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*A.J. Lucas - 1st Presser - Printable Version

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*A.J. Lucas - 1st Presser - Alucas - 10-18-2020

After my first few games in the DSFL and being drafted, I thought it would be a good time to do a presser. Hit me up with all your questions!

What sort of things are you looking forward to in the ISFL?
I am looking forward to having a new locker room to call my own. I am having fun in my current Kansas City locker room and expect I will be sticking around for a little while as I develop but my goal is to reach the ISFL and become a star player there. I hope to get more involved with the league in general as I become more familiar with what is happening and everyone in the league.

Were they any other positions that you thought about when creating?
I tossed up right at the start between making an offensive player or defensive sided player. I thought about making a tight-end but ultimately decided that going on the defensive side would be a little more interesting for me. I then had to decide between a DE or LB and overall I looked across the league to see what kinds of stats and roles the positions had and went with the speed rushing linebacker so that I could get in the quarterbacks face and ruin his day.

What has been the most exciting thing to happen in the league for you so far?
The most exciting thing to happen for me is the draft, the draft is so well done here and I got to watch it live to see what would happen. I had a reasonably bad experience over in PBE for my first draft (the draft itself was run well, but I went late in the 6th round) and I was concerned this may happen here in the ISFL, but was pleasantly surprised to be picked up by Kansas City at pick 11. The draft presentation is very cool and getting my own draft card is a nice touch.

Pancakes or waffles?
Probably the most difficult question I have been posed today. I generally eat a lot more pancakes than waffles, just because you don't need a specialized waffle maker to make pancakes. However I think if I had a choice, I would go with waffles, there is something about waffles and all the toppings and options you can run with them. Difficult choice though.

What team(s) were you most hoping to go to in the DSFL draft?
I was happy to go to any of the teams in the DSFL, I was lucky enough to be scouted by all the teams and had good chats with people in a lot of the teams in the build up. Kansas City was a good fit and I was keen to go there as well as Dallas and Portland. I was just hoping to go to a team with a friendly and helpful locker room. I am familiar with PBE but trying to learn the ins and outs of ISFL is always easier when you have helpful teammates. Luckily for me the Kansas City locker room is great.

What is the one thing your player most wants to accomplish in their ISFL career?
The one thing to accomplish would be to win the ISFL championship. Winning it all is always the goal for me, I do want to have great performances along the way and hope that if/when whatever team drafts me wins, that I am a integral part of that team and not just along for the ride.

What memory from the first 4 games of this season is going to stick with you for the rest of your time in the league?
The memory from my first 4 games of the season is how the competition level stepped up from the prospect bowl. Going from a pretty dominant performance into a tough 33-7 loss to the Buccaneers was a pretty hard drop into reality. Throughout my first 4 games I did get better as the season went along, starting to rack up double digit tackles per game and even got my first sack of the season in game four against the Birddogs. I think getting my first sack will be something that sticks with me my entire career as I hope to have many many more and make a living out of getting to the quarterback. Would definitely be mounting my jersey from game one in the league and first sack. Next on the list would be sack 1 in the ISFL and records to come after that!

What ISFL team would you want to go too?
I am not sure at this stage, I think the scouting period for the ISFL draft will help me understand the ISFL teams a little more. The same as my DSFL team, I want to go to a locker room that is friendly, active and has a good vibe to it - the winning that comes from there is a given. I wouldn't mind going to a developing team, maybe a new expansion team that is just in the league or one of the rebuilding teams. I think building a team from the ground up as one of the key members of the defense would be a great experience and I could leave a legacy behind me. Alternatively being drafted by a team who is only a year or two away from being in the playoffs and competitive would be great as it would give me time to develop in the DSFL and get the call up to contribute on a playoff run. Only time will tell who wants me in their team but I am looking for to the draft.

Why is Glims Stinky?
I am not sure why Glims is so stinky, I think it is what they have been feeding them? Stinky Glims - its not your fault!

Which KCC player do you think will go first in the draft?
Well, you always deep down hope it will be yourself. But realistically I think Derek Wildstar - LegallyBlindGamer. He is a solid contributor in our locker room already and is crushing his first year in the league (I aspire to reach that level too) I think he would be my choice to go first out of Kansas City but it really depends on what teams have a need for, if they are already set in some of our stronger positions then it could be a bit of a wildcard pick from our team who goes first.

Do you agree that our team, the Kansas City purple weeb dogs, are the superior dogs in the DSFL?
I can't disagree with this statement. Kansas City is the weebiest purplest doggest dogs in the DSFL and therefore superior. When you look up "superior dog" in the ISFL dictionary, Kansas City Coyotes (nee: Purple Weeb Dogs) is the first things that you see. We may not have the best record in the entire league, but we do have the best dog record in the DSFL, and that has to count for something.

RE: A.J. Lucas - 1st Presser - Starboy - 10-18-2020

What sort of things are you looking forward to in the ISFL?

Were they any other positions that you thought about when creating?

What has been the most exciting thing to happen in the league for you so far?

Pancakes or waffles?

RE: A.J. Lucas - 1st Presser - slate - 10-18-2020

What team(s) were you most hoping to go to in the DSFL draft?

What is the one thing your player most wants to accomplish in their ISFL career?

What memory from the first 4 games of this season is going to stick with you for the rest of your time in the league?

RE: A.J. Lucas - 1st Presser - zaynzk - 10-18-2020

What ISFL team would you want to go too?

Why is Glims Stinky?

Which KCC player do you think will go first in the draft?

RE: A.J. Lucas - 1st Presser - frazzle14 - 10-18-2020

Do you agree that our team, the Kansas City purple weeb dogs, are the superior dogs in the DSFL?

RE: A.J. Lucas - 1st Presser - Alucas - 10-23-2020

What sort of things are you looking forward to in the ISFL?
I am looking forward to having a new locker room to call my own. I am having fun in my current Kansas City locker room and expect I will be sticking around for a little while as I develop but my goal is to reach the ISFL and become a star player there. I hope to get more involved with the league in general as I become more familiar with what is happening and everyone in the league.

Were they any other positions that you thought about when creating?
I tossed up right at the start between making an offensive player or defensive sided player. I thought about making a tight-end but ultimately decided that going on the defensive side would be a little more interesting for me. I then had to decide between a DE or LB and overall I looked across the league to see what kinds of stats and roles the positions had and went with the speed rushing linebacker so that I could get in the quarterbacks face and ruin his day.

What has been the most exciting thing to happen in the league for you so far?
The most exciting thing to happen for me is the draft, the draft is so well done here and I got to watch it live to see what would happen. I had a reasonably bad experience over in PBE for my first draft (the draft itself was run well, but I went late in the 6th round) and I was concerned this may happen here in the ISFL, but was pleasantly surprised to be picked up by Kansas City at pick 11. The draft presentation is very cool and getting my own draft card is a nice touch.

Pancakes or waffles?
Probably the most difficult question I have been posed today. I generally eat a lot more pancakes than waffles, just because you don't need a specialized waffle maker to make pancakes. However I think if I had a choice, I would go with waffles, there is something about waffles and all the toppings and options you can run with them. Difficult choice though.

What team(s) were you most hoping to go to in the DSFL draft?
I was happy to go to any of the teams in the DSFL, I was lucky enough to be scouted by all the teams and had good chats with people in a lot of the teams in the build up. Kansas City was a good fit and I was keen to go there as well as Dallas and Portland. I was just hoping to go to a team with a friendly and helpful locker room. I am familiar with PBE but trying to learn the ins and outs of ISFL is always easier when you have helpful teammates. Luckily for me the Kansas City locker room is great.

What is the one thing your player most wants to accomplish in their ISFL career?
The one thing to accomplish would be to win the ISFL championship. Winning it all is always the goal for me, I do want to have great performances along the way and hope that if/when whatever team drafts me wins, that I am a integral part of that team and not just along for the ride.

What memory from the first 4 games of this season is going to stick with you for the rest of your time in the league?
The memory from my first 4 games of the season is how the competition level stepped up from the prospect bowl. Going from a pretty dominant performance into a tough 33-7 loss to the Buccaneers was a pretty hard drop into reality. Throughout my first 4 games I did get better as the season went along, starting to rack up double digit tackles per game and even got my first sack of the season in game four against the Birddogs. I think getting my first sack will be something that sticks with me my entire career as I hope to have many many more and make a living out of getting to the quarterback. Would definitely be mounting my jersey from game one in the league and first sack. Next on the list would be sack 1 in the ISFL and records to come after that!

What ISFL team would you want to go too?
I am not sure at this stage, I think the scouting period for the ISFL draft will help me understand the ISFL teams a little more. The same as my DSFL team, I want to go to a locker room that is friendly, active and has a good vibe to it - the winning that comes from there is a given. I wouldn't mind going to a developing team, maybe a new expansion team that is just in the league or one of the rebuilding teams. I think building a team from the ground up as one of the key members of the defense would be a great experience and I could leave a legacy behind me. Alternatively being drafted by a team who is only a year or two away from being in the playoffs and competitive would be great as it would give me time to develop in the DSFL and get the call up to contribute on a playoff run. Only time will tell who wants me in their team but I am looking for to the draft.

Why is Glims Stinky?
I am not sure why Glims is so stinky, I think it is what they have been feeding them? Stinky Glims - its not your fault!

Which KCC player do you think will go first in the draft?
Well, you always deep down hope it will be yourself. But realistically I think Derek Wildstar - LegallyBlindGamer. He is a solid contributor in our locker room already and is crushing his first year in the league (I aspire to reach that level too) I think he would be my choice to go first out of Kansas City but it really depends on what teams have a need for, if they are already set in some of our stronger positions then it could be a bit of a wildcard pick from our team who goes first.

Do you agree that our team, the Kansas City purple weeb dogs, are the superior dogs in the DSFL?
I can't disagree with this statement. Kansas City is the weebiest purplest doggest dogs in the DSFL and therefore superior. When you look up "superior dog" in the ISFL dictionary, Kansas City Coyotes (nee: Purple Weeb Dogs) is the first things that you see. We may not have the best record in the entire league, but we do have the best dog record in the DSFL, and that has to count for something.