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*Iam Essellem Owner Press Conference - Printable Version

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*Iam Essellem Owner Press Conference - iamslm22 - 09-25-2020

Hey all. iamslm22 the owner of the league is stepping up to the podium. ALMOST nothing is off limits if it's about the league. Hit me up.

(09-25-2020, 10:34 AM)YoungTB Wrote: When's the next 20 for 20? :eyes:

We actually recorded one a couple weeks ago - just waiting on Bex to get the editing done. Did a DSFL podcast - should be a good one.

Quote:What were your thoughts on the whole bachelorette situation

I don't want to get too detailed or anything here - but it was not a great look. It obviously should not have been posted in announcements and it was a very weird thing to do. I don't get who thought it was a good idea.

Quote:Fav colour?

Thoughts on all the sexy OLine talent and giving genuine fair rubs happening finally?

What do you think may need to be looked at for change in the league currently that is not on the hugely important side?

3 x 3 = ?

If you were forced to make a new player right now, what position would you play?

In Super Casual you are 1 of the better Toronto Rush players, which position was more fun though. WR or RB? Also, why does The Sanch suck so much?

My favorite color is Green or blue or a combo of those too. Especially love Navy Blue like Penn State Tongue.

I am so happy that there have been a great amount of Offensive Linemen in the league. There's a lot of guys who really love the position, and guys like beaver, Payton, ben and Cal have made it a fun position.

I am unsure of a minor change that can be implemented that isn't all too important. I guess I would try to get automated banking - but that's a pretty big change that ultimately just makes some things more convenient.

My next player will be a defensive tackle. Stay tuned there.

I think in SCFSL RB is the more fun position. It doesn't rely on anything really but yourself.

Quote:Which ISFL player position is best position?

How much shit did you get from PBE management yesterday?

When are you gonna play among us with us again?

I think of the positions I've been, LB was my favorite. QB is the most stressful position - you suck and you let the whole team down. You have to be like MAX MAX MAX active. It's not great.

Surprising to say I didn't get a lot of shit from PBE management. Luckily it was obvious that it was the actions of a few guys being dummies and not the league as a whole.

I fucking love among us so very soon.

Quote:How do you see the Liberty’s fortune playing out over the next few seasons?

The Liberty have such a high level of dedicated talent that I really think they will be successful. Soup, mori, Joeb, Light, and the rest of the crew there are incredible dudes who are so smart. 

Quote:If you had the power to implement any single large scale change to the league, what would you choose?

What are some ways in which we could expand league employment to involve more than the current ~30% of active players figure that it currently stands at? (Source on that figure is # of players in management server + estimated Dotts employees as a percentage of the entire active player base)

Would you ever consider being a GM in either the DSFL or ISFL again?

Eliminate all agent fees and have 3-4 active agents in the league. THAT would solve so many issues. I know when I was an agent there was more free agency, and the rookie players I represented did better financially than their agentless classmates. The powers that be in this league hate the idea of agents because it makes them give up the power that they hold and they are afraid of it. I also believe people are afraid of someone having a high level of influence. I don't have it in me to become the big time agent I once was - but the barrier to entry right now is insane. 10M a season is insane - the prior HO who enacted it, did so because they were cowardly and too afraid to just deny agents.

The Answer your second question I would say that it's hard to get that exactly. I think you are dedicated in this league and show you're active you will get a job soon enough. I feel confident in that.

I will never say never. I loved being a GM for a while - but right now its not even close to being on my radar.

Quote:Would you consider mixing CHOCCY and Strawberry milk together and drinking it?
Do you think Agency is a good idea?
What are your thoughts about Taylor Swift?
Do you prefer CHOCCY or Strawberry Milk?
How much milk is ... TOO MUCH MILK?

Strawberry milk is disgusting.

As I said before there really are no downsides for agents from a health of the league perspective. It helps new users and experienced users. GMs don't want their players to have help with contracts because it will get them more money. That shouldn't be a surprise.

T Swift is the best. I love her.

Again - strawberry milk sucks.

I will say most milk is too much milk. I haven't drank a glass of milk since I was a kid.

Quote:Can our next charity drive be for Cystic Fibrosis in memory of Spector?

I think this is a fantastic idea and I'll talk to Bex about it. Spector was an awesome guy and doing something in his memory is an amazing idea.

Quote:Also, with the OL position now thriving in the league, do you think this is due solely to having a much larger league? What was the conversation around encouraging players to play other positions in the first place like?

I don't think it's due to having a larger league - I think it's the hyping up of fair rubs by guys like Cal. OL would not be a position played by many if not for Cal and the Tijuana wall guys. I never encouraged people to play that position. I found it pretty boring when I played it in S2 and 3.

Quote:Are you a member of the Mafia?

And If No, why are you lying?

If I told you I'd have to kill you.

Quote:Speak a bit about the tenure of james dolan with the New York Knicks. Would also be interested to hear your thoughts on phil Jackson’s time there too. Why no max offer for kd also?

Adam Gase thoughts?

Why aren’t you updating your player at the minute?

Will you make a new player once this one is done?

James Dolan is arguably the worst owner in sports. I cannot believe how atrocious my knicks are. Every single thing we do is a failure. You look back to the summer of 2010 we should have signed Lebron, and we probably would have if they didn't fuck up the presentation so much. This handling of the Porzingis situation is also God awful. As far as Phil you can't hire a guy who wants to be president in a part time job. He was awful.

Adam Gase is the worst coach in the NFL and we are wasting the prime of Sam Darnold. It's disgusting.

I am not updating me player because I just don't feel like it haha. He's about as good as a tight end can get so I don't feel like I need to put in the effort.

I will certainly make a new player when mine is done.

Quote:Could you talk about the history of equipment in the league? How has it evolved alongside the league? Do you think equipment is in a good or bad spot? Does it serve a valuable purpose in its given state?

I'll admit that the last question was probably a bit more leading. I was thinking about recent conversations around money in the league relative to league expenses and assumed that most players default to buying tier 6 equipment at the beginning of the year ( again, this is an assumption and could very well be incorrect ). I'm curious to hear how you feel about that if this assumption is correct. Thanks!

I have to say that I haven't run the numbers enough to be fully informed. There has definitely been a money creep in this league - with people being paid way more for jobs now than they were in the past. I don't really have an opinion on if its too cheap or not. I may be old but I preferred how equip used to be where it was applicable to specific skills. I think that made it better than being able to pour a ton into speed like now.

Quote:where did your beef with myrtle beach originate?

I don't think it's fair to say I have beef with the MB organization. MB may hate me because of my strong comments when I was on the appeals team. I do admit I was probably unfair to Jeffie and Raindelay in that post (though I did vote to overturn Jeff's tampering charge). As far as the Current MB team - the co-GM and I have a long extensive beef. I don't need to get into that here but I will say this: Fuck Donald Trump.

Quote:What would you do to make money/agencies more meaningful?

What is your least favorite part about having a player?

What do you think are some of the most lopsided trades in league history?

What do you think of the current archetypes? Are there any modifications you'd make?

I think the way to do make money more meaningful is to eliminate OL Bots and give teams more money to spend in Free Agency. OL Bots should be given to a team without having to pay for them - thus allowing teams to go spend money in Free Agency.

Updating. I fucking hate updating.

Oh wow....... that's tough to say honestly. Those Dwyer trades he made WAY back in the way with the Legion were pretty bad. SJS traded a lot for Orosz when they could have just switched an OL to QB. My trade with Chicago for Torenson was pretty bad too. I'm sure I made some on the Hawks that were lopsided in my favor as well. I made one that was so lopsided HO vetoed it.

I have to say I have no idea as far as archetypes. I trust TC. I have no idea beyond that really.

Quote:Thoughts on tonight’s draft?

The conferences are scheduled to be hot messes again, who emerges as the top team in each conference?

The league is going through it’s 2nd expansion in 4 seasons?

Any potential breakout players to lookout for this season?

This draft is another big milestone in the league. A lot of top notch talent joining the big leagues.

It's too early to tell. After the draft we can see - but no reason to think SJS and OCO won't be good again.

Our league is recruiting at record pace. We have the bigger user base in sim leagues. We keep expanding. We're in amazing shape.

Breakout player? I am not sure honestly. Hopefully Phoenix has a dominating year in Philly

Quote:Is there a worse person on Earth than Bill de Blasio?

Probably just Archon.

RE: Iam Essellem Owner Press Conference - YoungTB - 09-25-2020

When's the next 20 for 20? :eyes:

RE: Iam Essellem Owner Press Conference - jeffie43 - 09-25-2020

What were your thoughts on the whole bachelorette situation

RE: Iam Essellem Owner Press Conference - C9Van - 09-25-2020

Fav colour?

Thoughts on all the sexy OLine talent and giving genuine fair rubs happening finally?

What do you think may need to be looked at for change in the league currently that is not on the hugely important side?

3 x 3 = ?

If you were forced to make a new player right now, what position would you play?

In Super Casual you are 1 of the better Toronto Rush players, which position was more fun though. WR or RB? Also, why does The Sanch suck so much?

RE: Iam Essellem Owner Press Conference - ReverendOReily - 09-25-2020

Which ISFL player position is best position?

How much shit did you get from PBE management yesterday?

When are you gonna play among us with us again?

RE: Iam Essellem Owner Press Conference - Baron1898 - 09-25-2020

How do you see the Liberty’s fortune playing out over the next few seasons?

RE: Iam Essellem Owner Press Conference - gucci - 09-25-2020

If you had the power to implement any single large scale change to the league, what would you choose?

What are some ways in which we could expand league employment to involve more than the current ~30% of active players figure that it currently stands at? (Source on that figure is # of players in management server + estimated Dotts employees as a percentage of the entire active player base)

Would you ever consider being a GM in either the DSFL or ISFL again?

RE: Iam Essellem Owner Press Conference - Bayley - 09-25-2020

Would you consider mixing CHOCCY and Strawberry milk together and drinking it?
Do you think Agency is a good idea?
What are your thoughts about Taylor Swift?
Do you prefer CHOCCY or Strawberry Milk?
How much milk is ... TOO MUCH MILK?

RE: Iam Essellem Owner Press Conference - timeconsumer - 09-25-2020

Can our next charity drive be for Cystic Fibrosis in memory of Spector?

RE: Iam Essellem Owner Press Conference - gucci - 09-25-2020

Also, with the OL position now thriving in the league, do you think this is due solely to having a much larger league? What was the conversation around encouraging players to play other positions in the first place like?