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*Simfo Wars - timeconsumer - 08-11-2017

[div align=\\\"center\\\"]Simfo Wars[/div]
[div align=\\\"center\\\"]Peterson's Retirement: RFFO Knew All Along????[/div]

In a stunningly uncharacteristic move last week the Las Vegas Legion, headed by the infamous RavensFanFromOntario traded away standout corner back Matt Peterson in exchange for a S3 and S4 draft pick. While for most GMs this would be typical wheeling-and-dealing, but in the case of RFFO he has been known for trading away his team's future for a shot at being competitive early, was this simply a case of RFFO changing strategies? Or did he have inside knowledge about the future of Peterson's career path? Don your tinfoil hats everybody, we might have a conspiracy.

This morning Peterson shocked the league with his announcement that the 32nd Overall Pick from season 1 would be retiring at the end of the season. Having paid a not-insignificant sum of draft capital to acquire the defensive back the San Jose Sabercats were instantly stricken with a case of buyer's remorse. Could it truly be that Peterson, who only 3 days ago was quoted as being excited to be a Sabercat and ready to win "championships" (note the plurality), suddenly became bored as a defensive back?

This writer doesn't think so. Read between the lines people, Peterson told RFFO of his intentions to retire last week. Instead of taking one on the chin RFFO convinced Peterson to hold off on his retirement announcement for one more week. He all but admitted to it himself in his acceptance post, "So it begins." We all know what he meant by that. With this move he unloaded the talented but slept-on player and received some future draft potential while only losing him for a few regular season games. But what could be in it for Peterson to go along with this ruse? I have a feeling some of RFFO's world-famous "future considerations" are in the works with this deal.

That brings us to the question of: "Why the Sabercats?" Were they a specific target of RFFO's when shopping around his future retiree? Was his intention to purposely harm a long-term division rival, hoping to give himself an edge in future seasons? Who else was offered a deal for the defensive back? How many other GMs did RFFO attempt to swindle with his time-bomb trade offer that was plummeting towards extreme devaluation? I expect GMs will soon come forward to confirm that RFFO was knocking on doors like a bad vacuum salesman, looking to save his team from the future he hemorrhaged away with his poor expansion strategy.

And what is the league going to do about this? Nothing. Mark my words the rulers up above in their secret Admin forums don't want to admit to the faults in the league systems as blatantly obvious sabotage is occurring right under their noses. RFFO has set a dangerous precedent, that there is no refuge for the fair in the NSFL. The only way to succeed will be through the foul play tactics of those who intend to deceive and swindle their fellow GMs, players, and teammates to find any cheap advantage they can in the pursuit of a legacy with no regards for how soiled that legacy may be.

Let this be a warning to all those who thought they could succeed through hard work, effort, knowledge, and skill. This league isn't about competition, it's about lying and cheating your way to the top, and RFFO and his Las Vegas Legion are proving to be one of the best at that. The only thing left to wonder is will the rest of the teams take this lying down? Or will they stoop down to the level of deceit and abandon their decency? I can only hope my own Otters cling to their convictions.

Against my better judgement I'm adding a lame disclaimer so people don't get their panties in a wad: This is a parody. A farce. You know, a joke.


*Simfo Wars - Bzerkap - 08-11-2017

Well, you're almost as big as Alex Jones, so it fits I guess.

Good parody lol

*Simfo Wars - Perry87 - 08-11-2017

The Gatorade is turning the players gay!

*Simfo Wars - timeconsumer - 08-11-2017

(08-11-2017, 12:23 PM)Bzerkap Wrote:Well, you're almost as big as Alex Jones, so it fits I guess.

Good parody lol

I've never actually heard/read anything he's done so I had no idea where to go with it. I might have missed the mark completely.

*Simfo Wars - Sweetwater - 08-11-2017

(08-11-2017, 11:25 AM)timeconsumer Wrote:I've never actually heard/read anything he's done so I had no idea where to go with it. I might have missed the mark completely.

Not enough lizard people or caveman/bone dust/tactical/overpriced supplement product endorsement.

*Simfo Wars - timeconsumer - 08-11-2017

(08-11-2017, 12:40 PM)Sweetwater Wrote:Not enough lizard people or caveman/bone dust/tactical/overpriced supplement product endorsement.

So you mean this could have been an opportunity to plug my line of Angus Winchester's Strong Like Bull Protein Shakes???

*Simfo Wars - HalfEatenOnionBagel - 08-11-2017

(08-11-2017, 11:42 AM)timeconsumer Wrote:So you mean this could have been an opportunity to plug my line of Angus Winchester's Strong Like Bull Protein Shakes???

Yes absolutely! But in true Alex Jones fashion the only difference in your before and after pictures showing the improvement from the shakes can be that you puff out your chest more, suck in your gut and get really red.

*Simfo Wars - timeconsumer - 08-11-2017

(08-11-2017, 12:51 PM)HalfEatenOnionBagel Wrote:Yes absolutely! But in true Alex Jones fashion the only difference in your before and after pictures showing the improvement from the shakes can be that you puff out your chest more, suck in your gut and get really red.

There's no sucking in this puppy. No man has a diaphragm that strong.