International Simulation Football League
*For A Very Special User - Printable Version

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*For A Very Special User - pauadrian - 11-22-2020

This is actually going to be a pretty nostalgic little media piece for me because I’m going to be talking about memories for the most part, so pardon if I do ramble on a little too much. When I saw what the 1.5x media thing was for I knew I just had to write this. This thing I will be writing is going to be me being thankful for a very close friend of mine. A few or a lot of you may know him has C9 Van around this league (trash team amirite). Let me tell you guys how I met Van and what we’ve done all these few years, nine years is a lot and god damn I still don’t know why we tolerate each other. Or how we do it for that matter. Van has been one of my closest friends ever since I met him around 2011 when I annoyed him to death with xbox live party invites after meeting on a small wrestling forum that is now dead rest in peace. He obliged for once cause I annoyed him enough to come into a watch party for a wrestling show with other forum users. I would like to think that he liked me enough to stick around for a while and be less hesitant to join next time around. Or maybe which is probably what actually happened, he liked everyone else in said party and tolerated me lol. Usually what we would hang around doing is play minecraft and do stupid little worlds on creative cause we just wanted to create cool little things like football stadiums and mansions. When that wasn’t happening I usually played some FIFA online back in those days where I would usually beat him by regularly having FIFA AI refs on my payroll. You could technically say the year of 2011 is when we BOTH dove into sim leagues and if I’m not mistaken I was the first one to do it actually. We did this little thing called e-fedding, it’s actually very similar to sim leagues. You basically create your own guy and do weekly little media pieces like this one right here. This was not and I repeat NOT your little own media piece. This was brutal as you had to go one on one with other users in promo battles. Whoever shit talked or hyped themselves the hardest won, just like real wrestling. Kinda cool right? I had my own little character called Alex “King” Kidd, later shortened to just Alex Kidd and no heck you old guys this wasn’t the sega character and in fact I had no idea who tf Alex Kidd the sega video game character was. Standing at 5’6 and 190 pounds he was one cocky mother fucker, he walked like a champ, spoke like a champ and fought like a champ. A cheating one at that, he cheated his way to the top and defended his championships at any possible means. Low blows, chair shots while refs weren’t looking, even cage matches where he got speared through the cage wall and won because it was first to “escape” the cage. Well Alex Kidd did escape first, by getting speared through it. See what I mean? Any cost. He ended e-fedding and retired very early but with 2 intercontinental titles and 1 world heavyweight championship which he defended and never lost. The whole sim league died before he lost it

Van’s character who probably died in an orphanage in Mexico kissing babies was also one of the bad dudes or a heel as you wrestling fans would know. This man was a little more honoured in his fighting though, no cheating. Straight up beating people by being the very best but with absolutely no humility. I don’t know what his accomplishments were so I wouldn’t be able to list them like I did for Alex Kidd sadly. The point being is for you to remember, this guy was as much a scumbag as Alex Kidd. How does this tie in? Well it actually brought us closer together, becoming a dominant stable with our other friends Shin, Tom, Giddy and THBK. Their character names Chainz, El Drunko, Johnny Hot and Carlos Alberto Ramon. I won’t go into details regarding them but think of a monster, a drunk joke character and 2 other scumbags forming with the other 2 assholes and destroying, causing a revolution in said sim league. Scripted of course just like fake wrestling. We weren’t being assholes for realsies….for the most part anyway. Eventually we would kind of grow out from this little sim league thing we were in and just mainly play on xbox as pals with our other guys or as what we used to call ourselves. “The Clique”. Eventually new Xbox One got announced, new Playstation 4 got announced and our little group was separated between the two consoles and we had abandoned the forum by that point. I will never forget one of my favorite moments between Van and I. Manchester City billionaire oil giants and my little Wigan Athletic. 2013 FA Cup. All came down to this, Wigan had never won something important in their lives and this was their chance, and I would get to see it live with my own eyes at the expense of van. It was picture perfect and it would not happen. WRONG it totally did and as I tried to not sound too excited since van was in xbox party in absolute shock. I couldn’t contain it, muted my mic, ran around the house for a couple minutes and then came back to a silenced Van.Whatever Van says about that FA Cup Final does not matter to me. Yes Wigan Athletic are now in League 1 and are dying a very slow and absolutely painful death. If you ask me though it was absolutely worth it to me, and many supporters feel the same way. You see, a team like Man City, Man Utd or Chelsea might be used to riches and winning recently. For Man Utd it’s historically, Wigan Athletic aren’t one of those teams though. They’re a small town who were never thought to even make it to the Premier League. Ye alone survive for 8 freaking seasons! The FA Cup was worth it because we Wigan supporters for the first time got to see our team winning a major trophy, it was truly the biggest accomplishment the club had ever had. We got relegated 2 or 3 days later but despite the sadness that consumed me, we at least had the FA Cup in our hands and Europa League to look forward to.Don’t even get me started on the World Cups we’ve shared, the absolute happiness for each other’s England, Mexico and Colombia for James or the absolute bullying we have received from each other is amazon. I did just get a little bit sidetracked though with our history though.Although I guess it is still history since it technically counts as a memory I still share with Van right? For a couple years we did not really interact much besides a “how ya been” here and there. I found out Van the little shit decided to get new friends with this colombian dude replacing the latino spice he needed in his life. I knew he missed me so I needed to come into his friend group and get him back, why else would he seek another latino. I’ll wait for answers, yeah that’s what I thought. Clearly missed me and not because he liked this colombian. I eventually became friends with all his new found friends. They were actually quite cool and shared similar interests to me. They were from all over the world which is cool too and we share a little discord between us as I’m sure all of you have discords with your own friends. One day as the pandemic struck it’s first few days and nobody had anything to do but chill out in their homes, Van reached out to me. He had a brilliant new idea and was looking to see what I thought about it. He invited me to this little sim league called Grass Roots Soccer League.It sounded interesting and was run on a little game called Football Manager, which do not get me started on that game because I could sink hours upon hours into it. Anyways it came up at an opportune time as I was just starting to miss e-fedding or wrestling sim leagues for a better understanding for yall in case you forgot what the term meant already. I created my player, his name would be Zaki Castillo after Amr Zaki who is a Wigan legend and Casillo after Van’s favorite mexican football player. Nery Castillo, one of the best midfielders to grace Man City in the 2000s who is now a fisherman in Greece. I joined Warsaw and he joined Mexico City where he knew people from. I knew my team was not the best and was midtable but man I quickly realized that there was something wrong about this league and how it was ran

You see, despite me enjoying my time at warsaw, making friends with phillies and even becoming general manager for a while. I couldn’t do it anymore, I was tired of seeing where the league was going and needed to call it quits. I was done with this little experiment and if anything made me miss e-fedding even more. Van wasn’t done though and although he too quit Grass Roots Soccer League alongside me (sorry libertines). He wasn’t done convincing me of sim leagues, far from it. He got me to join Super Casual Football Sim League the bastard. Created my favorite joke character to date, The Sanch….kicker cause ya know soccer and mexican. Just as soon as I joined, the life of me as a sim leaguer died as I got drafted far away from Van. I was on Roswell Aliens who didn’t scout me and didn’t know I only wanted to be with Van. Yes I blame you H0PPY lol. So I told van I was once again done, he convinced me to come back around a week or 2 later though and saw my first stream as a kicker where I had not updated….so I was missing 20 yarders over there. After missing 3 in a row and finally getting the winning point. H0PPY had seen enough, Sanch was cut after less than a season. I was distraught as I was reeled back in to give it another go and meet new people I had been cut, but fear not for van was on the move and convinced Payton to give this little twerp a go. Toronto Rush had a kicker by the name of Bagel though and I could not transition there. With a little help of a position switch to defensive line I played 2 games and became a pro bowler. Success was imminent

As I slowly started becoming more and more invested in this dumb little Super Casual “but not actually” Football Sim League I started to meet even more people and actually understand a little more about american football. I wanna thank him a lot for (I can’t believe I’m saying this) actually helping me and wanting me to get interested in the league. If it wasn’t for him, I wouldn’t even be here writing this media at 1 am on a saturday or sunday night whatever ya wanna call it. He helped me update, give me tips and even told me how this sim Axis Football 2019 worked. At least to his understanding, nobody REALLY knows how it works. Together in season 4 of this league we created a little super team at Rush. It was evil, the league stood no chance. We got the 4 best defensive lineman in the league, Van, Pau, H0PPY, Suchmann all working together towards 1 goal. The ring, the league stood no chance. So naturally we lost to some shitty team cause we got cocky. So wallabies headed by Tom Hanks and Scorp won the whole goddamn thing. As of recently besides Super Casual Football Sim League and all the other sim leagues we are in, ever since last year Van decided to for some god awful reason give modern music a try since a friend and I had begged him for years to do so. But pau why are you saying this is a bad decision if you asked him to do it? Well that’s because I asked him to listen to good music and not the goddamn charts! Every now and again Van asks me to watch charts with me and it’s awful and I hate him. I guess that’s the price I pay for being a dick to him and taking credit for everything

I do love to meme a lot that van did not create me and that I am the reason he and an IA were successful. In all seriousness though, Van has done a lot for me sim league wise and maybe irl wise. Still deciding on the irl part. But yeah, he knew I would enjoy this and would not give up on me and stop me from meeting plenty of absolutely new and beautiful people like Scorp, Narr and Isa. Other people not included here like Ben and Burrow, even if they get on my nerves a lot, Yado who’s great. H0PPY and Suchman who are my sack city bros for life. Without a van, there is no Sanch, without a Sanch there is no Tom Teboat, without a Tom Teboat there is no Juice Bruce. Now I’m not even telling you guys about the huge influence and convincing that had to be done to join this league. International Football Sim League but the damn bastard did it. Absolutely helped me create, absolutely got me help and absolutely got me a team I would enjoy being on. Thanks to Van I was a defensive lineman of the year in season 3 and season 4 of the Super Casual Football Sim League. He’s one of the best members a sim league could ask for and it’s actually shocking/surprising that he went 2nd fucking round in this league.Yo wtf guys lmao, how the hell you gonna pass up on that. No offense to anyone that got drafted before him. Appreciate the Arizona boys for drafting me first though. That was a good laugh (for me).I’m actually quite thankful that I’m writing this in International Football Sim League media and that Super Casual Football Sim League doesn’t have media like this, now I can treat all this praise for Van as non cannon and if anybody in Super Casual Football Sim League asks. I actually built him and Vincent Burns Jr.

He absolutely has not just helped me over there, he’s helped me here too with media write ups and ideas I could do. Giving my briefings on league history and so forth.Same as Pro Baseball Experience really which he also got me into.  So yeah if everything above was that was too long to read, I’m thankful for Van, like I already said. He’s been a good friend for nearly a decade, tolerated my mere existence, and absolutely helped me tremendously in sim leagues, being solely responsible for me being here. Thanks Van!

2584 words

RE: For A Very Special User - C9Van - 11-22-2020

Only thing more disgusting than you is the intelligence of ISFL and DSFL General Managers.