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In Defense of CLG - Printable Version

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In Defense of CLG - Billybolo53 - 08-30-2020

In Defense of Clg

After a few days to let thing ruminate, something felt off about the recent punishment of Clg Rampage. I will lay out my argument for a reduction of his punishment.

The first is why did Sermo and Clg share a punishment thread. Their two offenses had nothing to do with each other. To associate the two in one thread implies some sort of connection which does a disservice to Clg.  Who needlessly gets connected to a much worse offense for no reason.

Number two. Clg comments were not said in isolation. He was offended by his media piece becoming a copypasta and memed. I cannot condone his reaction, but the circumstances did play a part in his comments. Clg repeatedly told people to stop posting the copy pasta and only posted those regrettable remarks when he boiled over with frustration. His remarks were venting frustrations rather than a direct, personal threat. I know most people would have avoided posting the copy pasta had they know how it made Clg feel. The meme-ing was not wrong by any means, but did play apart in Clgs actions.

The third reason. Is that Clg has given a lot to this community and league. He is one of the people I remember on the draft stream when I first came into the DSFL. From everything I can tell he has a great track record and reputation around the league. While he can be somewhat abrasive, I feel like the comments were clearly out of character. I am not saying he is above punishment, but that he should get the benefit of the doubt given the circumstances.

I am not a personal friend or teammate of Clg. I worked with him on the awards committee and have had a handful of interactions elsewhere. I feel that probation is a more than adequate punishment. His behavior came out of his love and passion for the league. If there’s any repeat behavior then drop the hammer, but i have confidence in Clg.

He has already shown remorse for his actions in his apology. I hope the appeals team can make the right decision here and welcome back a great user.

RE: In Defense of CLG - ReverendOReily - 08-30-2020

(08-30-2020, 10:58 AM)Billybolo53 Wrote: Number two. Clg comments were not said in isolation. He was offended by his media piece becoming a copypasta and memed. I cannot condone his reaction, but the circumstances did play a part in his comments. Clg repeatedly told people to stop posting the copy pasta and only posted those regrettable remarks when he boiled over with frustration. His remarks were venting frustrations rather than a direct, personal threat.

I really don't see how saying what CLG said is "venting frustration." Seems a lot more like a "direct, personal threat" to me.

RE: In Defense of CLG - Billybolo53 - 08-30-2020

(08-30-2020, 11:50 AM)ReverendOReily Wrote:
(08-30-2020, 10:58 AM)Billybolo53 Wrote: Number two. Clg comments were not said in isolation. He was offended by his media piece becoming a copypasta and memed. I cannot condone his reaction, but the circumstances did play a part in his comments. Clg repeatedly told people to stop posting the copy pasta and only posted those regrettable remarks when he boiled over with frustration. His remarks were venting frustrations rather than a direct, personal threat.

I really don't see how saying what CLG said is "venting frustration." Seems a lot more like a "direct, personal threat" to me.

he could of easily told them to fuck off and it wouldn’t be an issue. He did not dm someone a threat but rather was tired of the copy pasta. A regrettable choice of words, yes. Direct personal threat no

RE: In Defense of CLG - Thiath - 08-31-2020

I don't even know what was said. No one's really made that clear.

RE: In Defense of CLG - Buttersqauch101 - 08-31-2020

Punishments don’t have to be the same to be on the same post. See my mod abuse punishment with CitizenOfAdrra giving his account to noble. Not even close to the same but it’s more for the fact that two punishments that close to eachother you might as well combine the post

RE: In Defense of CLG - QuirkyTurtle - 09-01-2020

I absolutely agree that CLG punishment was too harsh. Everyone enjoys a good copy pasta but it can verge on the line of just straight up bullying. I'm not surprised he got frustrated by it. It continued long after he specifically and publicly asked for his media piece to be taken down. Also agree while his comments were somewhat strange and shouldn't have been said, they weren't a direct threat. It was similar to someone just saying 'go fuck yourself'. An insult yes. Not a threat. I think he got very unlucky that his small outburst happened at the same time as another being accused of death threats, and therefore got put in the same category. If there was a petition to sign for lowering the punishment, Id sign.

RE: In Defense of CLG - Buttersqauch101 - 09-02-2020

(09-01-2020, 11:23 AM)QuirkyTurtle Wrote: I absolutely agree that CLG punishment was too harsh. Everyone enjoys a good copy pasta but it can verge on the line of just straight up bullying. I'm not surprised he got frustrated by it. It continued long after he specifically and publicly asked for his media piece to be taken down. Also agree while his comments were somewhat strange and shouldn't have been said, they weren't a direct threat. It was similar to someone just saying 'go fuck yourself'. An insult yes. Not a threat. I think he got very unlucky that his small outburst happened at the same time as another being accused of death threats, and therefore got put in the same category. If there was a petition to sign for lowering the punishment, Id sign.
He was tagging people in the management discord who had already apologized and would insult them and tell them to “eat a red hot knife”

RE: In Defense of CLG - timeconsumer - 09-02-2020

I'm going to reiterate a few of the finer details within the "Don't Be a Dick" rule:

1) Don't be a dick
2) If you think someone is being a dick, tell them "Don't be a dick."
3) If you tell someone to stop being a dick and they continue to be a dick, try ignoring them.
4) Try not to resort to being a dick back to them, this usually results in a downward dick spiral and those aren't fun for anybody.