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The Skipper Departs the Island - Printable Version

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The Skipper Departs the Island - Jimi64 - 03-10-2021

There are many different types of people that make up this league, and each experience it differently.
I suppose I’m the sentimental type.

Norfolk has felt like home for me. I’ve met people and made friends during a time in my life that has frankly been difficult. Becoming a GM was a great joy for me. I wanted to carry on the Norfolk that was given to me upon joining the league. I am honored to have had the opportunity. That being said, real life keeps moving. I knew a point would come sooner rather than later where I simply wouldn’t have the time anymore, and at this point I simply can’t GM in the manner where I could be proud of my work.

With that being said, I will be stepping down. @ConnorM123 will be moving into the lead GM role, and we will be hiring @xQCFamous to act as his Co.

I would like to thank the people that supported me and helped me through my time in Norfolk.
Thank you to @J0EB and @Blasoon for drafting me and showing by example what great DSFL GM’s should look like. I certainly wouldn’t have pursued the position without these two that I looked up to and still do.
Thank you once again to J0EB for mentoring me as he spent his last season as GM. It was during this time we truly grew close and became such good friends.
To Connor, who stepped up and helped above and beyond what was required while I dealt with my new irl responsibilities.
To the members of the war room, such as @SchwarzNarr,  @IsaStarcrossed, @TMosura, @Tesla, @ScorpXCracker, and others: I couldn’t have done the job without your help. The war room was a space for completely open communication. We were never afraid to respectfully disagree with each other and argue our cases. I appreciated that so much, as it’s the ideal way it should be run.
To all the users I drafted as GM, I truly loved the opportunity to get to know you. Y’all will remain special to me.

XQC, I have faith in you. Make Norfolk a special home for those that spend their DSFL experience with us. I know you’ll do great.

Well, that’s all folks.

RE: The Skipper Departs the Island - SchwarzNarr - 03-10-2021

GiMi forever in my heart ♥

Congrats QC!!

RE: The Skipper Departs the Island - Blasoon - 03-10-2021

Absolutely so proud of you, lad. Now go enjoy your time off with a nice big bowl of krave.

Yummy yummy.

RE: The Skipper Departs the Island - juniped - 03-10-2021

End of J Watch still woulda been a better name

Also wow no mention sadge

RE: The Skipper Departs the Island - J0EB - 03-10-2021

Quote:Thank you to @J0EB and @Blasoon for drafting me and showing by example what great DSFL GM’s should look like. I certainly wouldn’t have pursued the position without these two that I looked up to and still do.

Thank you once again to J0EB for mentoring me as he spent his last season as GM. It was during this time we truly grew close and became such good friends.

:sob: Jimi I love you so much man, you were a fantastic GM for Norfolk and I'm so sad to see you go so soon. Trust me when I say I know how you feel stepping down, but you'll soon realize how nice it is to just be a player again and not have to worry about any responsibilities here. 

@xQCFamous I'm excited to see what you can do as a GM for Norfolk!! I wish you luck in your tenure, you have a lot to live up to but I know you'll blow away all expectations Big Grin

RE: The Skipper Departs the Island - xQCFamous - 03-10-2021

As everyone knows, my first time around, Norfolk was my home. I learned a lot and grew in this league thanks to the amazing members, staff and GMs at the time, @J0EB and @Blasoon . I never dreamed that I’d get the chance to GM a team as amazing as this, but my dreams have become a reality.

Thank you for instilling in me your vow of confidence @Jimi64 . If I can be even half the GM you have been for this team, then I call this a success.

To the league, prepare for some heat from the ocean... Norfolk is coming full steam ahead ?

RE: The Skipper Departs the Island - IsaStarcrossed - 03-10-2021

I just wanna say I'm going to miss you as GiMi. Love you to death man. You're one of the great people in this league and whatever you do next, I have full faith you'll smash.

RE: The Skipper Departs the Island - ConnorM123 - 03-10-2021

All the best @Jimi64, thank you for guiding me through the GM world. It's a shame we couldn't work together for longer but it has been an absolute pleasure. From the Mean Bean Machine to Gimi and COnnor. Norfolk bros for life.

To @xQCFamous Welcome Home. I am extremely excited to be working with you, I know you will do great things here. Massive congratulations

RE: The Skipper Departs the Island - Hordle - 03-10-2021

GG Jimi! You deserve the rest Big Grin

RE: The Skipper Departs the Island - Magnet - 03-10-2021

You're the goat! Good luck on your next opportunities!