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*Turning the tables on the expansion discussion - Printable Version

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*Turning the tables on the expansion discussion - DNeon - 08-14-2020

While the emphasis on international expansion has had a clear impact on the discussion, one that I love to see given my outspoken belief on the strength of international expansion, I thought I'd take advantage of this to turn the tables. A lot of Americans posting about cities around the world (or even the sizable international community talking about cities outside of their countries) leads to inevitable mistakes coming from being out of ones depth with the intricate details of, well, world history and global demographics...yeah I can't blame you. So let me take this chance to be wrong too while I talk about US cities and their expansion possibilities. Maybe give yall yanks an opportunity to join the fun of pedantic corrections while I'm at it.

Gib team back pls - St Louis/San Diego
This two team category is based on one thing only, righting wrongs. These cities were recently abandoned by some jerks who don't matter and want a chance to see pro football again, maybe ones not actively trying to leave. San Diego may be served by Tijuana but I don't know how connected the cities really feel, I mean look I live in a country with no land borders (Antarctica doesn't count), so I'll leave it here, but St Louis being bereft of professional football is a tragedy.

Proposed names:
St. Louis Arsenal - A reference to the defence industry existing in St Louis and definitely not a jab at anyone or anything else. I imagine a logo featuring a cannon/artillery firing a Gateway Arch smoke trail behind a football.
San Diego Super Blitzers - Pretty self explanatory.

I hate my neighbour - San Antonio/Orlando/Sacramento/Columbus
This category is for cities that are big enough for football teams but are just too close to others that leaves them underrepresented. Whether it's San Antonio playing third fiddle to everything in Texas, Orlando too close to Tampa, Sacramento just outside of the bay or Columbus sitting between two cities that probably wish they had other teams to go for anyway. San Antonio has a unique issue here because they're now playing 2nd fiddle to their even closer neighbour that usually plays 4th fiddle.

Proposed names:
San Antonio Titans - Both San Antonio and Titans seem really intent on you remembering stuff so might as well chuck 'em together.
Orlando Blooms - Representing the sunshine and sunbelt, as well as the cities early days as a hub for citrus while also alluding to it's current film industry. You know, 'cos of bloom as a lighting effect on animation.
Sacramento Ponies - Look this was hard, aside from being the capital I really couldn't find something interesting here. Generic names like 'Strikers' just felt too soccer or fell flat like 'Smackers'. They were the end stop for the Pony Express. Shoulda written about Inland Empire instead at least there's Star Wars jokes
Ohio Omnitude - I just didn't feel like doing "Columbus" for a name so I figured they'd go with a whole state team, I mean it's the capital after all. I kinda like 'concept' names (rather than the plural 'mascot names') too so figured I'd go with one here.

CoLlEgE iS kInG - Birmingham/Louisville/Oklahoma City
These are the places that seem like obvious choices full of people clearly into football but everyone always says "they'd just play second fiddle to college". What? Is this a US thing I just won't understand? In European soccer leagues the fierce local connection comes from the potential to move between tiers but if you're presented the option for tier 1 sports vs tier 2 sports that will always be tier 1 and tier 2 then who the hell is choosing to not watch tier 1? You don't even have to give up college sports they literally don't compete with eachother...

Proposed names:
Birmingham United - Does this sound like a soccer team? Yes, because that's how you improve your reach. Birmingham, Alabama is not the most famous Birmingham, so trick the Poms into thinking you've given them an ISFL team for them to go to after the Royals and them BAM, they've moved their player to Alabama and are none the wiser. Also there's civil rights history in Birmingham that fits.
Kentucky Fighting Cocks Roosters - Kentucky seems to have a solid population in many cities so I think this one works as a state again. The mascot is in allusion to the cities namesake, King Louis XVI of France. The French national animal is the Gallic Rooster which they use for the majority of their national teams. There are no other reasons for this pick.
Oklahoma City Oracles - Alliteration, play on the 'Sooners' thing I don't understand. Didn't really know much to do here that wasn't just lame storm stuff. Was tempted to write 'Seahawks'.

Last and probably least - Delaware/Omaha/Portland/Rugby
Nah I think these guys deserve a shot, I mean I don't know why Delware really even exists but like sure, throw it in Georgetown for that extra Americana and you're golden. Omaha is a place important to football's history during the 00's and first half of the 10's so I think that cultural significance deserves a spot. Not sure why Portland doesn't have a team TBH it's the biggest city in the state. Is it because it's too far north? Or are other cities in the interstate grouping it's part of taking it's thunder? And lastly I think the northern great plains gets completely unrepresented and someone's already made a Butte joke so we can just use this as a chance to stop inter-sport arguments and have the ISFL take over Rugby for good.

Proposed names:
Delaware Reasons for Statehood - Hey, the descriptive approach has worked for Washington Football Team
Omaha Omahas - It's football legend that saying these words brings good luck, sort of a Buffalo Bills vibe using the city as part of the mascot.
Portland Pipe Snakes - Snakes seem a natural fit, I think Pythons is taken by something so I thought alliteration with Pipe Snakes would fit pretty well, they're also a type of snake found all over the world and known for being smooth and glossy, excellent for slipping tackles.
Rugby yeah no this bit about which is better between the two is not something I want to continue...

Word Count: 1057

TBH I didn't initially plan this to be so meme-y

RE: Turning the tables on the expansion discussion - 37thchamber - 08-14-2020

(08-14-2020, 03:52 AM)DNeon Wrote: Birmingham United - Does this sound like a soccer team? Yes, because that's how you improve your reach. Birmingham, Alabama is not the most famous Birmingham, so trick the Poms into thinking you've given them an ISFL team for them to go to after the Royals and them BAM, they've moved their player to Alabama and are none the wiser. Also there's civil rights history in Birmingham that fits.
I hate you for this -- for many reasons -- but it is clever. I'll give you that.