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*Slamma Llamas - Prospect Review - Printable Version

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*Slamma Llamas - Prospect Review - Oneski - 08-03-2020

The Prospect Bowl is upon us, and they saved the best team reveal for last, no questions asked. We're gonna take a look in at the prospects on the Liverpool Llamas, it's a mighty fine bunch, shouldn't cause any dramas. First, lets take a look at the individual prospects that compose this mighty roster, then look into how this team should look to play its unique brand of four legged football.

Lets take a look at the offence first.

Trent Blackburn - Quarterback
Trent Blackburn is a traditional, old school, pocket passer. Measuring in at 6'4" and 225lbs, he's a commanding prescence in the pocket, with enough height to sit at home and survey the field before uncorking bombs from his right arm. Sitting at a current total TPE of 58, Trent may need to up his training before he hits the DSFL, but with a respectable 70 intelligence, 75 (74 for the Prospect Bowl) throwing accuracy and 69 (nice) arm talent, hopefully Blackburn will be able to complete some passes on debut in the Prospect Bowl this evening. 

Runningback - King Tutenkhamun
King Tut comes from some serious stock, and despite what they say about runningbacks being done by 30, the King plans on proving all the haters wrong at the ripe old age of 3361 years old. Standing in at a somewhat undersized 5'8" 195lbs, don't be fooled into thinking he isn't threatening. With a blistering 82 speed at base TPE, King Tut could be a huge weapon out the backfield for the Llama's. He'll have ampl opportunity to prove the haters wrong that despite his stature he can in fact handle the work horse role of a true RB one through the prospect bowl. Once he makes it through the draft process King Tut could shape up to be a nice change of pace or third down back at the next level, provided he starts working on that TPE gain train.

Wide Receiver - Willy Weasel
Standing in at 6'2" 212lbs, fighting out of Australia, Willy Weasel is a fast and athletic prospect with a very respectable 78 speed and 70 agility at 50 TPE. with those numbers there's no doubt he'll likely shake himself open from CBs at the Prospect bowl, but wiht only 60 hands, whether or not he'll be able to hang onto Blackburn's hopefully sympathetic passes will be another question. Leading up to the draft, Willy is another prospect who needs to bump up his training levels, with only 57 TPE, and a small bump to speed and hands (both very solid options), Willy will likely find himself going later in drafts than he might like.

Wide Receiver - Scott Mastro
Scott Mastro, slot master. 5'8" and 175lbs, Mastro is definitely an undersized receiver, and with 70 speed and 70 agility, he's lacking the elite burst and quickness many productive players of his stature would usually possess. With 70 hands, he's leading this small receiving core in terms of reliability when it comes to reigning in passes. Scott doesn't appear to have stuck in much work since he came onto the League's radar, and continues our trend of low TPE prospects for the up and coming DSFL draft.

Tight End - Gabr Spladle 
Spladle is a slightly undersized, and really on the slow side as far as tight ends go, but one this is for sure, and that's his hands. His pedestrain 55 speed may be a concern but with a big enough frame to pose issues for defenders, and with 70 hands he's got a good shot of hauling in some shots from Trent Blackburn. Currently sitting on 7 TPE banked, I'd suggest hitting the track and the media circuit and pump as many points into speed as possible, and that's as someone who made the mistake of undervaluing speed in a large way at the start too.

Tight End - Stephon Trummer
All the way from Munich, Germany, Trummer will find himself at home back in Europe on an international roster. Trummer cuts an imposing figure for second level defenders, clocking in at 6'5" and 255lbs, he's no slouch either, with 70 speed and still managing to get his hands up to 65 at 50 TPE, I can see Trummer being a favoured early target for Blackburn when the Llama's are on offence. With 35 blocking and 45 strength he won't be a huge force in the run game but with King Tut's speed, he won't need to hold his blocks for long. When it comes to the draft we finlly have a prospect on the Llama's with more than 57 TPE. Sitting at 69 (nice) TPE, Trummer has set out to establish himself as a downfield threat, owrking on his speed and hands, pushing them up to 73 and 67 respectively. Here's hoping a good showing at the Prospect Bowl can help lift his stats.

Tight End - Colt Reinhorn
Colt Reinhorn is the clydesdale in this stable of tight ends. With Gabr as the reliable albeit undersized and slow mule, Trummer would be the racing horse and Reinhorn is the heavy lifter. With 50 strength and 50 run blocking, alongside 60 speed and hands, Reinhorn has set his stall out as one of the few tight ends willing to get down and dirty in the trenches, and will hopefully be able to work alongside his fellow tight ends and offensive line prospects to carve some holes for the Mummy with mad speed. Again it looks like no TPE updates for Reinhorn passed his intro to the league.

Kentdavion "Davie" Davis - Offensive Line
Big "Davie" Davis is a mountain of a man at 6'6" and 340lbs, he's looking to do nothing other and grind down and wear our defensive line and linebackers with his sheer size and blocking technique. Punching in at a lofty 79 run blocking alongside a respectable 70 strength, Kentdavion is going to find himself right at home in a Llama's offence that seems it'll be at it's most potent when the ball is in the hand of their three thousand year old runningback. Again no further updates in TPE for Davis, but he's set his stall out early in what he looks to achieve in this league, lets hope he can build on it in the near future.

Hugh McGree - Offensive Line
Hugh McGree is another enormous man, standing equal to Davis in height at 6'6", Hugh finds himself 15lbs lighter at 325lbs and this is reflected in his early game. With 70 in run blocking and pas blocking and a mighty 77 strength, Hugh is shaping up to be an early tackle prospect to keep an eye on. Likely to be protecting the blindside of Blackburn in the Prospect Bowl, Hugh is also putting in solid work in the lead up to the draft. Earning himself another 15 TPE in early point tasks and dumping the lot into speed only solidifies his eligibility to be a successful tackle in the DSFL, if he keeps those TPE gains coming in thick and fast.

Duncan Donuts - Offensive Line
Classic name for an offensive lineman, Duncan is a monster of a fellow standing at 6'7" and 340lbs, the largest of the OL prospects on the Llama's roster. With 80 strength and 75 run blocking, and only 50 pass blocking. It's now clear the Llama's must look to establish King Tut's rushing empire on the ground, one play at a time. Donuts has also managed to gain himself some TPE which he's stuck into pass blocking, in an attempt to diversify his game before he hits the DSFL, a wise move in my mind.

Liverpool Llama's Offence Overview
The Llama's have one clear path to success, and it involves a lot of 12 personnel (two tight ends and one runningback) and relying on our mauling OL prospects to pave the way for the rather electric OAP that is King Tutenkhamun. If we can establish early dominance in the ground game with King Tut and the big guys up front, that could open up te passing game for the likes of Weasel and Mastro to benefit from crowded boxes and give Blackburn some clearer windows to complete passes. With Blackburn's lack of mobility and the O lines strength lying in the ground game, short passes and play action will have to be utilised, as well as the screen game in order to get the ball to playmakers quickly who can make some moves behind and offensive line that just loves to go forward.
The prospects in this bunch have a lot of potential, but potential gets coaches fired, and it'd be great to see more of them solidify their stock with some more TPE from the likes of weekly training, point tasks and equipment, in order to make the best of their upcoming careers in the DSFL.
All told its a squad that as noted, should look to take the air out the ball and rely on some old school tactics to get some wins in the Prospect Bowl.

Now lets take a look at the defence.

Abdul-Jabbar Abid - Defensive End
First we take a look at Abdul-Jabbar Abid, 6'6", 290lbs. Imposing is an understatement. With 75 speed it'll take a lot to outrun Abid, and with his length and size, he's very likely to cause headaches for offensive tackles in the Prospect Bowl. With only 65 strength and 55 tackling, Abid may find some issues securing tackles at times, but he'll have no issues getting to ball carriers if hes left unblocked on the backside or if an assignment is blown. Abid has put some work in too building his draft stock, bumping some points into agility and endurance to make sure he can bring it all day.

Sam Roes - Defensive End
Sam Roes is a well rounded prospect with a solid array of skills and a great frame and size for the next level, measuring at 6'4" and 281lbs. With 70 strength, 67 speed and 60 tackling, Roes lives up to his balanced archetype. He's going to be a force in the run game, and we finally have a big TPE earner for the next level. Roes has put in significant work, raising his TPE to 96 and sticking all those sweet sweet points into agility and speed in order to further impact the passing game and make more plays in open space. Roes has set himself up very well for the DSFL draft and is a prospect to keep an eye on going forward. He's going to be a pleasure to play behind, and hopefuly benefit from the disruption he causes.

Etrigan T. Slayer - Defensive End
Speaking of balanced defensive ends, Etrigan might be the pinnacle of that. 6'4", 285lbs, and fighting straight out of Hell, I know for a fact QBs, offensive tackles and runningbacks are going to be praying this guy goes away. But they won't be so lucky. Hellbent on causing chaos, Etrigan will be a disruptor in the run and passing game in the Prospect Bowl, and a phenomenal prospect for the DSFL draft, Etrigan is another dominant athlete that will be a pleasure to play behind. Punching in at a whopping 139 TPE for the draft, Slayer will have a bounty to spend whenever he decides to break the bank. I hope you've got more eyes because Etrigan is another one you definitely need to be focussing on, one of the top defensive end prospects in this draft without doubt. 

Booker Bookchin - Defensive Tackle
Booker Bookchin has sadly suffered a career ending injury, it's great to see him being honoured in the Llama's roster selection. Sadly he was struck by a car after some celebrating at Dodger's win. With a severe spinal injury meaning any further damage at the hands of football could leave Booker with paralysis. All the best wishes to Booker in whatever he sets himself to going forward, he'll definitely succeeed there, no doubt.

Honky-Tonk Haywood - Defensive Tackle
Honky-Tonk Haywood has probably my favourite name in the who draft process, but that's already been covered. What you need to know is that at 6'4", 308lbs and with a mean beard, Haywood is balanced across the board with 61 strength and speed as well as 53 tackling. With Booker out of action, Haywood will likely be paired up on the inside with one of the Llama's defensive ends. This will leave Haywood as the most experienced on the interior linemen, but he'll be a solid force on the inside, keeping backers clean whilst also pressuring prospect passers on pass rushing downs. Haywood has put in the work when it comes to TPE earning, getting himself up to a rowdy 106 for the DSFL draft, putting him in an excellent spot to be a high pick and impact rookie for whoever is lucky enough to draft this magnificent specimen. Heavily bolstering his strength, speed and agility, it looks like Haywood intends to maintain his role as a three down player who can defend the run but also crucially impact the passing game.

Rusty Rucker - Linebacker
I'll make no bones about it, Rusty is my boy. Leader of the Four Horsemen, all round top guy and stud linebacker. Toronto's finest is a sideline to sideline backer with prototypical size at 6'2" and 235lbs with the range and length to cover tight ends and backs out of the backfield. With 60 strength, 65 speed and 70 tackling, Rusty is a solid 50 TPE prospect in the run game to go alongside his above average ability to shut down passing lanes and recognise routes with his 60 intelligence. When it comes to draft Prospects, Rusty has put in some serious, serious work. Punching in at 119 TPE, focussing everything on speed and strength, he's pushing to be a sure fire first round pick as a top end athlete, with excellent range and tackling ability. Another true gem to keep both eyes on.

Caleb Judge - Linebacker
Another incredibly rangy athlete, at 6'3", with 70 speed, he'll be all over the field in the Prospect Bowl. Weighing in at 236 with 65 strength and 70 tackling he's no slouch in the run game either, and alongside Rucker, the Llama's already have a devastating, dynamic duo at backer. Judge will be dominant likely at the middle backer spot for the Llama's given his sure tackling ability and strength to work through linemen and their blocks. Another really solid prospect who's putting in the work towards the DSFL draft, pushing up his tackling, agility and endurance to ensure he can continue make plays at the next level against better athletes.

Donald McBobby - Linebacker
A freak athlete is exactly what we have in Donald McBobby. 6'4" and 255lbs, with 70 strength and speed, we have a height weight speed athlete looking to dominate an edge of the Llama's defence. Still a solid tackler with 65, Donald McBobby could be a player who stands out amongst the crowd in the Prospect bowl given his immense physical attributes. He rounds out the Llama's linebacking wrecking crew as another top prospect headed into the DSFL draft. Punching in at 111 TPE, McBobby is another prospect who'll surely be highly sought after come draft day.

Breezy Wallace - Cornerback
Exceptional size is something Breezy has for the cornerback position, standing tall at 6'3", alongside 70 speed and agility he has solid movement skills for a man of his stature. He's got solid intelligence at 65 for recognising routes and making plays on the ball when he finds himself in the right spot. Matched up with bigger slower receivers, Breezy should thrive, but should he come up against true speed, he may find himself in trouble. Sadly Breezy has been slacking in his offseason training leading into the draft, he's going to have to get himself in the gym and on the track to get those sweet TPE points.

Clay Clark - Cornerback
Sizing up to be an ideal nickel corner, Clay Clark may lack ideal height to work the outside but with his exceptionally balanced skill set of 70 agility and speed, 60 intelligence and 55 tackling, he may stand a chance. With his fiesty nature, at 5'9" in height and slightly slower top end speed, he is going to be best suited to the slot with safety help over the top, where he can impact the run game with his solid tackling. Another prospect who needs to up his TPE game before the draft, he's made small moves to improve his hands and agility in order to make more plays on the ball but he'll need to put more work in to get himself up the draft boards.

Corran West - Cornerback
Corran West will definitely find himself guarding the fastest match ups the Llama's will face in the Prospect Bowl, with 77 speed he's the quickest perimeter defender on the roster. Although he possesses a thinner frame, he has good length at 6'1" and 185lbs. Not the strongest force in the run game but an excellent athlete in coverage, West will be the top cover man for the Llama's. West gets the Llama's defensive trend back on track with a very nice 91 TPE, making moves to get his speed up to a rock solid 80 alongside bumps to endurance and hands so he can make more plays on the ball and keep those number one wide outs locked down longer. Another great defensive prospect that'll garner plenty interest on draft day.

Lionel Rumper - Safety
It's time for young Rumper to come under the radar microscope. There's no denying the entry stats are poor. 65 speed. It's not good. Should old Lionel be able to get his hands on ball carriers he does have a solid 65 tackling and 60 strength in order to put them down, but getting there will be his greatest issue. A powerfully built man at 6'1" and 226lbs, Rumper has ideal pro size. The Prospect Bowl will not be his finest moment, we all know this. But given the effort he's put into training, now sitting at 107 TPE and 79 speed (the cries of "you're far too slow" were all well received), issues have been addressed for his step up to the next level. Another member of the infamous Four Horsemen, Rumper is looking to make big noise in the league, and big rhmyes on Twitter. 

Tayshawn Crunk - Safety
What Rumper lacks in speed, Crunk more than makes up for. The second fastest player on the team with a lightning 80 speed, Crunk will hopefully help keep Rumper from looking too much the fool in the Prospect Bowl. Crunk is one of the top athletes on the team as well with 70 agility and 70 endurance, hopefully he can help coral players towards Rumper, who is stronger in the tackling department. Crunk will be a nightmare for prospect QBs looking to throw anywhere between the numbers. Crunk does not shy from hard work either, earning himself an enormous 136 TPE going into the draft, Crunk is likely the top safety prospect in the entire DSFL draft process. Sticking huge improvement numbers to make him even faster, improving his ability to play the ball and recognise routes, he's also gained some size and strength in order to be a stronger force in the run game. A prototyoical centre fielder, any team would be lucky to have him. I know Lionel Rumper is very, very lucky to have his ideal partner along side him at the Llama's.

Liverpool Llama's Defence Overview
The Llama's defence is loaded with DSFL draft talent, absolutely loaded. Arguably one of the best prospects at each level of the defence, this roster might not make many waves at 50 TPE in the Prospect Bowl, but it will make big noise in the DSFL. Looking at the roster as it is, the Llama's would be best served running some form of 4-2-5 defence, trusting Crunk on the back end to control numbers to numbers. With Breezy Wallace and Corran West manning the perimeter, I'd start Clay Clark in the slot and trust him to be big in the run game, with Rumper effectively in the box, or working towards the boundary slot. Rucker and Caleb Judge can man the two inside spots with Donald McBobby working with his hand in the ground on passing downs and working as an off the ball backer when the offence is in heavier personnel and the defence moves away from nickel. Up front all four will have to utilise their speed and hustle, likely to be largely outsized by most offensive lines. I'd kick Abid inside to work with Haywood and create disruption and chaos and rely on a rotation of Slayer, Roes and McBobby to protect the edges and rush the passer.

Jack Burton - Kicker/Punter
Jack Burton could actually be the most important player on this team, if he can keep the scoreboard ticking over with his powerfully accurate leg (74 and 72 respectively). If the Llama's can grind down the clock with a strong run game and play some tough defence with 8 man boxes, they stand a chance of keeping games close enough to win in the fourth quarter of any game they're in. 

And with that we come to then end of the Liverpool Llama Prospect Bowl team review. Full of top end draft talent on defence (and also a really shoddy 50 TPE safety build), and plenty road graders on offence, this team has a clear path to victory. Run the ball, chew the clock, play tough defence and kick some sweet field goals.

Big shout out to SchwarzNarr aka Melvin Murder-Moose for being a great GM, as well as exceptionally welcoming and helpful for all the Llamas.
Llama be ready come game one.

3632 Words

RE: Slamma Llamas - Prospect Review - LancedJack - 08-03-2020

3.5k words?
It couldn't be plumper
Another top list,
From the boy Yung Rumper

RE: Slamma Llamas - Prospect Review - GlimsTC - 08-03-2020

Fantastic work! Always a pleasure to see the prospects analyzed like this

RE: Slamma Llamas - Prospect Review - nutbarspadge - 08-03-2020

Lovely stuff

RE: Slamma Llamas - Prospect Review - SchwarzNarr - 08-03-2020

[Image: tenor.gif?itemid=3567965]

That's my llamas.