International Simulation Football League
*Thank U - Printable Version

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*Thank U - jzajenius36 - 11-27-2020

I wanted to take a moment to give thanks here in these media forums, not just for 1.5 times media money credit, but for…ah…no yeah, it’s just for that sweet sweet bank account stack.
I’ve been racking my head, trying to come up with the best way, the truest way, to communicate my thanks to you at the ISFL and DSFL for giving me a several minute distraction, every day, from this work from home purgatory I’ve been in for the past 8 or so months.  And then it hit me.  The perfect thank you song has already been written.  It would be foolish of me to use any other muse.  Of course my thank you has to be done with inspiration by, and with instrumentals to:

‘Thank U’
-by Canadian superstar Alanis Morrissette
(side note I did grow up with her nephew, Gregg.  Gregg, if you’re out there playing fake football on the internet and reading media posts…let’s reconnect and talk about the good old days.  Maybe make a co-post for extra media credit before next week)  Anyways, without further ado…

How 'bout getting off of these activity checks?
How 'bout stopping training when I'm poor?
How 'bout a meaningless player of the week flex?
How 'bout that ever elusive pro bowl?
Thank you Philadelphia
Thank you sim engine
Thank you disillusionment
Thank you frog memes
Thank you consequence
Thank you thank you discord sileeeence
How 'bout me not blaming special teams for every loss?
How 'bout me enjoying the timeout-punt for once?
How 'bout how good it feels to beat an expansion team?
How 'bout grieving every pancake one at a time?
Thank you Pythons
Thank you terror
Thank you audit team
Thank you frailty
Thank you 2 banked build points
Thank you thank you frog meeeeeemes
The moment I didn’t invest in intelligence
Is the moment I got pass interference called as a D-tackle
The moment I built a thicc fat boii
Was the moment I guaranteed myself no touchdowns
How 'bout no longer being masochistic?
How 'bout remembering your weekly predictions?
How 'bout unabashedly posting game spoilers in the lobby?
How 'bout not equating success with tackles for loss?
Thank you ISFL
Thank you training camps
Thank you trading cards
Thank you pettiness
Thank you Liberty
Thank you, thank you qwest for sig piiiic!
Yeah, yeah
Oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

So that about sums up my experience in the ISFL so far.  Very confusing and made up on the spot without much foresight.    But honestly this has been a really fun activity that has moved from a distraction to something I’m embracing a bit more.  I feel like I’m maybe a bit older than most of the users here?  At least from what I can tell by the ratio of frog memes : words in the discord.  Even using discord in general is something I’m not super up with.  Yet nevertheless I’ve found myself able to keep up with the day-to-day process and progress of this league and figure out how to find my way.

What I enjoy the most is jumping on the gameday videos and watching all of this play out on the sim engine.  When I first signed up I actually was expecting a “madden-esque” type sim, with an actual game playing out in front of my eyes, but again being an older gamer has those dots bringing me some nostalgia.  I mean I did play one or two games of electric table top football when I was but a small boy.  I’m excited to see how my build plays out as I get better, week after week, and hope that will sustain my interest long enough to keep posting media and earning cash.  What can I say, I’m a realist.  I’m easily distracted by other things.

Regardless of how long I stay active or where Honky-Tonk’s career ends up, I have to say I’m super impressed and super grateful to the people in charge here, who invest what seems to be an ungodly amount of time in this league to ensure a functional, enjoyable, and in-depth experience for both new and veteran users.  Also couldn’t sign off without giving thanks to  the leadership of the Pythons as well as the new GM of the Liberty, Pat, who seems to be an awesome guy and will hopefully pull the Liberty out of the doldrums that we have been rumored to be in?  I guess that’s my cue to start paying more attention to the locker room.

Happy thanksgiving everyone!  Enjoy the holiday and here’s to another upcoming season and more bonus media post opportunities.  Cheers.

(779 words)

RE: Thank U - Crodyman - 11-27-2020

^ Fun draft fact: Honky Tonk Haywood was taken one pick ahead of Wasrabi Gleel in both the DSFL and ISFL draft.