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*Interview with Daniel O'Leary - Printable Version

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*Interview with Daniel O'Leary - TheCC - 03-09-2021

It’s been quite some time since the last time I’ve done an interview, if my memory serves me correctly. I used to do them with Ducks rookies all the time, but I kind of stopped once I became GM, for some reason. But we’re back again to help my Ducks get some cold hard cash. This time I’m interviewing Minnesota Grey Ducks defensive tackle Daniel O’Leary, user Mango. He was a member of my last draft class that I drafted as Minnesota Grey Ducks GM, the S28 draft class. Let’s get into the questions, shall we?

Question: How has your first season in the ISFL gone so far?

Answer: My first season so far has been up and down, in terms of integrating to the team and improving with the team it’s been a great season ya know, everyone has been great and the team atmosphere has really helped me integrate into the league, on the pitch however I haven’t necessarily performed to an ideal standard, I did improve as the season went on, that one game with two forced fumbles and a recovery was a particular highlight, but yeah off the pitch great, on the pitch not as great, still good just not as good.

Response: Yeah that makes sense. It seems to me like defensive tackle is a fairly boom or bust position. Possibly more luck based than other positions, I’m not sure. It just seems like there aren’t quite as many opportunities to make big plays for most defensive tackles. Looking at the index, it seems like most of the defensive tackles that had more stats than you were capped, or near cap since the start of the season. Like you said, later in the season you picked up some steam a bit. Hopefully that’s a sign that there’s much more to come from ol’ Daniel O’Leary on the field next season pending a send down, of course.

Question: What's your favorite moment been so far, on the field or in the locker room?

Answer: On the field I can think of two moments, one being a more personal highlight which was the Forced fumble and recovery, but that whole game where we blew out Tijuana was really special and a true highlight of the season, everyone turned up and we just demolished their hopes and dreams from second one to the last play, and everyone was popping of in the locker room, especially after the fumble by I believe Soulja to guarantee the blowout.

Response: I definitely remember that game. It was such a slaughter that I kind of felt bad for the Luchas haha. I remember in DSFL GM chat, I told them good game, and they said “can we just not talk about this one”. Normally I’d poke a bit more fun, but this game was so one sided that I just respected their wishes and responded with “what game?” or something to that effect lol. But for us though, that was a huge win. I remember how high spirits were in the locker room after that game and it was just great to see as a GM. That’s how you wish things could be after every game, but obviously that’s basically impossible lol.

Question: Who is your favorite current GM of the Minnesota Grey Ducks that has been GM for longer than one season?

Answer: the best GM (or now former GM I guess cry) is of course CC, he is by far the kindest and most hard working GM anyone could aspire to be, that other bum, I think he is called Russ? Could only dream of being as good as CC (hi Russ love you really), but really CC is an amazing GM, he has helped me no end and has created a fantastic atmosphere in Minnesota and i’m happy for him to get his opportunity at the ISFL level. Also shout out to Crody for becoming co-GM.

Response: I gotta say the choice was not quite a surprise, considering I was the only one that met the requirements for the question since Russ has been in the role for less than a season haha. The kind words, however, were not quite so expected! Thank you very much. I’m super glad that I drafted you to the Ducks. You’ve been great in the locker room, while earning, and you even hang out with us in vc occasionally which is always fun. No regrets at all about choosing you!

Question: Any predictions on where you'll end up in the ISFL draft, or what round you think you'll go in?

Answer: I think i’ll go around the 4th round, I went in the 5th in the DSFL draft and I want to do better than that, also I want to be at least the 2nd DT off the board as I was the 3rd in the DSFL draft and I think I am in a good opportunity to be the 2nd.

Response: Looking at the tracker, it looks like you are second in the class in TPE among defensive ends, only trailing z0rem who has been an absolute monster earner for the Kansas City Coyotes. You have a 27 TPE lead on the third place defensive tackle, David Ramczyk of the Tijuana Luchadores. That fact paired with how fun you are to talk to should land you as the second defensive tackle off the board, in my eyes! The only way I see you being the third defensive tackle off the board is if an ISFL team with war room ties to the Tijuana Luchadores or the Dallas Birddogs decide to reach a bit for the third or fourth place defensive tackles, who play for those teams, respectively. I guess we’ll just have to see what happens with the draft. The Minnesota Grey Ducks war room has members in several war rooms around the ISFL, so maybe one of them will pick you up!

Question: If you were a food, what food would you be, and why?

Answer: Probably fish and chips, because that's as British as it gets and I’m the token British man on Minnesota (that I know of)

Response: Hmm I’m trying to think if we have any other British people on the team, or at least recent alums. You’re definitely the only Brit on the current roster. Darkness is our token Aussie. Jeeeeroy is our token Scot. We have several people in the locker room that are British, but I’m not completely sure about the current roster. I think that jackkmart may be British. He talks about soccer (football) relatively often. His Discord profile pic is a dog wearing a Crystal Palace hat. I also think I’ve just seen him say some phrases or words that are more common across the pond than they are here in the states. So long story short, I’m not sure if you’re our only token British guy haha.

Thank you for this interview, Mango! It’s always a pleasure getting to speak with you, and now I get to add you to the long list of great Grey Ducks that I’ve done an interview with. For all of you cool cats and kittens out there, we may be doing another interview in the near future where the roles are reversed, so keep an eye out for that, if things like this interest you!

Please split 25% for me, 75% for @mango8154

RE: Interview with Daniel O'Leary - mango8154 - 03-10-2021
