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Let's Forgive Each Other for 2020 - Printable Version

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Let's Forgive Each Other for 2020 - AdamS - 01-04-2021

Let's call it what it is. 2020 was fucking rough on us all. Virtually everyone in this league can point to massive life changes and struggles and obstacles that were a part of this past year. Quite a few of us can point to things we wish we'd done differently and how the stress and emotional toll got to us as well. I sure as hell have my hand up over here. All of this bled over into our ISFL life. There's just no way that it wouldn't have. We're all humans at the end of the day. And also presumably throughout. 

So here's what I'm proposing. We let it go. We leave 2020 in 2020. We try to be kinder to each other. We try to be understanding. We try to be cordial. A suggestion someone made not long ago that resonated with me. So I thought I'd bring this up here and if people want to talk about stuff that happened to them in 2020 or what you're hoping for in 2021 or some mix or you wanna shout out somebody you like in the league...let's do that. Let's have a positive experience to start the year. 

And to make it less awkward...I'll go first. 

I personally lost my job in 2020. It simply doesn't exist anymore after 6 years of being there. And the industry I was in basically is half dead now so I had to find something entirely new. I have plantar fasciitis so walking hurts until the muscles warm up and then the bone spurs that I now have kick in. My wife probably needs surgery. But on the other hand, I quit drinking liquor last year in march (I picked a bad month). I haven't drunk any soda since the end of November. My book is halfway done the 1st draft. I'm in a good financial place and I have the best insurance I've had probably ever. Things are okay. And I've got plans for this year. I've been watching videos to learn video editing so I can make content. I've got additional books planned. I'm finally putting in the work to make a push this year to let my creative endeavors be what I do. I'm in good spirits. 

How about you?

RE: Let's Forgive Each Other for 2020 - Pat - 01-04-2021

(01-04-2021, 09:21 AM)AdamS Wrote: We try to be kinder to each other. We try to be understanding. We try to be cordial. 

But, this is the internet. Kindness and understanding aren't allowed.

Seriously though, it's great to hear things seem to be looking up for you in 2021. Everyone I know faced adversity in 2020 and that's why this community is great: it gives us all an outlet. We all need an escape once in a while, and I've met so many great people here who are always willing to listen to a rant or to offer advice or anything of the like.

I know that we all can get serious about our teams and about the league and sometimes forget that this is all for fun and that on the other side of the screen is another person. So I agree with Adam here. Let's all work to be excellent to each other.

RE: Let's Forgive Each Other for 2020 - OrbitingDeath - 01-04-2021

What kind of book you are writing though?

RE: Let's Forgive Each Other for 2020 - Opera_Phantom - 01-04-2021

My daughter was born in 2020, so i have that going for me. I'm still in remission, everything is clear, so i can't really complain.

RE: Let's Forgive Each Other for 2020 - AdamS - 01-04-2021

(01-04-2021, 12:34 PM)OrbitingDeath Wrote: What kind of book you are writing though?
the one im halfway through draft 1 for is a book where professional wrestling is real. its a multi-pov with heavy elements of satire, comedy, etc. wrestling is basically a great action adventure setup where anything can happen at any time and its never been done in book format to according my research.
my other two more slow moving projects are a fantasy style story that boils down to wizards vs zombies, and another that is a town full of mythical beings and creatures which is built on me giggling nonstop one day at the idea of dracula at a city council meeting

(01-04-2021, 04:00 PM)Opera_Phantom Wrote: My daughter was born in 2020, so i have that going for me. I'm still in remission, everything is clear, so i can't really complain.
bro. thats a heck of a 2020, all things considered.

RE: Let's Forgive Each Other for 2020 - C9Van - 01-04-2021

(01-04-2021, 09:21 AM)AdamS Wrote: How about you?
[Image: 1320529223886.jpg]

RE: Let's Forgive Each Other for 2020 - Jo3fish5 - 01-05-2021

I joined some dot football league

RE: Let's Forgive Each Other for 2020 - AdamS - 01-05-2021

(01-05-2021, 03:39 AM)Jo3fish5 Wrote: I joined some dot football league
thats awesome and im sorry

RE: Let's Forgive Each Other for 2020 - woelkers - 01-05-2021

Alright, somebody has to keep the ball rolling.

Y'all know me. I'm a law student, and in 2020, that was difficult. This past semester was the toughest semester of my life, and my grades show it. Plus, my school's political science PhD program can't afford to admit applicants for 2021-2022, so I'm stuck waiting to apply to that for at least another year. My wife has been in and out of work all year, and I've been far less than my best at my jobs as well.

That said...I got married in 2020. Really difficult to top that. Also, I managed to snag a research gig, which is all I ever really wanted to do. And of course my Silverbacks started the new year by making the playoffs, so, you could say that this year has been pretty okay for me.

Hopefully we can all do and feel a bit better in 2021. Cheers, everybody.

RE: Let's Forgive Each Other for 2020 - OrbitingDeath - 01-05-2021

(01-04-2021, 08:01 PM)AdamS Wrote:
(01-04-2021, 12:34 PM)OrbitingDeath Wrote: What kind of book you are writing though?
the one im halfway through draft 1 for is a book where professional wrestling is real. its a multi-pov with heavy elements of satire, comedy, etc. wrestling is basically a great action adventure setup where anything can happen at any time and its never been done in book format to according my research.

While indeed not being completely the same, I might be able to recommend a book which features MMA fighting (set in the future, its a spin off novella from the galactic football league books).  So might be a nice read for you to get some nice ideas about how the fight is done over there.  Scott Sigler - Title Fight.  

Might help you get some ideas for your own book. Best of luck with the writing nonetheless