International Simulation Football League
Tired of Clicking to a Spreadsheet? Get the ISFL Fantasy Football Discord Bot - Printable Version

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Tired of Clicking to a Spreadsheet? Get the ISFL Fantasy Football Discord Bot - wonderful_art - 10-06-2020

Basically, as the name says - instead of clicking around for the Google Sheets, why not use yet another Discord bot? 

I've coded this bot up that lets you use some simple commands to check your score and pull your group's score. 

Add it to your server here.

Note this uses the Google Sheets that the fantasy team keeps up to date with their hard work. It's also a work in progress so DM me with any issues you encounter. Art#5369

Here's the available commands:

!fantasy [username] - pull your fantasy score, rank, group, and difference above the user below you
!group [group #] - pull up your group's results so far
!topff [#] - get the top 1 - 25 overall in the fantasy football league
!ovrank [username] - get your overall ranking and see who's ahead and behind you
!ffteam [username] - see your rank, group, and fantasy team!
!free [group #] [position acronym] - see what players are available inside of your fantasy group for a waiver claim - ***NEW***
!ffposition [position acronym] - see the top 10 players for any position in fantasy football, included the pct rostered - ***NEW***
!ffplayer [player name to search for] - check a player's score, rostered pct, and Rank 1 Team rostered pct. - ***NEW***
!help - get help details outlining the above 4 commands PMed to you on Discord
!invite - get a DM from the bot with the link to add it to your server

Good luck this fantasy season!

RE: Tired of Clicking to a Spreadsheet? Get the ISFL Fantasy Football Discord Bot - tMuse - 10-06-2020

awesome! added to sarasota :happyPeepo:

could you change it that it only recognizes "!fantasy" not "!fantasyasdifpasjhgasidgta"?
we use a custom !fantasysheet command to link to the sheet, your bot picks that up.[Image: babbKb6.png]

RE: Tired of Clicking to a Spreadsheet? Get the ISFL Fantasy Football Discord Bot - wonderful_art - 10-06-2020

Yeah I'll get that edit up shortly - good to know

RE: Tired of Clicking to a Spreadsheet? Get the ISFL Fantasy Football Discord Bot - tMuse - 10-06-2020

awesome thanks! i get bullied with !fantasytmusesuckslmap now :kekw:

RE: Tired of Clicking to a Spreadsheet? Get the ISFL Fantasy Football Discord Bot - wonderful_art - 10-06-2020

Fixed this for you @tMuse you should be good to now only have it recognize !fantasy and not !fantasytmuseisawesome

It also now won't look like ass on mobile.

RE: Tired of Clicking to a Spreadsheet? Get the ISFL Fantasy Football Discord Bot - Kyamprac - 10-06-2020

Thank you for sharing!

RE: Tired of Clicking to a Spreadsheet? Get the ISFL Fantasy Football Discord Bot - Billybolo53 - 10-07-2020

@HO Pay this wonderful person for a wonderful bot

RE: Tired of Clicking to a Spreadsheet? Get the ISFL Fantasy Football Discord Bot - tMuse - 10-07-2020

(10-06-2020, 08:21 PM)wonderful_art Wrote: Fixed this for you @tMuse you should be good to now only have it recognize !fantasy and not !fantasytmuseisawesome

It also now won't look like ass on mobile.
awesome! thanks for the quick update!

RE: Tired of Clicking to a Spreadsheet? Get the ISFL Fantasy Football Discord Bot - wonderful_art - 10-08-2020

Dropping an update here that there's a new feature to the bot:

!ffteam [username] - displays your fantasy team, rank and group

RE: Tired of Clicking to a Spreadsheet? Get the ISFL Fantasy Football Discord Bot - tMuse - 10-12-2020

Just wanted to put a huge thank you in here again. Get this man some money for this awesome bot!
One feature that would be awesome is to filter out positions for !free

eg: !free -qb
to get a list of all free players except QBs