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*Jack Banks' first (and possibly last) presser! - Printable Version

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*Jack Banks' first (and possibly last) presser! - TheRocheLimit - 01-23-2021

Hey hey everyone. I figured I would give this a shot, so if anyone has any questions about anything please feel free to ask them here. Thanks!

From @Jimi64

During the expansion draft you were the number one overall pick which sent you over to New York. It's been some time since then, so how would you describe your journey since then, both from the perspective of yourself and your team as a whole?

Honestly, I was more than a little shocked to go first overall. It was not something I had even considered. Being selected by the New York Silverbacks was probably the best thing to happen to my career. I've definitely grown so much, both as a player and a teammate. This team, from top to bottom, is amazing and it's brought out the best in me. It's nice to be a part of the special thing that we're building in the Big Apple.

What would you say has been the highlight of your career up to this point?

Aside from being picked first overall in the expansion draft (which was incredible) I'd say by biggest personal highlight was winning Defensive Breakout Player of the Year. To not only put in the time and effort but to have it recognized by others is pretty special. From a team standpoint making the playoffs (as the #1 seed, no less) last season is at the top of the list. At least, so far.

What makes you enjoy the linebacker position?

Honestly? It's just so damn fun to hit people! I started my career roaming the middle of the field, daring offensive players to come my way. Lately, I've been more focused on bringing down the quarterback and there is no better feeling than putting the opposing signal caller into the turf.

What other player has been your biggest inspiration since you joined the league?

That's a great question, and a tough one to answer. I've had the great fortune to play with many great players so far in my career. If I had to pick, though, I'd probably say Bubba Thumper and Ashley Owens. They have shown, both on the field and off, how great you can be in this league if you're willing to bust your ass. They've done it all in the ISFL and it's a pleasure (and a privilege) to share the field and locker room with them.

Where do you think New York will finish this season? Why?

I think we shocked the world last season by ending up at the top of the conference. I know every year is different, and there are no guarantees, but I feel confident in saying that New York is heading back to the playoffs this season. From there it's anyone's game, but we'll definitely be in the mix.

What teammates are you closest to in New York?

There are so many great teammates here in New York that it's hard to choose. The defense is a very tight knit group, and hanging out with folks like Thumper, Winchester, McDavid, and Otawara is always fun. Oh, and let me tell you, those secondary guys? They're nuts! Watch out for them!

Who was the best player you ever scouted for Norfolk? (You better answer this one correctly)

My time in Norfolk was amazing, no doubt. It set me up for the success I've had so far. I've always been partial to keeping an eye on fellow linebackers, and let me tell you...that Jimi DeSoto kid is special. He's going to light up this league for years to come.

From @woelkers

After a breakout year in S25, you regressed back to the mean in S26; how do you plan to recapture the energy you brought to the field in S25, or do you even feel that's necessary?

Season 25 was a magical one for me. 15 sacks, tons of tackles, and Pro Bowl nod to go along with being named Defensive Breakout Player of the Year. And yes, from a personal standpoint last season was a little more of a down year for me. Honestly, though? I'd take a "good" year and a playoff berth over a "great" year where we're sitting at home during the postseason. I know, and my team knows, that I'm going to put in the work each and every day. Whether that translates into personal accolades is secondary to how much I can help this squad win football games.

There are rumors that the way you left Honolulu left a bad taste in your mouth; how have the Hahalua's struggles since then made you feel?

I was shocked that I was left unprotected during the expansion draft. Shocked and, frankly, disappointed. I wanted to be a part of building something from the ground up. I wanted to turn a fledgling franchise into a winner. As it turns out, I was able to accomplish those things. They just happened in New York. With the way things have gone I really couldn't have asked for anything to have happened differently. I'm where I'm supposed to be. No doubt.

New York made it farther last season than any reasonable person could have predicted, but the team looks far from poised to make a reappearance in the playoffs. What makes you think the Silverbacks have what it takes to reprise their role as the dark horse?

I think we're definitely poised to make a return to the playoffs. Anyone who thinks otherwise is fooling themselves. We've added some young studs in the draft, and our core on both sides of the ball continues to improve. On offense we're going to rack up the points, and defensively we're going to smother the opposing side. It's going to be one hell of a year!

You've spent a couple seasons now living in New York; what is your favorite part of big city life?

I've always enjoyed living in big cities and none are bigger than New York. You can go 15 minutes in any direction and experience something new and exciting. The food, the entertainment, the people...this city has it all! It's an electric place to be, and I look forward to bringing a championship to this amazing city.

From @zaynzk

Best pizza in New York?

For a guy that loves pizza this is the best place in the world to be! The nice thing about New York is that no matter where you go you're never too far away from a solid slice. I've got to say, though, that if I had to pick one place it would have to be Grimaldi's in Brooklyn. Coal-fired ovens. Thin crust. Delicious. Just make sure you come hungry.

Is there a QB you like sacking the most?

My favorite guys to lay out are my old Norfolk buddies, Suleiman Ramza and Luke Skywalker. I got to know both of those guys well back in my DSFL days. They're great guys, amazing competitors, and it's extremely fun to knock them on their asses every now and then.

With you winning it last year, and Roberts winning it this year, which New York player do you think is going to break out in S27?

I wouldn't be surprised to see Hank Winchester bring home the award this season. He's a fiery competitor than hits like a truck and I know he's always got my back out there. You know, they should probably just rename that award 'The Silverback', right?

RE: Jack Banks' first (and possibly last) presser! - Jimi64 - 01-23-2021

During the expansion draft you were the number one overall pick which sent you over to New York. It's been some time since then, so how would you describe your journey since then, both from the perspective of yourself and your team as a whole?

What would you say has been the highlight of your career up to this point?

What makes you enjoy the linebacker position? 

What other player has been your biggest inspiration since you joined the league?

Where do you think New York will finish this season? Why?

What teammates are you closest to in New York?

Who was the best player you ever scouted for Norfolk? (You better answer this one correctly)

RE: Jack Banks' first (and possibly last) presser! - woelkers - 01-24-2021

After a breakout year in S25, you regressed back to the mean in S26; how do you plan to recapture the energy you brought to the field in S25, or do you even feel that's necessary?

There are rumors that the way you left Honolulu left a bad taste in your mouth; how have the Hahalua's struggles since then made you feel?

New York made it farther last season than any reasonable person could have predicted, but the team looks far from poised to make a reappearance in the playoffs. What makes you think the Silverbacks have what it takes to reprise their role as the dark horse?

You've spent a couple seasons now living in New York; what is your favorite part of big city life?

RE: Jack Banks' first (and possibly last) presser! - zaynzk - 01-24-2021

Best pizza in New York?

Is their QB you like sacking the most?

With you winning it last year, and Roberts winning it this year, which New York player do you think is going to break out in S27?