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*Sit down with Quavious McGrady - Printable Version

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*Sit down with Quavious McGrady - DoIHaveTheSause - 10-19-2020

Jordan Singletary: Hello Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Jordan Singletary from simulation news, and I am here with the one and only Quavious McGrady, The starting wide receiver for the Tijuana Luchadores. I was able to get an exclusive interview with the rookie on his first days and the developmental simulation football league, and to allow the people to get to know him a little more. Welcome, Quavious.

Quavious McGrady: Hey jordan, glad to be here.

J: Quavious, How did it feel to get drafted 22nd overall by the Tijuana Luchadores?

Q: Oh man it was amazing, like a feeling I have never had before. I was so grateful to actually get chosen as early as I did. There were a lot of great wide receivers in this draft class, and to be the third wide receiver to get drafted is amazing. But even the best part over getting drafted 22nd overall, is to go to such a great organization like the Tijuana Luchadores. There is a great group of guys here with great culture and I’m looking forward to being a key part of this offense.

J: So Quavious, how have the first days with the Tijuana Luchadores been?

Q: Like I said earlier these guys are awesome. Great sense of humor, hilarious Memes. A really great group of players as well. They really make sure to push each other to become better to give us a chance at getting a shot at the Ultamini trophy. Also the discord is always poppin’.

J: Well they do say that Tijuana is the closest organization to a cult…

Q: Well if that’s true I’m drinking the Kool-Aid.

J: Now a couple weeks into the regular season, how do you feel about your performance?

Q: Well so far it’s gone pretty well for the most part. My first game against the Minnesota grade ducks didn’t go as I really planned, not matching a single reception and the team taking a close loss. After the game I was disappointed in myself and it definitely motivated me to work harder at practice the following week. The following game I was able to pull in eight receptions for about 70 yards. Unfortunately that did not lead to a win either so it was back to the grind. The following week I was able to hit a great milestone that I was looking forward to, my first 100 yard game. It was a great feeling almost as great as being drafted, but we talked it off was also getting the win that week. I'm looking forward to continuing to work with these guys, we continue to get better.

J: That’s amazing, Quavious.

So Tijuana is known for their wide receiver talent, the players before you arrived being called up to the international simulation football league, how do you plan to succeed them?

Q: Well those guys you talk about were great wide receivers number one and number two being a couple of the best in the league before I arrived and which speaks towards that is not only they’re willing to trade and get better but also the opportunities the coaching staff put them in. Those guys really set the bar on the wide receiver standard here at Tijuana. I’m looking forward to study their tape follow the workout schedules , Work with our coaches and see what they did that to be here with the new rookie wide receivers can do to emulate the greatness they produced receive it. I am seen as more of a big body read some threat that you don’t see much in the league. But I have full confidence in myself and the coaching staff that they will be able to put me in the best position possible.

J: And I’ve heard that your comrade, Rich Triplet, Gave you hopes of joining the Tijuana luchadores, how has your relationship evolved after joining the team?

Q: Oh Rich is great, man. He was the main one to convince me to join to sleep if it were not for him I probably would’ve gone to some sales job working in a cubicle, we started working with my pops instead of being in this league. So I thank him so much for that. Joining a team that has one of your great friends, especially on the opposite side of the ball from you, is a really unique challenge. Whether it be in practice, or at the Tijuana bars we are always competing against each other. Granted, Rich Triplet has been in the league one year longer than I have, but it gives me all of the reasons to aim to be as great as him. The competition is always going with that guy. But we love it, it's what keeps continuing to get better. And I really think rich triplet I’m putting a good word for me to come to Tijuana.

J: What a great friendship. And you do have another friend, Who was actually in the same draft class coming in as a quarterback, right?

Q: Yes, I am talking about my main man LeBron James the third! That’s my main man, we have developed a great friendship throughout this drafting process, he actually was the one that threw the ball to me during the combine. We had this crazy idea of being drafted to the same team on draft night, and developing into an awesome tandem. But alas, that did not happen, maybe sometime in the future. LeBron James is a great man with high character, him going to the Portland pythons, I am so happy for him seeing as they’ve been able to use the most of his abilities right away going 3-0, whether it be throwing or rushing the ball. I see the great things for him and the Portland pythons in the future, maybe Competing for the Ultamini.

J: Great friends make a fun life.

How do you like the city of Tijuana?

Q: Tijuana, there is not a single city like it. It’s always lively whether it be a weekend or a weekday. One of my first stays here at Tijuana after it was announced that I was drafted, The boys from the Tijuana Luchadores locker room invited me to a party. What a night. Can those guys drink. The best part about being Tijuana, is the food! The people of Tijuana really know how to cook. It doesn’t matter what time of the day it is whether it be three In the morning or three in the afternoon anything is available, And it tastes just as great whether it be chilaquiles or a chalupa. I have Been getting a little ahead of myself and overeating, coaches have been monitoring my weight and are telling them I need to come back a little more on the tortillas before I need to go up in jersey size. Other than that the people are nice,  the city culture is great, and I’m happy to play for a place that loves the sport of football and I’m ready to show them the love back. Time to get to work andbring the Ultamini back to Tijuana.

J: Sounds delicious, I might have to get some food after this interview!

What do you see yourself becoming in this league?

Q: Although I have had a rough start these past couple weeks I see myself developing into much more of a red zone threat, I’m working on my sprints and hands. I want to be able to have my teammates depend on me whenever a big play is needed. Although the current meta in this league is to be fast and shifty I’m looking to switch that narrative. If you try to get cute by Maxing your speed, I will just body you. I’m really looking forward to seeing what it would be like to play the tight end position, I feel like I would be able to do lots of damage against defenses there. Wouldn’t mind playing a little full back either. I’m hoping to become my bosses dependable target, whenever a big plate is needed. After that hopefully making a name for myself, and moving onto the International simulation football league to hopefully get drafted to a team that wants to shift the culture of the league meta as well.

J: So growing up, you participated in football in the fall, but also basketball in the winter and track in the summer. What made you want to choose football over those other sports ?

Q: To be honest, I almost went with basketball. I had a lot of great moments on the basketball team in high school, I was able to carry my team into the state finals damn near. But that all got shut down with the allegations that came towards me - That I was above my age to be playing with the high school team. The school was facing lawsuits from several other schools and their families, forcing me to show my birth certificate. After searching for it for several days, my family and I were not able to locate it after going through a basement flooding. That situation left a dirty aftertaste for the sport, so I decided to take my talents to the gridiron.

J: Who do you emulate your game similar to?

Q: Growing up some of my favorite players were Calvin Johnson, Randy Moss, and DK Metcalf. All three players were great athletes. They could really do it all. How do you cover those guys? They would wreak havoc and destroy defensive game plans. That is what I want to be. Granted, the meta has become speed oriented. But I am making it a mission to shift the meta through my play style, which is similar to the players that I’ve named earlier. I’ve been vocal with my mission to the teams that scouted me. So I am very grateful to
have been drafted to a team that respects my wishes and allows me to be me.

J: What was it like growing up in your household?

Q: Yeah growing up in Houston, Texas in a family with eight other siblings was pretty tough. Money was tight a lot of the time, it was hard for my parents to make ends meet. So at a young age, my brothers and sisters and I had to learn how to work to provide For ourselves. My dad had his own mechanic business that he was trying to start up from the garage, so he was the one who really inspired and taught us to work for yourself and to keep grinding. My mother there’s a maid in the nicer parts of Houston, she used her neck of being able to connect with people to be able to consistently find work. Both of these professions top me growing up to earn your keep. But seeing as a young age my dad didn’t think I was responsible enough to work on cars and her mother didn’t think I was detailed enough to clean houses I had a find my own type of work. At a young age I decided to make props and bets with kids around the block. I was betting on myself. Whether it be video games or Athletic Tess I would always see myself on the winning side. I’ve always been athletically gifted growing up so doing this the older I got helped me focus on working on my body and my skill set. I took that inspiration of grind and hustle and used it along with sports endeavors. And you can see it’s brought me here so I like to think it has paid off.

J: So inspiring. If you could play any other position, what would you play?

Q: If I could play any other position, but I think I’d play quarterback. If I had the arm. Besides wide receiver I’m really fascinated by the quarterback position, the fact that you are literally a Field general out there is really cool to me. The quarterbacks I love the most are the mobile ones. I would definitely see myself as a mobile one, a Cam Newton type. I would be willing to take a hit for the team. But like I said it’s the arm I wish I had. Must be really interesting beating quarterbacks especially if you have a coach that’s able to design trick plays for you.

J: That’s interesting.
What’s your favorite thing about the international simulation football league?

Q: What I like the most about the international simulation football league is the great community it has. During my time here everyone has been so welcoming, encouraging, and funny to converse with. Really really is a great community that really likes to uplift each other. Even being in the lower level developmental simulation football league, you really get to meet a lot of great people who just want to see you do better. To be honest, in life it’s hard to find people like that so the fact that this league is filled with people like that speaks volumes. I really enjoy the fact that everyone is so inviting. Even if you don’t play for their team, people will welcome you into the locker room, share laughs with you, and just immerse you in their culture. I really felt that the most when I joined Tijuana. The guys who are great, even if you don’t say much they still hype you up during game time and throughout the weeks at practice. So the fact that these guys wanted to bring me back again makes me feel great to play here.

J: Those are some very great points.

What are some things you are looking forward to this upcoming football season?

Q: Well since it’s my rookie year, there’s a lot of things that I’m looking forward to. One of them being my first touchdown. I can’t wait for it to happen, and I am just hoping it’s not during garbage time. Actually let me take that back. I don’t care when it is, I’m just trying to score. That is one of the things I’m looking forward to. Another thing I’m looking forward to is hopefully making the playoffs with the Tijuana luchadores. We had a great group of guys here in Tijuana, and I really do believe you have the skills and capability to go deep into the playoffs. In the off-season, I was able to get a lot of work with the guys so we’ve developed a chemistry that we can hopefully take it vantage with on a gridiron. These first couple of games have been a little rough but we are looking to make a quick turnaround and finish the rest of the season strong to put us in a great position for the playoffs. We got a lot of vets here we were in the playoffs with Tijuana last year, so hopefully we can take that experience, and take the energy from us rookies, and bring another Ultamini back to Tijuana. Go lucha!

J: Well, thank you Quavious McGrady for your time to sit down and learn a lot about you. You seem like a well put young man, and the luchadores I am sure are thrilled to have a talent like you.

Ladies and gentlemen, Jordan singletary here signing off from Simulation news.

RE: Sit down with Quavious McGrady - Ben - 10-19-2020


RE: *Sit down with Quavious McGrady - Kotasa - 10-20-2020


RE: *Sit down with Quavious McGrady - huck24 - 10-20-2020

TIJ Let's go Luchadores!!!  TIJ