International Simulation Football League
*L’Gazzy Burfict : Dare to Dream Episode 5 - Printable Version

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*L’Gazzy Burfict : Dare to Dream Episode 5 - y2bobman - 09-20-2020

***Titles and Phatahl’s “Just Doing Me” kicks in, slowly fading down to just be heard in the background as narrator comes in***

Narrator: So then, well since we last caught up with L’Gazzy things couldn’t have been much busier for our main man.  Could the Royals even make it into the post season let alone chase down the glory of the Ultimini?  Would more ISFL scouts be looking to take a chance on L’Gazzy to boost their ranks?  Are scotch eggs really the best pre-game meal for a future star?  There is only one way to find this out an more, let’s hand things over to our main man, Mr BoBo Saxton, as we join him for episode five of L’Gazzy Burfict – Dare to Dream.  Over to you, BoBo.

***Tape cuts to BoBo Saxton sitting in what looks to be one of the executive boxes at the London Royals football stadium.  He’s not looking his best… almost as if he spent the night there.  L’Gazzy Burfict enters the room, smartly dressed in a London Royals tracksuit, smile on his face, hands in his pockets.***

BoBo Saxton: Huh, is it today already?  I’ve been all over the place since…

L’Gazzy Burfict: Yeah BoBo it is.  What you been doing here all this time man?  I gotta say, you ain’t looking too pretty, get yourself up here man, lets catch up!

BoBo Saxton: Huh, ok sure whatever you say.  It’s been a crazy few days for you.  Let’s go back a little first, take us through the end of the regular season.

L’Gazzy Burfict: Sure BoBo.  Well it was gonna be tough for us to make it out of regular season.  You know, it seemed like our form was up and down.  Just when we thought we were looking good, some team would come and upset us out there, get the W and we’d be back in the locker room trying to work out what happened.  But yeah so the final four games we had the Birddogs, Luchadores, Seawolves and Coyotes. 

BoBo Saxton: Huh, yeah that’s right.  And to have any chance at post season you would need three wins, maybe even four, right?

L’Gazzy Burfict: Yeah for real, it wasn’t going to be easy.

BoBo Saxton: Huh, so the Birddogs first up and although it wasn’t quite the same level of destruction, you Royals showed your intent and huger out there with a comfortable win.  Only the two tackles out there for you though so not your best day.

L’Gazzy Burfict: Yeah BoBo, well that’s the way it goes out there on the field.  The other guys on the team stepped up that day.  Juan and Busch in top form.  After that, again, we were on a high and you know, I felt it was gonna be different.  But we went to the Luchadores in high hopes and lost a close one.  They took it away from us in the 4th and we just couldn’t find a way back.  One of those days.  But I felt in good shape, left my mark on Boss Jr. which was neat.  Always like getting sacks, you know that BoBo.

BoBo Saxton: Huh, oh yeah for sure.  And we love seeing you get them, more of that please.  So listen, that’s two games down, only the one win.  Two games to go and it’s make or break time for the season really.  You had a tricky trip over to play Norfolk Seawolves – was this a turning point?

L’Gazzy Burfict: Oh you know it BoBo.  Things finally clicked, big time.  Run game was on fire, Cortez was throwing sharp where needed, Jake on point with his cleats.  And for me, well you see the numbers.  Any game where I’m getting double-digit tackles, and a sack, you know I’m happy with that.  And you know if that’s going on then there ain’t no way we losing that game, not with the rest of the Royals D around me you know.  And after that we were feeling great, the Coyotes came to town and we kept the form going for once.  A tight game but we came away with the big fat W.  And even better that, results went our way in the rest of the matches that day which meant we were heading to the playoffs *and* we would see home advantage if we could make it to the Ultimini.  And my pops and sister were in the crowd too, so that was neat having them there and for them to see us do what we did.

BoBo Saxton: Huh, so that was three wins in four to end the season, just when it mattered.  And it was the Portland Pythons up next for you.  A team you’d struggled with in the regular season.  But that was the old Royals.  You had turned that corner and were looking confident out there?

L’Gazzy Burfict: Yeah BoBo, we were feeling great.  The coach had been through all the old tapes and taken another look at what we needed to improve on to beat the Pythons.  There were a few new things he wanted to try and we were feeling quietly confident that if we could deliver these on the field then the W was there for us to take.  And what do you know, we did, and we blew them away.  Again, the whole defence looked so sharp, we only let them in for the one field goal all game.  Offence did their bit and we were into the Ultimini.

BoBo Saxton: Huh, it was a really impressive showing out there.  So the scene was set, and your family was back on a plane coming back over to London for the Ultimini.

L’Gazzy Burfict: We worked so hard to get there so there was no way we wanted to let our great fans down, no way.  So yeah, it was the final game of the season, Seawolves in town only a few games after we’d taken that easy W over in their house.  But we knew this game wasn’t going to be easy.  The stadium was packed, you were up here with my pops and sister right, great view.

BoBo Saxton: Huh, yeah we were up here taking it all in, what a night.  And look, the game was nervy and you made us worry for a while you were going to leave empty handed.  But in the fourth you stepped it up a little, took the lead, no going back.  Five sacks on the night for the defence, Ramza must have left there pretty sore from that perfomance. And as the final drive was over, the whistle went and the crowd went pretty crazy.

L’Gazzy Burfict: Oh yeah BoBo, what a night, it was amazing, especially in my rookie season.  Being on the team, in a new country, to pull it all together like that just when it mattered, I mean man that was great.  And now I got me one of these

*L’Gazzy removes his hands from hi pockets and shows off his gleaming Ultimini right*

L’Gazzy Burfict: I’m just so happy, for me, for the coaches, for the team, but most importantly for the fans.  They have made London my second home, right from the start they all been super great BoBo and that’s why this win is for them, you know, I’m blessed.

BoBo Saxton: Huh, it sure was a great night.  And well, celebrations sure did continue up here.  I’m not sure when Dion left but we had a fair few drinks.  Wish I’d stopped a little earlier, but what you gonna do!  So then, it’s now L’Gazzy Burfict, Ultimini winner.  Has that changed any of the conversations you been having with the ISFL scouts?  We’ve all seen those mock drafts and some of them even show you going in the first – what is your take on that?

L’Gazzy Burfict: You know, I’ve had some top top conversations with scouts across the league BoBo.  They really been looking into my numbers in detail this time, the ISFL is next level and I guess that is to be expected.  But the way my numbers been looking, my performances on the field, being on the winning Ultimini team, this has all helped.  But first round?  Get out of here man, for real.  There ain’t no way that is happening, this draft class is stacked with talent.  But do I expect to be gone by round three?  For sure, BoBo, for sure.  There are fourteen teams out there.  Sure I have my favourites, that’s always gonna be the case.  But it’s in their hands, ain’t nothing I can add to my stock now.  The two new teams have really shaken things up, with that expansion draft too.  All I want to say is that I’m real excited for draft day, oh yeah.

BoBo Saxton: Huh, let me try something L’Gazzy.

*BoBo Saxton pulls a chair over next to L’Gazzy Burfict and gets up on to it, going eye to eye.  Burfict chuckles*

L’Gazzy Burfict: Yo BoBo man, what you doing, ain’t no way I’m making out with you man get away.

BoBo Saxton: Huh, what, no, not that.  Shut up.  Right…

*BoBo Saxton, eye to eye with L’Gazzy Burfict, starts to shout his way through a list of the ISFL teams in some frankly odd attempt to get him to Burfict to show a sign of a preferred destination come draft day*

Nothing?  Come on, give me something, give me a scoop, anything!?

L’Gazzy Burfict: Yo now Bobo man, I love you, I do.  But look, we’re on film man.  Now look, I ain’t gonna say anything more on that.  But after this, lets you and me go for afternoon tea, I know a place that does the best scotch eggs.  And maybe I let you know a little more then, that cool yeah?

BoBo Saxton: Huh, wait, what, oh yeah, sure, cameras, sure, sorry, got carried away there, been a long couple days, need sleep.

L’Gazzy Burfict: Look BoBo, go get yourself off, take a shower, I’ll come meet you in an hour at your hotel.  I’ll finish off here don’t you worry.

BoBo Saxton: Huh, whatever you say L’Gazzy, thank you.

L’Gazzy Burfict: No worries BoBo, see you in a bit man.  Right…

*L’Gazzy Burfict turns, looking directly down the camera*

L’Gazzy Burfict: So look, I want to take this opportunity to thank you all at home, all of you who been wishing me good luck, been watching my games, watching me play.  When I’m out there on the field, you are all with me out there.  You are all part of this.  Without you I ain’t half the player, half the animal you see out there.  My family means everything to me and you all are like extended family to me.  I love you all, for real, I’m blessed.
Now the draft is coming soon I can’t wait to see where I gonna be heading.  Whatever happens you will probably see me in the black and gold next season too, so no excuses for not going out kicking it in my 55 jersey, you know.  So yeah, lets see what the next step is.  I can’t say any more than that.  Now I’m gonna go fond BoBo, make sure he be doing ok, and I will catch up with you all after the draft I’m sure.  Go Royals!

*** Phatahl’s “Just Doing Me” kicks back in, slowly fading up as BoBo’s piece to camera ends***
