International Simulation Football League
*A Breakdown of DSFL Kicker's Performances (Weeks 1-4) - Printable Version

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*A Breakdown of DSFL Kicker's Performances (Weeks 1-4) - xenosthelegend - 08-26-2020

This will be the same thing I did for the preseason, but this time it is the regular season.

Dallas Birddogs
Kicky Man
Week 1: 1/1 Extra points, 2/2 Field goals (2/2 30-39 yards)
Week 2: 3/3 Extra points, 1/2 Field goals (1/2 30-39 yards)
Week 3: 2/2 Extra points, 1/1 Field goals (1/1 20-29 yards)
Week 4: 0/0 Extra points, 0/0 Field goals
Total: 6/6 Extra points, 4/5 Field goals (1/1 20-29 yards, 3/4 30-39 yards)

In week 1 Dallas had a very slow start on offense, as it took them until halfway through the third quarter to score. Zoe Watts had a 61 yard run for a touchdown, which resulted in Man finally getting a chance to do something other than punt. The extra point was right down the middle. Early in the fourth quarter Dallas finally got in field goal range for Man, what resulted was a fourth down and five, and a 35 yard field goal by Man. Halfway through the fourth quarter Dallas had a red zone opportunity, which was squandered as their quarterback got sacked twice in the red zone resulting 4th and goal from the 22 taking them out of the red zone. Man attempted a 39 yard field goal, and was successful in scoring three points.
The Dallas offense got off to a much faster start in week 2, as Man was able to attempt to score points towards the end of the first quarter. With a short punt by Kansas City's punter, and an 18 yard return by Dallas, the drive started in Kansas City territory. A completion for 21 yards, and three incompletions later, Man was called onto the field for a 32 yard attempt. Man drilled the ball through the uprights for three points. Late in the first quarter Kansas City was putting together a drive, with one second left in the quarter Kansas City's QB throws an interception, which was returned for 71 yards, and a touchdown. Man's extra point attempt was good. Man had to wait a while before attempting to score points again, with one minute left in the second quarter Man was called on by Dallas to attempt a 38 yard field goal. The kick had the distance, but it was no good as it was wide right. Halfway through the third quarter Dallas scored a touchdown, Man scored an extra point. Early in the fourth quarter Dallas scored another touchdown, Man attempted the extra point, and the kick was good. Man was no longer perfect on field goals, but he remained perfect on extra points.
In week 3 things started to look good for Dallas, as they were the first to score. The bad part of this was a red zone opportunity that resulted in three incompletions and a field goal. Man's kick was good from 29 yards out. On the next Dallas drive they got into the red zone once again, this time they scored a touchdown. Man's kick was once again good. Halfway through the second quarter Dallas scored again, a 14 yard touchdown run by Mattathias Caliban resulted in an extra point attempt by Man. Man would remain perfect on extra points as he was 6/6 on the season.
Man would not get to attempt to score points in week 4, and it wasn't because Dallas never attempted an extra point. Dallas wasn't able to do anything against their week 4 opponent the London Royals as they were shut out 31-0. All Man's leg did in week 4 was kick the ball off once, and punt it nine times, one of which was blocked.

Myrtle Beach Buccaneers
Leo Bloomfield
Week 1: 3/4 Extra points, 0/1 Field goals (0/1 40-49 yards)
Week 2: 0/0 Extra points, 2/3 Field goals (2/2 20-29 yards 0/1 50+ yards)
Week 3: 1/1 Extra points, 2/3 Field goals (1/1 20-29 yards, 1/2 40-49 yards)
Week 4: 3/3 Extra points, 0/0 Field goals
Total: 7/8 Extra points, 4/7 Field goals (3/3 20-29 yards, 1/2 40-49 yards 0/1 50+ yards)

In week 1 early in the first quarter Myrtle Beach scored a touchdown. Leo Bloomfield walked onto the field for his second time of the season, the first a kickoff. The extra point attempt was good as Bloomfield's kick went right down the middle. On Kansas City's next offensive drive Myrtle Beach intercepted Kansas City quarterback Reginald Covington III, and returned the ball 47 yards, one play later and Myrtle Beach scored another touchdown. Bloomfield stepped onto the field once again to attempt an extra point. The kick was no good. Bloomfield was a bit rattled by this as halfway through the second quarter he was called on to attempt a 41 yard field goal, his kick was wide left. With just over two minutes remaining in the second quarter Myrtle Beach scored another touchdown, Bloomfield seemed to regain his kicking abilities as this time his kick was good. Early in the third quarter Bloomfield had another chance to score points as Myrtle Beach scored a fourth touchdown. Bloomfield knocked the ball through the uprights to bring himself over 50% on kicks made.
In week 2 early in the second quarter Myrtle Beach found themselves in the red zone. What resulted from the red zone possession was a 24 yard field goal attempt by Bloomfield which was good. With five seconds left in the second quarter Myrtle Beach needed to try to get some more points on the board, with little time left they decided to go for a 56 yard field goal. Bloomfield's kick was accurate as it would have gone in if it had the distance, which it lacked. The 56 yard attempt was no good. Halfway through the fourth quarter Bloomfield was called on again as another red zone possession resulted in a field goal. This time a 28 yard attempt, Bloomfield's kick was once again accurate, this time it had the distance as he only needed to kick the ball half the distance of his last attempt.
Bloomfield continued to have problems with longer field goals as his first field goal attempt in week 3 was no good from 42 yards out. Bloomfield would not have to wait long for redemptioon as Myrtle Beach scored a touchdown which allowed him to kick an extra point. Late in the second quarter, determined to redeem himself from missing all his 40+ yard attempts, Bloomfield lined up for a 44 yard field goal. The kick as it had been most of the season was accurate, as the ball approached the uprights it lost height, the ball was running out of room to fall if it were to be good, after the ball was in the air for five seconds it just barely made it over the crossbar for three points, if it had been just an inch lower the ball would have bounced off the crossbar. Halfway through the fourth quarter Bloomfield lined up for a field goal for the third time today, a 28 yard field goal, his shortest attempt of the day. Bloomfield's kick was good.
In week 4 Myrtle Beach scored a touchdown early in the second quarter, Bloomfield scored an extra point. Just four minutes later Bloomfield scored another extra point as Myrtle Beach had scored another touchdown. With the game already likely over Myrtle Beach scored a touchdown early in the fourth quarter, Bloomfield's kick was good.

Tijuana Luchadores
Jack Burton
Week 1: 1/2 Extra points, 3/3 Field goals (1/1 <20 yards, 2/2 40-49 yards)
Week 2: 1/2 Extra points, 3/3 Field goals (1/1 20-29 yards, 2/2 30-39 yards)
Week 3: 5/5 Extra points, 0/0 Field goals
Week 4: 1/1 Extra points, 4/4 Field goals (3/3 30-39 yards, 1/1 40-49 yards)
Total: 8/10 Extra points, 10/10 Field goals (1/1 <20 yards, 1/1 20-29 yards, 5/5 30-39 yards, 3/3 40-49 yards)

It took five minutes into week one for Tijuana's offense to step onto the field. That didn't stop them from scoring off of an 87 yard punt return TD. Burton kicked the extra point. Tijuana's offense wasn't able to accomplish what their special teams was, as their first points scored on offense came from a 46 yard field goal. Halfway through the second quarter Tijuana's offense finally replicated what their special teams did, and scored a touchdown. It wasn't a perfect replication though as Burton missed the extra point. With seven seconds left in the second quarter, at the Dallas 1 yard line, instead of trying to punch it in Tijuana attempted an 18 yard field goal. Burton's kick was good. Early in the third quarter Burton was called on by Tijuana to try a 47 yard field goal, Burton's kick was good once again from more than 40 yards out.
There was not much scoring early by either team in week 2, as the only points scored in the first quarter came with just over two minutes left, and it was a 34 yard field goal by Burton. Halfway through the second quarter Tijuana scored a touchdown, Burton missed the extra point, this was the second extra point he missed this season. Maybe it will motivate him. With less than two minutes left in the second quarter Burton attempted a 20 yard field goal, his kick was good. With just under five minutes left in the third quarter Burton had a chance at redemption on an extra point, this time he made it. With 44 seconds left in the third quarter Tijuana would score their last points of the game, a 34 yard field goal, kicked by Burton.
Week 3 was a shootout, six minutes into the game Tijuana scored a touchdown, Burton's kick was good. With three minutes left in the second quarter Tijuana scored their second touchdown of the game, Burton was successful in kicking his second extra point. With less than two minutes remaining in the second quarter, Bronko Mills ran for 88 yards, which resulted in a touchdown for Tijuana, Burton kicked his third extra point of the day. Late in the third quarter Tijuana would score another touchdown, this time 12 yard run by Crowbar Theeks, Burton's fourth kick of the day was successful. Halfway through the fourth quarter Tijuana scored their fifth touchdown, and Burton scored his fifth extra point of the day.
In week 4, Burton had to wait until just over three minutes left in the first quarter to have a chance to score points. A 34 yard field goal attempt, he had already been successful from over 40 previously, this one would surely be good. History repeated itself, and Burton's kick was good. Early in the second quarter Burton was called on by Tijuana to kick a 33 yard field goal, Burton's kick was right down the middle. With 4:21 left in the second quarter, Burton tried a 40 yard field goal, for the third time today Burton was successful in scoring points. Halfway through the third quarter Burton attempted another field goal, this time from 32 yards. Burton remained automatic in kicking field goals as he was now 10/10 on the season. With just under five minutes left in the fourth quarter Tijuana was able to score a touchdown, Burton's kick was good.

Norfolk Seawolves
Melvin Murder-Moose
Week 1: 4/4 Extra points, 1/2 Field goals (1/1 20-29 yards, 0/1 50+ yards)
Week 2: 2/2 Extra points, 2/4 Field goals (1/1 20-29 yards, 1/1 30-39 yards, 0/1 40-49 yards, 0/1 50+ yards)
Week 3: 4/5 Extra points, 1/1 Field goals (1/1 30-39 yards)
Week 4: 5/6 Extra points, 1/1 Field goals (1/1 30-39 yards)
Total: 15/17 Extra points, 5/8 Field goals (2/2 20-29 yards, 3/3 30-39 yards, 0/1 40-49 yards, 0/2 50+ yards)

In week 1 Norfolk showed they have a strong offense early, as in the first quarter Murder-Moose was able to attempt two extra points, both of which were good. Early in the second quarter Norfolk gave Murder-Moose a chance to show off their leg strength, a 52 yard field goal attempt. The kick was no good. Murder-Moose would have to wait until the fourth quarter to try to score points again. Early in the fourth quarter Ramza connected to Matthews for a 10 yard touchdown pass, Murder-Moose was successful in kicking the extra point. Halfway through the fourth quarter Norfolk found themselves in the red zone on fourth down. Instead of going for it on 4th and 1, they decided to kick a field goal. Murder-Moose was good from 23 yards out. After a blocked punt Norfolk found themselves in the red zone again, this time they would score a touchdown, Murder-Moose was successful for the fourth time of the game kicking extra points.
Week 2 did not start off the best for Murder-Moose as their first field goal attempt was a miss from 45 yards. Just over five minutes into the second quarter Murder-Moose had another chance to kick a field goal, this one from 23 yards. Murder-Moose was successful this time. With 29 seconds left in the second quarter, Murder-Moose tried a 53 yard field goal. The kick had the distance, but was off by a bit, and hit the uprights. Halfway through the third quarter Norfolk scored a touchdown, Murder-Moose scored an extra point. Norfolk scored another touchdown one minute later with a 69 yard punt return. Murder-Moose got another extra point. With 12 seconds left in the fourth quarter, wanting to put some more points on the board, and preserve their shutout, Norfolk sent out Murder-Moose for a 36 yard field goal, Murder-Moose's kick was good.
In week 3 Norfolk scored a touchdown late in the first quarter. Murder-Moose kicked the extra point. Just over five minutes into the second quarter Norfolk scored another touchdown, Murder-Moose's kick was once again good. With less than two minutes remaining in the second quarter, Murder-Moose attempted a 34 yard field goal. Murder-Moose drilled the ball through the uprights for three points. Halfway through the third quarter Norfolk scored their third touchdown of the game, Murder-Moose remained perfect on extra points, kicking another successful extra point. Early in the fourth quarter Norfolk scored another touchdown, their fourth of the game, Murder-Moose kicked their fourth successful extra point of the game. Late in the fourth quarter Norfolk scored their fifth touchdown of the game, Murder-Moose lined up for the extra point. Up to this point Murder-Moose was perfect on extra points, this would no longer be true after this kick as it was wide left.
Early in the first quarter of week 4 Norfolk showed us some of their week 1 offense as they scored a touchdown within five minutes from the start of the game. Murder-Moose was successful in kicking the extra point. Early in the second quarter Norfolk would score again, a 3 yard run by Quanter Skrills resulted in a touchdown. Murder-Moose's kick was good. Early in the third quarter Norfolk scored their third touchdown of the game, Murder-Moose's kick this time was not good. Less than a minute later Norfolk got a pick six for their fourth touchdown of the game. Murder-Moose, wanting to redeem themselves, made this extra point. Halfway through the third quarter, after a interception returned to the one, and a one yard run by Captain Rogers, Norfolk scored their fifth touchdown of the game. Murder-Moose was once again successful in kicking the extra point. With 37 seconds left in the third quarter Norfolk scored their sixth touchdown of the game, Murder-Moose scored their fifth extra point of the game. With 35 seconds left in the fourth quarter Murder-Moose successfully kicked a 35 yard field goal.

Kansas City Coyotes
Juke Thomason
Week 1: 2/2 Extra points, 1/1 Field goals (1/1 30-39 yards)
Week 2: 1/2 Extra points, 0/0 Field goals
Week 3: 5/5 Extra points, 0/1 Field goals (0/1 40-49 yards)
Week 4: 3/3 Extra points, 1/1 Field goals (1/1 30-39 yards)
Total: 11/12 Extra points, 2/3 Field goals (2/2 30-39 yards, 0/1 40-49 yards)

In week 1 Thomason waited until less than a minute remained in the first quarter to have a chance at scoring points. Kansas City scored a touchdown off of a 25 yard pass, Thomason's kick was good. Halfway through the second quarter Thomason drilled a 30 yard field goal for three points. Early in the fourth quarter Kansas City running back King Tutankhamun punched the ball in from the 1 yard line for a touchdown. Thomason's kick was good.
In week 2 it took some time for Kansas City to score points, as it took them until halfway through the second quarter to score a touchdown. Thomason's kick was good. Halfway through the third quarter Kansas City started to string together a drive, it ended seven minutes later in a touchdown off of a 6 yard pass by Covington III to Cooper. Thomason lined up for the extra point, but he missed it wide right.
Week 3 was a shootout, but it didn't look like it would be at the start of the game. With 1:30 remaining in the first quarter Covington III connected to Campbell for Kansas City's first points of the game. Thomason walked onto the field for an extra point attempt, his kick was good. Kansas City was not able to do much offensively in the second quarter as their next points came early in the third quarter. Kansas City scored a touchdown, and once again Thomason kicked the extra point. Halfway through the third quarter and Kansas City scores another touchdown, Thomason's kick was good for the third time today. Just two minutes later Kansas City scores another touchdown, a drive sparked by a blocked punt. Thomason was called onto the field by Kansas City to kick his fourth extra point of the day, Thomason remained perfect in kicking extra points. With just over three minutes left in the fourth quarter Kansas City scored their fifth touchdown of the day, history repeated itself as Thomason was once again successful in kicking the extra point. With one minute left in the fourth quarter, and the score tied, Thomason had a chance to win the game, or at least put his team in a good position to win. Thomason attempted a 44 yard field goal, good snap, good hold, and the kick was away. The kick had the distance, but was ultimately off target as the moment it was kicked you could tell it was off, the kick missed to the right, and overtime happened just a minute later. Thomason would not get a chance to redeem himself this week, but Kansas City won anyway.
Late in the first quarter of week 4, Kansas City scored a touchdown. Thomason was successful in kicking the extra point. Thomason would have to wait a while before getting another chance to score points, his chance would come early in the third quarter, Kansas City just scored a touchdown. Thomason's kick was good. Early in the fourth quarter Thomason attempted his third field goal of the season, this time from 38 yards out. Thomason's kick was right down the middle, and he scored three points for Kansas City. Late in the fourth quarter Kansas City scored another touchdown, Thomason's last kick of the first four weeks was good.

Minnesota Grey Ducks
Bill Brasky
Week 1: 3/3 Extra points, 0/1 Field goals (0/1 40-49 yards)
Week 2: 0/0 Extra points, 0/0 Field goals
Week 3: 1/1 Extra points, 4/4 Field goals (1/1 30-39 yards, 3/3 40-49 yards)
Week 4: 3/3 Extra points, 3/3 Field goals (1/1 30-39 yards, 2/2 40-49 yards)
Total: 7/7 Extra points, 7/8 Field goals (2/2 30-39 yards, 5/6 40-49 yards)

Minnesota got off to a very slow start scoring points this season, it took them until halfway through the third quarter to score their first points of the season. Rotchburns punched the ball in from one yard out, and Brasky kicked the extra point. Starting to pick up momentum, Minnesota scored another touchdown just four minutes later, Brasky's kick was right down the middle, for another successful extra point. Halfway through the fourth quarter, Minnesota called on Brasky to attempt his first field goal of the season, a 44 yard attempt. Brasky would not start off the season right on field goals as he missed his kick. Late in the fourth quarter Brasky successfully kicked his third extra point of the game.
In week 2 all Brasky's leg was used for was a kickoff, and six punts. Minnesota was shut out, and wasn't able to get anything going on offense. 51 passing yards and 117 rushing yards. Brasky had 253 total yards punting, a long of 51, only one of his punts was inside the 20.
Minnesota finally got their offense back on track somewhat in week 3, in the first quarter Brasky attempted a 45 yard field goal, one yard more than his previous field goal attempt. This time he was successful in kicking the field goal. Early in the second quarter Brasky once again kicked a field goal, this time from 31 yards. With less than two minutes remaining in the second quarter Minnesota did something they hadn't done since late in week 1, scored a touchdown. Brasky's extra point attempt was good. Early in the fourth quarter, Brasky had a 47 yard field goal attempt, his kick was right down the middle, his third field goal of the game. With 43 seconds left in the fourth quarter Brasky was called onto the field to attempt his third kick from over 40 yards this game. This time from 45 yards, Brasky remained automatic as his third 40+ yards attempt was good.
Early in the first quarter in week 4, Brasky had a chance to prove last week wasn't a fluke as he successfully kicked a 42 yard field goal. Halfway through the second quarter, Minnesota scored a touchdown, Brasky walked onto the field to attempt an extra point, his kick was good. Early in the fourth quarter Rotchburns punched the ball in from the one yard line, Brasky lined up for the extra point, and got it. Late in the third quarter, Brasky had his shortest field goal attempt of the season, a 30 yard field goal. His kick was good. Early in the fourth quarter Brasky attempted an extra point after Minnesota scored a touchdown, being perfect on the season in extra points, and not wanting to ruin that, he was successful in kicking the extra point to remain perfect. Late in the fourth quarter, Brasky lined up for a 42 yard field goal. Brasky was 6/6 on kicks for the day as the field goal was good.

Portland Pythons
Pseudo QB
Week 1: 2/2 Extra points, 1/1 Field goals (1/1 30-39 yards)
Week 2: 2/2 Extra points, 3/3 Field goals (3/3 30-39 yards)
Week 3: 0/0 Extra points, 5/5 Field goals (1/1 30-39 yards, 4/4 40-49 yards)
Week 4: 5/5 Extra points, 1/1 Field goals (1/1 40-49 yards)
Total: 9/9 Extra points, 10/10 Field goals (5/5 30-39 yards, 5/5 40-49 yards)

Portland had some offensive struggles in the first quarter of week 1, then halfway through the second quarter QB lined up for a 31 yard field goal attempt. QB's kick was accurate, had the distance, and his first field goal of the season was good. With 1:17 left in the second quarter, Portland scored their first touchdown of the season, QB's first extra point attempt of the season was good. Halfway through the third quarter Portland would score another touchdown, QB's kick was once again good.
In week 2 Portland had a five minute drive in the first quarter that ended in a 36 yard field goal by QB. Early in the second quarter, Portland was once again unable to convert on 3rd and long, resulting in another field goal attempt by QB, this one from 39 yards out. QB's kick was successful in scoring three points for Portland. Halfway through the second quarter, QB lined up for his third field goal of the game, this one a 31 yard attempt. QB's kick was right down the middle. Early in the third quarter Portland finally made it into the endzone as Christiansen got a touchdown off of an 8 yard run. QB's extra point attempt was successful. After Pama punched the ball in from the one yard line early in the fourth quarter, QB successfully kick the extra point to remain perfect on kicks through the first two weeks.
In week 3 not wanting to be outdone by Brasky's 45 yard field goal, QB made a 44 yard field goal four minutes later. But QB wanted more, he wanted to surpass Brasky's kick, he would get his chance on the next Minnesota drive. QB lined up for a 47 yard field goal attempt, his kick was good. QB now having surpassed Brasky's kick was not done yet. Halfway through the second quarter, QB kicked his third field goal of the game, this time from 30 yards, his shortest field goal of the season. Late in the third quarter QB attempted a 44 yard field goal, QB was once again successful, as he knocked the ball through the uprights. QB's last kick of the day was a 43 yard field goal, QB remained perfect as he went 5/5 on field goal attempts.
After QB's tremendous performance last week going 5/5 on field goals, four of which were from 40+ yards out, he wanted to continue his performance. QB scored a 42 yard field goal early in the first quarter, this would be his last field goal of the first four weeks. Early in the second quarter Portland did what they had not done since week 2, scored a touchdown. QB's extra point attempt was successful, but there were many more extra point attempts to come. Late in the second quarter Portland scored another touchdown, QB's kick was good. Late in the third quarter Portland scored their third touchdown of the game, QB's third extra point attempt of the game was successful. Early in the fourth quarter Portland scored yet another touchdown, QB kicked his fourth extra point of the game. Halfway through the fourth quarter QB would get his last chance to score points of the first four weeks. Portland scored their fifth touchdown of the game. QB lined up for his fifth extra point attempt. He remained perfect in kicking, QB was the only kicker who had not missed a single kick yet.

London Royals
Jake Fencik
Week 1: 3/3 Extra points, 1/1 Field goals (1/1 20-29 yards)
Week 2: 1/1 Extra points, 1/1 Field goals (1/1 30-39 yards)
Week 3: 0/0 Extra points, 0/0 Field goals
Week 4: 4/4 Extra points, 1/2 Field goals (1/1 30-39 yards, 0/1 40-49 yards)
Total: 8/8 Extra points, 3/4 Field goals (1/1 20-29 yards, 2/2 30-39 yards, 0/1 40-49 yards)

In week 1 London QB Cortez connected with J'Vathon for an 8 yard TD, Fencik's kick was good. Halfway through the fourth quarter, London found themselves in the red zone, but on fourth down. London decided to attempt a 24 yard field goal, Fencik's first field goal of the season was successful in scoring three points. With less than two minutes remaining in the second quarter, London scored another touchdown, Fencik's extra point attempt was successful. Early in the fourth quarter London scored their third touchdown of the game, Fencik remained perfect on the day as his third extra point attempt was good.
In week 2 London got off to an early start scoring as Yaki ran the ball into the endzone from four yards out, Fencik's extra point attempt was good. Fencik would have to wait a long time on the bench to have another chance at scoring points. Halfway through the fourth quarter Fencik was called onto the field by London for a 36 yard field goal attempt. Fencik drilled the ball through the uprights for a successful field goal, in a game that had long since gotten out of hand.
Week 3 was a brutal week on offense for London as they were shut out. All Fencik did for the game was kick the ball off once, and punt the ball ten times. Fencik did not manage to down the ball inside the 20 even once, he had long of 61, and 408 total punt yards.
After week 3 there seemed to be a fire lit under the London players, their opponent that week was Dallas. Dallas spent the week trash talking on twitter, maybe they should have spent some time preparing for the game. In week 4 things started slow, but the London offense scored three times in the second quarter. Their first points came off of a six yard pass to Spencer, Fencik successfully kicked the extra point. With less than two minutes remaining in the second quarter, London scored their second touchdown of the game. Fencik was once again successful in kicking the extra point. With thirty seconds left in the second quarter, London scored their third touchdown of the game, Fencik's kick was good for the third time that game. London slowed down a bit after the second quarter as it took them until the fourth quarter to have another chance to score points. Fueled by anger at Dallas' general unpreparedness for the game, and their trash talking, when Fencik lined up for a 44 yards attempt instead of kicking the ball he did this to a Dallas player. Halfway through the fourth quarter Fencik actually kicked the ball on a 32 field goal attempt, the kick was good. Late in the fourth quarter London scored their fourth touchdown of the game, Fencik remained perfect on extra points as his kick was once again successful.

RE: A Breakdown of DSFL Kicker's Performances (Weeks 1-4) - Baron1898 - 08-26-2020

Kicker love is always welcome

RE: A Breakdown of DSFL Kicker's Performances (Weeks 1-4) - SchwarzNarr - 08-26-2020

Kicker Mafia Represent

RE: A Breakdown of DSFL Kicker's Performances (Weeks 1-4) - Crodyman - 08-26-2020

Love all my kickers in the kicker squad