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Adam2552 Releases MattJames Contract Negotiations - Printable Version

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Adam2552 Releases MattJames Contract Negotiations - adam2552 - 07-23-2017

In an effort to be transparent and dispel any rumors, here are the full transcripts from my contract negotiations with MattJames:

MattJames: Hello Coach. I would speak to you about my contract negotiation?


Adam2552: What's up?! Glad to have had the chance to draft you! Can't wait for you to lineup with Hendrix and anchor our oline!


MattJames: I would like to discuss a player option for S2 and a signing bonus for S1 and a reduction in S3.


Adam2552: What did you have in mind?


MattJames: I am Mr. James' agent and we feel that a fair price for an offensive lineman in this years draft would look something like this. 6 million dollars for S1, this will represent a signing bonus for my client. In season 2, my client would like 3 million dollars with a player option. In season 3 my client would accept a contract of 1.5 million dollars with a team option. If necessary, I am happy to provide further details to the reasoning behind the structure of this contract. I have been instructed my client will not be participating in any preseason activities until he has a deal in place.

Thank you sir.


Adam2552: Sorry for the delay in response, I spit my coffee out on my phone. Had to go clean it off.

A) We will not pay your player a huge salary this year, and then give him the option to walk away next season. Having $1.5m in S4 is meaningless when you can walk away after S2.

B) $6,000,000 would make your player second highest paid player in the league behind Josh Bercovici.

C) For salary reference, our first OL drafted (8th overall), is getting paid $3m per season.

So with that being said, what makes your player worth us making him the second highest paid player in the league? And if we were to show him that commitment, would he be willing to commit to us beyond 1 season?


MattJames: Mr. James did admit that he did not consider your perspective on the player option in year 2. The thought process was initially that if Mr. James did not like the team, he would opt out in the second year. There is still the value of the 3rd season of the deal if Mr. James decides to stay you will be getting a strong player at a limited position on a very team friendly deal.

Mr. James is not concerned with what other linemen are getting paid. We understand the value of this position and have had conversation with multiple members of the Liberty organization regarding Mr. James' role in anchoring the line of the franchise. This is clearly a key role on the team and Mr. James feels that he should be paid accordingly.

Furthermore, the initial payment is to be viewed as a signing bonus that enables Mr. James to purchase equipment that will benefit the Liberty as well as Mr. James in the coming years. I have spoken to my client and he would be willing to adjust the terms of his salary in year 2, to 2.75 million dollars with no player option, and 3 million dollars in year 3 with a mutual option. Year 1 would not be changed in this agreement.

Last but surely not least, my client was adamant that he was not aware he was going to be drafted by Liberty and he did not have a two way conversation with the team regarding it as a landing spot for his talents. While he is honored to be drafted in this league, by any team, Mr. James would have liked ownership to consider the lack of dialogue between the two parties as a consideration during the draft.

Thank you Mr. Jefferson,

Jay Z, Agent, Roc Nation


Adam2552: Mr. Z,

I understand the value of OL and your position here. However, I'd like you to know that several players on the team have taken smaller contracts this season and future seasons to allow for us to provide bonuses at the end of the season to our players. Your player taking such a large salary S2 would cut into the end of year bonuses we could offer our players, again, some who voluntarily took smaller contracts.

Before we make a deal, I'd ask that your player joins our team discord Liberty Discord (this was a link in original email) and meet our players and give us a chance before rushing to sign a big deal.

We are prepared to make a substantial offer, but would like to wait until after your player has talked to some of the guys and gotten a feel for the team.

Is that alright? Do you have any questions for me?


MattJames: My client feels that would have been an appropriate response to our initial conversations. But instead you decided to to, and I quote "spit my coffee out on my phone." Mr. James does not feel that you were taking these conversations seriously, nor the draft process.

Many of my clients statements were outright ignored in your most recent reply. Other players on the team may have other roles in the league where they do not need as much cash. Other players on the team were not offered initial contracts with built-in team options that are not in the best interest of the player. Mr. James' motivation for playing in this league is to be paid well and live a long life as a wealthy man.

--at this point he posted the hold out story--

Adam2552:Hey man,

Wow, guess we really got off on the wrong foot. I've been running around all day getting my family ready for our vacation tomorrow. Since I'll sparsely be on here over the next week, im handing contract negotiations over to our Co-GM Silver Fox.

I beg you though, please give our team discord a try before you sign a deal with us. At the end of the day this is a game, and should be fun for everyone, so see if you think it could be fun to play for our team before you sign a deal.

In addition to these correspondences, I also sent him a message pre-draft which he did not reply to. Had he replied that he would have not enjoyed being selected by our team, we wouldn't have drafted him. Had he stated in the beginning that he had no interest in playing for our team, we would have traded him before even starting contract negotiations.

Adam2552 Releases MattJames Contract Negotiations - Player1 - 07-23-2017

If I were a GM, I would never sign a rookie to a $6mil contract that allows them to bail the next season.

Adam2552 Releases MattJames Contract Negotiations - Perry87 - 07-23-2017

@MattJames Perhaps you should get an agent with some thicker skin :lol:

Adam2552 Releases MattJames Contract Negotiations - kckolbe - 07-23-2017

((So, the actual yearly salary amounts are fine. In Yellowknife we are doing the same for a lot of the rookies, helping them buy their starting gear and get ahead financially, then dropping their pay for yr 2 and 3 so we can do the same for next year's rookies.

I feel that their should have been an either or approach here. For example, we are willing to pay that amount if you drop the player option, or we are willing to let you have the player option if the S2 salary is low and then 3 and 4 are higher.

Also, when considering pay, remember that Perry Tucker was effectively given a $4 million dollar bonus to switch to a position of greater need, and Matt's cap hit is no longer as high-ranking.))

Adam2552 Releases MattJames Contract Negotiations - Perry87 - 07-23-2017

(07-23-2017, 09:03 AM)kckolbe Wrote:((So, the actual yearly salary amounts are fine.  In Yellowknife we are doing the same for a lot of the rookies, helping them buy their starting gear and get ahead financially, then dropping their pay for yr 2 and 3 so we can do the same for next year's rookies. 

I feel that their should have been an either or approach here.  For example, we are willing to pay that amount if you drop the player option, or we are willing to let you have the player option if the S2 salary is low and then 3 and 4 are higher.

Also, when considering pay, remember that Perry Tucker was effectively given a $4 million dollar bonus to switch to a position of greater need, and Matt's cap hit is no longer as high-ranking.))

You're missing the point though. If there was no player option for years 2 and 3 then I have no doubt that Adam would've accepted. But as the suggested contract stands, he could've taken the 6m and jumped ship after 1 season. Seeing as he stated later that he didnt want to play in Philly in the first place, that seems like what he would've done.

Regarding my contract, the 4m "bonus" was a team expense. The only reason its next to my name in the contract page is for book keeping.

Adam2552 Releases MattJames Contract Negotiations - kckolbe - 07-23-2017

(07-23-2017, 05:20 AM)Perry87 Wrote:You're missing the point though. If there was no player option for years 2 and 3 then I have no doubt that Adam would've accepted. But as the suggested contract stands, he could've taken the 6m and jumped ship after 1 season. Seeing as he stated later that he didnt want to play in Philly in the first place, that seems like what he would've done.

Regarding my contract, the 4m "bonus" was a team expense. The only reason its next to my name in the contract page is for book keeping.

((I didn't miss the point. I addressed that with the "either or" approach. I agree that a player option for someone who's admitted to not wanting to be there would require a MUCH lower initial investment.

And I know your char didn't receive that money, but in terms of team expense, Philly DID spend that money to fill a position of need on defense, which is relevant given James' remarks on the scarcity of O line.))

Adam2552 Releases MattJames Contract Negotiations - Perry87 - 07-23-2017

(07-23-2017, 09:28 AM)kckolbe Wrote:((I didn't miss the point.  I addressed that with the "either or" approach.  I agree that a player option for someone who's admitted to not wanting to be there would require a MUCH lower initial investment.

And I know your char didn't receive that money, but in terms of team expense, Philly DID spend that money to fill a position of need on defense, which is relevant given James' remarks on the scarcity of O line.))

Sorry, I misread your post, which I agree with in principle. Adam seemed willing to negotiate but Matt threw the his his toys out of the pram, refused to see the rest of the team and started his holdout.

I feel like there's large difference between a team paying a fee for a player to change positions in which said player receives none of that money, and a player receiving that whole amount.

Adam2552 Releases MattJames Contract Negotiations - adam2552 - 07-23-2017

(07-23-2017, 08:28 AM)kckolbe Wrote:((I didn't miss the point.  I addressed that with the "either or" approach.  I agree that a player option for someone who's admitted to not wanting to be there would require a MUCH lower initial investment.

And I know your char didn't receive that money, but in terms of team expense, Philly DID spend that money to fill a position of need on defense, which is relevant given James' remarks on the scarcity of O line.))

I never said his salary amount request was unreasonable. I did say that I was prepared to offer a substantial offer. However, if I am going to dedicate 10% of my salary cap to one player, I'd expect them to contribute to the locker room more than a bot would. My simple request was that he join the team discord to get a feel for the team and players before making a decision on any contract. I would give the same advice to any player on any team. Players only stay active if they are having fun, I wanted to make sure he'd be having fun on our team before extending the offer. Instead he chose to demonize me publicly and hold out (which, by the looks of it, he's having fun doing). I'm happy for him and wish him the best of luck with his new team, but will not allow him to continually attack my character and integrity without allowing the public to make their own judgement with all of the facts.

Adam2552 Releases MattJames Contract Negotiations - kckolbe - 07-23-2017

(07-23-2017, 05:43 AM)Perry87 Wrote:Sorry, I misread your post, which I agree with in principle. Adam seemed willing to negotiate but Matt threw the his his toys out of the pram, refused to see the rest of the team and started his holdout.

I feel like there's large difference between a team paying a fee for a player to change positions in which said player receives none of that money, and a player receiving that whole amount.

((No worries. I am waking up still, may not have worded it well. I would have liked to have seen a back-loaded contract on player option, just as a bit of variety, and I think it would have created an interesting narrative as well. Not that this hasn't been interesting.

And there is a large difference in terms of appearance of selfishness and other LR factors, but in terms of demonstrating how much a team will spend to fill a position of need, it does help his argument. After all, there are multiple teams starting bots at O-line this year))

Adam2552 Releases MattJames Contract Negotiations - Perry87 - 07-23-2017

(07-23-2017, 09:51 AM)kckolbe Wrote:And there is a large difference in terms of appearance of selfishness and other LR factors, but in terms of demonstrating how much a team will spend to fill a position of need, it does help his argument.  After all, there are multiple teams starting bots at O-line this year))

It only helps his argument if take away all other factors that influence the willingness to pay that much for a position. Predraft Philly made it clear that if they selected me they were going to invest in my development to a LB. In exchange I'm expected to reciprocate that trust and investment with dedication. My initial contract offer with Philly was a lot higher than the one I accepted. Loyalty begets loyalty.