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*The Position Change (2x First Story) - Printable Version

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*The Position Change (2x First Story) - Jackers41 - 03-02-2021

"Brady, Your just too fat to play halfback"

Something I had heard my whole life but then I always remembered, well Derrick Henry plays halfback so why can't I? I knew the day would come where finally coaches would make me take my talents somewhere more fit for me like an outside linebacker or defensive line. Well, now I just have to narrow it down to one, let me think. My brother always played outside linebacker, I never really liked him though, let's eliminate that one. See defensive tackle has always sounded interesting but, then when I tell people what position I play, they instantly think jumbo man, defensive end it is. Nothing wrong with DE though, that's where the sacks and tackles for a loss come from. Plus that's where the money goes, just not too many long-term contracts, hopefully, my knees don't die. Anyways hopefully my coach approves of this decision.

Got good news, my coach was more than happy to help teach me how to play defensive end. I would suggest to any new players that they go to the Bulldogs, they know how to win and they are very welcoming. They have even helped me through the long times, many people would say, hey who cares, you still making thousands, who cares if it is at the defensive end, but it's more than just that. My father was a great receiver in high school before he made his move to the NBA and my uncle is one of the greatest most achieved, football players known to mankind. Some would say it should be an easy joyride coming up behind two of the greatest athletes know the Earth, but it's not that simple, the daily stress, weight, everything expected of you because of how legendary you are, really gets to you. And then being here and having to change positions, it's hard. I have played running-back since birth. The most important thing since birth has been getting the rock and reading the offensive line. I have always excelled in being able to maneuver around the offensive line and work my way up the field, and even though I was always a larger dude, I have the capability to accelerate to some extreme speeds in which no one else can even dream of catching up to me. I have always been able to use my weight to barrel through other players and fight for as many yards as possible. Now I have to use everything I know to manipulate the offensive lineman and outthink, outsmart them.

It has been extremely rough. The offensive lineman basically pick on me during practices. They go through the most effort to make sure I land on my as.... but. I can't keep up with anybody, the coaches have been kind though, I think they understand I have potential and I got that fight I just need to work out a way to use it. Tomorrow is my first game on the defensive side, lets see how things go because I might need to re-evaluate this whole thing.

We lost, actually no, we got completely manhandled. They beat the living crap out of us. I knew things could be rough but, I didn't even make a tackle, a tackle is literally the easiest defensive stat to obtain, and I couldn't even achieve one. That is just embarrassing, the coaches believe in me and I understand that, I just go out there and perform now. It is playoff time and I need to show that I live up to my names and show up in the playoffs. Primetime.

604 Total Words

RE: The Position Change (2x First Story) - Rusfan - 03-02-2021

Bro If this isn’t being made into a movie you’re being ripped off

RE: *The Position Change (2x First Story) - Bayley - 03-03-2021

Who are the Bulldogs?