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*Suleiman Ramza MVP Presser - Blasoon - 07-29-2020

Please, ask away.

(07-29-2020, 11:34 AM)CLG Rampage Wrote:copycat
I can't help it. It's a great idea, fellow MVP.

(07-29-2020, 11:57 AM)Peterson Wrote:Have you considered creating a space time continuum as to play an alternate version of yourself?
See, I have thought about it. But to be honest, everything has been going so well right now, and going far better than I could have pictures, so I think I'm going to have to say no thanks, this version of reality is pretty great, thanks.

(07-29-2020, 12:07 PM)SchwarzNarr Wrote:What were your initial reactions upon hearing that you won?

What events leading the Seawolves led you to think moment?

What is your favorite way to celebrate after something like this? Have you ever been concerned that the celebration may go wrong like your former teammate, Guava-Fresca?

1) I think I was really in a state of shock. Of course, this season was great, and winning the Ultimini was more than I could have ever asked for, but y'know, I just get into my head sometimes about this stuff, and I was thinking about all the reasons why it would go to someone else and preparing myself for that. So it kind of blindsided me, but in a real great way. I was with loved ones when I heard about it, and I got to just celebrate and take it all in. It was truly a great moment.

2) I think right after we pulled off that four week win streak to take back the first seed in the league. I know that's late, but it just gave me some time to reflect and think back and enjoy how far I had progressed this season, and in the breaks between planning for the playoffs, just really take the time to feel confident about my season. Of course, having a great supporting cast who all won their fair share of trophies helped a lot, but at the end of the season, seeing a thirteen to three touchdown to interception ratio, man that just felt incredible.

3) Before I answer this I would like to take some time to remember Guava-Fresca and her incredible efforts in her young career that was unfortunately shortened far too soon. Also, I'm just really scared of the new Moose that's been inhabiting the locker room. I don't want to die too. And as far as celebration goes, I think I have a two step process, that's just a bit psychotic. First, I love to make sure that my celebration includes as many people as possible. This is a team sport after all, and I definitely would not be here in this position without the great team around me. That being said, after big moments like these, I like to just go into a room by myself and not really focus on anything but what's next for me. I don't like to savour these achievements, because there's always more that I can do, whether that be as a player, as a team leader, or really as a member of this league and the community it outreaches to.

(07-29-2020, 01:13 PM)Memento Mori Wrote:On a scale of 1 to Brock Phoenix every time he drops back to pass and four 300lb defensive linemen ease past his offensive line, how scared should Franklin Armstrong be about potentially losing his starting quarterback role to the DSFL MVP? Do you anticipate a QB controversy in training camp?

Haha, oh man, I'm gonna miss having the headset on and hearing Yeeter's expletive filled tirades after a Phoenix sack. But I don't think that there'll be a QB controversy any time soon. Although, this feels like as good a place as any to announce that this will likely be my final season in the Developmental Simulation Football League. It's been a great time, but I'm looking forward to taking the reigns, and Armstrong has been a mentor to me since I declared for the draft, so I think I'm happy to stay on the East Coast and root for him to get one last ring and MVP before calling it a career.

(07-29-2020, 01:16 PM)retrospace111 Wrote:How do you feel about taking over Armstrong's shoes?

How do you feel about playing for OCO? You're a lucky guy!

Do you plan to abuse the 79 speed loophole?

1) They're definitely big shoes to fill, but hopefully my size 10s will fit just fine. I actually feel really good about it. As I've said before, Armstrong has been a mentor to me and I think that aspect of our relationship has me feeling really great about succeeding him and hopefully playing as well, if not better than him.

2) Thank you! I do feel lucky, but there's a certain weight on my shoulders now. Having spent some time with all the Orange County guys, they've all been really great to me and I feel really happy about being there. So I'm really taking in all the joy of being here now, because I know that when I finally don the orange and white, I'm going to feel the pressure and at that point, I better prove why I was worthy of playing for them or else I may as well hang the cleats up.

3) Nah, I'm a mobile QB right now and I am looking forward to working on my speed, and becoming faster. I managed to rush for two touchdowns this past season, but I feel like I can definitely get more rushing TDs in for the future.

(07-29-2020, 07:51 PM)Lightnoir Wrote:Besides lifting an Ultimini trophy, what's been your favorite game or moment from your DSFL career?

Is your girlfriend able to walk again yet, or did your MVP win push that back?

1) I think that my favourite game of this past season was our first outing against the London Royals, in London. Being in Tottenham Hotspur Stadium, only about half an hour away from my home, and being surrounded by my fellow Londoners, I feel like that game was the one that really woke people up to the possibility of me having an MVP season. I think there was something about being there that just pushed me to play as best as I could, and I really did. After the game was over, I just didn't want to leave the field, sure these fans were bummed that their team lost, but there was an atmosphere that you can only find in Britain there, and that post match adulation that I felt really drove me for the rest of the season, I would say.

2) I think I'll have to say 'no comment' to that one, haha.

(07-29-2020, 08:00 PM)Frostbite Wrote:adsaf af hf' a akgh ag aagihsdg dhg'kyu dkhgdh  gbrsiyha gbskhs sigasfshgd sfh?

That really hits me where I live, Frost. To be honest, there were definitely times when the self doubt crept up and made me question my own abilities, especially during that three week losing streak. But in such a high pressure environment, having great teammates in both Norfolk and Philly really made a world of difference in me being able to express these feelings and not have them be bottled up and affect me during the games. Thanks for the question, I really appreciate the thought you put into it.

(07-30-2020, 10:21 PM)Billybolo53 Wrote:How much interaction did you have with OCO prior to the trade? Was it a surprise or did you know something was in the works?

Actually, I left Philly for Orange County during free agency. So it wasn't much of a surprise, haha. But alongside my agent, shout out to Tim, I actually spent a couple days in Orange County, talking to Rev and Laser, learning more about how I'd fit in their system. Their analytics are insane. And really learning and understanding my place on the team, I felt like it was the best fit for me.

[quote pid='332501' dateline='1596209748']
If you could go back into Medieval times what part of the world would you go to?

What 3 items would you take with you for the above question?

This season in the DSFL what is the main attribute or skill you are going to be trying to improve before your ISFL debut?

What do you look for in a receiver and who is your go-to WR in Norfolk? 

1) Oh man, that's a toughie. I'd love to march with Khosrau Sassan (I'll be telling you more about that soon) as his army roamed through Byzantium, but I think that learning from Salah ad-Din and really getting to grips with his political theories and understandings of rulership would be a dream come true. Plus, the Crusades led to a bunch of instability so maybe I'd end up as a Sultan in my own little oasis.

2) Oh man, that's hard. I think that the first thing would definitely be a notepad of some kind and a whole load of pens and pencils (Don't know if that counts as one, but it's my answer, so I'll say it's fine) as I'd love to just be taking notes the whole time. I'd probably need an English to Arabic dictionary because my Arabic is absolutely garbage. And maybe I'd take a nice chess board to try and pique the Sultan's interest through games.

3) I think I really want to work on my leadership and becoming a rallying point for the rest of the team. That's my mental upgrade. Physically, I threw three interceptions last season, and whilst that was the lowest in the league, it still sucks and made my heart sink every time the opposition snatched up my throw. So with that being said, I'd love to try and be better and really focus on the precision of my passes.

4) For me, a great wide receiver is a great route runner, and someone who can deliver on those third and long situations. For me, Dre Matthews has been a go to for my passes. I pushed hard to the front office to pick him, and last season he really came into his own. The amount of yards after catches that he was able to rack up was insane. He very deservedly won wide receiver of the year, and if he's staying down, then I'm definitely looking forward to throwing towards him a lot more.

Suleiman Ramza MVP Presser - CLG Rampage - 07-29-2020

(07-29-2020, 06:21 AM)Blasoon Wrote:Please, ask away.

Suleiman Ramza MVP Presser - Peterson - 07-29-2020

Have you considered creating a space time continuum as to play an alternate version of yourself?

Suleiman Ramza MVP Presser - SchwarzNarr - 07-29-2020

What were your initial reactions upon hearing that you won?

What events leading the Seawolves led you to think moment?

What is your favorite way to celebrate after something like this? Have you ever been concerned that the celebration may go wrong like your former teammate, Guava-Fresca?

Suleiman Ramza MVP Presser - Memento Mori - 07-29-2020

On a scale of 1 to Brock Phoenix every time he drops back to pass and four 300lb defensive linemen ease past his offensive line, how scared should Franklin Armstrong be about potentially losing his starting quarterback role to the DSFL MVP? Do you anticipate a QB controversy in training camp?

Suleiman Ramza MVP Presser - retrospace111 - 07-29-2020

How do you feel about taking over Armstrong's shoes?

How do you feel about playing for OCO? You're a lucky guy!

Do you plan to abuse the 79 speed loophole?

Suleiman Ramza MVP Presser - Lightnoir - 07-29-2020

Besides lifting an Ultimini trophy, what's been your favorite game or moment from your DSFL career?

Is your girlfriend able to walk again yet, or did your MVP win push that back?

Suleiman Ramza MVP Presser - Frostbite - 07-29-2020

adsaf af hf' a akgh ag aagihsdg dhg'kyu dkhgdh gbrsiyha gbskhs sigasfshgd sfh?

Suleiman Ramza MVP Presser - Lightnoir - 07-29-2020

That's the most intelligent thing I've ever seen Frost say.

Suleiman Ramza MVP Presser - Billybolo53 - 07-30-2020

How much interaction did you have with OCO prior to the trade? Was it a surprise or did you know something was in the works?