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*Crossley Chronicles #12 - Printable Version

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*Crossley Chronicles #12 - ajtigger - 12-21-2020

Hey everyone, going to start this off with a rare character break from me. I have been quite busy the last month and a half due to my coursework and thus have not been able to make these simple media pieces or really be around the league all that much outside of my weekly updates. I just want to give a shoutout to my Sabercat and Buccaneer teammates who have given me a much needed break from my work when we watch our games together. All of you have made this league such a positive experience and I look forward to diving back in now that I have some additional time (at least until the second half of next semester). Now to get back in character....

What is up everyone? I know it has been awhile but life had become hectic here in the ISFL. I am going to recap everything that has happened with me since the last week of the DSFL regular season until now. Think of this as your backstage pace to the end of last season and the first half of my debut ISFL season. Enjoy!

The S25 Playoff Debacle

So my time with the Buccaneers did not end the way all of the team had hoped. Despite being the best regular season team and earning homefield advantage, we lost to the Tijuana Luchadores (the eventual champions) in the first round of the playoffs. It was a gut wrenching defeat where our offense just sputtered and could not get anything going all day. Our defense held up their end of the bargain and played a terrific game. However, at the end of the day I know that every single member of our team left their heart out on the field and did everything they could to win. 

My teammates and I really wanted to hoist that trophy, not just for ourselves but for all of our Myrtle Beach fans. I know the fans were heartbroken over that loss and the news of the team relocating announced right after the season probably just made things worse. I will say that I found a new home in Myrtle Beach and loved every interaction I had with the fans there. My teammates and I were sad see the team moved from such a fantastic destination but I know the organization will continue to thrive in Bondi Beach. While I may not be on the team any longer, Bondi Beach know you are inheriting a proud organization.

S25 Awards Time

Being the top team in the league, the Buccaneers had many individuals up for awards last season. I want to give a special shoutout to the most decorated man of the night in Jacky Daytona. This man made me the receiver that I was last season and I could not be happier with all the hardware he has won. Jacky is going to be a real force in the ISFL at some point in his career. I also want to give a shoutout to my boy McJimmerson. TE of the year is a huge honor and without you our offense would not have been the well oiled machine that it was. I'm not sure why you switched to defense but know you will succeed in that role. Finally, a shout out to Bloomey. You were an amazing kicker last year and I'm happy you got the recognition you deserve. Always knew we could count on you in a clutch moment.

As for my own awards, I was honored to be named to the DSFL probowl roster this season. It was fantastic to be able to meet so many different players across the league who have the potential to be future stars in the ISFL. As for the big question I'm sure most of my fans have, let me address it now by saying I have no qualms with coming in second in the DSFL wide receiver of the year race. Messi was a fantastic receiver last season and fully deserved the award. There were clear arguments to be mad for both of us and I think the closeness of the final vote shows how split the committee was. All I'm going to say is that I am going to use that second place as motivation to keep working harder and prove myself at the next level. Who knows, maybe one day I will be able to lift the ISFL award.

Transition to the ISFL

Season 25 also marked my final season in the DSFL as I have been called up by my new team, the San Jose Sabercats. As an east coast guy I was a bit hesitant to be going out to the west coast but at the end of the day I love it. San Jose is a beautiful city and I have enjoyed getting to know the area while I am here. I also am so proud to be joining the team that has won the last two Ultimus games. This level of excellence is inspiring and my teammates push me to get better in practice every single day.

That said, the transition to the ISFL has not been easy for me. The talent level in this league is far above what I was expecting. This season has been a slow start for me but I feel that things are getting better. I have scored 5 touchdowns which has been my major contribution to the team as I have not been able to break many long catches this season. Our team has struggled as well but the locker room is staying positive. While we may only be 4-6, I feel strongly in our ability to push for the post season. This is a team of champions and are fans expect nothing less. We are ready to fight for that playoff spot.

I have rambled far to long and will be sure to have more frequent updates for you all.

Much Luv,