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NSFL Season 2 Team Preview - Printable Version

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NSFL Season 2 Team Preview - Rabidsponge21 - 07-26-2017

NSFL Season 2 Team Preview - (7,500 Words)

Being new to the league I really wanted to see what each team had to offer as far as sheer talent on the field. Which teams look poised to have the best roster, who the middle of the pack was, and who was sitting on the bottom looking up. This was a simple TPE weighing process to compare what each teams strengths and weaknesses where, and who was the top of the crop for each respective position. So lets start by breaking down the top 3 players by position then work our way to a full team by team basis. **TPE TOTALS WERE TAKEN FROM TEAM PAGES JULY 24th - Work in Progress Check back for Updates**

THE SPREAD SHEET!!! +3044 words

Offensive line

1) Angus Winchester - OCO - 298 TPE

- The first player to be covered in this preview is the star of the Otters offensive line. Sitting just shy of the 300 TPE mark he is a OL who stands above the competition. A position highly sout after in the NSFL right now, Winchester is a key part of the Otters line up. Boasting some of the best strength ratings across the board Winchester never seems to skip a day at the gym. His Pass block and Run block are also impressive as he continues to grow as a player. He needs to work on his Speed and Agility a bit still, but this is the case for most Offensive Linemen and will come with due time.

2) Jogn Floggity - YKW - 278 TPE

- The first member of the the wraiths twin towers of their offensive line, Floggity is built much like Winchester so far. Having next tier strength mixed with solid Run/ Pass blocking has this young Offensive Lineman looking to be one of the key pieces moving forward for the wraiths. Also having some decent speed and agility already, this OL will look to grow his game and become one of the franchise pieces for the Wraiths moving forward.

3) Mat Akselsen - YKW 267 TPE

-Maybe not quite on the level as fellow team mate Floggity in the strength category, Akselsen makes it up with his improved ability to stop the Run/ Pass. Keeping pace with the other two members of the top 3 will go a long way for this player to continue to develop his game and allow the wraiths to have a strong presence in the line up. The way the wraiths OL is shaping up I'd hate to be the opposing team trying to get past these guys.

Defensive Tackle

1) Franklin Harris - OCO - 246 TPE

- Only on the the 2nd set of lists and already we find our 2nd Otter at the top of the list for a position. Something tells me this team has a strong core of players growing already. Harris is a fairly balanced DT when put on paper skill set wise, but his even player will be a boon for the Otters long term. Having above average strength, paired with some good speed will have him being able to push through were needed. Making sure he covers all aspects of the field makes him a good jack of all trades, but currently lacks that one stand out strength, but with time and his current growth rate, neither of these will be problems for long.

2) Mark Ramrio - LVL - 238 TPE

- Ramrio falls into much of the same category as Harris in that he is built to be a very even player, but his Strength is already at Pro level. He will be a big part of the Legion for seasons to come as they currently stand as a bubble team for talent in comparison to the rest of the league, but he is the first entry for the Legion on the top 3 lists which is something to look forward to for the Franchise. Having a good defensive player to help build around is something every team looks for, and the Legion already have it.

3) Dan Miller - SJS - 230 TPE

- Miller is all in currently compared to the last 2 DT's. His overall skill set is a little more limited as he has focused entirely on the Strength side of his game. Maybe a bit slower to get where he wants, and not as fast/ agile as the other top DT's he pushes his way into the line with sheer force of will and strength and makes sure he is noticed when on the field. The Sabercats 1st member of a top 3, has their DT position looking promising with Miller at the helm.

Defensive End

1) Jayce Tuck - ARI - 291 TPE

- The top contender for the Defensive End currently sits in the lap of the Outlaws with Tuck. Boasting some Pro level Strength and Speed, he makes some quick transitions in a straight line with the strength to back up the momentum. His agility still need some work to pair with these 2 but currently if he is headed in a straight line toward you...GET. OUT. OF. THE. WAY. Like a bull in a china shop, he puts his head down and goes at you like a bullet. Sitting a pretty comfortable margin above those below him, the current talent title is his to loose.

2) Adamle Tomlinson - OCO 259 TPE

- Tomlinson is built a lot like Tuck when you break it down. Both opting for straight strength and speed, the idea of how a Defensive End is supposed to function seems to be abundantly clear. Carving his way towards his goal in an unstoppable straight line, Tomlinson will need to keep growing his game if he wants to keep pace with the rest of the growing league. His strength is approaching pro levels but still needs a tad bit of work. Looking to be a big part of the otters strong D core, Tomlinson will look to be a leader rather than a follower moving forward.

3) Fuego Wozy - COL - 243 TPE

- The strongest of the batch, Wozy sports a little better tackling and agility than those ahead of him sacrificing a little more all around. Developing his game around the idea of other famous Power rushers, Wozy is looking to build a Defensive End who makes the Quarter Backs sweat and feel the need to move quickly. If tackles are an appetizer, Sacks are the main course for this Defensive end. The first Yeti on the list, it's clear they aren't just a myth or a legend.

Corner Back

1) Dermot Lavalle - YKW - 268 TPE

- A very Balanced player so far. There is not real glaring weaknesses in Lavalles game when being looked at, but not too many punch you in the face obvious strengths. His speed is already at Pro levels which helps him close the gap when needed and help to use his diverse skill set sooner than later. The Swiss Army Knife of the Corner Back position for the Wraiths, Lavalle has made a point to strengthen his game all around first before feeling the need to specialize in anything quite yet. This may not have him top the charts in statistics across the board in any particular category, BUT will help him be an effective player across the board.

2) Phillippe Carter - COL - 238 TPE

- Diversifying much like Lavalle, Carter has a very rounded game with a few more peaks than a straight line across the board. Having a little more agility on the field, coupled with the better Football IQ to back it up with comparable speed has Carter (dispite lower TPE) looking every bit as good as Lavalle so far. Lavalle still has some strengths over Carter, but Carter still looks like a very impressive player for the Yeti in the Cornerback position.

3) Anthony Petrakis - OCO - 221 TPE

- Nabbing the last spot is Petrakis. Pushing the pace of the game with the top end speed of the top 3, he lacks a little else where (endurance being a big one). So where he might have some speed and agility to help in being mobile on the field he lacks the IQ and Endurance to keep it sustained long term right now. Creating a defined role for himself is important regardless of the current outlook and Petrakis's game is very clear already. Time will remedy this issues and will help this Corner back be a integral part of the Otters roster.

Line Backer

1) Jaylon Lee - ARI - 271 TPE

- A player who will not only burn you with his sheer speed, but with his ability to shut down the ball carrier. Already at pro levels of Speed and Tackling, very few players will get away from Lee once he has his sights set on them. With no really glaring weaknesses in his game (minus Hands) he already is looking like a force out on the field. Strength, Agility, Speed, Tackling and some of the better endurance across the board has him looking to be a Franchise line backer for the Outlaws. His Football IQ is a bit lacking however, but will be built over time with experience no doubt.

2) Harrif Ernston - ARI - 258 TPE

- 2 of the top 3 Line backs on one team? That's the case with the Outlaws. Sporting the 2 most talents Line backers in the game has this position for them looking out right scary right now. Ernston's game is a lot like Lees, but a little more defined in his role. Having better hands and top end speed has him beating out many of those he is covering. His ability to Tackle though is currently a bit lacking, but he keeps pace Agility and strength wise. His IQ is more developed as well as he is able to identity plays earlier.

3) Stephen Harrison - BAL - 252 TPE

- The Hawks young Line backer has the best speed of the Top 3 bar none so far. Mixed with his pro level ability to take down the ball carrier, and good strength and agility has him already looking great when matching up with his peers. Not far off from challenging for 2nd and even 1st, he will need to keep developing his game to give the Hawks a great option at the Linebacker position. His IQ is a bit lacking currently but overall is fairly well developed across the board.

Tight End

1) Ricky Maddox - YKW - 295 TPE

- Sitting as the clearly most talented Tight End currently Maddox sits at the top of pack. Being a very balanced player Maddox doesn't have any real stand out strengths currently, but that is never a bad thing. I am sure he will for some true strengths over time, but he currently has a very 'safe' skill set that will put lots of confidence in the Wraiths management whenever he is one the field. Maybe not one to burn you with his speed as his career develops, Maddox looks to rely on his overall strength and ability to hold onto the ball as his go to's while playing his position.

2) George Wright Jr. - OCO - 240 TPE

- More a of defensively minded Tight end for the otters, Wright Jr. may not become the offensive stand out that many of the other Tight ends might become, but he will offer some great shelter for his quarterback should the Offensive line fall. Currently really only at the pro level with his strength, he will need to develop his skill set more moving forward, but looks to have a very balanced lay out thus far.

3) RIch Gucci - COL - 153 TPE

- One of the lower players to make a the top 3 lists (showing maybe the need for some more elite Tight ends moving forward league wide), Gucci is build to move out of the pocket quickly to give the quarterback and extra option to throw too. Currently showing some good speed and hands to back it up, he is a safe option to complete a pass if the situation requires it. Lack a bit in his agility and strength, he will most likely make the catches needed but be stopped shortly after. He will need to develop his overall skill set more in order to grab those extra yards when needed.|


1) Lincoln Jefferson - PHI - 272 TPE

- The fastest Safety in the game. He has a very balanced skill set other wise, showing he is a versatile player with the speed to back it up. His player page is extremely confusing to me, as he appears to be built like a wide receiver? But I guess is now a safety so really it's hard for me to expand anymore sadly.

2) Ryan Flock - ARI - 242 TPE

- Unrelenting speed and above average endurance are the trade marks of this safety. Holding a fairly average spread across the board with the rest of his skills, this safety relys on his ability to close the gap between him and receivers quickly all while being able to do is consistently during the course of the games. His Hands could use some work as well as the ability to finish tackles, but those will come with time.

3) Dominic Verns - OCO - 213 TPE

- How many Otter players are we planning to have on these lists? Verns comes in at #3 on the Safety list. He is built much like his fellow safeties, opting for more speed than anything but he manages to work some good agility into his game to keep him quick on making changes when necessary. The down sides? His lack of IQ, tackling and strength to help him put it all together when making the tackles.

Wide Receiver

1) Josh Garden - YKW - 296 TPE

- The best overall Wide Receiver currently for raw talent, Garden enters the 2nd season sporting the greatest skill set to bring forth. Top end Speed and Agility, he leaves defensive coverage in the dust as he runs his routes to get open for his QB. Good level of Hands and Endurance to back it up help him stay consistent with completing passes. His IQ is a little lacking currently with his strength also being a bit low to keep the play moving once he does get the ball. Still regardless of some flaws currently in his game, slated to be a true Franchise Wide Receiver.

2) Stormblessed - LVL - 282 TPE

- Another speedster, and the fastest I have seen so far on the site, Stormblessed puts the Speed in Speed Receiver. Matched with his above average Agility and Hands, he is a receiver who will get the ball and go when free. His total lack of strength, low IQ and a bit lower Endurance has him being more of a burst runner, than sheer force right now, but that will come as the player grows. It won't matter tho, cause if given separation and a lane, Stormblessed is gone.

3) Bailey Cook - SJS - 275 TPE

- A much more balanced receiver compared to the last two Cook breaks a more rounded package to the table. The best hands of the 3, mixed with great speed, decent agility, IQ, stength and endurance, has Cook seeming like a more serviceable Wide Receiver. More of a swiss army knife player who may not wow with his big sprints for extra yardage when holes open, he will chrun out those extra 1-2 yards consistently with his even skill set, which might be worth more over the course of a game.

Running Back

1) Leroy Jenkins - OCO - 264 TPE

- Hulk Smash. Truer words have never been spoken. A running back to believes it's easier to run through your problems than try and analyze them, this power running back slams his way to his destination. Not really taking 1 major stat and well...running with it, he has made a point to diversify his build a bit. Still, his strength and speed are the two biggest boons to this players skill set. His ability to hang onto the ball and the IQ to make the right choices are still currently lacking a bit, but those come with experience.

2) Boss Tweed - COL - 252 TPE

- Pushing the pace of the game as high as he can, this running back leans heavily on his sheer speed before anything else. Some good Agility and Strength to back it up helps him keep away from those would be tacklers to keep the play moving. Defenders fear him getting free though because if he finds a lane he is gone, and gone fast. Lacking a bit in the decisions and Hand area has him sitting a bit shy of being potentially elite, but like most players will probably be a focus later on.

3) Reg Mackworthy - ARI - 245 TPE

- Challenging Tweed for the crown of fastest running back in the west (literally) he is built close to identical to his rival. Quick on his feet, with agility and strength to supplement his skill set Mackworthy makes the most of the holes given to him burning the opposing D core with speed rarely seen. Needs a lot of work on his decision process to think on his own, and the ability to clutch the ball a bit more.

Kicker/ Punter

1) Stephen Harris - PHI - 224 TPE

- The king of the kicking castle. Harris sits just BARELY in the lead for top spot on the kicker's list. A balanced approach to the position Harris currently still holds the most powerful kick in the league. Accurate, and able to put the distance on the ball, Harris gives the Liberty plenty of confidence when he comes jogging out for any Field goal or extra point. A roster that still doesn't have to many bright spots, it must be comforting for the team knowing when they need those hopefully guaranteed points Harris can deliver.

2) Turk Turkleton - BAL - 218 TPE

- Leaning towards having a more powered approach eventually Turkleton has made a point to focus on his kick accuracy first and foremost, having currently the most accurate kick across the big 3. Building now on his power, he might catch Harris in due time, and be beating him ever so slightly with those extra long game winners. One thing is for sure, if you need those points in the bank, Turkleton is the man to deliver.

3) Archibald Booter - YKW - 189 TPE

- Another pure power kicker, Booter relies on covering sheer distance before anything else. Sitting a decent bit behind his rivals, he still can get the distance on the balls when needed. His overall accuracy could use the tweak, but he will get there as his player grows.

Now onto the big boys. The Quarterbacks.


1) Logan Noble - COL - 305 TPE

- Pocket Passer - The best QB in the league for sheer skill set right now. The 1st of 3 pocket passers, Noble is build to throw, and throw smartly. He has some mobility available to him, but he relies heavily on his throwing arm. Don't expect this QB to run often himself, as he is content with waiting out the play to make the right pass.

2) Mike Boss - OCO - 269 TPE

- Pocket Passer - A near perfect mirror to the type of player that Noble has built, Boss offers much of the same but without quite the sheer amount of mobility. Having a SLIGHT edge in IQ might help more when picking where and when to pass, but the majority of Boss's plays will be slightly shorter passes with roughly the same accuracy Boss will rely on his offensive core a little more than Noble does to put up the same #'s. His lack of endurance as well might cause some concern as the season drags on.

3) Chris Orosz - YKW - 253 TPE

- Pocket Passer - Surpirsinly similar despite having less overall TPE than both of the other two Quarter backs in the top 3. He offers a bit of everything and sits generally right in the middle of both of Noble and Boss. If you could take a bit of each Boss and Noble of what you like you could find in Orosz. Not the craziest of stats to immediately jump out of you, but a solid Quarter back all around.

NSFL Season 2 Team Preview - Rabidsponge21 - 07-26-2017

Breaking it all down

Ranking it all by team

- So now that the top 3 of each position has been laid out lets look at a few things. First, lets break down how many players each team had in the top 3. Then lets rank each team by position by the 'starters' they would have at their respective positions, THEN use those ranking to find rough totals of how each teams Offense and Defense looks heading into the 2nd season of this young league.

Overall Team Rankings - Most top 3 finishes

8) SJS

-Coming in last is the San Jose Sabercats. With only 2 players in the top 3 of all 13 positions, they are truly lacking in top tier talent currently. They have a great Wide receiver in Bailey Cook and the Defensive Tackle in Dan Miller, but both are currently 3rd in each of their groups. That leave a lot of holes left in the line up currently, with some categories having players as low as 153-213 as the 3rd rank with San Jose cracking neither top 3. The team needs to groom some more true elite talent if they want to keep competiting with the rest of the league moving forward.

7) BAL

- The Hawks aren't much better off that the Sabercats to be honest. They barely edge them out with a 2nd place finish to pair with 1 3rd, but that doesn't have them sitting much better. A 3rd ranked Linebacker paired with a 2nd placed Kicker, doesn't really seem like such a good combo to make the top 3's with, but it's something to work with at least. The team needs to continue to build it's roster if it wants to be a top 4 contender, and sport a more diverse and TPE heavy roster.

6) LVL

- Next is another team who can only field 2 players in the top 3 with at least those 2 being both respectively in the #2 spot on their lists. A wide receiver and a Defensive tackle is a little more promising to potentially build around but still just not enough flash and dash to make the team look overall enticing on this ranking. A team that seems to be fairly active just lacking the top tier players, Las Vegas has some work to do still.

5) PHI

- The last of the 2 spot teams, Philly sports 2 players who are 1st in their rankings. The best kicker league wide matched with the top Safety has something to be proud about but leaves a lot of gaps all over the field still to be filled with the top end talent.

4) COL

- The 1st member of the top 4 is the Colorado Yeti. Sporting a total of 5 top 3 finishes the future looks bright in Colorado. Best Quarter back - 2nd best Running back - 3rd best Defensive end - 2nd best Corner back - 3rd best Tight end. These are some solid pieces to build your team around. As we will see later, the situation in Colorado is better than this story might tell...

3) ARI

- Rolling into the #3 spot is Arizona. The first of 3 teams to nab 3 1st place finishes the defending champs show why they were able to win the championship with the roster they have. 3rd Best Running back - 1st best Defensive End - 1st and 2nd best Line backers - 2nd best Safety. If I were to pull 1 thing out of this all that seems a bit suspect on paper? No real presence in the top 3's of the main offensive roles.

2) YKW

- Edged slightly out by the sheer overwhelming depth of the Otters the Wraiths still come in a respectable 2nd place for Top 3 finishes. Placing in 7 of the 11 categories shows the sheer depth this team has and how well the roster is truly growing/ shaping up to be. With a wide variety of options available on both offense and defense, I would look for this team to challenge for the top of the league for seasons to come with this great core being built.

1) OCO

- Finishing in 8 of 11 categories, the Otters are the team to beat. 3 1st, 3 2nds, 2 3rds, you can't argue the team that the Otters have managed to put together.

1st - Defensive Tackle - Offensive Lineman - Running Back
2nd - Quarterback - Tight End - Defensive End
3rd - Safety - Corner Back

[Image: top3.png]

So next we take a in depth look at the best starters for each collective team. From my understanding (sorry I won't lie I am not super well versed in the world of American Football) that there is the following for starters at each position.

5 OL - 1 TE - 3 WR - 2 RB - 1 QB - 1 K/P
2 DT - 2 DE - 2 CB - 3 LB - 2 S

So with this info in hand I then took the highest TPE players for each starter position per team, and ranked each team according to who had the best overall TPE spread for position. We then rank each team on a basis of 1st to 8th, and have assigned the following point scale for placing in each rank.

12 - 1st
10 - 2nd
8 - 3rd
6 - 4th
4 - 5th
3 - 6th
2 - 7th
1 -8th

[Image: teamrankings.png]

When ALLLLLLL the date is fully collected we see the bigger picture. The top 4 teams are clear in that Orange County OCO - Yellowknife YKW - Colorado COL - Arizona ARI stand above the rest of the league to make the top 4. The gap from the top 3 and the rest of the league is pretty sizeable in offensve, with teams being relitively closer in the Defensive side of things.

If I had to choose which team looks the best overall on paper? I would have to go with the Colorado Yeti with the Orange Count Otters being a close second.

The Yellowknifes have a top tier offensive talent availble to them and still managed to bring themselves into the conversation for Defense but still fell flat in comparison to the rest of the pack.
If we are going to point fingers at the worst of the worst? Sorry to say Philly fans, but the Liberty are justr all sorts of bad, but the Sabercats are trying just as hard (or not really) to take that spot at the bottom. The Legion and Hawks aren't to far off themselves but at least show some progress.

With that all said, I hope you all enjoyed this article! It was definetly a massive 5+ hr piece of work. Cheers!!

NSFL Season 2 Team Preview - Muford - 07-26-2017

Great read, I am a fan of it. Keep it up Smile

NSFL Season 2 Team Preview - White Cornerback - 07-26-2017

#1 in CB's this early in my career. EZ

NSFL Season 2 Team Preview - SimmerDownBruhh - 07-26-2017

Ricky Maddox is ready for S2!


NSFL Season 2 Team Preview - Bzerkap - 07-26-2017

I'll take top 3 OL any day of the week!

NSFL Season 2 Team Preview - 7hawk77 - 07-26-2017

I'm really looking forward to more of this article.

I like how I'm top 3 DT at beginning of S2, but didn't make the pro-bowl s1. XD

NSFL Season 2 Team Preview - ErMurazor - 07-26-2017

Hey I've got 300 TPE #Fakenews

And I know he took TPE totals before...!

NSFL Season 2 Team Preview - PoloPro - 07-26-2017

OMG Im to lazy to have as much tpe as those other two they are champs.... Only player on the list with sub 200 tpe

NSFL Season 2 Team Preview - timeconsumer - 07-26-2017

Franklin Harris is a LB now.