International Simulation Football League
*Experiences of an Old Man RM - Printable Version

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*Experiences of an Old Man RM - TeyonSchavari - 09-18-2020

Hello everybody, it is me, Teyon.

When I first joined this league a year and a half ago, I was a scared rookie with no idea how to do anything on the forum, and created a discord account just for this newfound hobby. I was one of the later new creates in the star-studded S15 draft class, and upon joining plenty of league members were around to welcome me and help me out with my player.

Among these helpful souls were those of none other than the Rookie Mentor team. When I finally figured things out and fell in love with this league, I decided that I wanted to be one of those friendly helpers for anyone that joined and struggled the same way that I did. In fact it was the only job I wanted for a long time, and after a few months of applying I finally got a position as an RM in S18. I'll never forget the shenanigans of that draft class in the rookie chat, and the memories I have after finally getting the job are ones I'll cherish.

Throughout my time as an RM, improving the rookie experience was one of my sole objectives. All I wanted to do is make things better for the new players that joined and help them fall in love with the league in the same way that I did. I hope that in my time as a Rookie Mentor, I was able to help other users become amazing active users of this community.

Along with helping the new members of the ISFL, I was also able to find a stronger connection with already active members of the community. I have some great friendships with people from all over the world. If anyone would have told me that I would be talking to people in places like Finland and Scotland on a regular basis, I would have thought they were crazy.

After a full YEAR IRL of being a rookie mentor, I have decided that after tonight's Ultimus is a good time to step down to give another friendly soul a chance to improve and help the league as I hope I have. Thank you to all current and former Rookie Mentors that I have worked with for the past year for making this one of the most positive parts of my time in this league. From now on, I'll be enjoying the rest of my time in this league the same way as I started it - as just a player.

Thanks again everyone, see you all around!

RE: Experiences of an Old Man RM - DeadlyPlayer - 09-18-2020

Teyon GOAT

RE: Experiences of an Old Man RM - jeffie43 - 09-18-2020

Teyon <3

RE: Experiences of an Old Man RM - Mooty99 - 09-18-2020

Teyon is the best

RE: Experiences of an Old Man RM - SchwarzNarr - 09-18-2020

We'll miss you ♥ ♥ Thanks for being a coworker, teammate, and friend.

RE: Experiences of an Old Man RM - KoltClassic - 09-18-2020

You were super helpful to me in getting set up in the league and I'll always be appreciative of that. Not sure if you'd be interested in this, but I'd love to hear some reflections about your time as a RM. What were some of your learnings in your position? What were some of the most common issues you faced? Any advice for future RMs or ways you think the new user process could be improved based on what you've seen? Great work in your role and wishing you the best for the future as a player!