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*LUCHADOOOOOORES! - C9Van - 08-07-2020

[Hello. This is about the recent draft so 1.5x media bonus and is 3075-ish words long and it is indeed ready to be graded. Enjoy.]

So I think it is about time I abused the 1.5x media in this league to the best of my now shitposting ability. I kind of sucks that I missed the x2 media thing cause I would've done my funny interviews during it but that is okay. Cause I actually have a subject I am hugely invested in.

What is the best DSFL team? What? Christ no. LOL They suck dude. Look I do not care what garbage team you played for, the best team is clearly the Tijuana Luchadores and last night they cemented themselves as once again being an absolute monster for the next few seasons.

So we can going to look at the insane draft class that just got drafted! I will give my thoughts on them all and hopefully help a few unknown players stand out. You may actually think, why the fuck does Van care? Well, that is simple my curious little friend who may or may not be a monkey named George. I will be in the massively inferior draft class after these dudes and will be playing with a lot of them. These are actually influencing what position I will be playing since I will overtake the none quality players in Total Points Earned over time. (I must disclaimer though, I really am not catching the more insane users of this class. IE Raven, Frick, Bwest, SDCore, Spec, etc. List really oes go on for a while. But you know a good percentage of these players will die.)

So without further ado let us get this started!

4th overall - Safety - NationalSimulation FootballLeague - SDCore

Isn't it ironic? I have always been an abuser of spelling out National Simulation Football League just like I am International Simulation Football League or Development Simulation Football League just for the extra credit but in this example I do not really have much motivation to write that out. I will therefore call him Natsim FootLeag for short.

Now Raven going first overall makes perfect sense for the team with a really weird worm logo but the Luchadores get a Safety player who will also hardcore shine in both minor and major leagues. I fucking love this pick up. SDCore is one of the coolest people and I love being on his Super Casual team where he is the player 'Pryor Iloveyou' who is a big part of our bullshit defence. This will most likely happen in this league as well cause I can see him being a huge monster safety when he hits his prime.

Truth being told, I stated Safety was a big eyes emoji position for me in recreating and I was massively considering being one but seeing Raven and SDCore make 2 elite Safety players for the future heavily worries me into think I may not get a team that would want me and trust me to shine now. 

But what a pickup for the Tijuana Luchadores. I fucking love this pick a lot. Literally one of the best pickups possible and realistically should have been going higher considering the user you get.

12th Overall - Corner Back - Rich Triplet - Kotasa

With corner back's been taken left, right and every other direction the Luchadores took Rich Triplet. Not to be mistaken for Poor Triplet of Average Financial Triplet. I personally do not think I have ever interacted with Kotasa before but this is a great pickup for the team. They are looking to focus defence it seems which makes sense considering they are 2 for 2 so far and hindsight lets me see every other pick up but this is another great pickup at only 12th overall.

20th overall - Running Back - Bronko Mills - Payton

Oh christ, this nerd is back in Tijuana? In all serious I fucking love this pick up. A former Ultimini winning General Manager, a former Offensive Lineman and a not former cool dude. This is great for Tijuana and shame on everyone else for not picking up someone who will most likely stay down for a long time to destroy all the other trash teams. The only sad thing is he will not get to destroy the San Antonio Marshalls. Damn shame.

He is my General Manager in Super Casual league who I probably annoy the fuck out of constantly and his cool girlfriend constantly calls me her mother but this will be a running back for the future. I cannot stress how good this pickup for Tijuana will be. They get a 3rd cool user and a 3rd monster to play with.

28th overall - Defensive End - Tex Wrecks - 209Tacos

I will be brutally honest with you all. I do not like the user 207Tacos. He is rude, smelly, arrogant and just overall an annoying cunt to deal with. Yeah, sounds like a Thunderdome but does anyone actually like hi--Wait it is Two-Zero-NINE Tacos? Oooooh my bad! Wrong dude. Yeah, my bad. This user is pretty damn cool. Only seen him talk a handful of times when I am lurking in the discords or the graphics he does but I think he will be a award contending or winning player by the end his minors career. In most other draft classes he would most likely be a higher pickup than 28th but says a lot about the current quality of this draft. Also really like the name he picked.

36th overall - Line Backer - Terry Tate - Brane Chyld

I do not think I have ever talked to this guy but on stream they said he was friends with 209 Tacos. I do not blame him for befriending all of those tacos but you know he'll devour one of them before long. Only so much will power one man can have. But in all seriousness this will be a great pick up cause they will be playing with each other and he will most likely be a strong player as well. Love the school location being 'The Office' too.

44th overall - Defensive Tackle - Vance Slattery - Punter715

I just want to say beforehand and give a shoutout to 43rd overall, Dexter Jackson (KillaScrilla). He is my boy from the Toronto Rush and I am sad Luchadores did not get you but you will be great for the Myrtle Beach Bucs. 

With that said, we can now see that the Tijuana Luchadores did the rookie mistake of not picking up everyone in one specific position to make it look like they were collecting pokemon. Should have just collected every kicker and punter! 

I do like this pick up and here is why. Vance has been active as fuck in the locker room and asks questions and asks for advice. This goes a long way in building your player and honestly because of something so simple may be a sleeping giant for the major league. He seems motivated and down for making a great player I just cannot see how this dude does not become a threat for every quarter back in the future. I love his attitude and if he can earn that Total Points Earned he will easily be way better than 20th overall yet alone 44th.

Apparently they had nothing but silence on stream for this pick up when he was selects which makes me feel really bad so I will state that this is the steal of the draft. I do not give a fuck who is taken earlier or later in a bigger difference. He is my steal of the draft <3

Welcome to the league as well bro.

60th overall - Defensive End - Owen Isaac - OJI 3001

Have you noticed how balls deep the Luchadores defense is looking. These are all active users as well. Most teams are going to have to really have a sick offensive to be able to score a lot or hope the sim itself memes. Apparently he is a fellow brit and also a fellow rugby player/fan. Gotta respect it. Unsure if it will be union or league or both but since he is filling a major hole in Tijuana Luchadores even more I love this pick up. He sounds like a cool dude who will hopefully be a major star. Glad to see more Brits in the league these days too.

62nd overall - Offensive FUCKING Lineman - Adam Mellott - Guitar Master

A part of me really does love the situation Offensive Lineman is in right now. They're finally starting to get a fair rub. But still main moons to go. Now you will see a lot of people make great claims with Offensive Lineman. Some went in the 1st round after realising the importance of human Offensive Lineman. Some like Dallas are finally drafting these guys and we are now finally seeing people willing become this beautiful position. It only took Cal and Laszlo hitting their bloody prime to prove to you how it can make people Most Valuable Player winners, shut down average or pathetic Defensive Ends and Tackle players and winning Ultimus' to get it through everyone thick bloody skulls!

I state all this because this is a very special pickup. That is because this the 1st Tijuana Luchadores Offensive Lineman pickup. Now a handful of you will believe you can make a respectable Offensive Lineman and maybe you can. I am even sure better players in the Offensive Lineman position went higher but when these picks get to maximum they will be literally walls.

Most newbies do not even remember the wall memes we had but Tijuana are the OG Offensive Lineman group. We have Brave Ulysses (Payton), Ben (I'm not even going to attempt the name you played under. Ben [last name here] lol) who were fucking monsters down here and Laszlo Forty-Two. You know the weird dude who was a fucking pancake master in major league. This could be wrong now cause I do not know how Bruce Buckley finished but I had the 2 most successful seasons in terms of pancakes all-time that was not a bot.

To put this another way, they are in very capable hands and assuming they stay active will hardcore shine.

68th overall - Kicker and Punter - Jack Burton - Joe Crool

We select out new point and yard overlord Jack Burton. Feels pretty cool. I have no idea who the user is sadly but kickers do not get enough love in this league so I am really glad we got you. Unless you're inactive then I am the sad.

This now might become the trend in this piece of god awful media cause we are hitting the depths and I already only knew the quality people so this will be challenging.

Apparently he is friends with someone from Minny but the most popular Kicker for the fine blokes in charge of the Tijuana Luchadores so I would assume this is a great pick up. So welcome to the team Joe Crool.

They traded the 76th overall so onto:

78th overall - Wide Receiver - Mark Walker - Dead Lunatic

God help all Wide Receivers. Just so bloody many of them these days. Sure not all of them are active but you do not get a lot of time at the top if any. May just be because I hate the position now but god damn is it tough. Tight End feels more fun to me. Having said that, he is great depth and more depth in that position is always great but I personally would not want to be WR2 or WR3 again. I think he will be a good Wide Receiver though given time and can learn a lot in his time in Tijuana, Mexico, Earth.

I am also now realising how fucking long and big this draft really is cause god damn. Just so many players.

84th Overall - Quarter Back - Owen Holloway - Spec

It is rather insane to me that someone like Spec could fall so far. Sure he may have a weird or confusing for some path with his player but that just means he is probably going to be a monster for whoever he plays for in major league. I have said a few times in discord how this draft class gives me mini season 15 vibes with the quality and elite users in this draft. Mainly because the one after it was literal garbage in season 16.

It was basically Hugh Mongo, Torenson, Dermot, Lazzy and Wolfie McDummy only. Granted we all did very well. Dermot is a great CB, Mongo was highly successful, Wolfie probably gets HoF and Lazzy was a monster Offensive Lineman but still a highly inferior draft class and that is what season2 6 will give me vibes of. 

It may also help that Spec was drafted to Tijuana but then traded away so maybe history is repeating itself. We sadly lose him for some bloke named Ben Alexander-Arnold who I carry every week in the Super Casual Football Simulation League so no doubt this will be the flop of everyone in this draft. 

In seriousness kinda sucks we lose Spec but we get someone who will just destroy everyone in the future and for a very long time so yeah for an 84th pick overall, pretty fucking big.

92nd overall - Corner Back - Mason Gillion - Emperor

I have only seen him join the discord of the locker room of the Tijuana Luchadores last night and assume he is a rookie to the league. Well, he is in very good hands and they can work on making him a great player. With all new people the factor is just how active will they really be? If he can stay active, motivated and continue to build Mason he will be one to watch and increase his draft stock. He will be a great monster then I feel. Hope you enjoy the league pal.

100th overall! - Offensive Fucking Lineman - Kentdavion "Davie" Davis

Oh lordy lord what a name. A lot of you have weird names and this is coming fro the bloke who has cultists for characters. I pretty much already stated everything I needed to with the last Offensive Lineman pickup and this just adds to the team greatly. Activity dependant this could look like an absolute monster pick up. Sure, once again maybe people have more Total Points Earned than him right no but for minors he can still shine witht he right people helping him out.

102nd overall - Defensive End - Abdul-Jabbar Abid - Saguaro Cactus

A big positional need is getting more depth which is always smart and they can work to build him into a better player. Literally the same rehashed things of activity need to go here and at this point I think you are just trying to find the best players you can. I do not know this person but hopefully he becomes one of the biggest steals in Luchadores history!

Usually at this point I would break it into parts to abuse getting more money from the system in place but if I am being honest with myself I just hit 102nd overall pick in the draft and I am going to be struggling to say a lot of things about the rest without help or rehashing the same information. To the point where I cannot hit the 2500 word mark cause I always try to gun that sweet spot for the maximum amount of cash. But I am not going to get another 2500 words out of this so I do not really see a point. I thought I would just add that cause it feels quite nice to not fully abuse this.

108th overall - Line Backer - Daniel Bateman - Kedyns

I have no idea why but when I first heard his name I instantly thought of Danial Bryan and Derrick Bateman (Who later became EC3) when they were on NxT together and were fucking hilarious. Niche thought process sure but that is a happy memory so I like this guy! Great pick up via default!

This is just more Line Backer depth to my heavily limited knowledge but depth is always good. Cannot go wrong with that. 

116th overall - Wide Receiver - Scott Mastro - Scott Mastro

Scott Mastro. Oh sorry about that. More depth I assume. Always fun. They literally did not say anything on stream about this guy so I will say a little more than nothing to become the #1 Scott Mastro analyst in the league via default. As a Wide Receiver he will catch the ball and try to gain as many yards as he can. Boom!

God can you imagine me trying to milk 2500 words out of these final few picks. Yeah, now you know why I mentioned it.

Yeah, welcome to the team Scott Mastro.

124th overall - Tight End - Jake Woodhead - Woodhead

Woodhead. Wait, fuck I did it again. Apparently Tight End is not a key position for Luchadores as this is probably the only weakness they have. Maybe they move a Wide Receiver to Tight End maybe? Dude I dunno how this sim works I am just blindly guessing. I get the feeling I may be a Tight End in the Development Simulation Football League to start off with. Wouldn't that be ironic and fucking painful as fuck.

Maybe they trade for one or someone position switches. It would make sense. But they should've been gunning one earlier if possible. That is the best I have got.

132nd overall - Corner Back - Breezy Wallace - Breezy

Breezy. FUCK! What the hell is going on with these names and usernames? Anyway, more depth. Always fun and apparently is active. Maybe? Possibly? Would be an insane pickup at this point. Please be active baby I want to see you shine!

And fucking finally:

140th overall - Tight End - Colt Reinhorn - emark 092

Finally we are finished. More depth for an inactive place? Neat! Yeah I aint got fuck all for this one either. We are now basically done. The Tijuana Luchadores got insane depth and a bullshit amount of defensive talent that will be very hard to score on. I love it. Congrats to all the lucky people in getting selected. You will be very fun to watch and follow for me this season and hopefully a good number of you will be future Hall of Famers.

So this concludes my draft 'analysis'. I hope you enjoyed this and I look forward to writing in the future. This has been pretty fun to do honestly. So until next time I will see you all later <3

RE: LUCHADOOOOOORES! - Cody - 08-07-2020

Tijuana legit got a steal with Vance Slattery at 44.

RE: LUCHADOOOOOORES! - SDCore - 08-07-2020

lucha lucha lucha