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Talk With The GM: Philadelphia Liberty - Printable Version

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Talk With The GM: Philadelphia Liberty - ElMachoNacho - 07-25-2017

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Today on a special edition of Inside The NSFL, we had an exclusive sit down with Philadelphia Liberty General Manager @adam2552 !

What are your overall thoughts on how your draft turned out?

I think we put together a great draft. We were able to land a lot of great players and locker room guys. Having 16 picks was daunting, but somehow we managed to walk away with 16 active players and fill our roster at every position, can't do much better than that.

Which rookie do you think will have the biggest impact coming in?

Having so many rookies makes this an impossible question to answer. Since basically our whole roster is rookies, they will all be big impact players.

How has Fox North been in his co-GM duties? And what led to his hiring?

Honestly he's crushed it as Co-GM, exceeded my expectations. He's played a key role in every decision we've made so far, and I couldn't have done the draft without his help.

There has been some controversy surrounding the Liberty front office, brought up by the Matt James situation. What are your thoughts on this?

We are happy to have been able to find a deal that works for all parties involved. It was a real win/win deal. We are happy to have Jazzy J onboard, can't wait to see her on the field.

It's the first year of existence for your team, but who on the roster is emerging as locker room leaders?

There have been so many guys standing out as locker room leaders. One that I'll mention is veteran K/P Stephen Harris. He was our very first player and stuck through the days with an empty locker room. Unprompted, on draft night he invited all our draftees to the team locker room to get them involved as early as possible.

Omar Wright is coming off a promising rookie year, but the Liberty have invested in some talented pass catchers too. What is your plan for this offense?

We want to have one of the most dynamic offenses in the league. It all starts with Omar, he's one of the fastest players in the league and we plan to use his talent to its full potential.

What are your thoughts on the Liberty roster? In both the short term and long term.

It is crazy to look at the roster today and see that we have a full roster, and active players at every position on the field. I think we could be competitors immediately, and will only get better as the seasons go on. The players have built an amazing team culture that will definitely help us keep players already on our roster and attract key free agents in future seasons.

Is there a player that you're most excited to see in the Liberty uniform? Whether it be a rookie, free agent pickup, or trade acquisition.

There are so many! Considering we have an entirely new roster, again its hard to pick one. I'm excited to see how Perry Tucker will play in his transition from TE to LB. I also can't wait to see a Tyler Oles and Kristoffee O'Sullivan working together in the defensive backfield. Micah Hendrix is going to be a dominant tackle for many seasons, and I can't wait for him to start showing that dominance this season.

What's your overall philosophy behind your franchise?

I think all of our moves have shown the type of players we want wearing the Liberty uniform. We are acquiring high character players that can contribute on the field and in the locker room. Our hope is that this translates to great play on the field.

How do you see this upcoming season panning out for the Liberty?

I think there is a little bit of an experience gap between our team and the others in the league. I think we may struggle a bit early in the season, but will definitely finish strong as our team becomes more experienced.

There you have it folks, the Liberty seems to have a promising foundation laid out for themselves, and we'll see how they fare in the NSFL....

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