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*Thank You, Norfolk - Printable Version

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*Thank You, Norfolk - dogwoodmaple - 11-21-2020

(1,556 words, 1.5x gratitude media)

On September 9th, 2020, I got a ping from one of my other servers advertising a sim football league.

[Image: ping.png]

I didn’t pay too much attention to it and went on about my day.  A few hours later, I received another ping about that same sim football league and for whatever reason, I decided to check it out.  Maybe I was irritated by the pings? Maybe curiosity just got the best of me? But whatever the reason, I clicked on the link and entered the world of ISFL.

[Image: gen.png]

I joined the server and started browsing the forums and was immediately intrigued.  After a few posts in the general ISFL server and some helpful tips from some members, I called it quits for the night, as I had to prep for a long drive the next afternoon.  I was headed to the beach for a long weekend the next day and was more focused on packing before we departed.  The next day, I honestly didn’t think too much about ISFL.  I had just finished putting gas in my car when I got a DM from someone on discord I didn’t recognize.  It was someone named J0EB, whoever that was!  He introduced himself and explained that he was from the Norfolk Seawolves and was seeing if I had any questions or needed any help so far.  Little did he know, I had a ton of questions and had absolutely no clue what I was doing.  He answered every single question I had, gave me some much needed direction, and immediately made a lasting impact on me.  I had to cut the conversation short with a 4.5 hour drive staring me down, but I remember being excited about the prospect of joining a new league.  With the pandemic going on, life had definitely been weird to say the least.  Myself, my friends, and my family were all healthy, but the emotional and mental toll of being in the throes of a full-blown pandemic had definitely taken its toll.  I’d started to feel more than useless and was hoping this could be a nice new hobby to both take my mind off of things and as a great way to meet some awesome folks.

The next afternoon, I had another DM from J0EB and this time it was to announce my signing.  

[Image: j0e.png]

I was immediately floored and instantly began doing all of the Seawolves related research I could.  I downloaded submarine gifs to use in chats.  I read up on the city of Norfolk.  I even scrolled through our history to see what type of franchise I was joining.  Needless to say, I was impressed.  We were coming off an Ultimini Championship and were in the middle of the playoff hunt in S24.  I joined the Seawolves locker room and the rest of the team welcomed me with open arms, especially Blasoon.  I’m so fortunate to have joined a good locker room because they were more helpful than I could have ever imagined. I learned phrases such as “point task”, “update”, “TPE”, and “frostsuxlmap”.  It was a whole new world but I was absolutely all-in. 

I remember watching my first sim and having absolutely no idea what the hell was going on.  I remember watching my second sim and having absolutely no idea what the hell was going on.  But, like the rest of this league, I picked it up quickly after that.  I knew the players on different teams and understood pretty much how the league worked.  While our Ultimini hopes were dashed by the London Royals that season, I was excited at how fun the league already was in my short time so far.  Right after the Ultimini, scouting for the upcoming DSFL Draft began and I was introduced to almost all (lookin’ at you, Tijuana) of the locker rooms.  The pre-draft process was incredibly fun and I got to meet so many of the folks I know call friends.  Whether it was the seemingly all-nighters spent in London, Kansas City, or Minnesota or all of the chats with Pythons, Birddogs, and Buccaneers, I could not have enjoyed my first full IRL week in the league more than I did. 

Next was the DSFL Draft and I honestly had no clue where I was headed.  I always preferred to stay in Norfolk, but I wasn’t sure if being on the team as an undrafted free agent would help or hurt my chances.  I was certain the Norfolk locker room had tired of my incessant questions and I had already resigned myself to joining a new locker room.  As the first few picks passed, I let my hope begin to grow.  Norfolk picked seventh and I let myself imagine rejoining my Seawolf family yet again.  4th, 5th, and 6th all passed and to my joy, I was still available.  Norfolk was on the clock for their pick and I was hoping to hear my name called. I knew they had more than a couple bodies in the secondary, but I was banking on the relationships I’d made in the Norfolk locker room to put me over the top.

It was then that the dulcet tones of Blasoon broke the silence and I learned my fate:

“With the seventh overall pick in the S26 DSFL Draft, the Norfolk Seawolves select Dogwood Maple, safety.”

[Image: dogw.png]

The pings flooded in from Norfolk and elsewhere and I could barely contain my excitement.  I had to take a second look at the stream just to make sure that I wasn’t dreaming.  I was headed home!  A franchise with such a rich history, such a phenomenal locker room, and whose users are so highly regarded around the league decided to make me a permanent part of their family and I could not have been more excited.  Once the draft was over, I started looking at our roster, planning for the future, and researching other teams’ drafts and who they had returning.  I knew that our S24 squad was loaded and that we’d lose some of them to the ISFL.  I also knew that it would open up an opportunity for me and my fellow S26 Seawolves to take on a leadership role in the locker room and do everything we could to get us back to the postseason.  As we all know, this past year did not go particularly well on the field for Norfolk, but you wouldn’t have known it based on our locker room.  There was no pouting, no complaining, and no ill-will.  Once the list of callups was posted, we knew it would be an uphill climb, but that did nothing to deter all of our excitement about the year and of love for the Seawolves.  And that’s probably the longest lasting moment that makes me even more grateful to have been in Norfolk for one-plus season.  Regardless of how we played, regardless of any TPE missed, regardless of, frankly, anything, our captains and GMs were the nicest  and most welcoming group I could’ve imagined.

When it came time to prep for the S26 ISFL Draft, I knew there was a chance I would be called up and that it was wholly dependent on who picked me and when.  I’m not going to lie, it was a stressful process leading up to the draft but it was equal parts exciting.  One thing that truly helped was getting an invitation to the Seawolves War Room and Scouting department.  It helped take my mind off the ISFL draft and gave me an opportunity to help build our franchise for the future.  And while being selected by Norfolk as a free agent, being drafted by them, and eventually helping out with draft prep were career-defining moments, the greatest honor was when I was selected as a captain by my fellow Seawolves.  That’s something I’ll cherish all my days and something no one can ever take away from me.  And that’s what makes this next chapter bittersweet. 

Last night, I was selected by the New York Silverbacks in the ISFL Draft and will be called up to join them this season.  I am so happy to be a Silverback and I think we can build a fantastic franchise.  They’re one of the teams I gelled with in the scouting process and I’d be lying if I said they weren’t at the top of my shortlist of preferred teams.  But, in moving to New York, I leave my friends in Norfolk.  And while I may no longer wear a Norfolk jersey, I will always be a Seawolf at heart.  I will forever be thankful that such an incredible group of people took a chance on a rookie new create and put up with all my questions and confusion and led me on the path that sends me to my dream destination of the New York Silverbacks.  My blood will forever run blue with the brackish water of the Chesapeake Bay.

So thank you, Norfolk and my three GMs @Blasoon @J0EB @Jimi64 in particular.  My gratitude exceeds anything I can put into words.  Just know that no matter what happens with this player and how my career pans out, I will always consider myself as an honorary member of the greatest DSFL franchise, the finest DSFL locker room, and one of the greatest little boats to ever float.

Norfolk forever.

RE: Thank You, Norfolk - Blasoon - 11-21-2020

Dogwood, I've had a lot of highs in my DSFL GM career, seeing you go second overall last night was one of the highest of my tenure. Good luck in New York. I'm sure you'll kill it there.

RE: Thank You, Norfolk - TheRocheLimit - 11-21-2020

The Norfolk to New York pipeline continues!

RE: Thank You, Norfolk - J0EB - 11-21-2020

Dogwood, I can’t tell you how excited we were to see you still available at pick number 7. You’ve been such an amazing person to get to know in the LR and I’m so glad to hear that you’ve enjoyed your first few weeks in the war room as well. We’re really looking forward to your contributions there. Even if you won’t be on the field with us, you’ll always be a Seawolf and always be welcome in the LR. Congratz again on 2OA!!


RE: Thank You, Norfolk - Jimi64 - 11-21-2020

This was great to read, I was honestly smiling the whole way through! We're so grateful that we were able to draft you. You're a legend, and I'm excited to see you do great things in New York!

"As we all know, this past year did not go particularly well on the field for Norfolk, but you wouldn’t have known it based on our locker room.  There was no pouting, no complaining, and no ill-will."
I'll have you know that you contributed greatly to this atmosphere in Norfolk. I am extremely proud of how we handled this down year, and your positivity helped keep our heads held high.

RE: Thank You, Norfolk - TeyonSchavari - 11-21-2020

So happy to be able to get to know you in Norfolk and excited to continue our relationship as teammates in NY! Norfolk best folk

RE: Thank You, Norfolk - 37thchamber - 11-22-2020

Honestly, I don't think I even checked results this season more than like... twice... this season.

Didn't really matter. Everyone was just chillin in the LR.

RE: Thank You, Norfolk - SchwarzNarr - 11-22-2020

Every single one of us were in agreement for "Pants off for Dogwood" as our first round pick. I'm glad that the ISFL teams also saw what a gem you are. You're going to do great things in New York buddy!

RE: *Thank You, Norfolk - ConnorM123 - 11-26-2020

Damn Dogwood that brought a tear to my eye. It's a shame we couldn't be part of Norfolk together on the field again but I know for certain New York have made the right choice. Safety bros forever.