst prospect to me. Then again, QBs will probably have a lot of time to build up the 3 important stats before they're supposed to produce.

Post writeup edit: OK, I have been informed that 79 speed breaks the game with game manager qbs. Therefore I can clearly see what Owen Holloway is trying to do. All I can say is, for your sake, hope that doesn't get patched. With that in mind, Holloway might actually be the top prospect here.

RB Prospects

For Running Back, it apparently goes Speed, Endurance, Strength, Hands. Maybe strength and hands are the other way around, not sure. Either way, that doesn't end up mattering for the ranking.

King Tutankhamun (82 spd, 70 end)
Well, you have 2 more speed. It wouldn't surprise me if you were the fastest guy in the class. There probably won't be that big of a difference between these 4.
Jameson Vermillion (80 spd, 70 end) He put his hands up to 50 and strength up to 45 with the points that weren't used on speed.
Frankie Lantz (80 spd, 70 end) You know, agility sounds like it would be an important stat for a running back. According to the attribute chart, however, agility is low on importance for Running Backs apparently, so boosting agility to 65 wasn't really worth it. However, you did boost your strength to 45 which the last prospect did not do.
Terry Yaki (80 spd, 70 end) Yaki did not boost strength or hands at all, opting to boost intelligence and agility. Honestly, there's not that much of a difference between these 4, there are no massive stat gaps anywhere, it'll just take a few weeks of training and some equipment buying to boost anyone of these prospects up to the stats of the other ones.

WR Prospects

Once more into the breach, dear friends. My goodness, this is going to be tough. 14 prospects, probably of varying builds, here we go. Speed, Hands, Endurance.

TJ Evans (76 spd, 70 hnd, 65 end) This guy and second are interchangeable in my eyes, as this guy has 5 more speed and 5 less hands in a tier where they both cost the same. I just went with "speed is probably a bit more important than hands" to decide between the two, and that both doesn't really matter, and might not even be correct.
Lebby Newton (71 spd, 75 hnd, 65 end) The other half of the previous entry.
Killian Chambers (70 spd, 71 hnd, 70 end) Gets above the 3 receiver logjam with 70 in the 3 important stats by having one extra point of hands.
Scott Mastro (70 spd, 70 hnd, 70 end) Time to head to the secondary stats! The secondary stats for Wide Receiver are Strength, Agility, and Intelligence. Mastro has a paltry 30 strength, but a decent 50 intelligence and a massive 70 agility. Crayne Whebet has a paltry 30 strength, but a decent 50 intelligence and a massive 70 agility. Mastro has a paltry 30 strength, but a decent 50 intelligence and a massive 70 agility. Crayne Whebet has a paltry 30 strength, but a decent 50 intelligence and a massive 70 agility. You may notice I repeated the text there. That is because they have the exact same build. The only way I can put one above the other is because they are NAMED differently. I like Mastro's name more than Whebet's, so he gets the nod here.
Crayne Whebet (70 spd, 70 hnd, 70 end) This guy and the guy directly above him are interchangeable in my eyes. Only I mean that less in that they're both good they just offer slightly different things, I mean that in the sense that if I were a graphics guy, I'd be using the "They're the same picture" meme right now.
Mark Callous (70 spd, 70 hnd, 70 end) I hate to put someone who is unique lower than 2 people with the same statline all the way down, but I think 10 TPE in Agility to go up to 70 is probably worth more than putting the strength up to 40. I could totally be wrong, but that's my thinking.
Zach Crossley (72 spd, 72 hnd, 60 end) Maybe my newness to the league is punishing a class that is actually the best choice for the DSFL or ISFL, but the speedster Wide Receiver build in boosting speed up to barely reasonable degrees ended up punishing it in my eyes because both of the other important stats suffered badly in comparison. Crossley ends up the highest of the speedsters because he got his hands up to 72, making him the only speedster with only one stat below 70.
Mark Walker (76 spd, 65 hnd, 60 end) By not going ham on speed, he got hands to 65, and thus is higher than the next pair.
Adam C. Spencer (78 spd, 60 hnd, 60 end) And we have another match. Can anyone guess what these guys' strength, intelligence, and agility are, in that order?
Willy Weasel (78 spd, 60 hnd, 60 end) Go on, guess. You know, I thought this would be a little harder to judge, but it turns out the hardest part of this entire exercise is going to be keeping myself from imitating Picard whenever two people make the exact same prospect out of the first 50 TPE.
Alexander Johnson (80 spd, 55 hnd, 60 end) On one hand, Johnson is the fastest wide receiver in the class. On the other hand, he doesn't have a second hand to make that comparison work with.
Noah Akerele (70 spd, 65 hnd, 70 end) Having no standout stat and one decently below 70 stat has me put him below the speedsters with only excellent speed.
Brandon Kirwin (70 spd, 70 hnd, 60 end) Having no standout stat and a stat at 60 makes this an easy put below Akerele who had a low of 65.
Dakota Grossman (60 spd, 71 hnd, 65 end) Okay, unless there is also a cheat the Red Zone Threat Wide Receiver has that makes his speed better, then I think this is the worst out of this group. Grossman's hands are nice, but there's multiple better prospects in terms of hands, and that speed makes me think he puts the wide in wide receiver. If this was r/nfl, I'd make a Kelvin Benjamin joke and get loads of karma for it.

Please let there not be 2 of the exact same prospect for a while, and if there are, and a second pair happens, can they not have the exact same secondary stats?

TE Prospects

Hey! It's the reason I made this in the first place! And I'm ranking myself! Time to put myself first without any logical reason to do so because I have a lot of bias!

Most important things are strength, speed, and hands. But I have it on authority speed is definitely the one that matters most out of these three.

Dan Foster (58 str, 63 spd, 61 hnd) Yeah, no, I'm not rating myself number one for no good reason. There are 3 guys faster than Foster, but they either aren't by much, or have a massive gap in strength to deal with instead.
Cmon Skiiiiup (55 str, 65 spd, 60 hnd) I was talking about the top 3 Tight End prospects for a while, and then Idiot Sports Commentator's Catchphrase decided to recreate while I was typing up a fake interview with my player a couple days ago. That said, he clearly knows what he's doing in terms of the most important stats to boost. A good mix of speed, strength, and hands, could be first but I think the 1 hand advantage and 3 strength advantage makes up for the 2 speed gap when we just look at primary stats.
Darren Pama (52 str, 65 spd, 60 hnd) Hey, it's my player! I don't think I'm pumping myself up too much when I call myself the third best prospect. I could have put myself 4th, but no lower. I don't have as much strength as Idiot Sports Commentator's Catchphrase, but I do have the same great mix of speed and hands that separates me from most of this class.
Stephon Trummer (45 str, 70 spd, 65 hnd) Trummer is definitely the best Wide Receiver of the Tight End prospect pool. Trummer might deserve to go higher, I'm not sure. But 70 isn't actually all that much speed and 45 is very poor strength for a Tight End. It's definitely able to get Trummer above the rest of the pack.
Cleg Manclaw (55 str, 50 spd, 57 hnd) This is a problem to rank. Cleg is a blocking Tight End, and thus has blocking stats that blow everyone else in this pool to some extent out of the water. The only question is how much is each player blown out of the water, and whether that makes up for the obvious deficiency in catching to all, strength to some, and speed to all by a lot. I'm just going to say Cleg is the best Blocking Tight End prospect and leave it at that, and is the worst Catching Tight End prospect. Overall, I think they end up here. But I could be totally off.
Flap n Chick (57 str, 60 spd, 60 hnd) I'm gonna be honest, I feel like at most 5 people read the thing about which stats to boost if they were a Tight End, at least for the starting 50 TPE. Flap n Chick gets the top spot of this group by having a strength and speed stat above 55. The only other prospect of this pool who can claim that took the top spot. However, Foster was better in every single primary stat.
Djibutee McJimmerson (50 str, 60 spd, 65 hnd) Flap n Chick beats this guy out, whose name I am proud I spelled correctly on the first try and will not try to do so again, by virtue of 7 points in speed versus a 5 point deficit in hands.
Colt Reinhorn (50 str, 60 spd, 60 hnd) Just a downgrade from the previous prospect in terms of the primary stats.
Gabr Spladle (50 str, 55 spd, 70 hnd) I was informed I wanted to be at 75 speed by the time that the season started when I asked for build help. From 55 spd, this will require 65 TPE just for the speed stat alone.
Jake Woodhead (55 str, 55 spd, 65 hnd) Could be interchanged with Spladle, but either way, get started working on that 65 TPE.
Julian Joseph (55 str, 55 spd, 63 hnd) On one hand, Joseph is pretty decent at both run and pass blocking. On the other hand, this is a combined 173 points dedicated to the 3 primary stats, with only 55 in speed.

I think I'll stop after the O Line prospects, because I do not want to take forever with this. The second installment will come in a couple days.

OL Prospects
One of three positions that, at the time of writing, has 15 prospects for the draft, this will be the last time until I rank the punters that Speed is not an important thing for the class, and this time I don't think there's a 79 speed cheat that makes a game manager into Russel Wilson Greased Up Guy, so this might be simple. Though that could lead to a situation where there are a few guys who are interchangeable in all but name again...Important stats are Strength, Pass Blocking, and Run Blocking.

Macho Weber (77 str, 70 pbl, 70 rbl) So, a lot of these prospects are very close together. So close, in fact, that we start out with two pairs who have the exact same main stat line! For these two, they turn out to have the exact same stat line all the way through! So, eenie meanie, Weber has a better name in my opinion.
Hugh McGree (77 str, 70 pbl, 70 rbl) Sorry that I think your name is worse, for what it's worth I like both of your names.
Hank Antilles (75 str, 70 pbl, 70 rbl) I really hope these guys don't have the exact same stat line for what it's worth. And HALLELUJAH THEY DON'T! In my opinion, Hank's 50 speed, a 5 point gap, outweighs Joe Show's 65 Endurance with only a 3 point gap.
Joe Show (75 str, 70 pbl, 70 rbl) Thank you so much for not having the exact same distribution.
Swantavious Jones (70 str, 75 pbl, 70 rbl) Swantavious has the same stat total, which gets him above Archstone, but my guess is that Strength is a bit better than Pass Blocking, so the 5 points in strength are better used.
Felix Archstone (74 str, 70 pbl, 70 rbl) Basically slightly worse Antilles and Show, not much to say here.
Sterling Moss (75 str, 70 pbl, 68 rbl) These next seven were really hard to rank, I just knew I needed to have Moss above Ross and Stalworth and Adyan above Mellott. I settled on this, where Moss's well rounded nature out of these 5 puts him at the top.
Ananda Adyan (76 str, 75 pbl, 60 rbl) Meanwhile, Adyan's excellence in Strength and Pass Blocking gets him over the slightly less well rounded Roth and Stalworth, as well as the perfectly well rounded Quelson, while being just a straight upgrade from Mellott.
Ninton Quelson (72 str, 70 pbl, 70 rbl) I assume all similarities to people living or dead are unintentional? Well, in the ISFL it's probably fully intentional. Quelson's 10 points in Run Blocking lose out to the 4 strength and 5 pass blocking advantage of Adyan, but he is almost a straight upgrade over the others.
Chuck Roth (72 str, 68 pbl, 68 rbl) These three were really hard, but I think the 3 extra points in each type of blocking puts Roth above Stalworth's 1 point of strength, and the 8 extra points in run blocking makes Roth more well rounded than Adam Mellott's focus on strong pass blocking.
Adam Mellott (75 str, 75 pbl, 60 rbl) Adam Mellott is a stronger mirror image than marlon Alexander, the 3 extra points in strength make the difference. As for Stalworth, only 5 extra run blocking is nowhere near enough to put him over.
Marlon Alexander (72 str, 60 pbl, 75 rbl) As the mirror image of Mellot, similar feelings apply. 1 point in strength, 5 in pass blocking, compared to 10 in run blocking.
Clay Stalworth (73 str, 65 pbl, 65 rbl) Stalworth ends up at the bottom of this group due to being only above average in strength, and even there not by much.
Connor Quigley (72 str, 56 pbl, 75 rbl) I had to put these two at the bottom, they were the only ones with anything in the 50s. Maybe if Quigley's strength was closer to Adyan, Weber, or McGree, I would put him over Alexander, Stalworth, and Mellott, but as is he ends up being a weaker, worse pass blocking version of them.
Smitty McGhee (70 str, 50 pbl, 80 rbl) Smitty McGhee went all in on the Run Blocking. It might work in the apparently really run heavy DSFL, but that doesn't change the fact that McGhee has 200 points total from these 3 categories while many people have over 210 points, and that McGhee's 50 pass blocking is easily the worst single important stat here. I don't really care if McGhee's the best Run Blocker if he's the weakest and worst at pass blocking of the class, excellence at one thing isn't enough to get him higher.

The next installment, which will cover all the defensive prospects (and if you really want it, the punting and kicking prospects) will come over the next couple of days. In the meanwhile, I reiterate that I am not a veteran of the sim, not using anyone’s TPE gained after the first 50, and that even with those constraints this is not an objective measurement of people’s skill or proper draft position relative to their peers. With that said, pay me.

(3273 words)

*Ztarwarz Rates All Draft Prospects Part 1 - charlit - 07-27-2020

(07-28-2020, 03:38 AM)ztarwarz Wrote:Killian Chambers (70 spd, 71 hnd, 70 end) Gets above the 3 receiver logjam with 70 in the 3 important stats by having one extra point of hands.
I knew that extra point in hands would come in handy.

*Ztarwarz Rates All Draft Prospects Part 1 - Air Crou - 07-29-2020

Quote:Cmon Skiiiiup (55 str, 65 spd, 60 hnd) I was talking about the top 3 Tight End prospects for a while, and then Idiot Sports Commentator's Catchphrase decided to recreate while I was typing up a fake interview with my player a couple days ago. That said, he clearly knows what he's doing in terms of the most important stats to boost. A good mix of speed, strength, and hands, could be first but I think the 1 hand advantage and 3 strength advantage makes up for the 2 speed gap when we just look at primary stats.

Where is your respect for Unc Shay Sharpe??? laughs

*Ztarwarz Rates All Draft Prospects Part 1 - Frick_Nasty - 08-01-2020

You forgot another TE Wink

*Ztarwarz Rates All Draft Prospects Part 1 - ztarwarz - 08-01-2020

This doesn't include Waiver Wire guys, Frick. If it did, it would be pretty lopsided. Also I wouldn't know who was a waiver guy and who wasn't, I got these from the Prospect page.