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*Prospect Interview - Matt Peterson - Printable Version

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*Prospect Interview - Matt Peterson - SchwarzNarr - 07-31-2020

Good evening, I’m here with Matt Peterson to talk about his college career, being scouted, and the upcoming DSFL Draft.

So, Matt, I see that you attended Washington. Can you tell us a little about your time there as QB?

Of course! Well being a Native of Washington there's only a couple of logical choices as far as college goes and with my family all being devout Huskies fans it seemed only fitting I should take the chance to study and Play for the Huskies! My Freshman year I started as a backup until about 5 weeks into the Season, our Starter unfortunately got hit pretty hard and got taken out of the game with a concussion. I made some mistakes my first couple of games and was a bit down in the dumps we lost 6-27 and then 14-21 not miserable losses but losses all the same, coach gave me one more shot to prove that I was His QB to lead the team for the next few games or I was out and wouldnt see the field for the rest of the season,. Well as you can imagine that was not what a kid wanted to hear, so spent the extra time and it paid off worked with my Wide outs for what seemed like non-stop practice after practice and we hit pay dirt our next game we stomped our rivals (The Cougars) a whooping 41-24. But yeah know feel flat out of the playoff race, I gotta say I made some great friends and some good memories and learned alot from the coaching staff!

I'm sure your prospective coaches for the DSFL have to be excited to hear that you won't let a bad game get you down, and instead intend to work harder because of it. What led you to deciding to join the DSFL draft?

Well I've seen the competition on the College Level and frankly there is some amazing competition however I feel we should always look to evolve ourselves into something greater then we already are at as my old man used to say "Pete don't rest on your laurels!"

Too true, too true. Are you feeling nervous at all about the draft?

Well In my own way i could say yes most definitely. I know I'll find a team that's willing to take that Chance on me just like the Huskies, it's just the anticipation of finding out where i'll go!

The DSFL draft class seems to be very large this year, do you have any thoughts about what round you might go in the class? Have you looked into who needs quarterbacks at all?

oh Of course! Some people think that they should wait to have a scout come talk to them but nah, I like to be bold and honest about my intentions with people, Most the teams I've talked with are set for QB for at least this season But i honestly believe that i've swayed a couple of teams to look at me as their future starter! As for what round I'll land in well hard to say but I'm thinking somewhere between the 3rd and 4th round.

It sounds like you are a real go getter for sure. GMs, take note. Are you willing to share your secrets about who you've spent some time with, or is that going to stay secret for you?

Well I don't want to say too much but I can say that the teams I've worked out for I got a great feeling from and hopefully one of those awesome teams will reach out on Draft day!

That's fair, that's fair. Alright, I have one last question for you, and in my opinion it's the most important one, and then I'll let you get on with your day of chatting to scouts and hanging out with some teams. Describe your perfect taco for us.

Oooh hitting me with the hard question haha well, Refried beans, Steak, Green Salsa, some cheese and sour cream would be the top of the line!

Oh that sure sounds tasty. I'm sure you'll have teammates dying to get your taco recipe from you in the future. Thank you so much for chatting with us today. Any last pieces you want your future team to know about?

For the future team that drafts me I look forward to being your workhorse and for those other teams out there watch out and be sorry you didn't take that chance! And thank you so much for the time!

Please give @Peterson 75%.