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*hypocrisy and corruption: Wraiths exposed - Printable Version

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*hypocrisy and corruption: Wraiths exposed - YoloSwag420 - 08-10-2017

Targeting, Hypocrisy, and Corruption: an investigation report and fact telling tell all

I will start this tale at the beginning for me when I joined the league. First I need you to know I do not live in the continental us. I live in the tropics at the moment and this will be important later because I have a different time zone.

I joined the national sim foot ball league on july 8 at around 9:00 pm my time. This was a Saturday night. In the next 15 minutes I was contacted by a guy on the Baltimore hawks who was very friendly. They welcomed me to the league and sent me a lot of places to how I could earn more points for the draft that was gonna happen soon. I am knowledgeable of the sim and football but I was new to a league in this format where you are a singular player so I was happy to get some help. I went to all the posts that were open to me and posted and my name or what I needed to get my points. I saw some posts were closed so I guessed if they were open I was not too late. I made a post in the free transaction section at 11:28 pm my time. The next day I got back on and claimed my paid training Sunday. Before this time I did check rules for reset of weeks and there was no mention of time zone or day of week for resets in the rule book or the training guide section and to be honest I took this as a casual fun thing and did not think on this more.

The rules listed here

Well this took place on July 8. I was informed on august 5 I would be losing 9 tpe and here is how I was involved in the corruption. i want to say I took many issues with how all this happened to me and this is the first point I was informed I would be losing tpe in a random post where a person that has been slinging mud to me while also constantly direct messagin me to ask me questions and talk to me. As I said I was here for a casual fun thing, but this person is a pretty insecure person and needs to be good by bringin me down. I ignored call outs in articles and posts cuz words are words I don’t care. Well now im going to be losing points I earned because of this? This is where I get angry. So issue 1 is a person with no official power or job in the league is now going through and making calls on peoples point earnings and announcing there rulings in a random media post. My teammates or the league should not know of rulings on my character before I am informed. If I had not seen that post would I ever have even been told I was going to be losing tpe? Unprofessional bull shit yo.

So turns out the god of sims and best linebacker to never be good isn’t as smart he thinks and im only losing 7 tpe. I contacted my gm and teammates to try to see what this was about and why I was being punished and also get contacted by a member of the updating teams who is also a player on the wraiths. This person is not head updater or anything so why am I being talked to by them, they are on teammates with baby mcbitch aka Melvin mushing aka aaron curry 2. I will say by this time I am angry. I have been waiting for more then a day 2 find out what is going on with this thing I have only heard about in a post. So I get replies and am losing tpe even though by showing all posts I am being targeted when no rules say I should be losing this much tpe because of a time difference. I am told the commissioner ballerstorm is involved in these talks but I never speak to him and never get a message for him. One of my activity checks does have a comment that says its from him but its not from his official account and theres no edit stamp. I never would have seen this comment had I not went and looked because I was not tagged or notifed at all. This also was a thing that rubbed me wrong. I never receive anything official and lose tpe over a month after I had earned it.

So first thing first. Of the tpe I lost I belive 2 of it was taken away kind of fair. I did a activity check that was open but it was supposed to be a closed one so fine. I do think the national sim football league should take some responsibility for these things. I was a new member who just joined this kind of sim and a topic was open so I did it. They should close things if they are to be monitored this close. If its open then its fair game. But if I would have been contacted by a person in power and he said hey you did this late, it was our bad, you lose 2 tpe. I would have said ok and kept keepin on. As you now know this didn’t happen.

I have also some reports of other players whos names I wont say so they don’t lose tpe for nothing but on teams not the outlaws or wraiths that did there trainings later and still got there tpe. So if these are true and some are this whole thing is a bullshit operation. Another problem for me with this.

The other tpe was a training that I did in my own time zone before a day and then did more the following day and have been doing 1 per week from Saturday since then. This still is not covered in any rule section that pst is the league time and when weeks restart. I have complained about this to these leadership people on the wraiths after my own events. They do not care if these problems keep happening? Another issue for me.

Ok so my next thought in this event was I was audited by a unhappy person whos player sucks and was jealous of me. He then told his teammates that run the league and I was punished. If I was a sucky player or didn’t happen to be better than this petty bitch person I would not have ever been targeted. Inconsistency in this is a problem in my view point.

Finally I have lost my 7 tpe and for the most part have been quiet on the matter. The league ran around like clowns on the issue. But they aren’t professional league people so fine. I will say I was not letting my beef with Melvin mushing the baby go and I have a new rival now. I did not start this battle but I am winnin it and ill be endin it. Well Melvin mushing cant get enough of me not “regressing” after losing tpe so he can be ahead and has since called me a cheat on multiple events. He has even gone as far to say I cheated with my team to get extra points which to be honest is another annoyin bitch move. I was not on my team when these events happened. I also did not cheat I would like to single a rule I have broken. I think accusing any of my teammates or outlaws leaders of being part of this is just some crazy shit and im done with the petty jealous bitch shit because im better then you and my team is better then yours.

So lets fuckin go. First I want to give a real apology to the people on the wraiths that are going to be hurt by their dumb ass teammate and double standard by nsfl leadership who is run by wraiths players.

Everyone has heard the stories of possible murders by wraiths players well here is the evidence of a underground cheating ring of wraiths player being perpetrated and accpetd with help from the top members of the league.

First I start with golden boy qb orsoz aka aenir who did a training in this image for week 2. There is no post ever made in transactions for this training but here aenir is with 3 tpe from it. Im sure aenir did not do this on purpose but it shows obvious cheating by wraiths per the wraiths own standard on cheeting.

Running wraiths cheated tpe total: 3

Next we will go to the top draft defensive tackle bork bjornnsson aka bovovovo. Bovovovo was able to do a training on Monday july 10 and another on Friday july 14. Maybe these were in different week by his own tracking of things because there is nothing in the rules about it. But based on the standard held to me this is clear cheating getting to do two trainings in a week. This is 5 tpe that he was able to gain by wraiths term of cheating

Running wraiths cheated tpe total: 8

Now we have rookie wide receiver Darren smallwood aka tlk who did a free training claim but never linked it. I did a search like with aenir and could find no post for this training ever made in transactions. Conclusion: cheating for 5 tpe.

Running wraiths cheated tpe total: 13

The next cheater based on wraiths on terms is rookie marcus kane aka dangles13. Dangles did a training on july 16 a Sunday and then did another training on july 21 a Friday. If leagues reset on Sunday then this is not a week a part but kane was awarded ya you guessed it 5 tpe for that training to.

Running wraiths cheated tpe total: 18

Now all that was players that were kinda new or not in power positions that maybe made mistakes, not everybody is the criminal mastermind I am right Melvin mushing? But this next person will show a clear evidence of corruption in the entire wraiths organization right to the very top.

Bubba nuck. You’ve heard the name voted as the mvp by the “league” who is of course run by the wraiths but that scandal is for another day. This one is about the gm that according to wraiths own players should be responsible for all tpe gaining of every player on the team. Nuck claimed training on june 11 a Sunday. Nuck then claims another training on june 17 at 10:11 pm a Saturday before the league week resets based on the own rules set forth by nuck’s wraith players. To make this more daming evidence nuck even says the claim is early because he knows the league uses pst instead of est, showing not only his cheatin but clear intent on that cheating. (I would point out this is the only evidence on the forum I have seen saying the league runs on pst) this is for more tpe cheated by the wraiths

Running wraiths cheated tpe total: 23

So if the league has integrity all of these players will lose the tpe they got from unfair, illegal, trainings that they called cheated when I do it. To go more because the gm of the team himself did this on purpose and had intent to cheat the system he is responsible for upholding (all per words thrown in my face by wraiths player) I believe the wraiths should be penalized with losing of draft picks as the fair solution. I was punished as a free agent rookie who was playin better then a loud mouth baby with powerful friends the consequence for a whole team and a general maanger for one of the top teams in the entire league should be much higher.

edit-because i think my message being lost here. i was tryin for a sarcastic/jab article. i do not think wraiths are running illegal underground tpe stealing operation with nsfl leaders. i was just exaggerating some of the stuff the wraiths local rain man was sayin bout my team during streams last two game days. i also wanted to point out the issue with no consistency in league handling of points and rules themselves. some things can be improved but i will say bzerkap himself was very understanding and professional in our conversation it was just after the idiot on his team made a stink about me being a cheater. i still want to be given consistent treatment others got with tpe earning. people dont like being called cheaters, i know bzerkap and the vast majority of wraiths are not cheaters and made the same accident i did which was point i was making. probably only 1 guy who would cheat in league and we knows its melvin mushing


*hypocrisy and corruption: Wraiths exposed - Noble - 08-10-2017

I usually do my training on the Saturday of every week cause it won't be updated until next week anyways. I only ever get one week of training in, so I think you just mistook it because people did training on the first day of the league and then the next Saturday since that's the routine I think most people are in.

*hypocrisy and corruption: Wraiths exposed - Roshambo - 08-10-2017

[Image: tenor.gif]

*hypocrisy and corruption: Wraiths exposed - Dangles13 - 08-10-2017

My biggest only issue with this is that you didn't embed your images. If you don't know how I will put the code below for future reference.

*hypocrisy and corruption: Wraiths exposed - 7hawk77 - 08-10-2017

I demand that all of those wraiths players lose that TPE and adjust their attributes accordingly and then resim the game last night against the SJS

I might still be salty Q_Q

*hypocrisy and corruption: Wraiths exposed - Bzerkap - 08-10-2017

I would just like to say that I am one of the Wraiths players who 'run the league' and was the one talking to YoloSwag420 when this was brought to my attention.

I am in no way trying to enhance certain players or bring down others. I took the updater job so that I could help the league be as fair as possible on a TPE basis. You can ask the Yeti, or SabreCats players last year if I was ever out of line. You can also ask the Hawks this year as that is my new assigned team.

As is the case with my job, if something is alerted to me I feel an obligation to investigate it and uphold the rules as best I can, trying to explain every decision along the way. I'm sorry if there wasn't enough explanation. Also, I in general do not audit other players that I am not assigned to unless covering for someone else that week. I simply don't have the time.

I have updated the Wraiths as a team twice I believe but that was due to there being absolutely no one else available to do it and it having to be done to move the league along. I have updated single Wraith players a couple times I think, most recently Chunk. These were for situations with less experienced updaters having questions and me having to go through to figure it out. If you would like to please audit all of my updates.

Now that that is out of the way, I will definitely investigate these claims made by YoloSwag420. If any are true, I will correct them to the best of my ability along with the updater team.

EDIT: Most importantly though is to remember this is just a game played by real people all across the world. Before you know all the facts do not call people cheaters. Before you know all the facts do not state things like you do know them. Time zones exist, mistakes exist, and cheaters exist but I would bet that not a single cheater exists on this forum. More often than not, issues have a reasonable explanation

*hypocrisy and corruption: Wraiths exposed - Perry87 - 08-10-2017

[Image: 7coCy.gif]

*hypocrisy and corruption: Wraiths exposed - Bwestfield - 08-10-2017

Now I have to audit the whole damn team, yay! There goes my weekend.

*hypocrisy and corruption: Wraiths exposed - Bzerkap - 08-10-2017

(08-10-2017, 02:53 PM)Bwestfield Wrote:Now I have to audit the whole damn team, yay! There goes my weekend.
I feel for you :/

I will help and we can compare findings. My whole Friday is free

*hypocrisy and corruption: Wraiths exposed - ADwyer87 - 08-10-2017

dammit Luke lol