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*London Royals rookie interview: Menace0528 - Printable Version

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*London Royals rookie interview: Menace0528 - WildfireMicro - 11-30-2020

(Hey grader split the money between me and @Menace0528 evenly)

Hey everyone WildfireMicro here with the first of a couple London Royals rookie interviews. Today we are interviewing Menace0528 aka Don't Trust the Potatoes on Discord. He has plenty of insightful answers to my questions so without further ado let's get started!

1st question:
Who is the best NFL comparison to your player?

Answer: I’d go Kenny Clark. My character, a defensive tackle, isn’t really built for sacks, and Kenny Clark isn’t well known either. However, my character also is made for collapsing the pocket, creating pressure on the QB, and stopping the run, and that’s where Kenny Clark shines.

Ahh Kenny Clark for Green Bay i cam see that especially with creating pressure and making the quarterback make mistakes.

  Question #2:
How did you find the league?

A: There was a post on r/madden that i happened upon, I was curious and decided to check it out, because I had always wanted to find a league like this but never knew where to start until now

Yeah that's how a lot of people find the league and I even heard there will be another reddit draft soon. I personally found the league through Google and word of mouth during boredom in quarantine.

Question 3:
If you weren't drafted by the Royals who were you hoping to be drafted by?

A: The royals were absolutely my first pick, but if I wasn’t drafted by them, I guess my hopes would be to be drafted by one of those exclusive teams, the ones where like the only opportunity to be a part of their discord is if you’re a part of them. That’s less about the team and more about just the mystery behind it all. I also wouldn’t mind the bird dogs or Pythons, because they both seem cool as well

Yeah the Royals have one of the best locker rooms and are definitely all friendly and nice guys. Pythons are a pretty cool bunch as well, especially with thier own awards show.

Question #4:
What are you looking forward to the most in this season?

A: My first ever season! This is my first year here ever, and i absolutely can’t wait. Idk what i enjoy more, watching me play, or watching my team do well. A little of both honestly. But I’m mostly looking forward to the whole season, mostly the games and the chance to improve my player.

Yeah I am definitely excited for that too, as well as potentially leading the Royals to the playoffs again with our big roster. I am hoping for a big season here, both on the field and in terms of growth of my player.

Question #5:
This is an odd question, but how would your playet interact with other players on the Royals in the locker room like Tsuyu?

A: I always imagined my character as like a down to earth country bumpkin. Not one of those ones that you’d find in rural georgia, but like the lovable ones you’d see on a movie screen (ironic, because Marlon Brando is an actor). I know Brando doesn’t actually have a southern accent or anything, but it’s fun to imagine him that way. I imagine he’d interact well with different teammates, though it might get annoying how he would ramble a bit about his time as a traveling salesman or something (my character was never a traveling salesman, but I can imagine him just rambling about stuff like that, whether or not it happened)

I can see Tsuyu being a bit awkward in the locker room but always having a quick quip or comeback in her arsenal. She also might be innocently insensitive but never to the point of being purposely mean just sometimes insensitive. She would also be a bit light on emotions and would be hard to read.

Question #6:
What was the most difficult part of starting out in the league?

A: Okay, so when I first started off, the forum specifically was ridiculously intimidating. There were like 20 different things and I didn’t understand any of them or what I needed to click on and what i didn’t need to. It was also during the ultima, so everyone was bringing up stuff i didn’t really get. Just all around an intimidating experience

Yeah the fourm can be definitely intimidating and confusing and a bit frustrating at first. Honestly the Wiki used to be and still is frustrating for me. Still I got through it in the end.

Question #7:
Who has been your favorite members to interact with?

A: Well, I did enjoy interacting with you, that podcast we tried to do was fun. Mag has been really nice to interact with, especially with how knowledgeable they are. Hordle is definitely one of my favorite because he wanted me to get drafted since the beginning and was the one who started #blorglgang. Deadly and Plat are just all around fun to hang out with. Greg running hungy games is great as well. There’s definitely more people I enjoy interacting with as well, but I don’t wanna just go off and list every single person that I’ve interacted with here, even if I love them and talking with them

What he means by podcast is that we tried to record a podcast reacting to the ISFL draft but it ultimately didn't work out, though I would love to try it again hopefully when he has better internet.

Question #8:
Another odd question but if the Royals held thier own award show like the Phythons did do you have any fun awards other then the usual "MVP" or "Defensive player of the year?"

A: On the serious side, something like “most improved” or “rookie of the team” or something. It’s hard to think of many more, because I don’t want these to come off as like participation trophies, so maybe not “most improved”. You could definitely hold a vote for like team captains though, like those guys in the NFL that get yellow badges or whatever

I think they already have team captains, but yeah it can be a bit hard to come up with awards. Still Royals an award show would be fun so why not try it out?

Question #9:
If you could play any other position what would it be?

A: Assuming we were using my player’s stats, then safety would be neat. Without the stats, either linebacker, cornerback, or DE. I’m a defense kind of person tbh. If i had to choose of the three, maybe cornerback, but i know the league has like a million of those, i think at least

As for me I would probably be a tight end though right now I think I want to stay as Wide Receiver.

Question #10:
If the league expanded again where would you put a team and why?

A: I’m a little biased because i’m from Georgia, but an Atlanta team would be pretty neat.

Guess i can be biased as well and put a team in Louisville Kentucky!

Question #11:
What are your ultimate goals with your player?

A: My ultimate goal? well my ultimate is to get my player to be one of the best. I know it’s cheesy, and I doubt i’ll be able to do it, but how nice would it be for others to say “oh yeah, choose [insert whatever team i’m in] for fantasy, they have an amazing defense” and for me to know that i’m a part of the reason why. I want to be the reason a team avoids doing an inside run. I just wanna be a good player, then from there a great player, and see what happens from there

My ultimate goal personally is too hopefully win some titles and become great. Might not reach that goal but I will try.

Question #12:
If you could compare the Royals to any real life team, be it NFL or college, what would it be?

A: I’d say the steelers. I mean, not to toot our own horn, be we have a bunch of WR’s, a great D-line and defensive backs, an older great QB, and  a running game that’s kinda overlooked

Yeah I definitely can't disagree with that. I hope we can be as successful.

Question #13:
If you could play with any or of your teammates in London in the ISFL who would it be?

A:  I’d say Fergie, just because of how fun it would be for the two defensive tackles to stick together. Obviously that wouldn’t happen because there’s no way we’d end up both getting drafted by the same team and then called up at around the same time, but it’s such a fun idea, y’know

Honestly I hope to play with him and you Potatoes.

Question #14:
Ok last question then some final words: what are your favorite renders in the league?

A: Oh my god my favorite had to be Pat’s render. It’s this absolutely horrifically disfigured render (It’s either computer simulated or the worst camera angle ever, but i think it’s simulated) and it’s amazing

Lmao I can't disagree with you! I also like Chika's render.

Ok any final words?

A: Root for the London Royals!

This was a very fun interview! I like Potatoe as a teammate a lot and hope to get to work with him more soon! I also hope to get another interview out soon. See you all then! Stay warm