International Simulation Football League
*An interview with 37thchamber - Printable Version

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*An interview with 37thchamber - StevenOSullivan - 02-04-2021

Please pay 90% to me and 10% to 37thchamber

I was lucky enough to get another great interview partner in 37thchamber who was fantastic and really engaging in these conversations:

Steven O'Sullivan: To start with, tell me a bit about your history with the ISFL and your player!

37th chamber: well i joined before season one, so ive been around a while. this is my third player -- built the character as the son of my first guy, deliberately went opposite side of the ball. first guy was a shutdown corner, so i went for a slot receiver this time. wanted to see if could build specifically for the slot and still make hall of fame. we'll see how that goes. not the best start haha

as for what ive done in the league... former lead dev technically (i formed the team after building the wiki) and GM'd a few seasons in philly. but mostly i dont think im GM material. been in a war room for all but... four? seasons the league has existed.

Steven O'Sullivan: Oh wow, you have been here a long time! It's a good idea to do the opposite of what you have done before. What appealed about the slot in particular?

37th chamber: Not sure, I just hadn't seen anyone build specifically for the role so I wanted to try it. Felt different you know?

Steven O'Sullivan: Yeah that makes a lot of sense! What makes you think you are not GM material?

37th chamber: As for GMing... I can't really commit the time to it tbh. And my understanding of the game is limited.

But yeah I gave it a shot. I don't think I did badly but didn't really do well either. You know?

Steven O'Sullivan: I definitely understand. I think it can be very challenging. Were there any aspects of GMing that you enjoyed though?

37th chamber: I kinda liked handling contracts, draft scouting. Felt like a strategy game. I like strategy games. There's more than a hint of game theory involved sometimes which made it interesting to try and figure out the best approach

Steven O'Sullivan: I think that's a really cool approach to it. It does seem like a strategy game in that context. What strategy games do you enjoy?

37th chamber: i play a lot of langrisser these days (you might know it as warsong). they brought out a mobile game based on the series. otherwise, i play a few zachtronics games, puzzles and stuff. dip in and out.

when i had more free time i played a lot of ck2, or XCOM, stuff like that. can easily sink hours into those games without realising it.

Steven O'Sullivan: It's great to have that distraction sometimes, where you can just sink hours into a game without thinking much. Going back to your player, what do you think matters more: Yards or touchdowns?

37th chamber: as a slot receiver, yards should always be more important really. well, first downs anyway. whole point is to provide an outlet and keep the chains moving. but i would say that. my player has no touchdowns through two seasons so far lmao.

Steven O'Sullivan: Oh man! That is rough! I hadn't realized that. How excited are you to get that first touchdown? Any big celebrations planned when it happens?

37th chamber: ill probably write some tongue-in-cheek media about it. dunno

i mean, its largely a circumstantial issue, rather than my player being bad so i dont worry too much about it

Steven O'Sullivan: Yeah that's totally understandable. It is just a fluke thing sometimes. Are there any big career goals or highlights that you can think of that you look forward to?

37th chamber: i think some stuff i have in my sights will be worth celebrating. like if i can get a player award, or the first time i have a 1k yard season. obviously end goal of HOF will be one to celebrate

Steven O'Sullivan: Those are all great goals to have! Do you feel like the voters for awards or Hall of Fame committee should consider the slot position as a special thing or do you want to just be compared to all Wide Receivers equally?

37th chamber: nah its gotta just be "wide receiver" for HOF consideration. otherwise it gets messy. like how do you define which players have played in the slot? how do we know how often they did? etc etc. i knew id be at a disadvantage for HOF consideration by deliberately building for the slot though, thats kinda why i did it. kinda bothered me to see almost everyone building the same attributes, with the same end goal pretty much without much variation. the sim change has kind of meant my goals are now a bit redundant maybe, but thats where my head was at when i first conceived this character

Steven O'Sullivan: That's a really cool approach. Without giving away any secrets, how exactly does your build differ to make it more successful in the slot?

37th chamber: honestly not sure yet. im still trying to find out if its even doable. had to start my plans from the beginning for the new sim, but i can say i wont be going above 90 speed for a while. i dont think its necessary to. its helpful, sure, but i dont think its necessary for me to get the numbers i think id need for HOF

Steven O'Sullivan: So maybe more focused on hands and so on?

37th chamber: hands is one thing im sure is majorly important, yeah

other than that, im really curious about the impact intelligence has, but i havent been able to quantify that yet.

Steven O'Sullivan: After the first minor league sim I can say that hands feels important, I can remember about 5 drops I had in that one game. Very frustrating to watch! Obviously that is just observation though and not science.

37th chamber: yeah i think there's more involved in determining drops in this version than there was in the old sim. but i havent been able to decompile and root through the code this time, so its a matter of finding time to manually alter variables, run enough test sims to have a reasonable sample size, etc etc. time has been limited on that front lately

on the old sim i could tell you pretty much exactly what intelligence was used for and how it affected things, but i cant expose the code for this one. i might need to try different decompilers.

Steven O'Sullivan: Well if you ever figure it out, please do tell me. As a fellow Wide Receiver, I am hoping for a good career too!

37th chamber: haha, if i figure things out i tend to share them anyway. it doesnt make sense to keep it quiet really

if i know something that gives me an advantage, and i dont tell anyone... winning feels a bit hollow

Steven O'Sullivan: Very honorable, but I can definitely understand that approach!

37th chamber: its definitely not honourable lol, im just vain enough to believe i can beat people without needing a headstart haha

Steven O'Sullivan: Haha! I love the confidence! That's going to be a great thing to watch the next few seasons then.

37th chamber: inb4 delacour bust lmao

Steven O'Sullivan: Can always blame the sim then

37th chamber: Isn't that what we all do whenever something doesn't go the way we'd like?

Steven O'Sullivan: Exactly! Haha

Anything else you'd like to discuss in this interview?

37th chamber: Not in particular, no. I'm trying to be less openly controversial these days... Kind of.

Steven O'Sullivan: Haha, well now I am curious about a controversial opinion you have!

37th chamber: I have many, lol. But that was more of a joke about my sig haha. I've had quite a few comments about it

Steven O'Sullivan: Let's hear one!

37th chamber: Well my big thing atm is that there should be a player's union which has a say in rules voting. I wrote like... 1k words on it for an ultimus week task a couple seasons ago

Steven O'Sullivan: A fascinating idea. Would you want to be part of the union as a representative?

37th chamber: Nah

I don't care for stuff like that. But I do think it's important that players get a say in rules voting. At least on things that directly affect them

Steven O'Sullivan: Wouldn't you say that on some level head office is already a representative of players?

37th chamber: Funnily enough I addressed that - Link to the article

Steven O'Sullivan: Very interesting. You make good arguments for the difference, mainly the fact that they are not elected for example.

37th chamber: I don't expect this to ever happen tbh but I wanted to lay out my ideas and opinions on it in a way that wouldn't attract shitpost responses and mudslinging. I don't think HO are doing a bad job or anything, but the fact they can be outnumbered by GMs all voting something through that is detrimental to the user experience (as players) but in the interests of GMs is a possible catastrophe waiting to happen in some ways.

If I'd posted that in media though.... Well...

Steven O'Sullivan: Well I suppose it is now going to be in media, but I am not sure how many people read these interviews!

37th chamber: Haha well if people start shit posting in the replies, I apologise in advance.

And now we get to see whether there will be a lot of shit posting in the replies! Wink

RE: An interview with 37thchamber - Big Edd - 02-04-2021


Great read tho ? ?

RE: An interview with 37thchamber - Raven - 02-04-2021

Nice read, really like interviews like this

RE: An interview with 37thchamber - StevenOSullivan - 02-04-2021

(02-04-2021, 01:37 PM)Raven Wrote: Nice read, really like interviews like this

I would love to interview you if you'd like!

RE: An interview with 37thchamber - Raven - 02-04-2021

(02-04-2021, 04:26 PM)StevenOSullivan Wrote:
(02-04-2021, 01:37 PM)Raven Wrote: Nice read, really like interviews like this

I would love to interview you if you'd like!

Oh that would be cool. Hit me up on discord if you want to arrange something!

RE: An interview with 37thchamber - goodfortunecoffee - 02-04-2021

player's union is a really good idea imo

RE: An interview with 37thchamber - Jiggly_333 - 02-04-2021

Damn. Players having a say in things that effect them. No one's gonna go for that.