International Simulation Football League
*Connor Quigley - Sober vs. Drunk Presser READY FOR GRADING - Printable Version

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*Connor Quigley - Sober vs. Drunk Presser READY FOR GRADING - WhatAmUs - 11-16-2020

This is a presser that will be done in two parts.  First, you all ask me questions as per usual.  Then, I'll answer each question twice.  Once completely dead sober, and another after a half of a bottle of Wheel Horse bourbon.  Real cheap and heavy stuff.  

Dont hold back!  I'm about to start my first season in the ISFL so there's plenty of stuff to talk about!  (Also might develop this into a podcast).

(Answers will be denoted with S = Sober and D = Drunk)


Do you like Lamps?

S: Sure, Lamps are cool I guess!  Can't say I have anything against them, however, I may prefer a nice droplighting over a lamp. 

D: I Love Lamp. Lamp is good, lamp is light.  frost sux lamp 

Favorite cut of meat?

S: Hmm great question, I'd probably have to say a Sirloin or NY Strip steak.  Relatively versatile, great fat to lean ratio.  If Im going cheaper, though, gotta go with a Hanger steak or "Butcher's" steak.  

D: Fuck i could go for a steak rn, filet mignon is the best goddamn cut you can get fuck whatever money you have to pay 

Why is Hordle the best lineman?

S: I think we're all the best linemen, in our own special ways!  

D: Fuckin Clay Stallworth, or me.  Take your pick, as long as its not Archstone.  


Who wins in a fight a bear or a tiger?

S: I'd have to give it to the tiger in this scenario, speed and precision often outmatches raw strength.  Weight class difference there is pretty big, though, so could be an even bout.

D: Bear wins that fight 9 fuckin times out of 10.  Raw power, and people really uunderestimate how fuckin fast a goddamn bear is.  

You are in a hunger games style fight for survival, you can pick 1 melee weapons, what is it and why?

S:  I am not formally trained in any discipline of melee combat, but if I were, I'd have to go with a katana.  It's light and durable, relatively easily maneuverable.  Clear advantage over something like an axe or a greatsword.   

D: Chainsaw on a long steel pole.  Boom, done.  fuckin, chainsaw, but its on a long steel pole, thats game over dude.  EZPZ.  

Favourite cocktail?

S:  Gotta go with something simple here, like a Vodka Soda or a Jameson with Ginger Ale.  If I'm feeling spicy, though, I do love me a good Rum Swizzler!  

D: I ran out of bourbon and im on my third vodka soda rn, but Id really rather be drinking like a nice manhattan or like a appletini or something.  something sweet and fun to remind me we're not in a goddamn pandemic right now.  


What’s your top five beers?

S: Oh man, I dont know if I can rightly rank them!  I can certainly try, though.  1) Stone IPA 2) Frye's Leap IPA 3) Gandolf IPA 4) Smithwick's 5) Bud Light

D: 1) Bud light 2) Any double dry hopped IPA 3) any beer over 8% ABV 4) PRB 5) Miller Lite

Do you think the coyotes are cursed and will never reach the playoffs?

S: I dont think KCC is cursed, just having a spat of bad luck.  I imagine the Yotes will find their way there sooner than later!

D: KCC playoffs in the bnext two seasons, book it.  Qoute me on that.  

Why is Ellis from L4D2 the most OP character in gaming history?

S:  Ellis has a background in laboring and logistics, so it stands to reason that he's able to keep a level head and shoot straight in the zombie apocalypse.  

D: Ellis is a fuckin jarhead dude, point him in a direction and he'll fuckin shoot.  love that dude, saved our fuckin asses the other night when we were playin


What song best fits the Kansas City Coyotes?

S: I actually wrote a little ditty for the Yotes a while back but it didn't get much traction haha.  As for an already known song, I'd probably say something like "2ns Sucks" by ADTR or "Call Me Maybe" by Carly Rae Jepson.  

D: Rhiannon by Fleetwood Mac or Hammer Smashed Face by Cannibal Corpse.  You decide 

If you have to pick any league member to go with you into a battle to the death, who would you pick and why?

S: 100% Simo, you know that dude is straight up Aussie style crazy haha.  Either him, or maybe Slate because he's smart and tactical.

D: Fuckin Simo dude, I feel like that dude would have my back in any situation man.  Idk who after that, probably just fuckin Simo

What’s the best hype up song for football? 

S: Personally, I like a little Bleed by Meshuggah, perfectly aggressive and driving.  

D: uhhhhh i just spilled vodkaa tonic all over myself.  uhhh probably till i colapse by eminem 

@"Dogwood Maple"

Who is the best quarterback in the league?

S: Oof this is a toughy, Im still kinda learning all the players in the league haha.  I mean, DSFL you're probably talking Jackie Daytona just based off stats.  ISFL, I actually don't really know haha.  I'll have a better answer after this season!

D:  Matt fuckin Peterson for the DSFL my guy, dude came into KCC and was immediately better than covington and was also dope as fuck to chill with in the LR.  IDC whats going on on the user side, my guy is tight as fuck.  ISFL, shit, that remains to be seen.  


I'm sure the upcoming draft has a lot of your focus and attention.  Which ISFL team would you be least excited about being drafted by?

S: Well I actually got drafted last season to Austin haha, and Im getting called up this season!  If I were to be drafted this season though, I'd have to say I'd be least excited to be drafted by Baltimore since Star and Butters are just the worst! 

D: Srat and Butters are the worst.  Baltimore trash you can quote me on that.  

Are there any users you're excited about potentially playing with in the big leagues?  They can be users you've already played with or others from around the league.

S: I'm super stoked to play with all my new teammates in Austin!  I really think we're gonna do big things this season, so it'll be awesome to take the field with them and win some games.
D: Fuckin wicked stoked to play with the Austin homies, gonna be a fun season I can feel It.  Im really stoked to play agaisnt some former teammates, wanna know how I stack up on OL agasint the big dogs

One of the topics that can immediately start an argument is about the degree of realism the league should aim for, specifically when it comes to team locations and branding.  Where do you stand on this issue?  Are you in favor of a more realistic, true-to-life sim league?  Or would you rather see the league take a more relaxed and fantastical approach to its franchises?

S: This is a really good and interesting question!  I was honestly expecting a little more realism when I first joined the league, but I've grown to enjoy and appreciate the more campy and laid-back nature.  Sure it can be a little much at times, but I genuinely feel like the balance is there, and it feels good.

D: this league is awesome man, I have such a fun time here and i barely pay attemtion to any of the weird shit that happens lol.  Im still new I feel like, and people like to make drama and shit just for the fun of it or whatever.  IDC though, the drama is fun, but its inconsequential when you like zoom out and look at the league as as a whole.  I hope im chillin here for a good while.  

BONUS ALL DRUNK ANSWERSSSSS cuz glims asked late 


What would GM WhatAmUs be like for the Coyotes?
D:  I hope id be like you are man, a good presence for the team and just an overall good dude.  IDK anything about like simming or shit like that yet, but maybe one day i could be like you man.   

What's your favorite color and why?
D: Green, always has beem.  IDK why, just kinda picked it when I was a kid?  maybe cuz its the color of money!! 

WHAT. (This counts as a question)
D: you know you love this new innovative format of presser, dont lie.  youre just jealous im the new co-gm of the Barcelona Bears.


alrighty I think this is ready for grading, Apologies in advanced

RE: Connor Quigley - Sober vs. Drunk Presser - Hordle - 11-16-2020

Do you like Lamps?

Favorite cut of meat?

Why is Hordle the best lineman?

RE: Connor Quigley - Sober vs. Drunk Presser - Mooty99 - 11-16-2020

Who wins in a fight a bear or a tiger?

You are in a hunger games style fight for survival, you can pick 1 melee weapons, what is it and why?

Favourite cocktail?

RE: Connor Quigley - Sober vs. Drunk Presser - frazzle14 - 11-16-2020

What’s your top five beers?

Do you think the coyotes are cursed and will never reach the playoffs? 

Why is Ellis from L4D2 the most OP character in gaming history?

RE: Connor Quigley - Sober vs. Drunk Presser - Starboy - 11-16-2020

What song best fits the Kansas City Coyotes?

If you have to pick any league member to go with you into a battle to the death, who would you pick and why?

What’s the best hype up song for football?

RE: Connor Quigley - Sober vs. Drunk Presser - dogwoodmaple - 11-16-2020

Who is the best quarterback in the league?

RE: Connor Quigley - Sober vs. Drunk Presser - terriblehippo - 11-16-2020

I'm sure the upcoming draft has a lot of your focus and attention.  Which ISFL team would you be least excited about being drafted by?

Are there any users you're excited about potentially playing with in the big leagues?  They can be users you've already played with or others from around the league.

One of the topics that can immediately start an argument is about the degree of realism the league should aim for, specifically when it comes to team locations and branding.  Where do you stand on this issue?  Are you in favor of a more realistic, true-to-life sim league?  Or would you rather see the league take a more relaxed and fantastical approach to its franchises?

RE: Connor Quigley - Sober vs. Drunk Presser - terriblehippo - 11-16-2020

Quote:I'm sure the upcoming draft has a lot of your focus and attention.  Which ISFL team would you be least excited about being drafted by?

S: Well I actually got drafted last season to Austin haha, and Im getting called up this season!

[Image: giphy.gif]

Let this be a lesson to everyone reading this:  make sure you do your homework before asking questions in a presser

RE: Connor Quigley - Sober vs. Drunk Presser - GlimsTC - 11-17-2020

What would GM WhatAmUs be like for the Coyotes?

What's your favorite color and why?

WHAT. (This counts as a question)

RE: Connor Quigley - Sober vs. Drunk Presser - .simo - 11-17-2020

Fuck bears. Tiger wins easily.