International Simulation Football League
*Tell Me Moore - Printable Version

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*Tell Me Moore - JBLAZE_THE_BOSS - 01-03-2021

“Tell Me More: Hosted by Chet Moore”

[CHET] “Hi folks, welcome to Tell Me More, I am your host Chet Moore. I can’t wait to dive in with tonight’s guest, it promises to be one of the more interesting programs we’ve done all year long. For those of you who may be tuning in for the first time, this show is all about going into detail about topics both on and off the field. This provides the audience with way more content than usual out of an ordinary interview, and we encourage our guests to get everything they need off their chests.

Today’s guest is a rising ISFL star who is carrying arguably the best pedigree in the entire league. Rookie quarterback Mike Boss Jr. has exploded onto the national scene with his outstanding on-field performance this season. Boss Jr. was born with high expectations, and so far, he seems to be hitting them. We will talk to him about his childhood, if having such a famous parent impacted his life, how he chose which college to go to, how he felt when he realized he would be spending three years of his life in Tijuana, the emotions of being drafted, and of course how he feels about his performance thus far on the season 12 games in. 

Now that the groundwork has been laid out, I think we should get on with the show and welcome our guest—starting quarterback for the ISFL’s Sarasota Sailfish: Mike Boss Jr. Mike, welcome to the show thank you so much for joining us.”

[MIKE] “That was quite the outline that you just put out there Chet, I’ll give you credit, you’re a man with a vision. Thank you for having me, I’m excited to be on the show and roll my sleeves up and get into what’s made me who I am today. I’ve got a wide array of hand-rolled medicine in front of me, so I’m ready to spark and speak.”

[CHET] “You know, for some reason, it doesn’t surprise me that you’re into the same medication your father was known for. Let’s start there, since I’m sure that’s the most frequent thing that comes up when you do media.”

[MIKE] “Absolutely, each and every time I’m introduced to a new member of the media, it’s a guarantee that my dad gets brought up. Why should this be any different?”

[CHET] “Exactly, I’m glad we’re on the same page. Okay, so your father just happens to be a guy who many consider the greatest player in ISFL history. Your childhood must’ve been a little different because of this, right? Not only did you have the luxury of living in Orange County, California, but you had the luxury of your own personal trainer at all times. Did your father push you towards playing football, or was that something you decided? How long did it take for you to really gain an interest in sports?”
[MIKE] “My childhood absolutely was a little bit different, at least, because of my father and who he was. I’m an only child so luckily it was just my parents and me and we always lived in a pretty nice house for as long as I can remember. I didn’t really realize my dad was famous until I started going to school. I remember as a kid in kindergarten, the beginning of the year they had a parent’s night. This is one of my earliest memories because for the first time my dad’s popularity directly impacted me.  I remember there were a bunch of parents who were more interested in meeting and speaking with my dad than they were with their own child’s teacher. This was my introduction that my peers might view me and my family differently because of what my dad did for work. Sure, when I was really young I was on the parade floats with him when his team won Ultimus titles, but I was too young to understand.

I definitely enjoyed growing up in Orange County, and I will always consider it home. My dad always told me that I don’t know how lucky I am to never have dealt with a New England winter like he had to when he was a kid. I’ve been really lucky when it comes to weather and where I live. As a kid, I was in California then in the DSFL I was in Tijuana, and now of course I’m here in Sarasota. If I never see snow anywhere other than a football field, that’s okay with me. There’s nothing like knowing that almost every day is going to be sunny and comfortable outside, and that’s something I don’t take for granted.

My dad never pushed me towards football or any sports, it was something that I was interested in at an early age. I was always around athletes as a little kid, and I wanted to have a similar life for myself. When I was really young my favorite sport was baseball, I didn’t play football until I was 14 years old. I’m glad my dad held off and didn’t expose me to any potential brain trauma as a young child, it’s kept me fresh and I have more hits left in my tank before I’m done than others at my level. That is really the only influence he’s had over my football career. He never spoke to any coaches or asked me to get special treatment, and if anything, I think he was a little tougher on me during our workouts at home because he knew that there would be high expectations for me.  I played baseball, football, and basketball during my high school sports career. I thought it was important to diversify my talents just in case things didn’t work out in one sport, I had two others to fall back on. I didn’t want to put all my eggs in one basket, and I’m glad I didn’t. Baseball and basketball were a lot of fun, and I made lifelong friends and connections because of my time playing those sports.”

CHET: “Very interesting indeed, Mike. Folks, stand by we are headed to a commercial break and we will be back soon.”