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*Gucci’s Top 10: S25 Recreates - Printable Version

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*Gucci’s Top 10: S25 Recreates - gucci - 08-03-2020

Gucci’s Top 10: S25 Recreates
This is new for me, I’ve never done player rankings before, but I’ve decided that I want to start here and now. My first player ranking will be for the top recreates in the upcoming draft class. This is my personal opinion on these players, it does not reflect my knowledge of the draft from being in the Dallas war room and in no way reflects the order these players will go in the upcoming draft. Just want to make that as clear as possible. 0 leaks.
1)     Davriel Lavigne, S, @Raven
Let’s start it off with the best recreate in the S25 class (in my opinion). The incredibly named Davriel Lavigne is a safety prospect created by my fellow Honolulu GM, Raven aka Baeven. So by default, he gets the number one spot. Only kidding of course, this is a top spot Raven has earned in his time here in the league. His former players include a Hall of Fame kicker, Turk Turkleton, and the recently retired Baltimore and Honolulu QB Corvo Havran. Both topped 1000 TPE and are among the greats at their respective positions. Add that to the fact that Raven is a great guy and is always willing to help others or just make friendly conversation in the locker room and you have a truly can’t miss prospect. I’ll go as far as to guarantee that we (Honolulu) will take him in the next ISFL draft. Congrats Raven, you get top billing in my article!
2)     Hank Winchester, LB, @timeconsumer
Next off was another recreate that fully could’ve taken the top spot in these rankings. Another recreate of a legendary QB who just won his first Ultimus and rode off into the sunset, Cooter Bigsby, timeconsumer or TC, has been here since the league’s inception. Another user who plays out full careers, he may not be as active in Discord as he once was, but his player will instantly improve any team he lands on. TC also is the reason most of the rules we have regarding the sim exist in the first place. He found and used several new strategies, now considered exploits, to improve just about every team he was on in the league’s early days. He even led a bot team to an Ultimini, which forced the old HO to put rules in place to give everyone even footing in the sim. As some of the older users here may remember, TC used to provide his own wonderful commentary on the NSFL streams that provided a really immersive experience and we were even able to raise some money for charity once before the charity drive was even a thing by offering up Twitch bits for drinks to him and Sweetwater. As if these aren’t already great reasons why TC deserves the #2 spot in this ranking, I also take into consideration that he’s a Classic WoW player, like myself. Any time you can get someone on your team with the patience for 40-man raid content, you’ve gotta do it. Whoever winds up with TC’s newest pass rusher can truly count themselves lucky.
3)     Owen Holloway, QB, @speculadora
Now we get to the GOAT himself, Speculadora. Spec has been an incredible user since the early seasons of the league as well. With seemingly dozens of titles as GM of the Orange County Otters, Spec is widely regarded as the most successful GM in the history of the sim league. His most recent recreate, Hugh Mongo, was a very good WR in OCO previously, and before that his safety (linebacker?), Jaylen Broxton was one of the league’s elite defensive players. This is a bit of a strange recreate for spec, as he’s apparently created a QB for the sake of a player narrative that he has no intention of keeping at the QB position. The rumors around the league is that he will be putting all of his TPE into speed and switching to Wide Receiver with the intention of being called up immediately next season. This should put DSFL GMs off him enough to see him plummet down the draft board even further than a QB normally would. However, spec still offers an incredible amount of upside for a team willing to take the risk of including him in heavy QB run packages, as he is an engaged and interesting person to talk to on Discord and is a bona fide stats whiz who can offer invaluable tips on how to be successful using the sim. It’s these intangibles that land spec at number three on this ranking, because as far as I’m concerned as a user, he’s right up there among the league’s elite.
4)     Dave Batista, TE, @Frick_Nasty
In fourth, just below the podium spots, we have Frick_Nasty. While I’ll probably get some stick from Frick for putting him this far down the list as he’s my minors GM in PBE, I’ve gotta stick to what I consider a fair and unbiased ranking. Frick joined the league the same day as me back in March of 2019 as part of the inaugural r/NFL class. Since then, he’s turned himself into a household name in just about every sim league he takes part in. His last player (also his first) Mo Berry of MoVP fame, was a legendary Linebacker with an awards list that rivals just about any defensive player in league history. Now he’s taking a stab at the offensive side of the game with a blocking TE. While I love a good Tight End, I’m a lover of the modern NFL pass heavy offenses you see. I like a tight end you can split out in the slot or even play them on the outside and let them use their size and physicality to overpower smaller DBs, so I had to ding him a little for his choice. Don’t get me wrong, as a former high school triple option QB I understand the value of a downhill run blocking tight end, but as a mid (almost late) 20s armchair QB, I want to see more receiving threats at the position. Still he will probably be a great boost to any DSFL offense as the league meta is to run, run, and run some more, and that’s why he winds up as high as he did on this list despite me disagreeing with his archetype choice. Frick I wish you luck at the next level, as I fear you will need it as a tight end that isn’t built to catch the ball.
5)     Jackie Daytona, QB, @Mooty99
At fifth in my list we have Quarterback Jackie Daytona. After Mooty’s first character, Mako Mendonca, took on a proud Portuguese name, he has opted for something that will allow him to take solace in just about any town in America completely unnoticed, Jackie Daytona. With his great American name, Mooty has chosen to play quarterback. As GM of Austin, this was a predictable and wise move by him and JKortesi as they get another GM recreate QB to lead the team into the future with absolute certainty. Mooty also falls on this list as the second person to be my current GM in another league as he leads Club Key West in the GRSL where my player, Johnny Utah, plays right back and Mako Mendonca lives on as a dominant striker. Mooty is a fellow GM that I have nothing but a ton of respect for, and almost feel bad putting him at fifth on my list. One thing I know is that he heavily relies on iSteg to aid in sim testing in Austin, so I’m not sure he’s interested in having any contributions on this front in the DSFL. Also with Easton Cole going deeper into regression each season, it’s unlikely he mans a team’s QB spot for more than two seasons. However, I once took a NSFL GM recreate QB first overall in the DSFL draft and we were delighted with his contributions to the Dallas franchise as a whole. So if Mooty does choose to be active in the DSFL discords and locker rooms he could prove to be a priceless asset to whoever scoops him up for the next few seasons.
6)     NationalSimulation FootballLeague, S, @SDCore
Another Copperhead recreate, SDCore joined the league at the same time as Frick_Nasty and I back in season 15. Over the past ten seasons, Rod Tidwell was a staple on the receiving charts and amassed an incredible receiving stat line over the course of his career. Those who play werewolf will recognize him for his out of place gifs and general aloofness to what is going on in any given game, however as a sim league member, he has a reputation that puts him up there with the best. Despite knowing SD for nearly a year and a half now, I wouldn’t consider myself to know him very well and he’s always seemed like a bit of an enigma to me. That being said, people who are close to him absolutely adore the guy and speak the highest of praises about him, so much in fact that I believe several teams will place a very high value on him in the upcoming DSFL draft. I also want to comment on the bold defiance of his new recreate player’s name, and that comment is, “I love it.” Unfortunately for SD, because we don’t know each other super well, there’s no way I could put him any higher on this ranking than he is, even though his position is of much more use to a DSFL team than several of the players above him on this list.
7)     Duckburg QuakStak, CB, @Bwestfield
Now we have another league legend in Bwestfield. This man is widely regarded as a master of the wide receiver position, so I was honestly a bit surprised when I saw he was recreating on the other side of the ball. This could be quite an adjustment for him, I know from experience how enjoyable watching your wide receiver player improve and put up huge plays and crazy stat lines is. Bwestfield has now watched two great wide receivers dismantle the league, James Bishop and Bradley Westfield. Cornerback is notorious for being on the other end of the spectrum of stats and player satisfaction. Now besides his past players there isn’t a whole bunch I know about Bwestfield, as we’ve never really been teammates besides for a couple of minutes after the S22 NSFL draft and expansion drafts were shown and both Bishop and Goodman were selected by Honolulu. He really wanted to be back in Colorado to end his career but remained extremely respectful about the whole thing and they were able to reach a deal to trade him back to Colorado. So I really do admire the way he handled that and I think DSFL locker rooms would appreciate a user with that character in their locker rooms. Again though, I know he’s a great earner who has been around for ages, but beyond that, the lack of personal relationship to him drops him down the list to where he is here. As I said though, expect interest in him to be high in the upcoming DSFL draft.
8)     Alex Reed, WR, @NylarthePhoenix
At eighth on the list, oddly enough, we reach the very first of my former teammates on this list. Nylar joined during the Season 15 r/nfl class just like SD, Frick, and I. His running back, Apollo Reed was selected by the Norfolk SeaWolves where he played alongside my first player, Wide Receiver Brock Landers. That’s not the only time we shared a locker room either, as my career winded down with Brock Landers, I was traded to the Baltimore Hawks for my final season. That same year, Orange County shipped Reed to Baltimore at the trade deadline where he would re-sign and spend the last few years of his incredible career there. I’ve always really enjoyed sharing a locker room with Nylar. While he’s not the most Discord active guy you’ll ever see, he’s a very good earner, knows how to build a player, and will be a resource to help young players as a former DSFL GM. As far as wide receiver recreates go, it was an easy choice to put Nylar here in the top spot for his position group. Good luck in the draft, Nylar, hope we get to share another locker room in the future.
9)     Elijah Torres, CB, @Toasty
In what will be the first controversial inclusion on this list, I’ve added Toasty’s new player cornerback Elijah Torres at the ninth spot on this list. This will be a controversial addition because Toasty’s player currently comes in at a measly 57 TPE. A figure that will convince most DSFL GM’s that he’s inactive. Though I happen to have known (and liked) Toasty for a while now, he is the former GM of both OCO where he was very successful working under Spec as well as Chicago, where he fared worse working alongside Jiggly and I think Valor. His first player Mason Brown was an exceptional player who was routinely in the running for Defensive Player of the Year along with several other awards. However, his last player was plagued by sluggish earning and never came close to the same heights as Brown. If a team is able to bring in Toasty as a stable and reliable locker room character and are able to inspire some earning from him once again, they have a real diamond in the rough on their hands. One more caveat is that Toasty has left the league before, but the player behind him leaving is no longer allowed to play in this league, so that’s behind him I hope. Personally, I have faith that Toasty can resurrect his sim league career and become a valuable contributor in more ways than just on Discord, but I guess we’ll need to watch and see.
10)  Harley Fank, WR, @Beebob
Last but not least on this rankings list is yet another Season 15 player, Harley Fank. Let me preface this by recalling me saying earlier in the post that I don’t know SD very well despite being fellow S15 players. If I don’t know SD well, then I feel comfortable saying I don’t know Beebob at all. Despite our paths never crossing, I’ve seen Beebob steadily earning in the shadows for years. Usually the second back in a RBBC system, his first player Farley Hank put together a really nice career between Philly and Chicago when all was said and done. Once again, he’s earning steadily with his new receiver recreate and I think he will make whatever team selects him in the draft very happy campers with his production. Like before though, the lack of personal relationship with him makes it hard for me to put him above someone like Toasty who I’ve played werewolf with and interacted with in discord with for a very long time now. Still, he is 100% deserving of the final spot in this top ten ranking and I wish you the best with your new player Beebob.
Honorable Mentions:

Cmon Skiuuup, TE, @AirCrou
Now for the honorable mentions. These three are sim league vets with proven careers who may have one or two flaws that kept them off the list. Let’s start here with AC. AirCrou played with Nylar and I in Norfolk in Season 14, and then played for me as I was GM in Norfolk the next season. I can tell you that AC is a very passionate guy, unfortunately he’s also completely unapologetic about it. While I can respect that mentality, it results in him rubbing many users the wrong way. I know AC will earn well and contribute to whatever locker room he ends up in, but drafting him is an inherent risk as if there’s someone else in the locker room he doesn’t care for or god forbid the team is not winning, and he will have no problem letting everyone know his feelings about it. The guy even pissed Slm off in werewolf last week. Yes, Slm, the only person I don’t think I’ve ever seen get truly pissed off despite ample reason to. So with that major caveat, Cmon Skiuuup, an incredible Shannon Sharpe reference by the way, misses out on the rankings.
Adam C. Spencer, WR, @AdamS
Next up on the list is AdamS. While he is another controversial user, that’s not the reason he’s on this list. Adam has had a long sim league career which has included both successful and unsuccessful stints in both his playing and GMing career. As a GM, he pissed off his head GM, current Chicago Butchers GM Bayley to the point where they could no longer work together, but once given the reigns to the Austin expansion franchise, he built a solid foundation and turned them into an Ultimus winning team. As a player, Dick Wizardry was a great running back in Yellowknife, but his most recent player, Awkward Sexjoke, never hit the heights he would have hoped for. Adam is widely known to be a wildcard, for instance, he retired Awkward Sexjoke, his last player without explanation or warning. Now rumor has it that he’s once again pushing hard for an expansion team and if he doesn’t succeed, he’s threating to retire and become an agent. Gross. Ah well, I’d love to hire him as my agent to negotiate my player’s next contract against me, so I’m kinda hoping that happens. Will undoubtedly tank his draft stock a bit though. Also dumb recreate name so you’re on the honorable mentions list.
Medicinal Toblerone, OL, @JuOSu
Next up on the honorable mentions list is former New Orleans GM, JuOsu. Her last player, Stan Francisco, had a long career as a tight end turned Ultimus winning QB. This is another user I don’t know at all despite being NSFL GM’s at the same time at one point. I can’t speak to what she’s like in a locker room, but the impression I’ve gotten over the past year is maybe not the friendliest person in the league I’ve met, as all of our interactions have been pretty curt and impersonal. Now I want to qualify that by saying the people I know who have played with her in NOLA absolutely adore her, so maybe it’s just me. However, the real reason that Medicinal Toblerone has fallen into the honorable mention category is that while scouting for Dallas I was told, “Just fyi, shouldn't waste a pick on me, I plan on not spending any TPE all season.” Which I don’t understand at all, but surprisingly doesn’t make the player useless, as Medicinal Toblerone is 6’7” 340 Lbs, a team that is planning on using bot OL will find value in just the improved size bonus OL gets. So that for me is good enough for honorable mentions.
I will probably have to write more buzzfeed-esque nonsense articles again in the future, thus is the price of minimum contracts. So be sure to stay tuned for my next rankings piece.

Words: 3204

RE: Gucci’s Top 10: S25 Recreates - AdamS - 08-03-2020

Actually Bayley got pissed because I left

Mostly without explaining why.

In several leagues.

RE: Gucci’s Top 10: S25 Recreates - gucci - 08-03-2020

(08-03-2020, 06:07 PM)AdamS Wrote: Actually Bayley got pissed because I left

Mostly without explaining why.

In several leagues.

I don't research my non-WYTS articles, I just repeat rumors or what I remember of stories.

RE: Gucci’s Top 10: S25 Recreates - SDCore - 08-03-2020

I am an... ENIGMA :eyes:

[Image: tenor.gif?itemid=12071827]

RE: Gucci’s Top 10: S25 Recreates - Ben - 08-03-2020

(08-03-2020, 05:42 PM)gucci Wrote: Yes, Slm, the only person I don’t think I’ve ever seen get truly pissed off despite ample reason to. 

You've never seen pissed off slm? Boi are you missing out it is amazing

RE: Gucci’s Top 10: S25 Recreates - KillaScrilla - 08-03-2020

Wow even got no love here. Not even honorable mention.

RE: Gucci’s Top 10: S25 Recreates - AdamS - 08-03-2020

(08-03-2020, 10:13 PM)KillaScrilla Wrote: Wow even got no love here. Not even honorable mention.

this is why you need to become a controversial wildcard

RE: Gucci’s Top 10: S25 Recreates - KillaScrilla - 08-04-2020

(08-03-2020, 11:16 PM)AdamS Wrote:
(08-03-2020, 10:13 PM)KillaScrilla Wrote: Wow even got no love here. Not even honorable mention.

this is why you need to become a controversial wildcard

I played that role with Action lol

RE: Gucci’s Top 10: S25 Recreates - gucci - 08-04-2020

(08-04-2020, 12:01 AM)KillaScrilla Wrote:
(08-03-2020, 11:16 PM)AdamS Wrote:
(08-03-2020, 10:13 PM)KillaScrilla Wrote: Wow even got no love here. Not even honorable mention.

this is why you need to become a controversial wildcard

I played that role with Action lol
Honestly I’m pretty sure the prospect list I grabbed didn’t have you on it yet. So I’ll add you as an honorable honorable mention.