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*The First ISFL S25 prospect mock draft - Printable Version

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*The First ISFL S25 prospect mock draft - Asked Madden - 09-08-2020

I'm putting this draft board together from the perspective of an expansion GM... I'm going to go into a bit more detail on each of the expansion teams picks to hopefully accrue that sweet 1.5x bonus.
I have just taken the standings as though the league finished today (09/05) and even then it may not be entirely accurate. There is a good chance I have missed out some already processed trades as I have only gone as far back as last year's draft - please don't crucify me for this.
The majority of these are just in max TPE order unless I know someone has a league job or wants to go somewhere. With the possibility of position changes, and the expansion draft changing everything I didn't want to go too deeply in to picking positions.
You'll also be pleased to hear of the return of the draft fact.


1.01 Berlin Fire Salamanders - Tex Wrecks - DE
This is a no brainer pick for the Fire Salamanders. Let's break it down:  1. Wrecks is the top earning player in the full S25 class having joined on deadline day.
2. He plays a position notoriously able to help straight out of the DSFL.
3. This class is very shallow at Defensive End.
4. What's the most important thing for a new team? That's right, sick forum signatures. User 209 Tacos has one of the best sig shops in the business. Why not pick him up 1.01 and keep him in a sweat shop for a few weeks pumping out top quality signatures.
Draft Fact: Eats 20 yoghurts a day and is around 15% dairy at this point.

1.02 New York Silverbacks - Hank Winchester - LB
Hank Winchester is a recreate from the user Timeconsumer a verified posting freak on the forums and as close to royalty as you'll get in this draft.
The silverbacks will pick Winchester here as they'll know exactly what they are getting. A dedicated hard working user who will be here for the next 8 seasons. As a bonus they won't need to send a scouting questionnaire as Timeconsumer has posted his answers to the generic questions on the forum. Playing at a position of need I can't see the Silverbacks passing up the opportunity to pick the S1 veteran.
Draft Fact: is addicted to dehumidifying fruit. His greatest achievement was getting a watermelon to the size of a grape.

1.03 Philadelphia Liberty - James Gath - CB 
If you are looking purely at TPE you would question why this Cornerback is so high up the draft board. Well, this user has created a program to help analyse the data pulled from sim testing. There has been mention that it could just be a pretty re-skin of previously available software but the only way to find that out is to draft him. Gath has put an exclusivity time limit on the software, meaning only the team who drafts him will have access for the length of his rookie contract.
This move has rubbed some users up the wrong way but it's fair to say it is a shrewd move from the CB and will have strapped his draft position onto a rocket. My feeling is any usual draft it would have moved him to 1OA but with this including expansion teams they'll be looking for more stability.
Draft Fact: One leg is 2 inches shorter than the other. Gath spends his whole life going round in circles.

1.04 Baltimore Hawks (San Jose Sabercats) Goat Tank - DT
Goat Tank has an argument for going top two but is another victim of the expansion draft dropping value. Another trade deadline new create with the second highest TPE this draft. Goat Tanks user Eldorian is apparently a highly intelligent person role playing as a thick as mince player whose vocabulary consists of only 2 words Goat Tank. The shtick has grown old for me but many others are still eating it up. If you want a taste of what Eldorian the user will bring to the locker room read his in depth piece on QBs and the speed stat. Really interesting read which shows just how intelligent the user is.
Draft Fact: Goat tank sailed to America on the back of a sea turtle.

1.05 Chicago Butchers - Donald McBobby - LB
Recruited by power user Juoso McBobby is likely to be extremely active on whichever team picks him up. LB is a sought after position, effectively the QB of the defence and McBobby is the highest earning of a large class of LBs this season.  McBobby will impress a lot of teams with sheer volume of TPE, if the scout interviews go well then McBobby should be picked in and around here.
Draft Fact: McBobbys party trick is eating the little cakes found in urinals. He is not aware they are pure bleach.

1.06 Yellowknife Wraiths - Terry Tate - LB
Terry Tate has left the office to chance his arm at the ISFL and is properly killing it at the moment. Recruited by our number 1 pick 209tacos, Terry Tate will also be sought after this draft with the 3rd highest TPE of the LB class the wraiths would be daft to pass on him here.
Draft Fact: Has watched the full series of friends on Netflix 23 times. His favourite episode is "The one with the evil orthodontist"

1.07 Austin Copperheads (Baltimore Hawks) - Guy Fields - LB
Here's another one which bucks the TPE trend. If I was a GM I would be taking him 1 overall. If you have pick up Fields you will be getting the most enthusiastic person in the draft. Fields user R0tz will run thousands of simulations for you, make your teams top I tier signatures, help you with re-branding and most importantly post pictures of his ridiculously awesome dog. Fields has been putting up monstrous stats on the pitch, and putting in a lot of time in the locker room.
Draft Fact: Drinks toothpaste directly from the tube.

1.08 San Jose Sabercats - Harley Frank - WR
This is where the draft starts to get a bit messy. I realise WR don't usually go this high but with Expansion happening who knows what goes down this draft. User Beebop is a veteran of the game having previously ran as RB Farley Hank drafted to the ISFL in season 15.
Harley will be the highest drafted offensive skill position due to three simple letters TPE. I've not personally had any interaction but judging by their previous render they will be dedicated and no doubt gunning that HoF spot so prepare for this user to demand a first year call up.
Draft Fact: Takes every first date to Cracker Barrel.

1.09 Arizona Outlaws - Albert Ruschmann - DE
Ruschmann is a standout prospect in this draft. Again like Fields his TPE may not be through the roof but his off the field activity of user Katarn all but locks him into a first round position. He has locked down the simming job in London as well as working overtime from what I can see on his Wiki Job raking in a lot of cash that way.
To add to that Ruschmann doesn't have a bad bone in his body, always congratulating or commiserating other Rookies. In fact he's so nice he must be hiding something. Katarn may well be a murderer, I'm onto you...
Draft Fact: Ruschmann is very proud of his new couch. Is the old one where you hid the bodies?

1.10 Honolulu Hahalua - Raylan Crowder - DE
Honolulu may well look to grab a DE  here depending on what happens in the expansion draft. They haven't used a protection slot on any DL that I can see - meaning they may only be left with S24 stalwart Asher Montain.
The first of the four horsemen would be an excellent pairing to go alongside Montain as the highest earning rookie this side of the Reddit push. A lot of Crowders TPE has come from recruitment which may be seen as cheaply earned however all 4 of those recruited will make an appearance on this board.
If the Hahalua want a strong locker room presence and a dedicated earner they could do a lot worse than Crowder here. This reporter has it on good authority that Crowder is a big fan of Honolulu's branding.
Draft Fact: Was once stung by a jellyfish when swimming in Fiji. Whilst unable to sleep thinking he was going to die he watched the only thing in TV at the time. "Beverly Hills Chihuahua"

1.11 New Orleans Second Line - Medicinal Toblerone - OL
It may seem controversial for Medicinal Toblerone to drop this low but I get the feeling that if you cut into this delightful chocolatey treat you will find it bleeds New Orleans. JuOso is an ex-gm of the Front Line and will no doubt be desperate to get back to them with this recreate. Now whether or not the other GMs respect those wishes is a different matter. Medicinal Toblerone hasn't had any additional TPE added to them and is still the base 50 TPE model, meaning whoever takes the shot at drafting them will be able to mold the player however the team wants to mold them.
Draft Fact: Medicinal Toblerone has a fear of hot milk. The last thing it wants to do is turn into a deliciously nougaty cup of hot cocoa.

1.12 Orange County Otters - Dan Foster - CB
Dan Foster gets picked up at 1.12 by ISFLs answer to the new England patriots. Foster is a reddit draftee and has not missed a point opportunity since joining the league. He has been almost scarily accurate with the predictions keeping himself ahead of the majority of the opposition.
User Arkz has been fairly active on the forums posting a number of media pieces ensuring he has been able to afford the best kit and all training so far. Having had a good few interactions with Arkz it's obvious he'll be a good locker room member and will bring a dedicated drive to whoever picks him up.
Draft Fact: once saw the face of jesus in a T-bone steak. Made a killing selling tickets to devout Christians to pay homage.

1.13 Sarasota Sailfish - Rusty Rucker - LB
This man is the reason I joined the ISFL following a post on reddit. Seriously HO can you arrange for him to get his referall TPE as I fucked up and didn't include it on my player sheet.
Anyway user Lanced Jack is a dour bastard who dislikes people having too much fun. He will work harder than 99% of people in this draft and will no. Doubt be a strong locker room presence. 
The second member of the horsemen (and founder) to be picked this draft Lanced Jack already has a job editing the wiki. Rucker is racking up stats in the pitch and is a demon in the open.
Draft Fact: Rucker tried to start his own exotic animal attraction. The attraction was shut down after a koala gave 3 different attendees chlamydia.

1.14 Colorado Yeti - Vance Slattery - DT
Slattery is another big player at the top heavy defensive line position. He's not got as much TPE as some of the players around him but the Yeti are desperate for more DT. Slattery is a very active user hanging around the discord and posting on Twitter.
Most importantly this man is a forum demon, making money hand over fist through various media. As with all of these first rounders Slattery will be a great locker room presence and should bring some added banter to the Yeti team.
Draft Fact: Has been chewing the same piece of gum for 15 years. He places it behind his ear when he sleeps or eats.


2.01 Berlin Fire Salamanders - Rich Triplet - CB
The fire salamanders seem to be going the opposite route if the silverbacks here. Instead of going for the relative safety of recreates they're picking up the high upside new to the site guys.
Triplets user - Kotasa has been a very active member of the community posting numerous pieces on the forums and now referring people to sign up. It may Triplet has signed up 2 people going into the S26 isfl draft which can really help you stand out when it comes down to a comparison between similar earners.
The salamanders should definitely be looking to build the core of the defense before moving onto the offensive skill positions and with their first two swing for the fences picks it definitely feels like they are doing this.
Draft Fact: Still carries around his pet rock "Rock Astley" and sings "Never gonna give you up" to it every night to "help it get to sleep".

2.02 New York Silverbacks - Duckberg Quackstack - CB - GM
This one doesn't need to be talked about much. The silverbacks are forced into taking Quackstack here as he is a GM on the team the only thing that may happen could be them trading back later in the second round to get some value.
Quackstack is a great value here as one of the highest earners in the class. It feels almost unfair for the silverbacks to get him but he should give the fledgling team an early boost.
Draft Fact: A duckberg quackstack comes with a delightfully large portion of plumb sauce.

2.03 Philadelphia Liberty - Mike Rotchburns - RB
Rotchburns is another high earning member of the draft class, he has fallen a good number of places here due to the RB pick. Rotchburns has been recruited by Yeti GM Frick_Nasty so you may have expected him to fall to them in the 3rd. Philadelphia have different ideas here and may be hoping to either squeeze some value out of Colorado or even try and convince Rotchburns to switch positions. Either way this was a big shock to everyone Rotchburns going so high here.
Draft Fact: Rotchburns wears 3 pairs of underwear at any given time ever since "the accident".

2.04 Baltimore Hawks - Tayshawn Crunk - S
Tayshawn Crunk has some of the best twitter game in the league. Consistently in character, finding the various wonders of living in London. (The wonders of donner meat come to mind).
The only part that lets Crunk down is his absolute hatred of Dallas. The player can be seen spouting off on twitter, the user can be seen firing endless shots of negative energy the Birddogs way on Discord. Seriously man, what happened? Has a real life birddog mistaken you for a dead pheasant in the past? You can talk to us we're here to help.
Anyway past that one negative, Crunk has been super active on the forums and extremely active on discord, if you pick up this ball of energy I'm sure he'll continue to pay dividends years down the line. (Just maybe avoid Austin).
Draft Fact: Has performed in a slipknot tribute band for the last 3 years. He gets to bang the oil drum for duality.

2.05 Chicago Butchers (Honolulu Hahalua) - Davriel Lavigne  - S - GM
Another steal due to the GM rule. First overall in the DSFL draft goes 19th overall in the ISFL. Honolulu know exactly what they're getting here and that very well could be the steal of the draft. A very bold thing to say for someone drafted in the second.
Draft Fact: was once a skater boy until things became a little too complicated.

2.06 Yellowknife Wraiths - Mark Callous - WR
Top WR of the the reddit recruits. Mean Mark Callous sits atop the draft class ruling with an iron urn.
Callous is as steady as you get when it comes to earning and will chip in to a lot of conversations on discord as well.
User McCransky appears to be a rather large wrestling fanatic so that's always a big plus in my book. I've mocked him to the Wraiths as Mark Callous is a deadman and it kinda fitted.
Best render in the class bar none. Slot him in the wraiths and be done with it.
Draft fact: Don't let this mock draft distract you from the fact in 1998 Callous once threw Mankind off the top of the hell in a cell, and plummeted 16ft threw the announcers table.

2.07 Austin Copperheads - Jackie Daytona - QB - GM
This is another forced pick due to the GM rule - which unfortunately backfired on Austin here. Not only have they traded away their first they have also lost the ability to chose a stud in the second instead having to pick up their GM - an underlevelled QB from myrtle beach. Don't get me wrong I'm sure Mooty is a great person and excellent GM. Just the other GM picks here in the second are bringing a lot more value than a mid TPE QB.
Draft Fact: Daytona has a fascinating talent as a Tuvan throat singer.

2.08 San Jose Sabercats - Felix Archstone - OL
Glims is one of my favourite people on Discord and seems to be well loved by tree majority of people. He is already a GM for the Kansas City Coyotes and has been earning TPE and cash hand over fist. Felix Archstone is a big man on the field and a big personality off with the most glorious hair in the full draft class.
It honestly wouldn't surprise me to see Archstone slip his way into the first round with his GM background and infectious attitude.
Draft Fact: Archstone has a full harem of anime waifu body pillows. (This one may actually be true)

2.09 Arizona Outlaws - Peter Patterson - CB
Peter Patterson is another CB in a very deep CB class. Patterson is still in the upper echelon of earners but with the large number of good quality CBs he could see his draft position sliding up or down. User Slate has written a number of really interesting articles and should be a relatively high earner for money in the class meaning a team may pick him here if he'll take that minimum contract.
Draft Fact: Believes he has a 6th sense. He is able to tell when someone is sneezing in the next  room. We have tried to tell him this is still the sense of hearing but he won't listen. 

2.10 Honolulu Hahalua - Richard Leaking - LB
Richard Leaking will be the second birddog drafted to Honolulu on the back of a dynamite first season in the DSFL.
He's a great personality in the locker room and will keep you entertained. Just don't park your truck in front of his house or it will get torched.
I don't remember Leaking being this near the top of the class for TPE during the DSFL class so he's clearly put in some work behind the scenes. I'm fairly positive he currently holds a league job at the moment as well but I could be completely wrong. Honolulu get a great player in the second round.
Draft Fact: Eats his spaghetti using only one chopstick

2.11 New Orleans Second Line - Jimi Desoto - LB
Jimi and his user have again been very active so far this season. 10 threads already made on the forum he's likely to be flush with cash at the moment.
I've had a few run ins with DeSoto on twitter and he seems to be a stand up guy. I've mocked him to New Orleans as it just feels like the right destination, coming out of Norfolk.
Draft Fact: DeSoto has 9 toes... on one foot.

2.12 Orange County Otters - James Vermillion - RB
James Vermillion is a very high earning running back plying his trade with the Minnesota grey ducks. He is another who has been posting a lot of media on the forums.
I don't believe I've spoken to his user at all but vermillion cut up our defense like a professional butcher and he must therefore be very good.
Draft Fact: Grew up in Kanto. Is the great great Grandson of Lt. Surge

2.13 Sarasota Sailfish  - Killian Chambers - WR
Chambers is another high flying reddit recruit playing at the wide receiver position. He's doing well in the grey ducks offense even if they are struggling.
I've spoken to Chambers on a couple of occasions and he's always come across as a good person. He does however have some very boring twitter posts, including such classics as: "I forgot to tweet yesterday" and "I need to tweet."
Draft Fact: Chambers has 6 cold hard boiled eggs for every lunch. He peels the shells off with his toes.

2.14 Colorado Yeti - Dave Batista - TE - GM
If Raven isn't the steal of the draft then Frick Nastys Dave batista will receive that crown. If the yeti maintain 14th pick they will have successfully one the ultimus. Meaning the rich get richer with this pick. In my opinion this gm rule needs looked at.
Draft Fact: Is a bee-keeping hobbyist

ROUND 3 - At this point my hands are cramping as I thought doing this on my phone was a great idea. From here on out I'll not be going onto as much depth as before.

3.01 Berlin Fire Salamanders - NationalSimulation Football League - S
With their third ever pick in the ISFL draft the Fire Salamanders select a recreate from strong user SDCore. Picking the hilariously named NationalSimulation FootballLeague. This is a really strong pick for the Fire salamanders SDCore has a track record of decent earning and you couldn't ask for much more here.
Draft Fact: Had a 3 year relationship with his biology teacher.

3.02 New York Silverbacks - Jake Fencik - K
Bot kickers suck. We all know that. Dallas's kicker essentially lost them multiple games this year. (fuck you kicky man). Fencik takes pride out of telling everyone "Kickers are people too" and has done so every day on twitter since he joined.
The silverbacks need a kicker. Fencik is a kicker. It's a match made in heaven. He is a firecracker and will start shit with other teams if you want him to.
Draft Fact: Triples the recommended amount of toothpaste when he brushes his teeth.

3.03 Philadelphia Liberty - Djibutee McJimmerson - TE
Now this is a fun name to say. McJimmerson may get picked here by the Liberty he may not. His forum name is UberBJ which makes me laugh. He's another one who's been rather active on the forums and should be making cash hand over fist.
Draft Fact: Lost a game of soggy biscuit at college.

3.04 Baltimore Hawks (Chicago Butchers) - Darren Pama - RB
Darren Pama immediately switched to RB when he was picked up by the Portland Pythons - some people might say this is a bitch move but I disagree. If you don't care where you play why not bow to the requests of your overlords. User ztarwarz may have made more forum posts than any other new user and more than some recreates. He may even be able to pay a team to take him earlier with all the moolah in his pocket.
Draft Fact: Took a shit in the Portland GMs bed. The portland GM paid for it.

3.05 Chicago Butchers (Colorado Yeti) - Clay Stallworth - OL
Yo, is somebody cooking up pancakes over here?! Stallworth has been lights out this year and is looking to break the DSFL pancake record. I believe in this fellow.
Very active all over the place I'm a very big fan of stallworth and wish him the best of luck at the Yeti.
Draft Fact: His favourite film is Dog Soldiers. He still gets a fright at the part the cow drops off a cliff.

3.06 Yellowknife Wraiths - Lionel Rumper - S
Here's a big pickup from Yellowknife. Getting a massive discount on a brilliant player in Lionel Rumper.
Rumper may have dropped down a few boards after missing a couple of TPE due to IRL commitments, this just means an added bonus for the Wraiths.
The Wraiths pick up the most lyrically gifted of our our draft and the 3rd of The Four Horsemen off the draft board.
Draft Fact: Still owns a copy of and regularly plays the game Red Card on the PlayStation 2. His favourite team to play as were the dolphins (as in actual dolphins).

3.07 Austin Copperheads - Sheed Thebaw - DT
Seeing only one Horseman left on the board, the copperheads swoop in hear and claim Thebaw as their own. Thebaw has been chipping away as the weeks go on and has been earning at a consistent rate throughout the season.
The copperheads can be ecstatic with this pick as they will be bringing in a beefy defensive tackle who should be able to run over any number of offensive linemen.
You want a piece of Thebaw make sure you pick him up before here as he isn't making it past 3.07.
Draft Fact: Has a stamp fetish. His favourites are British stamps with young Queen Elizabeth.

3.08 San Jose Sabercats - James Hoffman - CB
Hoffman has been a solid earner in the DSFL. Another Cornerback though which means his draft stock does take a slight hit.
Hoffman will bring in a steady stream of TPE and post an occasional piece of media.
Draft Fact: loves the feeling of cheeto dust on his fingers. 

3.09 Arizona Outlaws - L'Gazzy Burfict - LB
This draft is ridiculously deep. L'Gazzy is another one who could be seen as a complete steal and i have 0 idea how he slipped this far (may have something to do with the fact I missed him by mistake).
Burfict will pay dividends down the road but will likely spend another year in the DSFL first.
Draft Fact: Is a professional wrestler on the side. When in Mexico he wrestles as Pentagon Jr. Jr.

3.10 Honolulu Hahalua (Chicago Butchers) - Gary Goodman - LB
Theres something about Gary Goodmans render that just draws me to him. He looks like a good man. I'm really looking forward to seeing what he can do in the big leagues.
Goodman is probably a great locker room guy and looks like he would slap up a good feed after the game.
Draft Fact: Was once a contestant on the Great British bake off. Paul Hollywood did not like his flan.

3.11 New Orleans Second Line - Adam Mellott - OL
Another member of the pancake Club, Mellotts perogative is to protect his QB at all costs. He never leaves the qbs side on none game days, making sure they don't have any freak accidents.
Draft Fact: Thinks waffles are the superior breakfast treat.

3.12 Orange County Otters - Chuck Roth - OL
A two syllable name so you know he means business. Roths favourite pass times include going to the gym and eating a lot of food.
Roth hates cardio and vegetables.
Draft Fact: Roth Smash

3.13 Sarasota Sailfish (Orange County Otters) - Jimi DeSoto - LB
Jimi and his user have again been very active so far this season. 10 threads already made on the forum he's likely to be flush with cash at the moment.
I've had a few run ins with DeSoto on twitter and he seems to be a stand up guy. I've mocked him to New Orleans as it just feels like the right destination, coming out of Norfolk.
Draft Fact: DeSoto has 9 toes... on one foot.
(I somehow put this in two different places, I only noticed on the final check. Well done desoto you have been picked twice)

3.14 Colorado Yeti -  Xmus Flaxon Jaxon-Waxon - S
I'm in a WhatsApp group with this man. I thought I was addicted but Xmus has taken it to a whole new level. If you go on the forums you'll see the status set to online when you visit Xmus's site.
He makes some interesting signatures and writes the occasional piece of media.
He'll be very active in your locker room, if you don't mind being reminded how Scottish someone is every time they open their mouth this is your guy (apparently).
Draft Fact: Likes taking long romantic walks in the Scottish countryside, his favourite food is haggis and his favourite drink is irn bru. Don't let him near your buckfast.


4.01 Fire Salamanders - Owen Holloway - QB
At this point both expansion teams will be struggling to decide on who to pick. I've given the fire salamanders a QB here as they'll need a prospect to learn in the DSFL.
Draft Fact: bought a golden toilet seat with his dsfl salary.

4.02 New York Silverbacks - Angelo Cerilli - DT
The DT class isn't huge and missing out on Goat Tank means they need to take one late. Cerili is better than most prospects here.
Draft Fact: Let's his dog lick his plates clean then puts them back in the cupboard.

4.03 Philadelphia Liberty - Swantavius Jones - CB
Shout out to Swanty here. Any other draft he'd be in the top 2 rounds but the depth of this class is astounding. Good guy will definitely work hard for Philly to get them to the place they want to be.
Draft Fact: Got stuck on the London Eye for 13 hours.

4.04 Baltimore Hawks (Austin Copperheads) - Alex Reed - WR
I'm fairly positive Alex Reed was the name of a cross dressing cage fighter. Someone feel free to correct me.
Draft Fact: Married his high school sweetheart. Their first dance was Duality by Slipknot

4.05 Chicago Butchers - Marlon Alexander - OL
This was a pick from a team who haven't done their scouting. Marlon Alexander wants to stay in the DSFL in London for life. (I'm fairly positive PlatanoCat is just a Deadly alt).
Plat will likely retire his character when he does get torn from London and will instead spend all his time playing Fall guys with the Royals Cult.
Draft Fact: Is addicted to fishing in animal crossing.

4.06 Yellowknife Wraiths - Ben Anabender - CB
The Wraiths pick up a strong CB with a strong name at this pick.
Draft Fact:  Holds a Goat yoga class on Sunday evenings.

4.07 Austin Copperheads - Etrigan T. Slayer - DE
A recreate who has dropped down the rankings purely down to a lack of TPE compared to other prospects.
Draft Fact: Eats the souls of sinners for breakfast.

4.08 San Jose Sabercats (Yellowknife Wraiths) - Zach Crossley - WR
I toyed with the idea of mocking AC here to go back to the side he won a championship with but went against it.
Draft Fact: 5 time Junior State pommel horse champion.

4.09 Arizona Outlaws - Sam Roes - DE
The Outlaws lassoo their man here.
Draft Fact: Has been banned from every all you can eat restaurant in the state of Delaware.

4.10 Honolulu Hahalua - Honky-Tonk Haywood - DT
Honolulu actually get their man here. I've only drafted HTH here as I fucking love his renders beard. If I mock him to the same team as me it means it happens in real life right?
Draft Fact: Runs 3 orphanages in Peru. He takes in boys and girls living on the street and trains them to trim beards

4.11 New Orleans Second Line - Cmon Skiuuup - TE
I think Skiuuup deserves to go a lot higher than here. Clearly dedicated to the game he's been hamstrung by creating very late in the process.
User AirCrou will tell you what he thinks of you and won't back down in an argument. Great to have in your team.
Draft Fact: Runs and underground high stakes poker game often frequented by royalty. 

4.12 Orange County Otters - Wasrabi Gleel - LB
Gleel talks a big talk and actually shows up on the stat sheet to back it up. He's a bit lower on the draft board due to his lower TPE.
Give me a wasrsbi Gleel in the 4th and I'll show you a happy team.
Draft Fact: Only flushes the toilet once per day - right before he goes to bed.

4.13 Sarasota Sailfish - Mark Walker - WR
Mark Walker has such a boring name that he is actually able to slip past defenses without them knowing. This would be helpful if the QB ever bothered looking his way. Maybe if his name was Mark Sprinter it would be different.
Draft Fact: Has a sponsorship with preparation H.

4.14 Colorado Yeti - Tony Yeboah - S
Yeboah is the second of my recruitees to go off the board. I'm surprised all four have made it this far. I was expecting them to get to 100TPE giving me an extra 2 each before they got bored.
Welp looks I was wrong they're still here and going strong.
Yeboah has a rather scary sig with faces inside eye sockets. I'm really not a fan.
Draft Fact: Hangs upside down like a bat to get to sleep.


5.01 Fire Salamanders - Adam C. Spencer - WR
Adam Spencer - a recreate with a big personality. Adam has been around longer than some users have been alive (maybe not) and would be a great level head to have in the locker room and maybe even war room.
Draft Fact: Spencer was the 69th pick in DSFL will he be taken there again? Makes sense die a man whose players include Dick Wizardry and Awkward Sexjoke.

5.02 New York Silverbacks - Ananda Adyan - OL
The Gorilla's get to shore up their Oline here but more importantly they get to shore up their sig making department. Adyan made my prospect sig back in the day and boy does he do some good work. With the fire salamanders filling that position round 1 expect the Silverbacks to delay until the mid rounds.

5.03 Philadelphia Liberty - Buster Bawlls - RB
Buster Bawls will fill a niche roll for someone somewhere. Bawlls is the kind of RB where if you need 1 yard he'll get you 3 yards. If you need 4 yards he'll get you 3 yards. But that's not what he's built to do. Bawlls is there to open up gaps and eat up Dline men allowing your RB larger gaps to go through.
Draft Fact: Pee's sitting down because "it's comfier"

5.04 Baltimore Hawks - Bob Roberts - S - Twitter Fiend
There is no way Bob Roberts should still be here in round 5 but I believe he may have rubbed a few people up the wrong way his rookie season in the DSFL. Roberts has run the "controversial" twitter for the Dallas Birddogs and has seen himself come under fire on a couple of occasions (primarily for a piece of fine art made for the Coyotes).
User Zayn is very entertaining. I'll make no qualms about it, I thought he was a complete prick when we first joined but after being in the same locker room for a season it's fair to say he's a great guy. Just very good at stirring shit.
Draft Fact: Will only sign a contract if there is one clause included. The team must pay all his twitter fines.

5.05 Chicago Butchers - Damian Blackfyre - S
Blackfyre is another of this classes ridiculously talented IRL people. He makes some of the sickest signatures in the business, you should check him out.
Draft Fact: Owns 3 vinyards in Spain. Has never visited any.

5.06 Yellowknife Wraiths - Cleg Manclaw - TE
Cleg Manclaw may be the most masculine name in the whole draft. The wraiths need a good name and therefore pickup Cleg here in the 5th round.
Draft Fact: Has purchased 16 pairs of Yeezys

We are getting to people I don't know a huge amount about now.

5.07 Austin Copperheads (Arizona Outlaws) - Brick Van Sanzo - DE
Draft Fact: Refuses to eat anything green. All of his vegetables get dyed with food colouring.

5.08 San Jose Sabercats (Chicago Butchers) - Teddy Utterstruzen - S
Draft Fact: Picks out the build up under his toenails with a knife before using the same knife for meals. He says "it adds seasoning"

5.09 Arizona Outlaws - Bronko Mills - RB
Draft Fact: Drank bleach on a bet, took 4 years off his life but that Wendy's was paid for.

5.10 Honolulu Hahalua (New Orleans Second Line) - Milk Mann - S
Milk Mann is a birddog alum. He is reasonably quiet in the LR but seems to be earning steadily and will be a great mid round pick for someone.
Draft Fact: Milk Manns favourite milk is gold top.

5.11 New Orleans Second Line (Sarasota Sailfish) - Terry Yaki - RB
Draft Fact: Terry Yaki doesn't even like Japanese food. Its his 12th favourite cuisine.

5.12 Orange County Otters (Sarasota Sailfish) - Crayne Whebet - WR
Draft Fact: Whebet has been struck by lighting 7 times. He has vowed to stop taking metal poles out during thunder storms, but he likes the buzz.

5.13 Sarasota Sailfish - Timmy Dimbi - DT
Draft Fact: Has a pet Moose. They sleep in the same bed. Dimbi is of course little spoon.

5.14 Colorado Yeti - Dexter Jackson - LB
Draft Fact: Only living heir to Michael Jacksons back catalog. Uses the money to fund NAMBLA.


6.01 Fire Salamanders - Ben Alexander-Arnold - CB
The Fire Salamanders get a steal with another veteran presence in the locker room.
The fact user Ben has created an English player visibly confuses me. For someone to go from my man Ardie Savea to random English Cornerback is a bit of a leap.
Ben has admitted he won't be a max earner this time around but to get a steady earner in the 6th round can only be seen as a bonus.
Draft Fact: Alexander-Arnold wants nothing more 

6.02 New York Silverbacks - Steven Wadham - S
Again the silver backs are looking for anyone with earning potential. Wadham is a member of the London Royals at the moment and has been steadily earning throughout the season. He may not be a lights out player for New York but could well become a rotational piece in the DB locker room.
Draft Fact: Rates olive loaf as the best kind of luncheon meat. One step above Billy bear ham.

6.03 Philadelphia Liberty - Mason Gillion - CB
Draft Fact: Has a side hobby wrestling alligators. The worst injury he's received was a ruptured testicle.

6.04 Baltimore Hawks (Colorado Yeti) - Marc Hamel - OL
Draft Fact: Dreams of protecting Luke Skywalker in the ISFL one day.

6.05 Chicago Butchers - Joe Show - TE
Draft Fact: Joe shows Father is Paul Wight (The big show) expect Show to go full captain Insano and show no mercy on opposing line backers.

6.06 Yellowknife Wraiths - Matt Peterson - QB
Matt Peterson was on my team in the prospect bowl (go brooklyn) and was a great locker room character. It appears user Peterson has come back from a long hiatus having last been in the league in season 4. He's already at his highest TPE ever.
Draft Fact: Only Plays as Eddy Gordo in Tekken

6.07 Austin Copperheads - Brent Silva - DT
Draft Fact: Completed final fantasy ix 15 times. Had most difficulty in Gizamalukes Grotto

6.08 San Jose Sabercats - Leo Bloomfield - K
Draft Fact: Has the honour of holding the Rhode Island record for most DUIs in a month.

6.09 Arizona Outlaws - T.J Evans - WR
Draft Fact: Will regularly go to Mcdonalds and order a cheeseburger - No bun, no purger no onion. And receives a cheese slice with pickles smothered in sauce.

6.10 Honolulu Hahalua - Lebby Newton - WR
Draft Fact: Believes vaccines can give you superpowers. Gets three vaccines a day and is starting to be able to see into the future.

6.11 New Orleans Second Line - Anders Christiansen - RB
Draft Fact: His favourite bird is the Grackle. His favourite animal is the Dik-dik

6.12 Orange County Otters - Caleb Judge - LB
Draft Fact: Has been shot out of a cannon. Twice

6.13 Sarasota Sailfish - Connor Quigley - OL
Draft Fact: World champion snowboarder in the over 290 lbs category. Had to stop after causing an avalanche after landing a sick backflip 360. Has now been banned from Aspen.

6.14 Colorado Yeti - Gavin Leclerc - CB
Draft Fact: Brings a picnic basket everywhere on the off chance of finding and capturing yogi bear.


7.01 Fire Salamanders - Willy Weasel - WR
Great name. Up there with the best. That's why this almost inactive has made it this far up the draft board and why Berlin would be stupid not to draft him with their 7th pick.
Draft fact: Has been known to keep olives in his foreskin.

7.02 New York Silverbacks - Alexander Johnson - WR
Draft fact: Licks doorhandles to see which house tastes the best. Unrelated - Johnson often misses time for unidentified ailments.

7.03 Philadelphia Liberty - Jake Sackson - DE
Draft Fact: Is a wanted felon in the state of New York for grand larceny.

7.04 Baltimore Hawks - Corran West - CB
Draft Fact: Became inactive after entering a witness protection program. He was ratting on the Italian mob.

7.05 Chicago Butchers - King Tutankhamun - RB
King Tut should probably be higher but I've slapped him right here for no apparent reason whatsoever. Seriously have you looked at these last few rounds? I clearly have no idea what's going on.
Draft Fact: Is over 3000 years old. May crumble to dust when tackled.

7.06 Yellowknife Wraiths - Duncan Donuts - OL
Hasn't said much on discord but has a good Oline name. Sold!
Draft Fact: Actually thinks Kripy Kreme is a better establishment.

7.07 Austin Copperheads - Brian Nelson - S
Draft Fact: Nelson thinks the best written character ever was Ted in How I met your mother.

7.08 San Jose Sabercats - Hank Antilles - OL
Draft Fact: Hoping to play alongside Marc Hamel

7.09 Arizona Outlaws - Bobby Hoffman - DE
Draft Fact: Was declared dead at the scene of a traffic collision. Woke up 12 hours later in a morgue.

7.10 Honolulu Hahalua - Matty Martinsson - LB
Draft Fact: Drinks Maple syrup by the bottle. Doesn't have it on anything, just straight from the bottle like he's slamming tequila

7.11 New Orleans Second Line - Tyrone Biggums - CB
Draft Fact: Dentists charge him double the priceto check his gums due to their engorged nature.

7.12 Orange County Otters - Noah Akerele - WR
Looked promising at the start but appears to have become inactive.
Draft Fact: Smokes 7 cigars a day, has very bad lungs.

7.13 Sarasota Sailfish - J.J.J. Shabadoo - DT
Draft Fact: Collects samples of saliva every day. At the end of the year he sniffs each one to see if they retain any smell.

7.14 Colorado Yeti - Jeeeeroy Lenkins - CB
I've dropped Jeeeeroy beneath inactives and never actives for one simple reason. This man is mentally deficient. Laying in to him could be seen as a hate crime against slow people.
Lenkins creator uses his full name as his username, thats a red flag. No concern for privacy.
He supports the bengals - that's another red flag. No self respecting person could support them.
He struggles to read the alphabet. He genuinely believed elemeno was the name of a letter between k and p.
He thought the final season of game of thrones was the best series of television ever.
He can only wear velcro shoes.
He isn't allowed to carry scissors.
He believes pizza is a fruit.
Draft Fact: Lenkins user forgot the username for both the forums and discord. They are both just his full name.

Disclaimer: if you're active and I missed you, apologies! I've been typing this up on a phone over the majority of a week. There are bound to be mistakes.

RE: The First ISFL S25 prospect mock draft - Buttersqauch101 - 09-08-2020

Tell me how KCC doesn’t have one projected until the bottom of the 2nd lol

RE: The First ISFL S25 prospect mock draft - WALDO - 09-08-2020

king tut in round 7 is disrespectful and that’s unbiased especially considering the fact i’m an active user and pretty high up there in performance, also Glims at 22 is completely disrespectful considering he’s a GM and a fairly active player.

RE: The First ISFL S25 prospect mock draft - Cody - 09-08-2020

(09-08-2020, 05:37 PM)Asked Madden Wrote: 3.10 Honolulu Hahalua (Chicago Butchers) - Gary Goodman - LB
Theres something about Gary Goodmans render that just draws me to him. He looks like a good man. I'm really looking forward to seeing what he can do in the big leagues.
Goodman is probably a great locker room guy and looks like he would slap up a good feed after the game.
Draft Fact: Was once a contestant on the Great British bake off. Paul Hollywood did not like his flan.

How did you know I love Great British Bake Off? :o

RE: The First ISFL S25 prospect mock draft - GlimsTC - 09-08-2020

The Archstone will never disclose if these rumors are true or not. Appreciate the good word and placement though. Hoping for the best for all of us!

RE: The First ISFL S25 prospect mock draft - frazzle14 - 09-08-2020

Can’t believe you don’t like my sig

RE: The First ISFL S25 prospect mock draft - Crodyman - 09-08-2020

"Draft Fact: Only flushes the toilet once per day - right before he goes to bed"

damn, bruh, that's gnarly T_T

RE: The First ISFL S25 prospect mock draft - zaynzk - 09-08-2020

(09-08-2020, 05:43 PM)WALDO Wrote: king tut in round 7 is disrespectful and that’s unbiased especially considering the fact i’m an active user and pretty high up there in performance, also Glims at 22 is completely disrespectful considering he’s a GM and a fairly active player.
Maybe cause the KCC starts an IA running back above him haha

RE: The First ISFL S25 prospect mock draft - Vainknight13 - 09-08-2020

(09-08-2020, 05:37 PM)Asked Madden Wrote: Draft Fact: Grew up in Kanto. Is the great great Grandson of Lt. Surge

This is officially canon.

RE: The First ISFL S25 prospect mock draft - Jimi64 - 09-08-2020

DeSoto with a capital S.
This must have taken a lot of work. Great job and enjoy this fat payout too.