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*Please Play the Bingo and Prediction Tournaments - Printable Version

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*Please Play the Bingo and Prediction Tournaments - AdamS - 08-14-2020

Hey there. That's a pretty straightforward title isn't it? Yeah. I hope it got your attention. So as the season has started there has been a super slow or non-existence movement towards a few parts of the casino that I want to draw your attention to. Yes, stonks are fun. Game bets are coming soon. Prop bets are going. Survivor is starting next week. These are great. However, the season long weekly prediction tournament is flagging with interest (to my surprise) and the new format of Bingo has had very little headway. So what I'm going to do here is blatantly argue about why you should get involved in these two activities. I hope you read and consider doing so. 

Let's start with season predictions. Or weekly predictions. I've yet to find a full on name I actually like. They're actually season long tournaments built on the weekly predictions. But that shit isn't catchy. Either way I want to explain a bit about it in hopes that maybe it doesn't seem as complicated or it feels more winnable. Because your ability to predict games well comes into play. You in a real way have a strong hand in your own ability to win. In these tournaments (which come in options of $1 million, $5 Million, and/or $10 Million) you directly compete against your fellow entrants. The more people who enter, the bigger the prize pool is. The more people who could potentially get paid as well. I took my time building a poker tournament inspired setup that would reward people and give everyone something worth pushing for (in addition to the TPE you're already earning for these predictions, by the way). Even in a small field you can win money. Last season's $10 Million tournament only had 5 entrants (the minimum) and 1st place walked away with $22.5 Million. The $5 Million bracket last season had only 8 entries and the winner walked with a cool $18 Million. The $1 Million winner made $3.6 Million (also with 8). These weren't big groups but the winners still made some money. So as the competition grows a bit, you could potentially make a ton. While..again...doing something you're already doing. 

So what happens if the player pool grows? Well, let's use the $5 Million for some fun math. Because its the middle child and because I get to do one other sneaky thing at the end. Let's say we get 15 entries at $5 Million. That puts us at a $75 Million dollar pool (of which 7.5 would go to the casino of course) and means our payouts would look like this. 

Tournament Payouts (for your viewing)

1- 33% 
$24.75 Million
2- 20%
$15 Million
3- 15%
$11.25 Million
4- 12%
$9 Million
5- 10%

$7.5 Million

That's a pretty damn nice payout. Nearly 4x your buyin in profit. 2nd place triples their money. And this is still a smaller field than it might be. And again..I know I'm harping on this're very likely already regularly filing out predictions every single week. And now for that dirty trick I promised. This is only the $5 Million. The $10 Million is EVEN LARGER. I regret nothing. 

There's also something I personally find to be a lot of fun which is the competition as the weeks go on. I run this through a sheet that gets updated throughout the season so you can watch and track the rise and fall and close battles between entrants. I think there's a lot of to be said. And also I can go full carnival barker and say that we paid out almost $90 Million last season and more than $60 Million in S22. This is a game where you can make some solid money base don your own wits and luck. And this season if you're feeling confident you can enter anywhere form one to all three tournaments. And entry is available til Sunday on this one. So you can go look at your prediction results if you like. If you're consistently making those predictions, you have as good a chance as anyone. Signups are HERE. Go for it. 

Now to my other child. The poor Bingo tournament. Last season Bingo proved extremely popular but also extremely difficult to manage. A razor thin line would often separate some weeks from others. One week 65 of the 108 potential conditions would be met and the players would profit by $20 million or more. The next week it would be 60 and the players would cumulatively lose $10 Million. The need for balance and change while keeping it going was dire enough that we simply cancelled the last few weeks of the season. After offering deals, free cards, etc to try to help out. That's the impetus behind the format change to a tournament style. With a much more streamlined list of conditions as well. Down to 90 and with those that never hit removed or edited (along with a few that always hit). 

The move here is a simple one. Allow you to continue playing bingo but against your fellow players rather than against the house. And create the possibility for even more winnings. So Bingo will now go by the same tournament payout structure that predictions do. And each card counts as an entry. So whether you buy the minimum or the maximum, you're increasing the size of the tournament and the possible winnings. The hope is that once you try it you'll love it and also that the increased potential for payouts will help. I really think if you give this game a chance you'll have a lot of fun. And we could see some big winners given how quickly that prize pool can grow. There were weeks last season where we had 50+ cards bought for a particular sim. That kind of action could produce some crazy payouts. Payouts you get as immediately as our in house dedicated Banker can process them. I really hope you go HERE and give it a shot. It's an especially interesting week too because it's a double sim so you can buy cards for week 3 and week 4. 

There is also one other factor that I want to put out there. The Casino is a ton of fun and we're constantly trying to create a better product for you to have fun with. But we've also always been upfront that ultimately the goal is to take money out of the economy. Not always the easiest thing to do. At the end of the day it is the reason the Casino exists and its continued existence will depend on that in the long run. Games like these two help a lot because they are guaranteed by design to accomplish this. They help cover any losses the casino might take elsewhere (while also providing some of the biggest potential payouts). And again..I think they're pretty damn fun. People who played the prediction contests have said they enjoyed them. And I know as well that options for what to do with your money get kind of limited pretty quickly. So for all these reasons I'm hoping that if you were unsure, you'll decided to try now. And if you were against the idea, maybe you'll reconsider. I know that I'd personally love to tell the bank to hand you scads of money. I just need you to take the leap first. 

If you made it this far I very much appreciate you reading this and feel free to add some feedback. Useful feedback if you're feeling especially helpful. I'll also answer any questions. Thanks. 

1273 words

RE: Please Play the Bingo and Prediction Tournaments - retrospace111 - 08-14-2020

wow this really convinced me to play it

RE: Please Play the Bingo and Prediction Tournaments - Cheech65 - 08-14-2020

On it

RE: Please Play the Bingo and Prediction Tournaments - ScorpXCracker - 08-14-2020

last time i did predictions tournament it put me 10 million in debt smh

RE: Please Play the Bingo and Prediction Tournaments - slothfacekilla - 08-14-2020

I was hoarding my money for the Dotts release but I may need to switch to one of these since Dotts seems to be.......... stalled I guess.

RE: *Please Play the Bingo and Prediction Tournaments - Thor - 08-15-2020
