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(S29) PT 5 - Arguements - Printable Version

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RE: (S29) PT 5 - Arguements - Troen - 06-25-2021

Prompt Wrote:A fight broke out between your teammates during training, causing great concern within the locker room and organisation as a whole. Your coaches have asked you to help restore the harmony in the locker room. How would you approach this situation? Would you address the individuals directly or the team as a whole? Would there be a specific teammate you would get on board to help you?

When it comes to disagreements on a team, my first consideration is around what players/positions are involved. It's relatively common for offense and defense to get into each other due to the way they're competing directly against each other in practice, and so I think that by this point we have a good sense of how to involve the position leaders or the O/D captains if needed to smooth those out. That kind of thing happens often enough that it's easy to smooth over, so thinking about something that's larger scale and actually of concern to the entire organization is a bit more extreme and weird. I'd probably start with the same approach, though probably involving the captains immediately. If the issue is something direct - the fighting individuals disagreeing over something, maybe - I'd think that should be enough. If it was bigger, maybe about the entire direction of the team or a whole positional group not liking the playcalling, we'd probably need to pull in the relevant coaches since it'd clearly be a bigger concern. One of the specific tricks I've seen is to get the people who have issues to write them down (anonymously), mix up all the issues in a hat, and then read through them. That can be a good way to either make it clear how smaller issues aren't major or to see common themes of concern that multiple people have and we'd need to come up with a plan for. Beyond that, it'd depend on the specifics of the issue - if it's something like the state of the community where we could take action by working with others or something that would provide a clear direction, while if it's more abstract like concerns about systemic poverty, I don't really know what we could do? Maybe trying to figure out how to narrow down the problem to something relevant to the team members and figuring out some specific way we could make it better, but that might not be possible depending on the specifics.

RE: (S29) PT 5 - Arguements - JKortesi81 - 06-26-2021

If the Austin Copperheads had a giant divide in its locker room, (which would never happen by the way), I’d LOVE to be the person who takes control and mends the fences. First off, this team saving conversation is NOT going to be between just the players involved. Why you ask? Because no matter what, when a locker room witnesses an argument of such a huge nature that people have to take sides, everyone ends up being involved. Players take sides, even if its unknowingly. My entire speech that saves the locker room is going to be in front of the team, in a closed door, players only meeting. The coaches aren’t even welcome here. The reason being that a team truly becomes a team during moments of strife. It means so much more, in my opinion, for the players to hash out a major argument that might divide the locker room. If the team is going to kick major ass on the field, we have to do it knowing that everyone wearing our jersey has our backs and finding a common ground on a deep seeded issue will do just that. No amount of coaching, or media opinions will get us to that point. So we’ll have a team only meeting, figure it out, and kick ass on the field. (221)

RE: (S29) PT 5 - Arguements - Amidships - 06-26-2021

SHL Affiliate

RE: (S29) PT 5 - Arguements - musha6570 - 06-26-2021

PBE Affiliate

RE: (S29) PT 5 - Arguements - RussDrivesTheBus - 06-26-2021

Otis Allen burst out of the locker room and made a beeline for the practice field. “Who did it?!” he barked. “Which one of you sideways motherfuckers did it?” The coaches whistled the warmups to a halt, and everyone looked around, puzzled.
“What’s going on, Meatball?” Coach CK asks.

“I’m about done with this shit, man. I been here for so long, bustin’ my ass, gettin’ double and triple teamed for years. No stats, just helpin’ the team, every single game. And what do I get? Huh?”

CK, incredulous, prods again, “What the hell happened?”

“Someone ate my goddamn pre-practice meatball sub!”

The team, circled up around Otis and coach CK, erupts into fits of laughter. Players doubled over, some rolling on the turf.

“How is this funny? Do I ever touch your shit? Do I ever snoop around in your lockers? No. I mind my damn business and get my shit done. Fuck it, bro. I’m outta here.” Otis turned around to stomp off the field, and was met by one of the happiest sights he had ever seen. The team nutritionists were walking out a folding table, stacked to the sky, with meatball subs.

Coach CK, pat Otis on the back and whispered, “Happy Birthday, big fella. ” He turned and beeped his whistle. “No practice today, Cats. Enjoy!”

RE: (S29) PT 5 - Arguements - majesiu - 06-26-2021


RE: (S29) PT 5 - Arguements - TheSparkyDee - 06-26-2021


RE: (S29) PT 5 - Arguements - Ry_ - 06-26-2021

As a leader of my team on the Dallas Birddogs on the field, that does spill over in the locker room as well, and I would definitely try and talk to the individual participants of this fight in order to see what really went down, why they had a disagreement and what I could do to help calm things down for the better of our team. Especially having an argument like this in the latest part of the season, where we need our absolute best from every single one of our players, if the quarreling members of our team could not figure it out for the good of the Birddogs, we would eventually have to address the team if these fights continued. If addressing the team as a whole ended up occurring, the first thing that Stanzi would try and call to would be the sense of our team, how far we have come this season and how there would be no reason now to put that in jeopardy for a disagreement. There is no need to condescend or to belittle the teammates for arguing, but they need to understand that people have disagreements in life and we just have to work past them in order to be better people and to pursue our future goals(either in the ISFL or somewhere else)! Hopefully this would calm and mend the team enough so that the team could continue to function close to 100% ability.

244 words

RE: (S29) PT 5 - Arguements - SchoolboyShue - 06-26-2021


RE: (S29) PT 5 - Arguements - nunccoepi - 06-26-2021

Well this really depends on a lot of different things. For me, as Immanuel Blackstone, it depends on what the situation is and who is doing the fighting. For example, if its just something that got heated it probably won't be very difficult to break up, but if it was something personal between players then it will be a lot more difficult to resolve it effectively. Also, I recognize that since I'm like 6 foot 8 and 300 lbs I'm in about as good of a position as anyone to break up a fight that's going down. That being said, there are still some situations I wouldn't touch. For example, I'm kind of a veteran on the team at this point, so I'm not worried about getting between some rookies, but I might try to take my time a little more before getting in between other veterans or team leaders, especially the more vocal ones. Also, there's just nothing I can do if Melvin Murder-Moose is involved. No one is stopping a moose from doing whatever the hell she wants if she's getting into a fight. The good news though is that most of this is pretty speculative. We have a pretty good LR environment and everyone gets along pretty well so I don't anticipate having to step in to stop any fights in the near future.