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*The Brotherhood of the Traveling Wraiths - Printable Version

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*The Brotherhood of the Traveling Wraiths - SimmerDownBruhh - 08-08-2017

[div align=\\\"center\\\"]The Brotherhood of the Traveling Wraiths
Part 4: Hope The Outlaws Don't Catch Me!

Part Uno
Part Dos
Part Tres

Game Film/Dialogue
My Dialogue and 'Thoughts'
Actions Of Myself and Others
All Other Colors Are Other People In The Story
(Author Notes)

*I stroke my new fake mustache and shake my dreads like I'm at a head banger party as I look in the mirror, looking at how official it is as it's going to be the signature of my new style.*

Don't need anyone outside of my team looking at me suspicious. We head off to San Jose to take on the strong starting Sabercats. Getting past the halfway point of our road trip.

'I need to review everything that happened today. If someone told me that my day was going to turn up like this, I would have never believed them.'

[div align=\\\"center\\\"]FlashbackStarttratSkcabhsalF[/div]

*Some of the players from #WraithsNation traveled to the Grand Canyon after the game. It was Smallwood, Garden, Akselsen, Me, Orosz, Cushing, Boggs, Tyron, (Matt) James and Dermot. Along with a couple of our trainers and a few cheerleaders. We got a chance to get close to the edge and actually look down at how deep it is.

The players were ahead of the rest of the people with us, I saw one of the trainers flirt with one of the four cheerleaders and laughed as he failed miserably.

We look around to see a lot of people close to the edge as well. Appeared to be tourists and people out with family. We strolled around as a group of people came up to us asking for signatures and pictures, immediately knowing who we are.*

Man, I could have won fantasy football if it wasn't for this guy. My Tight End let me down.

*That's when my ears perked up, I casually slowed down to get in his vicinity, it sounded like it was behind our group, maybe it was one of the guys we took those pictures with.*

Missed out on $500 cause he couldn't bring a touchdown in. Goodness gracious. So much for GOAT TE.

'Alright, sounds like someone wants to meet me personally and tell me how great I am! Awesome.'

*I break from the group without them realizing like a true ninja and make my way over to the fantasy guru and I tap him on his shoulder. He looked up at me and dropped his phone, his new iPhone falling over the cliff*

R-R-R-Ricky Maddox! My favorite Tight End in the NSFL!!! How have you been doing! You're so much taller in person!!

Yeah, great. I couldn't help but hear you talking about my play from last year earlier.

Me? Nooooo! Of course not! You're too awesome and I know you're gonna kill it next year!!

Mmhmm.. Pretty sure I killed it last year too.

OF COURSE YOU DID!! Hahahahaaa. You're the GOAT TE! It doesn't matter if you get touchdowns or not, you're the #1 chain mover in the league!

*I focused a blank stare deep in his eyes and I grin out of nowhere.*

That's cool, man. I just got a couple of questions for you.

Sure thing, Ricky! You got questions and I have answers!!

How deep is the Grand Canyon?

*He looks away from me and looks down towards the depths of the canyon*

Uhhh.. It's over a mile deep!

Compelling. My second question is does this smell like chloroform to you?

*Before he can turn around, I place the rag over his mouth, letting the scent take over his body, looking around to see if anyone is around to notice but they've all conveniently went away or not looking in my direction.*

I take it by your reaction that it does. Don't you dare disrespect greatness. ThelegacyoftheGOATTEliveson.

*His body goes limp and I let him tumble down the canyon, luckily enough for me, I had gloves on so no one is going to figure out that it was me.*

*After clearing the scent and a quick trip to the restroom, I sent a text to one of the cheerleaders to see where the group went.*

'We're a little further down, catch up! We're gonna get some food soon'

*I start making my way towards the group when I see another guy with a shirt that says "That Moment When You Realize Your Backup Tight End Has More Jersey Sales" and a disgruntled picture of me in the background.*

'Well, that's unfortunate.'

*The man was looking into the canyon and didn't even realize I was right behind him. Well, he also didn't realize that it was too late until he felt the kick to his ass I gave him, essentially making him fall off the edge.*

"Whoops. Shouldn't have been talking shit!"

*I continue on to see the rest of the crew chilling by our rental cars in the parking lot*

"Ricky, lets hit it!"

"Let's move."

*We pull up at the Chilis in downtown Arizona, all of the players, cheerleaders, and trainers from our crew entering as we all take seats at the bar waiting for our drinks to come up.

I sit in between two of the cheerleaders and start casually talking with the one to the left. I think her name is Rebecca. I don't quite remember off the top of my head. Garden is talking off the head of the waitress and she's giving him play. Now I'm not saying she's a gold digger..*

How's it everybody? We're from the Phoenix Police Department.


*The tall policeman then went on*

We've had reports of deaths around the Grand Canyon, some people falling to their death. We asked others around the area to see if there were any people of notoriety in the area. You all didn't see anything suspicious in that area, have you?

*The rest of #WraithsNation went person after person saying different variations of 'No' to the police and when it came to me, I shook my head*

Not at all, sir.

Alright, well, we appreciate your time to answer these questions. Have a good rest of your time here in Arizona.

*The policemen turn around to depart the restaurant, I then turn around a sigh to myself before taking a sip of my Jack Daniels. The appetizers start piling up on the bar and we start digging in, hopefully the wings can help calm my nerves.*

Several hours later: 11:48PM

*I start to stroll around the city as everyone broke away to do their own thing, I took a left at a corner and saw something I wasn't expecting. My jaws dropped when I saw this posted on the wall next to me.

[div align=\\\"center\\\"]WANTED!
235 - 275 POUNDS

AT 602-555-0173
[/div] (It's definitely a fake number, don't try to call and snitch on me!

'..What in the actual fxck!'

*I started to freak out for a for a little bit until I found myself get a level head. Began taking calmer breaths and trying to figure out the situation.*

'Okay, this appears to be the plan of me surviving for the rest of the night and the rest of the morning. Once we take the bus to San Jose, I'm going to be in the clear. But this isn't going to work without a disguise.'

*I look back at the poster and looked at it for clues.*

'I can't change my height, not worth it to change my weight this quick, I gotta dominate on the field! I have full arm sleeve tattoos. They're not fresh either so they can't say that I got them out of nowhere. Hmm.. I'm not bleaching my freaking skin. Michelle digs the dark chocolate..*

*I continue investigating the poster*

'Black hair, low haircut, huh?' That can be a quick fix. I don't want to dye my hair different, it'll still be low and I'll fit the bill. Are there any late night party shops around here?

*I pull my phone out and searched "Mask Shops in Phoenix" in Google. Lucky me, I found one that was 24 hours. And it wasn't too far from where I was. Just a couple blocks this way. I start making my way there, deciding not to waste any time.*

Game plan is simple. Get a wig (preferably dreadlocks, I don't care what color, just has to be natural colored) buy the wig, put on the wig, get a Uber back to the hotel and chill. No cops, no distractions, no problem.'

*I make it to the mask shop I found on Google. Easley's Fun Shop. Let's see what kind of fun they're packing in here. Costumes, games, masks, toys, shirts with random superheroes on it, you name it. This place has it all. Made me feel like I was a kid again in Georgia. Back with the family.*

Hello, sir! Can I help you?

*I look down at the woman at the register and smiled before waving, she had to be around 5'8. I'm 6'6 so I look down at most people not in my profession.*

How's it going, I was wondering if you had any dreadlocks wigs? I'm going for the Rasta look. Haha

Oh, yes! The last one right here at the front of aisle three!

Sweet, thank you so much, gorgeous.

*I peeped her nametag already, her name is Autumn. I walk over to the dreadlocks wig and placed it on my head, looking at the mirror to check it out on how it looks on me*

'Good Lordt.. I guess this is what Garden should be looking when he gets some of that good Cali Weed next week. Haha This will do just fine.'

*I also found a fake mustache that I checked as well. It looks surprisingly real. Ill take it! I look down the aisle and I smiled brighter than I have in quite some time.*

'Ohh shit! I haven't seen Morphsuits in years! And they got the Power Ranger ones?! Oh I'm getting all of these bitches. Now I gotta convince the crew to wear one in San Jose for the paint party! Or just terrorize the city.'

*I pick up two of every color available. Red, Blue, Yellow, White, Black, Green and Pink.*

'Can't believe they still have these available!!'

*I take them all to the register and pull my wallet out as she finishes ringing them all up.*[/color]

Okay, that'll be $487.66, Mr. Maddox.

Wait a minute, you know me? Didn't know you were into football.

I'm not, but my brother is. He's a big Wraiths fan. Ever since the NSFL came out, he's been all about Wraiths Nation. He's also upset your QB can't find you in the red zone.

'I know, right?! Someone gets me!' (Sorry, Chris. Had to do it!)

Uhh, its hashtag Wraiths Nation. Haha But tell him that I appreciate his support! You want me to take a pic with you so you can see that you met me?

Of course! He'll never believe me if I didn't, let me get my phone from the back.

*I watch her leave, she ain't half bad looking, to be honest. From any angle that I can see.*

You know that you can follow me back here like your eyes already did, right?

'This girl is slick. I like her.'

*I walk my way back to the back room and open the door*

You called?


*After we "took our pictures together for her brother," we walk back to the register where I swiped my card to pay for all of the items I wanted to purchase.*

Be sure to come back when you touch down in Arizona!

With hospitality like that, I'll be a fool if I didn't. Thank you so much for everything, Miss Autumn.

Anytime, take care now, Ricky! Good luck against San Jose!

*I kiss the back of her hand (They love that gentleman move. Hasn't failed me yet. ??) and make my way back outside, setting up a Uber to come by to pick me up and get back to the Marriott. While I waited, I picked up my new dreads and put them on my head, accepting my new identity for my time in Arizona. Not even five minutes later, a black Mazda6 pulls up and I step in.*

How's everything going tonight?

Let's get down to the nitty gritty. You're gonna listen here and listen good.

The f-

Look, I know what you did at the Grand Canyon.

What did I do a-

If you're gonna deny what you did, I don't care, I have video of what you did, Ricky. And I'm all up for turning you in. Unless you can do one thing for me.

*I sighed to myself and looked at him through the rear view mirror. He finally pulled up at the Marriott where my teammates are located.*

What do you need, man?

Just score.

I'm sorry??

You heard me right, Ricky. Score. Score a freaking touchdown this year! I drafted you in fantasy this year and they don't count pancakes in my league, so I'm gonna need you to help me out with this. You're the 'GOAT TE' for a reason. Do GOAT TE things. There's a guy in Baltimore with two touchdowns already and you're a year and some change in your career and you didn't get one yet?

I need you to do better. Make those Georgia Bulldogs proud and make me proud for selecting you high in this previous draft. You're the Rob Gronkowski in the NSFL minus the injuries. Get me the dub, score at the very least one touchdown and you won't have to worry about a thing. I don't care if its in the regular season or post season, just get it done.

*I nodded and grinned as I patted him on the shoulder.*

No worries, I'll get it done for you this year. I'm gonna show you and the rest of the league that it's my time to shine.

That's what I needed to hear tonight, now head on and get ready for these Sabercats next week.

Word, thanks for that pep talk, Mike. I think that was what I really needed to get to the next level.

*He raised his fist for a fist bump and I obliged before opening the door*

Have a great rest of your night, brotha.

*I exit the car and I watch him drive away. With a sigh, I move towards the hotel and back to my room.*

[div align=\\\"center\\\"]FlashbackEnddnEkcabhsalF[/div]

Holy Jesus.

*I shake my head before looking at all of the stuff from the party store that I bought, then pulling out the tablet from my duffel bag, sitting at the table, my feet propped up on it as I lean back into the chair*

'Hmm.. First appearance in Arizona since last year, we seen how good they were just from watching the games but now we get our crack at them.'


The rivalry between Harrif Ernston and Ricky Maddox is renewed! It was great seeing him again, I know he's been killing it in the league, but I got something for him this week.

One of the most effective offenses (even though we havent played that way this season so far on the road) against the top defense. Should be juicy.

Ronaldo kicks it off to us and Josh Garden takes it out of the end zone. Getting a great return close to midfield.

Jaylon Lee makes his presence known on his first defensive play, sacking Orosz for five yards. Levon Novel drops the screen pass and then I commit the early penalty after that.

I didn't notice the shift, I should have backed off of the line of scrimmage. On third and 20, we throw a pass to Garden but he only got six yards. We gotta put it to them that quick.

Mayran Jackson gets 24 yards out of the gate on third down. That was after a drop by him. Way to make up for his shortcomings.

Mackworthy gets a couple of ruses to get the first down and then S1 veteran Lindarius Shelton rushes in the gap in the O-Line and takes down King Bronko for seven yards. Shutting their drive that entered our territory.

After a couple of rushes of Bubba Nuck, Garden picks up seven for the third and short situation.

We try the TE screen play again, but once again, I can't get moving up the field to make the play, short gain but the hands stay true.

Next play, Chris overthrew me and it falls to the turf incomplete. A rush on third and eight wasn't good enough, we punt it away to the Outlaws.

They tried Mackworthy three times in a row, Yellowknife stay true and doesn't allow the drive to continue. Cushing making the tackle on third down to force the punt.

Our next drive was very slow, we could have easily punted it away on the fourth and one but the coach said "Get your ass in there and pick up that yard, Bubba!"

He needed one yard on fourth down, he finesses two yards. The drive continues!

Unfortunately, we got into the same situation after Garden got tackled one yard shy of converting the first down. That's when our coach said "Hell no! Booter, give me a great punt!"

The Outlaws came out firing on offense as it enters the second quarter. Whether it was a run or pass, they got it done. Driving all of the way to the eight yard line of our side of the field.

Then Bronko decided to make the same mistake Berc did last week.

He pressed the "Dermot" button.

He shouldn't have did that.

Dermot got the interception and moved a few yards up the field before getting tackled.

The next three plays I heard three different sounds.




You can guess what happened.

Luke Luechly got a sack on Orosz for a loss of seven.

Dental Dam got an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty and the crown disapproved of the call from the referees.

Then Luke comes back for seconds. Sacking Chris again for a loss of six.

After a run by Bubba, BigBoy17 showed that he is still mad about his run in the casinos last week. He clipped a defender which put us in a horrible situation. Long story short, we couldn't move the ball after that.

Booter hit a 61 yard punt to flip field position like that! That was beautiful to watch.

Here comes Marcus "Weapon X" making those plays on the QB again. He made his way back to our sidelines and crosses off "King Bronko" off of his list.

He got Bronko shook for that drive, nothing happened for them afterwards. That actually happens a lot this year.

We get the ball back and we go in a get a first down thanks to a eight yard run by Nuck.

Bigboy17 back on his foolishness again, instead of clipping, this time, he's holding the defender. The next play Orosz passed the ball over to Damien West.

Jaylon Lee came through and deflected the pass in the air our of West's hands, that's where Ryan Flock came up and intercepted the pass and took it all the way for six.

That wasn't good timing at all. Well, to be honest, this is the best the ball has moved during a Wraiths' possession.

Unfortunately it just happens to be the opposite direction we need to go.

We get the ball kicked off back to us and Garden comes up with his second great return to give us solid field position. We can use this spot to make up for that las-


You thought wrong.

I'm just letting you know.

Orosz pressed the "S1 DPOY Winner" button.

He shouldn't have did that. Garden couldn't haul in the slant route because Isaiah Rashad came out of nowhere and cut the pass off, taking it all of the way.

To the one yard line. You remember how we had two almost pick sixes last week? Exact same thing happened here in reverse.


Mackworthy couldn't get it done so they pulled off the shovel pass to who the Outlaws refer to as "Mini Tuck" and we couldn't stop him from breaking the plain.

14-0 and all it took was two unfortunate passes. This ain't good. We need something quick. We need to put up some points. A quick drive is exactly what we don't need. If that was the case, we need a really a good punt to keep them out of scoring range.

What did we do?

Zero points on a very quick drive. Thirty three yard punt. Haha


We move on and they're driving on us. We get them to a long second down play, but Mayran comes up clutch bringing them five yards away from skunking us (21 Skunk rules in Madden, if no one got the reference. If a player scores 21 points without any answer from the opponent, the game is over!).

Mackworthy gets a catch from Bronko and gets hit touchdown through the air on another one of those shovel passes. 21-0 and we haven't got to halftime yet.

Well, this is awkward.

Two minute warning time!!

That sack by Godfrey Kind didn't help us in our case to snag some points before halftime. I get a catch on third down and fourteen.

Unfortunately, my gain of six isn't enough.

We punt off and there was nothing important to note for the rest of the second quarter.

Second half begins and its the Outlaws to have the first possession.

Dermot tackled Mackworthy and pushed his head into the turf after the play, inciting a bit of a brawl but it got cleared up quick, Dermot got the call for Unnecessary Roughness and their drive continued..

For only three more plays. They send it back to us.

This next drive was rather unfortunate. Because we actually did pretty damn good job moving the ball. The problem was that the two that put us in situations early in this drive, messed up at the end of it too.

Sir Checkers had a pass down the sideline but drops it.

Next play, Damian West gave an illegal block below the waist.

Luckily enough for us, Asipi from the Outlaws couldn't help but trip me, but it's all good, we get the first down because of it.

Garden gets nine yards through the air.

Big Bubba gets nine yards on the ground.

Then I hit Jason Williams with this sexy double move and shook him out of his shoes, the pass was right where it needed to be, I gain the first down, I'm not up for celebrations but I yelled something out of frustration. I made my way back to the huddle.

Damian West gets a first down with a big gain.

I snag another catch for a five yard gain. Then we get to the distractions again.

Pass to Smallwood: drop.

Pass to West: drop.



Luckily enough for us, Booter has been warming up all game, he knocks through a 46 yard field goal to get us on the board for the first time.

It's something.

Next drive for the Outlaws was very short lived, thank to Hampshireton. A tackle for a loss on first down and capped off with sacking Bronko on third down. They punt it back to us.

Okay, we're down a little bit, but we still have a quarter and some change to get this closer.

Pass to Nuck: drop.

Pass to Garden: drop.

Seriously. Am I the only guy that can catch consistently? Lmao

Luckily for us, Garden made up for his drop, a 28 yard catch and run on third down.

We hand off to Bubba and he only gets two yards out of two carries.

Orosz tries Garden again but the pass missed the mark, goes out of bounds. We give possession back to the Outlaws.

Next drive for them was the "Mackworthy Show" three straight runs. The last two were tackled by our own Kevin Cushing. That's where he got into it with the coach.

"Cush, come off the field, we need to rotate!"

"Rotate?! You see me killing it out here?! I'm good!"

"Cush, if you don't get off you're going to give us a-"

"Twelve men on the field! DEFENSE #56! Five yard penalty, still second down!"

*Cushing shrugs and gets back to the huddle*

Shouldn't have tried to take me out of the game!

Yeah, that happened. Lol

They drove to our 31 yard line when they decided not to kick the field goal to keep us out of reach.

They went for it. And failed by one yard, thanks to Alex Hansen.

It seems like that stop inspired the offense to get moving because we were clicking on all cylinders.

First down rush by Nuck.

First down catch by west to get into Outlaws territory.

First down rush by Kennedy.

First down catch and run into the red zone by Garden.

Nuck and Kennedy get us closer to the end zone with a run a piece.

Garden caps off the drive with a three yard touchdown.

If we had this a couple of quarters ago, that would have been great.

We kick off to the Outlaws again.

Baby Tuck gets two yards.

Mackworthy gets two yards.

Mackworthy drops the screen play, thinking about my Buffalo wings.

We get the ball back!

Nuck gets nothing.

I get a gain of six through the air.

Nuck gets nothing.

We punt back to them.

The Outlaws have a chance to run the clock out, Bronko chooses to pass three times. Two of which were broken up. Once by Boggs and the other by Chunk. Horrible punt by Ronaldo and a great return by Garden gets us in Arizona territory. Very nice. Only problem is that we have three minutes left. We need two touchdowns and quick!

Start out with a nine yard pass to me.

West gets a first down through the air.


The true Tuck rears his dominant head and strip sacks Orosz. Chris is able to recover it back.


Nuck gets himself eleven yards on a screen play. Why are we not trying to get bigger gains?!


Fourth down pass to West falls incomplete, pass rush disrupts the throwing motion and the pass doesn't get to where it needed to be.

And that's where the game ends, final score 21-10. Arizona played the best defense we seen all year, giving us our second loss so far this year. Our second in this road trip.

I'm still trying to figure out what the hell happened this game. The offense fell apart and when we did get close we reverted back to old form. I don't get it.

If there's a supernatural force that makes us forget how to play the game of football on the road, please hold mercy on us.

We don't need anymore games like this one. We are much better than what we showed in Arizona.

Even with what happened there, we can't help but give props to them. They played a stellar game against us. That front seven is legit. I'm surprised I didn't give up any sacks to them, they came at so many levels, it was crazy.

We'll see them again later in the year back in Yellowknife so they'll see that this team is the real deal.


I shake my head replaying the game a few more times before knocking out, attempting to block out the first part of my day. After a few deep hits of the hookah I ordered from room service, I relaxed my mind. Its something about this kiwi strawberry flavor that got me mellow as hell. Even after that disaster of a game.

:Luckily enough for us, it's a team we beat already this year. Barely beat them, but when it was all said and done, we came out on top.'

*I continued to relax on my phone was playing some more dubstep into my headphones, bobbing my head to the beat as I start making smoke rings with the hookah smoke*

*I then get a text message from Autumn, I unlock my phone and read the message*

'What room are you in?'

'418, Marriott by the airport, swing by.'

'Gimme 20 minutes.'

*I let the music bump as I keep the hookah strong, switching to a honeydew/watermelon mix. Not even five minutes passed, I get a knock on my door, I open it and see it was Autumn standing there*

You're gonna let me in or what?

The Next Morning: 8:22AM

*I pack my backs yet again and get ready for the bus to San Jose. I slide my dreadlocks on my head and get the mustache looking right before heading to the front desk to turn in the keys to the room*

Thank you, Mr. Maddox! We hope to have you stay our hotel again!

No problem, ma'am. Take care now!!

*I turn away from her and start heading to the bus, where all of the players and the crew from #WraithsNation were waiting. All of the people in the area looked at me like I was some random homeless man.*


*Garden spoke up with a raised eyebrow*

What?! What's up with the new hair?!

It's just my get up for the next town. I wanted to try it out before we get to San Jose. Nothing suspicious at all!

*I chuckled nervously before placing my backs in the cargo compartment and make my way into the seats with my two duffel bags. Each having a different flavor of wings in them*

These should hold me down until I get to Cali.

*Before I could relax, I seen two cops come on board and they looked around the bus. I then realized that they were the same two cops that was at the Chilis looking for me! Wait, they we're looking for that tall black fellow with short hair with no tattoos. That can be anybody!*

'F*ck everything with a brick! I can't get away!!!'

Ricky, we wanted to catch you before you took off to your next game.

..Yes? How may I help you?

You would be pretty upset if you left Phoenix without this!

*The shorter policeman held up my Georgia Drivers License and handed it to me*

Oh, goodness, I didn't know I lost it, thank you so much for this, officers! Is there anything else you need for me, we got to get moving soon!

Well, there is one thing. We're going to need you to step your game up, you're letting a blocking tight end get eleven catches?! You're supposed to be the GOAT TE!

*Everybody on the bus started cracking up and I laughed nervously, replaying everything that happened yesterday and this morning, deciding to keep it cool before I slip again.*

Haha I'll do my best, sir. Thanks for the support and returning my drivers license!

*I turn away as I shake their hands and the policemen got off the bus. I start to move back to my seat, passing by Smallwood, who was still laughing at what just happened*

Who in the hell are you you laughing at, Mr. Rookie McDropThePasses?

*Every one laughed even harder when I said that, including Sir Checkers, I turned to him when I sat back down and handed him the bowl of the Sweet and Sour BBQ wings, my latest creation*

[color=green]*I sat into my chair as I looked out the window, as I finally remembered what I was gonna break out for our return to San Jose*

I hope you all like Power Rangers and raves.

'Off to San Jose!'


[div align=\\\"center\\\"][Image: I2dksci.jpg][/div]

5069 Words of Greatness, ready to be graded

Slide my bonus money to @SwagSloth and @acki. $1 Million to each of them, I'll take the rest.


*The Brotherhood of the Traveling Wraiths - Daybe - 08-08-2017

you get a touchdown in week 6 and i give you 1 million

*The Brotherhood of the Traveling Wraiths - SimmerDownBruhh - 08-08-2017

(08-08-2017, 01:00 PM)Daybe Wrote:you get a touchdown in week 6 and i give you 1 million

I get a touchdown next week, I'm buying everyone strippers!

*The Brotherhood of the Traveling Wraiths - Daybe - 08-08-2017

(08-08-2017, 09:03 AM)SimmerDownBruhh Wrote:I get a touchdown next week, I'm buying everyone strippers!

:bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown:

*The Brotherhood of the Traveling Wraiths - kckolbe - 08-08-2017

(08-08-2017, 10:03 AM)SimmerDownBruhh Wrote:I get a touchdown next week, I'm buying everyone strippers!

Who buys strippers? They do not hold value well.


*The Brotherhood of the Traveling Wraiths - Bzerkap - 08-08-2017

Kill all fans who stand in your way lol. Nice write up. You gonna start gaining weight??

*The Brotherhood of the Traveling Wraiths - SimmerDownBruhh - 08-08-2017

(08-08-2017, 01:07 PM)kckolbe Wrote:Who buys strippers?  They do not hold value well. 


What about a stripper that you don't have to pay and will on strip at your command?? ????

*The Brotherhood of the Traveling Wraiths - SimmerDownBruhh - 08-08-2017

(08-08-2017, 01:21 PM)Bzerkap Wrote:Kill all fans who stand in your way lol. Nice write up. You gonna start gaining weight??

By the way my career is heading, I don't have a choice. Lmaoo And all of these wings are taking it's toll!

*The Brotherhood of the Traveling Wraiths - tlk742 - 08-08-2017

(08-08-2017, 12:45 PM)SimmerDownBruhh Wrote:By the way my career is heading, I don't have a choice. Lmaoo And all of these wings are taking it's toll!
no this is the long con. You're working for comeback player of the year in s3. Only way to do that is by bombing this year.

*The Brotherhood of the Traveling Wraiths - SwagSloth - 08-08-2017

Nice article! Thanks for the $$$! It'll go to good use ; )