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*Season 20 Austin Copperheads Recap - Printable Version

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*Season 20 Austin Copperheads Recap - Southie - 12-31-2020

I’m back with another recap thread because I crave more money.  This time I’m doing the Austin Copperheads, this is a particularly historically important season because it’s the first and so far only time that the Copperheads won the Ultimus.

Week 1: New Orleans Second Line :second line: (0-0) @ Austin Copperheads AUS (0-0), Copperheads Win 30-13

The Copperheads kicked off their fifth season against the Second Line in week 1. Austin started the season off right with an eighteen yard Alfredo Crisco field goal that put the up 3-0. It was the first and only score of the first quarter. They came back with a one yard touchdown pass from Easton Cole to Rod Ti dwell to make it 10-0 Copperheads. New Orleans was done but not out as they kicked two back-to-back field goals, thirty-seven and forty-seven yards respectively, to make it 6-10 at the start of the second half.

The third quarter went much like the first with the only points scored that quater coming off of a thirty-five yard Alfredo Crisco field goal. The fourth quarter was all Copperheads. Rod Ti dwell started the onslaught out with a thirty-two yard touchdown pass from Easton Cole to Rod Tidwell. 20-6 Copperheads.  New Orleans answered back with an impressive play of their own with a one-hundred and eight yard kickoff return for a touchdown by Forrest Gump. 20-13 Austin. The Copperheads scored again on a third touchdown pass from Cole to Ti dwell, this time a thirty-four yard connection with ten minutes left in the fourth quarter. Then the Austin Copperheads iced the game with a twenty-one yard field goal by Alfredo Crisco to seal the win 13-30.

Week 2: Austin Copperheads AUS (1-0) @ Yellowknife Wraiths YKW (0-1), Wraiths win 37-24

The Wraiths were coming off of a 48-20 loss to the Colorado Yeti in week one. The Wraiths came out strong with a five yard touchdown run by Mathias Hanyadi to put them up 7-0 with nine minutes and fifty-five seconds left in the first quarter. The Copperheads would answer back with an eight yard touchdown pass from Easton Cole to Net Gaines to make it 7-7 at the start of the second quarter. The second quarter was a shootout.  Orien Drake had a three yard touchdown run to make it 14-7 Wraiths then San dip Bakshi had an astonishing ninety-one yard kickoff return to tie the game at 14-14. The Copperheads would take the lead however off of a five yard touchdown pass from Easton Cole to Jacoby Clay to make it 21-14 with two-minutes and twenty-nine seconds left in the quarter. The Wraiths would answer back with a thirty-nine yard Neo Donaldson Field goal to make it 21-17 at the start of the second half.

The teams exchanged field goals in the third quarter. First a forty-four yard field goal from Alfredo Crisco to make it 24-17, Austin then scored a forty-six yard field goal from Neo Donaldson to make it 24-20 as the teams headed into the fourth quarter.  The ffourth quarter was all Wraiths however as they scored on a one yard touchdown pass from Cooter Bigsby to Mathias Hanyadi take the lead 24-27 Yellowknife. Then Lights out Lewis would make a fantastic forty-six yard interception return for a touchdown to make it 34-24 Wraiths. The Wraiths were not done however as they kicked a forty-four yard field goal with two minutes and thirty-six seconds to make it 24-37. That would be the final score as Austin was unable to mount much offense in the last two minutes and thirty seconds of the game.

Week 3: Austin Copperheads AUS (1-1) @ San Jose SaberCats :saber cats: (0-2), Copperheads win 39-3

Copperheads poured it on early with a fifty-yard touchdown pass from Easton Cole to Rod Ti dwell to make it 7-0 Austin. Then they followed that up with a ten yard touchdown pass from Easton Cole to Jacoby Clay to make it 14-0 at the end of the first quarter.
The Copperheads continued with their onslaught in the second quarter with a four yard touchdown run by Mako Mendoza to put the Copperheads up 20-0. The Saber cats wouldn't hold quiet for long however as they scored a forty-three yard field goal from Kicky Bobby with seven minutes and twenty-eight seconds left to go in the first half. Then The Copperheads snapped back with a twenty-seven yard field goal from Alfredo Cisco to make it 23-3 at the half.

The second half was much the same from the Copperheads as they put up a thirty-two yard field goal from Alfredo Cisco, the only score of the third quarter, to make it 26-3 Austin. The Fourth quarter was all Austin as they destroyed the Saber cats with two field goals from Alfredo Crisco, Twenty-Four and Forty Nine Yard Field goals respectively and a nineteen yard touchdown pass from Jacoby Clay to Easton Cole to make it 39-3 at the end of the game. Just an absolutely fantastic performance from the Copperheads in this game.

Week 4: Arizona Outlaws(3-0) ARI @ Austin Copperheads AUS (2-1), Copperheads win 16-13

The Copperheads take on the out defeated the Outlaws in quiet the showdown. The Copperheads got things off with a thirty-five yard field goal by Alfredo Crisco that put them up 3-0 with seven minutes and thirty-seven seconds left in the first quarter. The Outlaws responded with a thirty-five yard field goal by rookie Diego Espinoza to tie the game at 3-3 for the start of the second quarter. The second quarter was all Copperheads as their two field goals, a twenty-six yard field goal and a twenty-yard field goal by Alfredo Crisco made it 9-3 to end the first half. The Outlaws made a bit of a comeback with a twenty-two yard field goal by Diego Espinoza until Mako Mendoza of the Austin Copperheads ran the ball in from the six yard field goal to make it 16-6 to start the fourth and last quarter. The Outlaws would end up coming within three points of tying The Copperheads on a thirty-nine yard touchdown pass from Jay Cue to Saba Donut with seven minutes and thirteen seconds left. However The Outlaws were unable to complete the comeback and lost their first game of the season to the Copperheads, 16-13.

Week 5: Orange County Otters OCO (2-2) @ Austin Copperheads AUS (3-1), Copperheads Win 37-27

The Otters came into this game off of a 41-17 win against the Colorado Yeti the week before.  The Otters came out strong with a thirty-four yard pass from Franklin Armstrong to Kashmir Oles with ten minutes and twenty-five seconds left in the quarter. Austin responded with a three yard run from Mako Mendoza to tie it 7-7 only for Apollo Reed to run it from his own three yard line to take the lead, 14-7 for The Otters going into the second quarter. The Copperheads though tied it up with another run from Mako Mendoza, this time from the one to tie it up 14-14.

Tyrone Big gums would come up with a fantastic play, a forty-five yard interception return for a touchdown to give The Otters the lead, 21-14 in favor of The Otters. Orange County’s onslaught would continue with a forty-six yard field goal by Alex Dasistwirklichseinnachname to make it 24-14 at the start of the second half. The Copperheads started their comeback with a twenty-yard field goal by Alfredo Crisco to make it 24-17 in favor of the Otters. Then Easton Cole would toss a ten yard touchdown pass to rookie Jacoby Clay to tie it up for Copperheads, 24-24.

The Copperheads would finally take the lead for the first time in the game with a nine yard pass from Easton Cole to Peter Larson to make it 24-31 Austin. The Copperhead would continue their assault on the Otters with a forty-seven yard field goal from Alfredo Crisco to put the Copperheads up by ten, 24-34. The Otters weren’t completely dead however as Alex Dasistwirklichseinnachname booted a thirty yard field goal through the uprights to make it 27-34. The Copperheads would cut off the comeback quickly however with another thirty-nine year old field goal by Alfredo Crisco to end the game 37-27 in favor of the Copperheads.

Week 6: San Jose Saber cats :saber cats: (2-3) @ Austin Copperheads AUS (4-1), Copperheads Win 41-10

This game was an absolute blowout.  The Copperheads got on the board early with an eleven yard touchdown pass from Easton Cole to Rod Ti dwell to make it 7-0 Copperheads they would then repeat that connection with a twenty-three yard pass from Easton Cole to Rod Ti dwell to make it 14-0 Copperheads.  The Saber cats weren’t completely dead in the first quarter as Kicky Bobby booted a forty-yard field goal through the uprights to make it 14-3 Austin at the start of the second quarter.

Quandaries Trucker would run it in from the one yard line for the first score of the second half to bring the Saber cats within 4, 10-14 Copperheads.  Mako Mendoza would catch a one yard pass from Easton Cole to make it 21 to 10 Copperheads. Dermot Lavelle Jr. would make a great play with a twenty-nine yard interception return for a touchdown to make it 28 to 10 at the start of the second half. The only score of the third quarter was a sixty-five yard field goal by Alfredo Crisco to make it 31-10 in favor of Austin at the start of the fourth quarter. The fourth quarter was all Copperheads with a thirty-eight yard field goal by Crisco followed by a thirteen yard pass from Easton Cole to rookie Jacoby Clay to complete the blow out, Copperheads win 41-10.

Week 7: Austin Copperheads (5-1) AUS @ Arizona Outlaws ARI (3-3), Outlaws Win 19-13

A rematch of a Copperheads win from week 4. The Outlaws came out with all guns firing
(pun intended.) with a twenty-one yard field goal by Diego Espinoza to make it 3-0 Outlaws. The Copperheads would strike back with a twenty-three yard field goal of their own from Alfredo Crisco to make it 3-3 at the start of the second quarter. Diego Espinoza would boot a thirty-six yard field goal through the uprights to make it 6-3 for The Outlaws at the start of the second half. Saba Donut would catch a thirty-yard pass from rookie quarterback Jay Cue to make it 13-3 in favor of Arizona at the end of the third quarter.  Peter Larson caught a ten yard touchdown pass from Easton Cole to bring the Copperheads within 3, 13-10 Outlaws. Diego Espinoza would kick another field goal, this one from forty-three yards out to make it 16-10.  Alfredo Crisco would respond with a thirty-three yard field goal of his own to make 13-16 in favor of The Outlaws. The Copperheads hope of a comeback would be dashed however when Diego Espinoza kicked a dagger through their heart from forty-four yards out with three minutes and fifty-five seconds left in the game. The Copperheads would be unable to score and lose their first game since week 1, 19-13.

Week 8: Austin Copperheads (5-2) AUS @ Philadelphia Liberty PHI (2-5), Liberty Win 24-7

The only score of the first quarter was a twelve yard touchdown pass from Brock Phoenix to Randy Vuxta to make it 7-0 in favor of the Liberty. The second quarter was much of the same with a two yard Sam Torensen to make it 14-0 in favor of the liberty to star the second half. The Liberty would continue to destroy the Copperheads in the third quarter with a nine yard Sam Tore sen touchdown run to make it 21-0 in favor of The Liberty. Then The Liberty would score yet again on a twenty-four yard field goal from Venus Power to make it 24-0.

The Copperheads would score a moral victory as they prevented the shutout with a eighteen yard touchdown pass from Easton Cole to Rod Tidwell to make it 24-7 in favor of The Liberty. That was the only score of the fourth quarter and the Copperheads had their worst showing of the season so far.

Week 9: Austin Copperheads (5-3) AUS @ New Orleans Second Line :second line: (4-4), Copperheads Win 35-28

The Copperheads went into this game trying to stop a two game losing streak.  Things started out well for Austin as they took the lead on a thirty-seven yard touchdown pass from Easton Cole to Rod Ti dwell to put them up 7-0 in the first quarter. They then matched that with back-to-back field goals from Alfredo Crisco, thirty-one and twenty-five yards respectively to make it 13-0 Copperheads. They would round out their impressive first quarter with a thirty-six yard Easton Cole scramble for a touchdown to make it 20-0 going into the second quarter. The second quarter would be more of the same with a two-yard touchdown run by Mako Mendoza that increased Austin’s lead to 27-0. The Second Line wouldn’t be kept off the board for the entire first half however as Austin McCormick caught a six yard touchdown pass from Stan Fransico to make it 27-7.

The second half started out much the same as the first half with two back-to-back field goals from Alfredo Crisco, thirty-nine and twenty-two yards respectively to make it 33-7 in favor of Austin.  New Orleans would answer back with a one yard touchdown pass from Stan Fransico to Bona’beri Jones with twenty-five seconds left in the third quarter to make it 33-14 Copperheads.
New Orleans tried to make a game of it in the fourth with a ten yard touchdown connection from Stan Fransico to Jed Podolak to make it 33-21 Copperhears Austin would answer back with Alfredo Crisco’s fifth field goal of the game, a thirty-three yard beauty that put Austin ahead 36-21`. That wasn’t the final score however as Forrest Gump had a fifty-seven yard punt return for a touchdown with twenty-seven seconds left to go to make it 36-28 which would be your final score.

Week 10: Colorado Yeti (5-4) COL @ Austin Copperheads AUS (6-3), Yeti Win 21-19

The Yeti started out with a six yard touchdown pass from Woflie McDummy to Ashley Owens to put the Yeti up 7-0 in the first quarter. Woflie would toss another fourteen yard pass from Wolfe McDummy to Armor King in the second quarter to make it 14-0 going into the second half. The second half opended with an absolutely monstrous eighty-yard touchdown run fron Wolfe McDummy to make it 21-0 in favor of Colorado. The Copperheads would answer back with two back-to-back field goals from Alfredo Crisco, from forty-three and thirty-five yards respectively to make it 21-6 at the start of the fourth quarter.

The fourth quarter was all Copperheads as they scored twice. First on a forty-yard touchdown pass from Easton Cole to Net Gaines to make it 21-13 in favor of Colorado. Then on a sixteen yard touchdown pass from Easton Cole To Rod Tidwell to make it 21-19 with three minutes and twenty-six seconds left in the fourth quarter. Unfortunately for Austin, They would be unable to score in the fourth and would lose a heartbreaker to the Yeti, 21-19.

Week 11: Austin Copperheads AUS (6-4) @ Orange County Otters OCO (7-3), Copperheads Win 35-27

The Otters came out fast with a five yard Slim Shady touchdown run followed by another three yard touchdown run by Shady to make it 14-0 at the start of the second quarter. The Otters would continue the onslaught in the second quarter with a seven yard touchdown pass from Franklin Armstrong to Dexter Banks to make it 21-0 in favor of Orange County at the start of the second half. The Copperheads would answer back with a one yard touchdown pass from Easton Cole to Jacoby Clay to make it 7-21 in favor of Orange County with thirteen minutes and forty-seven seconds left in the third quarter. Orange County would answer back with two back-to-back field goals from Alex Dasistwirklichseinnachname to make it 7-27 in favor of the Otters. The fourth quarter was all Copperheads. First they scored on a three yard pass from Easton Cole to Peter Larson then Easton Cole throw a thirty-two yard dart to Rod Ti dwell to make it 21-27 before Jacoby Clay would catch another touchdown pass from Cole, this one from eighteen yards out to make it 28-27 in favor of Austin and give them their first lead of the game with eight minutes and ten seconds left in the game.

They would finish the Otters off with a ten yard touchdown pass from Easton Cole to Mario Mendoza to make it 35-27 in favor of The Copperheads as they would complete the comeback and beat the Otters.

Week 12: Baltimore Hakws (4-7) BAL @ Austin Copperheads AUS (7-4), Copperheads Win 26-10

The first quarter was surprisingly uneventful as neither team managed to score in the opening fifteen minutes.  The Copperheads scored first in the second with a thirty-yard field goal by Alfredo Crisco to take the lead 3-0. Mako Mendoza would run it in from the nine yard line to increase Austin’s lead, 10-0 in favor of The Copperheads. Baltimore wouldn’t be kept off the board in the first half though as The Brand kicked a thirty-six yard field goal to make it 10-3 at the start of the second half.
The third quarter was all Austin. The onslaught continued with another nine yard touchdown run by Mako Mendoza followed by two back-to-back field goals from Alfredo Crisco, from forty and forty-seven yards respectively to make it 23-3 at the start of the fourth quarter.

The Hawks would score first in the fourth with a three yard touchdown run from Apollo Reed to make it 10-23 with eight minutes and forty-three seconds left to go in the game.  The Copperheads weren’t done however and sealed the game with a twenty-one yard field goal by Alfredo Crisco with eight seconds left on the clock to make it 26-10 and give the Copperheads their eighth win of the season.

Week 13. Austin Copperheads (8-4) AUS @ Chicago Butchers CHI (3-9), Butchers Win 28-27

The Copperheads took the lead early with a thirty-one yard field goal by Alfredo Crisco to make it 3-0. However their field goal was answered with a ten yard touchdown pass from Rose Jenkins to Sean O’Leary. Kulture Future would miss the extra point however to make it 6-3 at the start of the second quarter. The second quarter was all Austin however as they scored twice. First on a three yard touchdown pass from Easton Cole To Rod Ti dwell then on a thirty-three yard touchdown pass from Easton Cole to Jacoby Clay to make it 17-6 at the start of the second half. The Butchers would answer back with a twelve yard pass from Rose Jenkins to Sean O’Leary for a touchdown to make it 17-12 in favor of Austin after Kulture missed his second extra point of the game. Rose Jenkins then ran it in from the one yard line to give Chicago the lead 17-19. Austin would answer back with a thirty-nine yard field goal by Alfredo Crisco to take the lead back 20-19 before a seventeen yard pass from Easton Cole to Rod Ti dwell would increase their lead to 27-19 at the start of the fourth quarter.. In the fourth, Aksel Daniels son would run it in from the seven yard line to bring The Butchers within two however they would miss the two point conversion afterwards making it 27-25 in favor of Austin with ten minutes and six seconds left in the game. Kulture Fulture would redeem himself for this two missed extra points however as he kicked a fantastic fifty-six yard field goal with five minutes and seconds on the clock to give The Butchers the win, 28-27 in dramatic fashion.

Week 14: Arizona Outlaws (7-6) ARI @ Austin Copperheads AUS (8-5), Copperheads Win 30-23

The Outlaws got on the board first with a forty-six yard field goal by Diego Espinoza. The Copperheads answered back with a thirty-nine yard field goal of their own by Alfredo Crisco to tie the game at 3-3. The Outlaws would end the first quarter with the lead however after a twenty-nine yard touchdown pass from Jay Cue to Jammerson Irving to make it 10-3 in favor of Arizona at the start of the second quarter. The Outlaws would increase their lead in the second quarter with a forty-six yard field goal by Espinoza to make it 13-3 Outlaws. A fantastic eighty-one yard interception return for a touchdown by Xeres Ridley would bring the Copperheads within three, 13-10 Outlaws. The Copperheads would then take the lead for the first time in the game off of a five yard touchdown pass from Easton Cole to Jacoby Clay to make it 17-13 at the start of the second half.

The Copperheads would increase their lead with a two yard Quarterback scramble by Easton Cole for a touchdown to make it 13-24 in favor of Austin.  The Outlaws answered back with a thirt-yard field goal by Diego Espinoza to make it 24-16 in favor of The Copperheads before Austin would respond with a thirty-seven yard field goal of their own by Alfredo Crisco to make it 27-16 at the start of the fourth quarter.

The Copperheads would tack on another three points after a forty-four yard field goal by Alfredo Crisco to make it 16-30 in favor of Copperheads.  The Outlaws wouldn’t go down without a fight however as Jay Cue tossed a sixteen yard pass to Willie B. Hard again for a touchdown to make it 23-30 which would be the final scored as The Outlaws were unable to complete the comback and The Copperheads moved onto at the ASFC Championship game by a score of 30-23.

ASFC Championship Game: New Orleans Second Line :second line: (8-6) @ Austin Copperheads AUS (9-5), Copperheads Win 26-17

The Copperheads scored first with a safety when they tackle Stan Fransico in his own end zone, 2-0 in favor of Austin. The Second Line would then score off of a five yard Forrest Gump touchdown run to make it 2-7 in favor of New Orleans to open up the second quarter. The second quarter was all Copperheads as they scored twice. The first was a thirty-six yard field goal by Alfredo Crisco followed by an eight yard touchdown pass from Easton Cole to Mako Mendoza to make it 12-7 at the start of the second half.
New Orleans would open up scoring in the second half with an eighteen yard field goal from Herbert Prohaska to bring New Orleans within 2, 10-12 in favor of Austin. Austin would answer back with a one yard Mako Medonca touchdown run to make it 19-10 in favor of The Copperheads to start the fourth quarter.

Stan Fransico would throw a thirty-five yard missile to Bora-Bora Jones to make it 17-19 in favor of Austn before Mako Mendoza would run it in from the four yard line with two minutes and seventeen seconds in the game to give us our final score of 26-17 in favor of Austin. On to the Ultimius.

Ultimus Bowl XX: Austin Copperheads AUS (10-5) @ Yellowknife Wraiths (11-4) YKW, Copperheads Win 37-20

The Copperheads came out strong in the first ever Ultimus Bowl appearance with a four yard touchdown pass from Eaton Cole to Jacoby Clay to make it 7-0 in favor of Austin. They followed that up with a fifteen yard touchdown pass from Easton Cole to Rod Ti dwell to make it 14-0 Copperheads. The Wraiths wouldn't be kept off the board for the entire first half however as they scored first in the second quarter with a nineteen yard field goal by Neo Donaldson, 3-14 Copperheads. The Copperheads responded with a twenty-three yard touchdown pass from Easton Cole to Rod Ti dwell to make it 21-3 at the end of first half. The Copperheads would be the first on the board in the second half after a twenty-six-year field goal by Alfredo Crisco to make it 24-3. The Wraiths responded with a forty-three yard field goal of their own by Neo Donaldson to make it 24-6 in favor of Austin.

The Wraiths would be the first team to score an actual touchdown in the second quarter as Cooter Bigsby connected with Nate Swift on a seven yard touchdown reception to make it 24-13 in favor of The Copperheads.  The Copperheads would start out the fourth quarter with back-to-back field goals from Alfredo Crisco at twenty-eight and twenty-five yards respectively to make it 30-13 in favor of Austin.
A three yard touchdown pass from Easton Cole to Net Gaines would make it 37-13 before Yellowknife would respond with a four yard Mathias Ayasdi touchdown run with a minute and twenty-seconds left in the fourth quarter to make it 37-20. The Wraiths would be unable to make the comeback and The Austin Copperheads would win their first Ultimus in franchise history, make it 24-6 in favor of Austin.

Quote:4,198 Words

RE: Season 20 Austin Copperheads Recap - Mooty99 - 01-01-2021

Ahhhhh memories!

RE: Season 20 Austin Copperheads Recap - Jimi64 - 01-01-2021

Spoilers much?