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*Which DSFL Teams Need a Tight End? - Printable Version

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*Which DSFL Teams Need a Tight End? - treant - 10-28-2020

I am very much looking forward to having the chance to start playing in the DSFL in the future, and I have been thinking this week about the way I am going to enter the league and what it is I can expect from the team that decides to add me to their team. With their being 8 teams in the DSFL there is probably a few different teams that I could go to and have the chance to play as a tight end, but I thought that it might be interesting for me to take a look at each team and assess their current situation in terms of the position and then I can try and project which of these teams I think might be interested in adding James Wilkinson to their team. I am writing this article without knowing a lot about how many tight ends each team in the DSFL will usually have but I will assume that two tight ends per team is a good amount for them to aim for! Of course teams that already have two active tight ends will be the ones that are less likely to want to add one to their roster so I will assume that I am not a player that they will be targeting and for teams that don’t have two active tight ends I will assume that I am someone they might be interested in adding to the squad. It should be fun to try and work out where it is I might end up playing when the time comes for me to join the league so I will hopefully know a bit more about what it is I am looking for after I have concluded my investigation. 

1. Portland Pythons

I can see that the Portland Pythons would be an instant fit to add James Wilkinson to their team! The Pythons don’t have any active tight ends that I can see on their roster which makes me think that it is going to be a position that they will be looking to fill in the draft and maybe I am someone that they will look to in order to fill the spot on their roster. I spoke in another article that I wrote about how much James would enjoy playing in the city of Portland with everything that it has to offer and that means that I think this could be a very interesting destination when everything is taken into consideration. The team has a lot of other active players that are on their roster already and adding into the mix a tight end would definitely be something that can help them so who knows, this might be a great fit for James Wilkinson to make his entrance into the DSFL with! I wish that I could think of more to say but Portland looks like it would be a dream destination for James and a natural fit based on the position that he plays and the fact that they will need to fill it!

2. Kansas City Coyotes

The Kansas City Coyotes are a team that I have already grown to like in the short time that I have been in the league after I was given the chance to join their locker room and talk with some of the members of the team. They are a very friendly and helpful group of people that I have enjoyed having the opportunity to talk to so that is something that I think of as very positive before I even look at the players that they have on their roster and think about the way that I might be able to fit in! The Coyotes have one player who is a tight end on their roster at the minute. The player in question is Owmy Back who is a S26 player. The Coyotes have at least one player on their roster who plays the position but I think that it will still be a position that they could be open to strengthening because Owmy Back only has 66 TPE added to his player. This isn’t a lot more than the 50 TPE that a player gets when they create so it could well be the case that they are able to get a better player onto their team very quickly. This could definitely be the case by the time the draft arrives and I believe that what I have been told about earning TPE so far suggests that I should be able to get considerably more TPE than this for my player by the time the draft arrives. As I have said already I would love to join the Coyotes on a permanent basis, because of the great location and culture of the city as well as the hospitality that the team has shown to me in their locker room so far. If I could step away from the roleplaying element of the league for a moment or two I would just like to say that the general managers of the team should be commended for going out of their way to help me even though I have no affiliation to the team at all! They are the only people in the league to reach out to me and make an introduction, and they and their team should be very proud of the work that they are doing to make the league a friendlier place for people who have just joined which is something that I am very grateful for!

3. London Royals

I should begin my discussion here by offering an apology to the London Royals for a mistake that I made in my last article where I talked about the team as being based in Ontario. I was confused about the fact that they are instead a team that plays in England. This is a very interesting location for a team and it even makes the team more appealing to me because they are based in such a far away location! If I were to look at their roster I can see that the Royals already have two tight ends on the team who both look like they are capable players. They have Frank Mitchell who is a S24 player and has 261 TPE, and they also have Joe Show who is a S25 player and has 136 TPE! This tells me that the Royals have some good depth at the position and wouldn’t need to go out of their way to add any more when it’s their turn to pick in the draft! Taking this into my consideration I don’t think that drafting James Wilkinson will be a priority for the Royals as they would appear to be covered at the position. If the Royals did decide to add me to their team I would be absolutely delighted to play for them but I also totally understand that there may be more important areas for them to fill at this point in time and so would not in any shape blame them if they did not plan on doing so. I think that London would be a fun destination to go to and play for but I don’t think that they are going to need my services any time soon!

4. Minnesota Grey Ducks

I found myself very interested in the idea of playing in Minnesota when writing my  last article and I am very interested to see what the team has on their roster and how that may affect the decision that they could make in terms of drafting me! The Grey Ducks have one tight end on their roster already and that is the S26 player Jaja Ding Dong. Because Ding Dong is such a first season player I believe and has a lot of TPE earned I don’t think that the team will see drafting another tight end as a priority. It could be the case that they would like to add a second to their roster and if that was the case and they were interested in adding James Wilkinson I would be very interested to play there. I think that playing with a tight end who is not too much older but has already earned a lot of TPE would help to challenge and grow James and I think that it would be a benefit for him and his career to have a player who he could improve with! It is a case of whether the Grey Ducks think that they have the space for me or not at this point in time but if they decided that they did I would be very happy to have the chance to go there!

5. Norfolk Seawolves

When I was writing about the cities that the DSFL teams were in I found Norfolk to be a very interesting place to have a team. When I look at their roster I can see that the Seawolves tight end situation is very similar to the situation of the Minnesota Grey Ducks. The Seawolves have one tight end on their roster already who is an S26 player but has been able to earn a lot of TPE and make themselves into one of the best players on the team. The player in question is Tom Teboat who has 212 TPE which means that he is going to be someone the team finds very valuable. I think that the chances of the Seawolves making the decision to draft James Wilkinson depends again on how important they think it is to have two tight ends on their team or even to have someone who can play for them and help them after the player that they have already moves on. This is something that needs to be thought about and if the team decides that they would like to add James Wilkinson to their team then I would be very happy to have the chance to join them and do anything that I could to help them!

6. Myrtle Beach Buccaneers

I have written about the Buccaneers being the team that was most local to where James grew up so I am interested to see what players they already have on their roster at that position and how it is that he might be able to fit in to what they have. I can see straight away that the team has a very good player at the tight end position in the form of Djibutee McJimmerson who is an S25 player with 370 TPE. If we looked at nothing but TPE then McJimmerson would be the best player on the team and I think that means they probably would not think of the position as something that they would want to try and improve! It would be great for James to remain in the area he grew up in and went on to play college football in but it is clear to see that the position is not something that the team will want to go out of its way to add! I would be very happy to have the opportunity to learn to play behind a great player like McJimmerson so if the team did decide to draft James and use him as their second tight end that would still be something that I would be very excited about!

7. Tijuana Luchadores

I would like to reinforce what I said in my last article when I spoke about Tijuana. Having a team Tijuana is something that I find really cool and it would be a lot of fun to get the chance to play for a team that is based in a unique setting.  I think that when compared to some of the other teams that I have mentioned already Tijuana is quite likely to be considering adding a tight end to their team at some point! They have one tight end already on their roster but he is an S24 player with 145 TPE which means that he’s a little bit older than some of the other players on the team and hasn’t added that much TPE. It may just be the case that the Luchadores are considering adding another player to their team who can play the position and for the reasons I’ve talked about already I think it could be a very fun team to go and get the chance to play for if they were interested in me.

8. Dallas Birddogs

The team that is last on my list but in no way least is the Dallas Birddogs. I think you would struggle to find a more natural location for a football team than Dallas and I also think that Birddogs is a very cool and unique name for a football team so this was certainly a potential team that caught my eye and somewhere that I would be intrigued to go and learn the ropes! When taking a look at the tight ends on their roster, I can’t see much. This is because the team doesn’t have any active tight ends, and so I am very interested about what getting to go here and play would be like! It’s nice to see a team where my position is something that they will need to add and I think that it would be a lot of fun to be able to go here and have the chance to be one of the team’s starting players very quickly. Dallas is certainly a location that James would love the opportunity to play football in and with their situation what it is it seems like the two parties would be a great fit for each other in terms of addressing needs!

I am quite encouraged at the number of teams that have a clear need for a tight end in the DSFL at this point in time as it makes me very optimistic about my chances of getting to play in the league before too long! I created James as a tight end because it has always been a position that I have enjoyed watching people play and I believe that the amount of talent it requires to be great at the position is immense so I find it very encouraging that the journey that James will take to playing the position in the ISFL will allow for him to get some playing time at the very least! I am really looking forward to being a part of the next DSFL draft whenever that may be and taking the time to look at what teams might want to add me has certainly added to that. I can’t wait to see where it is I get the chance to play and I look forward to giving the team that selects me everything I can to help them grow and improve! 

If anything that I have written in this article is not correct then please let me know I would be happy to correct it as it would be very helpful to learning as much as possible about the league! 

Article Length: 2,514 words!

RE: Which DSFL Teams Need a Tight End? - UberBJ - 10-28-2020

Great article! Always good to see more TEs!

RE: Which DSFL Teams Need a Tight End? - zaynzk - 10-28-2020

Portland went from drafting like 10 TE to not even having one lol

RE: Which DSFL Teams Need a Tight End? - GlimsTC - 10-28-2020

Appreciate the kind words a ton! It's been a pleasure getting to see you around the LR, and whether or not you'll be a member of the Coyotes, we hope you'll continue to pop in! Great media as always!

RE: Which DSFL Teams Need a Tight End? - Cody - 10-28-2020

(10-28-2020, 01:07 PM)zaynzk Wrote: Portland went from drafting like 10 TE to not even having one lol

That was my first thought. S24 Draft was 90% Tight Ends for them.